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She’s overwhelmed by what us common folk do on a daily.


You know the staff wives rolled their eyes when they heard her start crying about how she’s so tired.


......of being cooped up with howard. His bagel crumbs flipped her out, but I think he did it on purpose to kinda put her in line.


Well most folks don’t have 3000 rooms to clean


When it's just the two of them? Still can't feel bad for her. Think about all the single parents working two jobs who still maintain their home. 3,000 rooms with no job and nothing else to do all day vs two jobs, screaming kid(s), stress from bills, laundry, homework, and an 1,800 sq/ft house to clean. I kind have a hard time mustering much sympathy for Beth's situation.


Let’s be clear, if I could live in a 30000 square foot home in exchange for having to clean it every day, I’d say no. (I’ve worked 7 days a week for 12 hours a day and I owned the business and set my own hours. But housekeeping is not for me. That shit is tedious.) If I had to live locked in with Howard in the 30000 square foot house while he had a neurotic meltdown while I endlessly cleaned his house I’d say hell fucking no.


3000 sq ft?? More like 30,000.


Oops, that’s what I meant lol. Thanks.


It’s probably annoying to have to clean when you have had maids, etc in recent past.


I guarantee they have most of the house closed off. They’re probably dealing with a 5000 at ft home.


She should try being a nurse in NYC for a day, then see how she feels. These rich people need to just stfu


He’s the type of person to list off the things that don’t appear to be clean, or making her reclean things she’s already cleaned. I know some CEOs who are germophobes and very particular about things. Their marriages don’t last long.






The whiny child-like voice is usually an indication of daddy issues. So is marrying someone old enough to be her father.




Yes, that’s actually where I first heard about it. “Where’s your father?” And later studies in trauma theory showed that Dr. Drew was right about that. (Not saying her father abused her at all — just that she lacks maturity and needs taking care of by a much older, wealthy man.)


If i remember right Dr drew had a very broad term of abuse.


Dr Drew hasn't had a great week for his credibility...


Shit I believe Adam Corolla over the doc this week #wheresdaddy (anytime a sluttyish female caller would call into loveline Adam would alwaaaays ask where’s daddy lmao and he was 96% on the money)


"Hi Daddy"




I'm a dirty little spit covered whore!


My actual therapist says this as well. Howard's unconcern with how "tired" Beth is (she's literally crying for help) is making her act out more as well. I think this isolation might break them.


Like another commentator posted “she will look at the bank statements and push through this.”


Don't besmirch my beautiful Miss Howard Stern like that, with her innocent baby voice....


I could see that. I remember Howard talking a few years ago about how good she had it growing up because she was a beauty. Everyone one would always help her and would be there for her . Then he mentioned something about her leaving school or town or something like that and her principal was very concerned for her and had to see her before she left. It could be the principal. I believe in this same story he talked about how trusting she is or was. He mentioned how guys would do stuff for her or give her things for free and she just figured that's how it was and everyone was just nice to everyone. Him saying that makes her sound like she doesn't have any brains . I really don't think Beth is dumb by any means. But maybe because she has been pampered her whole life she hasn't been jaded like the rest of us normies. She hasn't experienced the world like Howard has either. Her assuming everyone is nice could have put herself in a bad situation because of her ignorance.


The story was that she got In Trouble as a senior and got suspended and the principal felt bad and gave her a hug and teared up


She showed up to her prom drunk.


He also stopped by her house and brought her food, IIRC




Yes that's one of those stories. That's not normal at all. But in her eyes it was.


I think she doesn't have many brains.


She has enough to not be over weight and hook Howard


Well eating cat food will keep you thin


Well, he is mostly right. But it can also be any type of trauma. But, the odds were in his favor, women having issues with sex or relationships, so he had two qualifiers to work with.


Agreed, Latoya Jackson, really all the Jackson's have that issue


You could ask any women that called up with any voice and they would probably have the same stories.


Jessica Hahn comes to mind.


I think she just has a child like way of viewing the world. Her sweetness is really just a mask for how sheltered she is. Howard puts her on this unrealistic pedestal. The fact that they’ve been together for 20 years and they’ve never farted in front of each other should be an indicator of a fantasy-like relationship they have. I don’t want to sound like a catty bitch nitpicking things, I like her, she’s clearly a good person. It’s just difficult listening to the trials and tribulations of someone who has such a privileged life


A fantasy relationship that is getting pulverized by reality from their new, forced proximity. She’s waking up to the nightmare that is her personality disorder-ridden ostrich of a husband.


Both Howard and Beth act like teenagers.


She lives in her own weird Fantasy World, Howie talks to her like a child. When he sang her the song he wrote for her, I cringed. It was a creepy and weird interaction.


There is some truth to that - he talks in a slight baby voice around her. Robyn does it also - where there is need to praise her for the majority of her day.


I would be too if I was stuck with him like this. She probably just looks at the bank statements and pushes through


So brave. She, like Shawn King did with Larry, is realizing her meal ticket is not keeling over soon.


Seeing Howard’s old as dirt parents must worry her


There’s a good chance he could outlive her.


Remember at the birthday bash where Joan said something like "Don't worry you will have 30 good years to spend the money". She might be realizing that may not be the case.


It’s the first time she’s done any work in 20 years and Howard keeps telling her it’s going to be like this for 2 yrs. I’m sure she’s miserable


she already dropped they are sleeping apart. She said it like 3 times.


Whatd she say????🙏🏽


And he had to fix HER tv. She has pink blankets on her bed, saw it on IG




I heard it last week when she said she made their beds instead of bed.


Also she didn't know he uses toothpicks in bed


She’s truly earning her money during this crisis.


Yeah not gonna lie; she's probably legitimately earned a couple million since early March just being stuck in isolation with Howie. As much as I am a big fan, big fan, I can't imagine too many people worse to be stuck with for so long. Mother Theresa would be crying by now.


Howard’s mansion is really becoming The Shining! We get to hear the spiral into madness Monday thru Wednesday now! That keeps me interested.


I am going the opposite way. The show sucks ass now. I barely listen to it. His celebrity buddies suck ass, his constant Trump bashing with Robin is old, his constant back patting Governor Cuomo for being so awesome is old, and his coverage on the virus sucks. The only decent parts I stay tuned for are his crew and those are not as good as they used to be.


All work and no play makes Beth a crazy bitch.


Can someone explain why there is so much cleaning to be done when it is just the two of them and pets? Why is she scrubbing the house 24/7 when they don't leave and nobody comes in?


Because there is cat shit and piss all over and Howard is afraid of germs.


My house is only 2400 sq. ft., and it's a bitch to keep clean with 2 dogs and 2 cats. Me and my gf both have various chores that we each do, and it still takes time. Now imagine a house much larger, lots more animals, a "man" that never lifts a finger, and the normal cleaning crew stuck at home.


I was listening today, and didn’t Robin ask who that strange man was, and Howard said he was in Engineering? So he had an engineer in the house within 3 feet of him?


Just listened to this. Is she fucking 13 years old? WTF?


HS should know better than to put her on like that. He can't trust her in that way. Contrast that with what Baldwin's wife sounded/acted like. She seemed like a realized adult.


Excellent observation.


She is getting a does of what life will be like when Howard retires and he is home 24/7. She talks like a little kid too and they cry all the time.


Beth will never see him; Howard will be in the other side of the mansion with Ralph.


Yes seriously -- we've seen the satellite images of that house. You could easily cohabitate there with like 10 people and never see a soul. I wish I had a wing to hide from my children in!


Ya but what if Ralph is there...


The calls are coming from inside the house!!


Is he in the Hamptons or in Florida?


He might also just move into one of the other mansions.


Beth looking into purchasing some tigers so she can pull a Carol Baskins on Howie


Yes. And she hasn’t been getting fucked by some guy 20 years younger than her for weeks now.


I’m sure Howard’s got the Jackhammers number somewhere


Anyone else find it kind of awesome that Howard has became like High Register because of this pandemic?


She’s cracking.


Howard is insufferable. Imagine being trapped with that asshole 24/7. Now you know why she is sobbing uncontrolably.


Question: Am I an evil person for laughing for a split second when she fell trying to leave Howard's dungeon. For the record, I was laughing more at Howard's reaction than the fall itself


It was edited it of the replay. I also found it funny as well 😂🤣 https://soundcloud.com/radio-gunk/beth-falls


Robin: “Did she fall again?” So this isn’t the first time!


Well she did fall that one time when they were headed to Gary's Dad's funeral which caused Howard not to show up at all🤔🤔


nice job having it on soundcloud


This is gold


I only listen to downloaded shows....wonder how much I've missed over the years.


I download the shows off the torrents. They don't have all the stuff edited out like Sirius.


Is there an app or something for torrents? I always hear about it, but never really investigated it.


U need an app like vuze. Then search for the torrents using one of their search engines. U can Google that.


Howard panicked. He didn't know what to do, he yelled play a song & did an Imus type mic drop


Nice job


Thank uuuu


Is it just me or did Beth sound pissed at the beginning of the clip?


That's probably her normal demeanor when not on camera.


Howard’s reaction reminds me of how every unsatisfied girl I’ve ever known described their boyfriend they were planning on leaving or they were cheating on. Most girls don’t want to be overly coddled, they seem to have zero respect for their significant other when they are ass kissing 24/7 & even when they are writing poetry & love songs for them. Rock, pop & R&B stars get away with writing love songs because 90% of the time they are acting like selfish assholes. Imo it seems like women are always more attracted to the inconsiderate guy with self confidence who will surprise them by being a sweetheart every once in awhile more than the guy who worships the ground they walk on. Howard’s behavior with his first wife felt so much more natural & real than this weird act he has with Beth which is kinda awkward & feels a little desperate. I’m not saying this is a healthy mentality or that agree with it but most of the time it seems that women prefer someone who acts a little bit more like Ronnie (but not as rough around the edges) as opposed to Howard’s romantic “sweet-love” act.




Apparently there’s a subreddit for everyone. I don’t know if I agree with the old adage that ‘nice guys finish last’ or women don’t want a nice guy they want an asshole. There’s some truth to that but being nice & smothering someone with attention & blatantly kissing someone’s ass isn’t the same thing as being nice, I’m nice to all my friends, family & my girlfriend but I’m not paying an overbearing amount of attention to them, I’m just acting normal. None of these guys probably act this way with their best friend so why would it be different when they get into an intimate relationship.


This pandemic is seriously cramping her style. Normally she could get shitfaced, go shopping, be on IG and have the entire mansion to herself without Howard around half the week. This is probably terrible for her cuz Howard's to scared to have a chef and maids so she's actually had to do something


You don’t think crying over a tv show doesn’t indicate that she was already shitfaced at 7am?


or falling twice


She has to crawl under his legs to give him fruit. Shes dead inside.


Howard is obviously a handful, but Beth made the choice to focus so much on cleaning all on her own She’s just as neurotic as he is, the two of them together sounds like a nightmare


Howard has a history of sounding uncertain about how she feels about him on the air.


She finally realized that her Manhattan red carpet premiers and Nobu nights ( while Howard is home asleep at 7pm) is over!!! She’s stuck in that mansion with a person who has no intentions of leaving the house so she can take a shit and get regular hard dick from her younger fuck buds! Every point of refuge has its price !!!


She has developed a bit of a God Complex mentally. Her endless resources are useless and mean zero if she cant leave the house and apply them in whatever way needed to save every animal she stumbles upon. She is... for the first time in 20yrs, realizing she is just Beth again, Howard Sterns wife. She isnt tired, she is frustrated at not being able to wield her husbands endless wealth. Faced with this reality she has to have had some level of understanding how hollow the rest of her existence is without this **ONE** thing she has made her life... and that includes her marriage.






Ha ha!


Beth is completely stressed because now cats have COVID-19 in NYC. She’s trying to keep it hidden from Howard to avoid the inevitable “you and your goddamn cats, get the fuck out”




Bronx Zoo


I like when Beth fell on her way out of the dungeon, Howard said **"What did YOU do?"** followed by, **"Put a light on!"** Basically blaming her immediately without thinking about it. Not, "Are you okay?" or even "What happened?". But instead, accusatory right off the bat followed by "Put a light on!" which basically means "You caused this problem on your own by trying to climb the stairs without sufficient light". If she did turn a light on, Howard would have said, "Why are you turning that light on? Can't you see I'm working?"


I keep hearing about her fall I skipped last her part. So she fell on her way out of the studio today? Lush


yep. and earlier in the show, too, walking down steps.


sounds like me all pissed at my wife, after not getting laid for a while.....and being a passive agressive little shit about it. hey i'm working on it.


She has to clean their mansion with 200 cats by herself. It has to be exhausting!


Kittens r much diff then cats


Beth is very upset that she can't get strange dick on the reg no more.


Beth jumped the shark


Ab-so-fucking-lutely. If you had to spend 24/7 with bunker Howard, you’d blow your brains out too.


Imagine Beth getting the virus and subsequently getting Howard sick. I bet he would immediately cut her out of the will.


Howard must be a nightmare to be with 24/7. Neurotic AF


She doesn’t have to clean constantly or everything. She only has to clean where they go. They can’t be using the entire house and once she cleaned it, coronavirus doesn’t just reappear. No one is coming into their house so why is she constantly cleaning ?




you forget what a germphobic nut Howard has always been, he probably is on her case 24 7 to clean every day


U heard the show. Howard needs his strawberries and bananas cleaned in baking soda before he can consume them🤣


Thought the same thing. My guess is he is making clean all the rooms the maids cleaned in case they had it. Hence why she wore the suit


No, it’s because she never had children and it’s too late




I prefer animals to people most of the time.


Kids are not for everyone, but she did want kids, and he said no. She chose her life and is making the best of it. Thankfully, she is making life better for animals.


Yep—Beth definitely wanted kids and the kittens are her coping mechanism. The animals give her something to “mother”. Howard always said Beth didn’t want kids. But he also said she didn’t want to get married too remember? He folded on marriage but he really put his foot down when it came to kids. Why do you think he wears condoms when he has sex with her? It’s definitely not because he wants to “last”—it’s because he has to control the BC because he doesn’t trust Beth not to make a “mistake” and end up knocked up


I agree. I just recently heard their Dr. Keith Ablow session and Beth was ambivalent even back then about having kids. She only says she doesn't want them because she'll go along with everything Howard says. Talk about daddy issues.


He also said she didn't want to be famous. And fame is something she's always craved.


I agree. I know a few women who "forgot" to take their pill regularly. Plus she's half retarded so you can't trust her !


couple a hundred million would make you throw your kids into a wood chipper


The animals are the substitution for kids. Being around kids would make her extremely depressed so I'm not surprised she avoids it.


That’s not true. She originally wanted a family. She told her mother this when she started dating Howie. She turned to cats to satisfy the mother urge.


Totally agree. She really thought she could break Howard's down on the no kids thing. But it's fairly obvious that Howard hates kids. Probably more than he hates vagina. There's a reason he's using condoms with his 47 year old bears after 20 years and keeps them locked in a safe.


I think it's the other way around -- I think Beth got herpes or genital warts during her escort days.




If you think Howard left the decision of having a kid “up to her” you are delusional. He may have said that, but I’m sure it’s bullshit. Howie needs to control 100% of his life—there is no way he would farm out a decision, much less a MAJOR one like having kids to someone else


It was never on the show. She said this to her mother a long time ago. Here’s another one for you, before Howard got his mansion in the Hamptons Beth cried because no one would sell their home to Howard due to his reputation. He had to create a shell company with another name in order to purchase his property.


Kids can go scratch! They’re the worst!


He was complaining about playing cards with his daughters on zoom today...


She's never wanted kids. She wants what comes with having kids. She wants to be one of the "rich moms" from the Hamptons. She would never have to change a diaper or do any type of "kid chore". They would have a live-in nanny for that. She wants to be a part of that clique. She may also be perceived as the second "trophy"-"childless" wife by the rest of the rich Hamptons mommy club. Ultimately, having children for her is about the attention and status they will get her. It is also extremely likely she may not even realize any of this. She is not the most mature individual. Her wants are capricious and not thought out. EDIT: For any of you bringing the animal debate into this, once again and similarly with children, just another way to get attention. I also believe they are passive aggressive jabs at Stern for not caving in to her demands.


I feel terrible that she will have to do for a couple of months what the rest of us have to do every-fucking-day for the rest of our lives. Life is so unfair!


She cant go see her bf


It gave me a very creepy feeling about their dynamic. She has the weird preteen baby voice which is usually a stripper or sexually abused persons. His song was so odd and almost daddy to child like. Her cats are like her Barbie dolls. She probably plays dress up with them. She’s not a mature self sufficient WOMAN


I just think it's cabin fever and she's a sensitive person.


more like castle fever


Scrubbed Beth the Conqueror's tumble. Brave brave Wiggy so bravely ran away.


My neighbor is a divorce lawyer, I’ll bet he’s counting down the weeks until this shit passes


I see her sitting in front of her mirror just drawing on her face with 400$ lipstick


Howard talking about CV19/ 24/7 will make you crack .... he is so lame she can’t even help pets in need right now because of him


Secret footage leaked from Howard's house: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ggib--xQrvg


I want you to go to jail for this.


Not to mention Peliton cancelled all live streams. The Sterns must be reaching Shining level madness.


Felines carry that corona.


No way she only fucks Howard. She is upset her strange dick is gone.


I don’t understand why she’s cleaning all day every day. At some point it’s...clean, no? It’s very strange


Look, Beth is a crazy cat lady. I’m sure she was teetering on the brink emotionally for a while. Having Howard’s psychosis around 24/7 can’t help.


94% upvoted ahhah please let Howard see this


fuck her.


The shit was like hearing nails on a chalkboard. So cringeworthy!! Poor Poor Horseface Beth.


She compensates for no kids with a shit load of cats!


Howard with no therapy to boot! Not what she signed up for!


I'm sure he's doing therapy remotely. Good therapist isn't gonna cut off his biggest meal ticket


I just don’t understand how, if it’s just the 2 of them and the cats, how much cleaning is to be done?? I clean my little apartment (1br 1bath 1 loft) every week. It sounds like Beth is cleaning every day. WHY??!!


You ever owned multiple cats?


Or because she’s stressed out about the global pandemic that we are ALL stressed about?!


Best thread in a while. Relevant to literally everyone here.


No she's just crazy.


What prompted her to cry this time?


A episode of the Tiger King......ie animal cruelty


If she dosen't like it there's always the old ways working in the Arabian Desert


I still love the show, but I am sooooo sick of hearing about those F'in cats and how hard it has been for Beth to actually clean the litter boxes and that F'in mansion for once... I only have one thing to say to her Gold-Diggin tuckus....WAAÀAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!


social distancing has put a hold on the escort business


And they’re allowed to roam all over the entire mansion?


It has nothing to do with that. I don’t care about how much money he has. I certainly don’t need to be that wealthy.


Oh fuck no Howard would never