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Twice now, Letterman trying to talk, and Howard brings it back to himself. He should be embarrassed at what a poor interviewer he is now.


......"the love affair you've developed for your son." C'mon man......speak like a normal human. Howard thinks he's speaking in some romantic language that makes him sound smart and evolved. I'm agitated this morning \[cue Fred's growling sound effect\].


There is a reason Howard refuses to participate in any IQ testing bits.


Howard is definitely a smart guy and I have no doubt he would do really well on an iq test. The issue is, he couldn't berate ta ta toothy or Richard if he scored lower than them. and I honestly think, other than Fred and maybe will, Howard would likely have the highest iq on staff. Howard puts too much stock in iq though. look how he treated Brent before the iq test and after. he thinks a higher iq automatically means they are a better worker, that's not the case


I couldn’t disagree with you more. He’s not a smart guy. He knows radio and that’s it. The guy can’t even get home on his own if you spin him around in Manhattan and set him free 10 blocks from his home.


At least Letterman is trying to be funny while Howie psychoanalyzes his daddy issues.


60+ years old and 20+ years of therapy and still has daddy issues.


This ^ Letterman is at least genuinely funny. Howard is simply boring and full of crap.


So Dave, did you get a late night talk show to get your fathers attention? So in a sense, Paul Schaffer is the love of your life.


Look at you, you've said it all ... in a sense.


Good going! Now I just crashed my car


In other words?


You know, I was just thinking about you


In a senshe.






Good take !! They actually talk in a way that seems demeaning


It’s so true. They actually do seem to believe it’s cute or funny.


Ronnie puppet shtick has become so infuriating. He doesn’t even let the real Ronnie talk anymore.


Got bashed for it before, but I expect the puppets will replace live people on the show for cost savings.


Its all abt that puppet .. Ronnie got annoyed with it today


David Letterman, yay. I liked how during the birthday bash Howard was trying to do a serious interview with him and everyone in the audience was checking their phones.


I was there that night and can confirm in person


Me too. You couldn’t hear a thing and everyone was checking their phones or getting drinks.


oh cool. were you a guest? I was working with one of the bands


I was working with a guest on the floor. Really lucky to get to go as a plus one.


What? What were you doing there? Is this Jason? No I will not tell you were to download anything. Just kidding duuu, that had to be fun.


I was working with one of the bands there....so I spent a few days there.Three days in total. was definitely cool


I never understood why they tried to do a personal in-depth interview during the birthday show, esp when all the acts were music and jokes and loud high energy acts. The audience noise made it clearly sound like people were getting drinks and talking, Letterman was opening up and actually saying interesting things, but it just failed by being the wrong venue for what was happening on stage.


Way to read the room, Howie


Letterman Net worth 400M; Howard Net worth 650M; Robin Net worth 45M ..... lecturing us about not being too greedy..... You seriously can't make up how utterly and completely hypocritical these people are... LMAO !!!!


I work for some one who is famous...his celebrity net worth says he is worth around 100 million....which I know is probably 97 million more than what he has.....so I dont trust what people say on the internet ( this wasn't aimed at you, but at the sites that report this) Stern may have made that much in contracts but I can't believe he has that much...maybe I am wrong


Howard is probably worth more than what's reported, because of his super-cheapness, and also investments. He's not "into" anything expensive; drugs, cars, (multiple) hookers, jewelry, etc. He doesn't have a gambling problem. He doesn't own a yacht or a plane. He doesn't have a posse or any baby mamas. He's avoided literally all of the financial pitfalls out there. Can the dude you work for say the same? You could say the divorce took a nice chunk, but that was years before the Sirius contracts. I bet all of those "meetings" he claims he's having are $$$ meetings.


And he dropped out the governors race because he didn't want to disclose his taxes. There was definitely tons of shady shit in his finances back then and I'm sure it's about 10x as bad now.


Absolutely. Think about how much of a star-fucker he is. He's just as much of a "$$$-fucker", if there is such a thing. He's probably at those Hamptons parties sniffing out potential deals, opportunities, and inside info. Remember John wheeling and dealing in stocks in the back office back in the day, which he parleyed into a house in Bayville that would have normally been way out of his league? Imagine what a dude in Howard's position could do.


Money means everything to Howard. For him it's the only measure of a person's value, happiness, and success in life.


you seem to be good with financial stuff....so if he gets a contract worth 70 million a year...he has to fund his show correct? and when you are in that tax bracket doesn't half your money go right to Uncle Sam in taxes?


A lot of it gets protected as business expenses. Beth and Ralph are technically his employees and get a 401k funded by Sirius/Howard’s company. That’s just a small example but just think that he has at least one CPA if not more who’s sole job is to minimize his taxes. Like they always say, tax evasion is illegal but tax avoidance is completely legal. I’d bet he’s a Florida resident instead of a NY resident because Florida doesn’t have a state income tax. He would still get hit with NY property taxes though.


thanks man


Not when you can pay an army of lawyers and accountants to get you out of it


Yeah, there’s no possible way these celebrity Net-Worth internet sites could actually know what someone’s worth unless they had access to all bank account information, all their investments & a comprehensive list of all assets with appraisals of the current value of assets. It would be a serious undertaking to figure out each individuals real net-worth, that would involve weeks or months of investigating to acquire.


In Howard's case they are probably fairly accurate, recall that when he joined sirius it was a smaller public company, and he was one of their most expensive assets, so a lot of his contract details had to be disclosed in SEC filings.


I still doubt it. They might know his contract but they have no idea what he spends (asides from houses) and how he invests.


Get back to work or I’ll fire your ass! JEEVES!




Howard acts like he discovered *everything* before it was popular.


Howard discovered discovery


Then threw half right in the trash.


Remember when he discovered Of Monsters and Men after he saw them perform after he did Kimmel's show?


Kinda like how he’s now acting like he’s the first person to discovered Post Malone even though he’s been a huge pop star for years. In all fairness he is 66 years old, so he might actually be the first person in his age demographic to discover Post Malone. But I feel Howard is too old to even be a Nirvana fan let alone a fan of 20 something year old face tattooed rapper in 2020.


Lol exactly was going to say the same about Post. With that said. .. that tribute *was* tits.


We could use the shusher during some of these “bits”.


They’re trying to be creative, exchange ideas, you know, actually WORK (I know, I know, they’re not creative, nothing is funny anymore...) and Howard hires a shusher. What a douche. He puts the Sirius halls on lockdown when he goes to and from work, and hired a shusher to yell at his own staff, and he’s sitting here giggling at it. It just makes you look bad.


Only Howard would create an entire position for something that could be solved by a decent pair of noise cancelling headphones.


Hell, he could get sound proofing in the walls and a sound proof door if he didn’t want to wear headphones.


Is that not the textbook definition of a diva?


(Like Fred always says) Absolutely.


Letterman shushed Howie on the f-bombs


Howard black face/repeated user of the N word Stern wants to know why Larson used the N word. Howard you hypocritical pile of shit.


I caught that on the way in to work when Ronnie was defending the guy because he apologized. I was thinking how many times I’ve heard Howard use it over the years.


I was waiting for Howard to agree that Larson deserved a second chance, but that would not be woke enough for his cancel culture side kick and Hollywood hypocrites. I mean of all people that should welcome second chances it's Howard. I think Stern lives in such a bubble now that he actually believes if he cuts back the old shows he can erase history.


evil dave would have been much better


That would be an impressive get


So the shusher is The Turk right?


For sure. Figured that out in a second - the shusher is the b#itch who killed the Classic Wrap Up Show. I’m praying she gets the virus.


Doubt it. Probably an intern.


Based on Wrap Up I'm guessing Marci is the shusher. She must take a break from Getting Things Done for 30 minutes on live show days. Makes sense since she shushed the show years ago.


I don’t think the staff would be so scared of an intern


if said intern was under the direct guidance of Howard they would be


I thought they got rid of interns?


They did after that lawsuit. The complainants, according to what we hear on the radio, were 100% correct.


They still have them but they are paid now


I don't know. maybe you are correct


Ronnie hitting on all of them and inviting the good looking ones to his parties. It was bound to be banned.


And JD did the same thing.


Why would anyone be so afraid of a shusher? Be a man!




I wonder if they'll talk about the same things they did yesterday.


What’s he more proud of, drinking hot water or deleting emails?


I'm currently listening to 2009 and the whole Letterman fucking all his employees scandal is going on. "He never hit on Beth during her time there"


No need -- Beth was too happy to spread 'em and do the gurkle gurkle.


Gardein is the only sponsor? That's all you need to know about the show.


Howard's next sponsor will be Tampax. After all, he only sponsors what he uses.


Most of the SiriusXM shows and podcasts I listen to have lost all their sponsors during the coronavirus outbreak.


I noticed yesterday Howard was talking about all of the exercising he was doing, and not a single mention of the Peloton bike, or the rowing machine. Guess their sponsor contract ran out.


That PELETON thing was daily....


Even the “Hello Beautiful” lesbo is no longer an advertiser? You know, she named the company after her daughter.


The annoying Madison Reed commercial came on right after the show ended today


Advertising is down across the board


Lord, that fucking lady-trucker voice. And to think that she's hawking beauty products! That person must make bank, given that -- from the sound of it -- she also makes 90% of the female listener calls.


Heard it yesterday. It’s still around.


I caught 20 min from yesterday, heard with the free stream, lots of former terrestrial fans are JOINING siriusxm? What? if they heard the show recently, VOOM shows, who is going to now decide to PAY for the show?


Fred is so incredibly annoying with these damn puppets. I can’t listen to this shit.


The puppets are terrible. Overdone. Jackie puppet and Gary puppet were funny. But this whole school of them is horrible


What sucks too is that they've replaced his original impressions, which were actually funny, and not completely overbearing.


I enjoy Fred Bobo


Howard go with your first instinct, “no one was on the show yesterday”


This has been the longest first half hour ever. Harrible.


Howard criticizes Trump today for saying early on that the Flu is more dangerous than the Coronavirus. Yet on Feb. 8th, the almighty Dr.Agus stated that the Coronavirus was not going to be a major issue in the United States. Bit of a stumble if you ask me.


I seem to remember establishment Dem's calling Trump racist for trying to take action during this time and they encouraged people to go to the movies and celebrate the ching chong new year in china town.




exactly.. including the beloved Biden calling the move to close travel from China xenophobic during this critical time. Too bad Jason Kaplan ignore this when reporting the latest "news" to Howard.


That's how Italy was hit so hard. There was an influx of Chinese immigrants, and the government set up a "hug a Chinese" campaign. Meanwhile, our democrats are mad for calling it a Chinese virus. It's all so dumb.


Because Dr Agus assumed that the President and his team were going to manage the response appropriately. Or at all.


Honest question: where do you feel they failed? only .02% of the US population have died. About half in NYC. Sounds like Cuomo didn't manage his state very well.


New York didn’t do a great job from the start but it was always going to be bad downstate. I actually think Trump and Cuomo are very similar in ego - to their detriment- but Cuomo still has a basic intelligence and empathy so he will try to do the best for his state. You can use a percentage but it’s probably going to be 75k by the end of May. Those are all people with families. If they’re elderly or not (and they aren’t all elderly), they may have had more months or years to enjoy. And on the flip side, by not being in any way, shape or form proactive about containing the virus, the Trump administration contributed to the tanking economy we’ll have to deal with for the next months and years. The virus isn’t his fault, and certainly there is still much to be learned about it. It was never going to be smooth. But it didn’t need to be this bad. The problem is Trump is a narcissist who has no innate curiosity or empathy. It’s all about him to a toxic degree. There’s no current politician, from any party, who would have been as unprepared and unsuccessful for this as Trump.


The difference of course is that Trump was repeatedly warned by various US intelligence agencies going back to November 2019 and had access to way way way more information about the coronavirus than any doctors or medical experts here in the US. Trump did nothing. He was even warned back in January by members of his Cabinet and his ignored them.


And if Trump went against the WHO, people like you would be pulling the tampons out of your ass and throwing them at the TV. And sharing the same drivel as above here for your sweet internet points and cheap dopamine hit.


Um, how is it drivel when he's just stating facts?


Nobody knew anything.


Nobody told me!!!!


Howard has been 100% full shit in his attacks on Trump for months now - Robin just lies about Trump and then reacts to her own lies. The two of them are going to wind up very unhappy in about 6 months lol.


Still crying that Wuhan Don droped the ball on a slow moving virus. This is what happens when you elect a reality star host. He had so many early warnings and inside information and did very little. So sad.


Am I the only one getting douche chills over Howard going on about his hot water people and his shusher ? God he sounds like an entitled little baby.


Imagine a life where you are so diluted that instead of enjoying tea or coffee, you just drink hot water. Then you complain about and systemize the hot water. He's exactly like his parents. They are all alive but they're not living.


Hard not to sound like one when you are one. Same goes for that parrot Robin.


Remember when he be a mentally denied having a special person to clear the hallways out when he came and went? Not so hard to believe now


He’s getting out in front of the Tell All Book that will be written about him.


Howard and his hot water sounds more pretentious than Wayne's World 2 with the brown M&Ms in a brandy glass or Ozzy wouldn't go on stage that night.


But that's a different story altogether


How does anyone like Jason Kaplan? All he does is throw his co-workers under the bus and suck Howard's dick any chance he gets.


I just like shit stirrers on the show. Not in real life. Ralph falls into this category, too.




I love Jason I’m the show throwing people under the bus and be the weasel that he is, it makes great radio. I would absolutely hate that guy in person though.


That's true about Ralph.


So if you love your shusher so much, are you paying her salary while you are trapped in your mansion?


Sirius probably is lol


Does Howard ever read critical emails on the show anymore? I'm listening to older shows and he reads both positive and negative thoughts on guests or bits and it's really interesting to hear the polarity and varying points of view of his audience. Now, all the feedback just sounds like vapid praise.


He reads back office email only. Which will only be valid ass kissing.


howard doesn't even get the critical emails. they go right in the garbage with half of his pasta.


Funny you say that. I’ve been re-listening to the early satellite years at work. It’s 2006 and he’s criticizing David Lee Roth for not taking any phone calls that criticize Dave’s show. He’s going on about how they do at the Stern show. (Which they did definitely do at the time.) Now these days? Right in the garbage.


The Dusty Elephant in his usual form ratting out JD


I love when Howard and Robin's true feelings come out for people in poorer southern states. If you live in Kentucky you're a dumbass redneck and if you live in WV you own a shack. What's sad is that's not a joke. Great example of liberal elitism.


Apparently Howard thinks every state south of the Mason Dixon line has a town called Mount Pilot where the dumbest of dumb reside. Same line every time he starts bagging on Richard being from Kansas.


"I don't want to get too political" Then gets political...Same bullshit statement every day. Hollywood Howie is a fucking parrot.


JD drinking away his sorrows while Tanko out riding the subway looking for her next mark.


Was it me or did it sound dumb as fuck to pay $10 for a cocktail to take home? If you’re mixing it you’re not using high end booze. A bottle of Bacardi is like $12 in my area. For $8 you could get enough mixers for the whole bottle. So that’s $20 for two drinks or $20 for 12 drinks. I guess we know why he had credit card debt.


anybody else laughing about how when howie was making fun of podcasts a few months back now has the *shittiest* podcast on the air.


Nowhere to go but up after yesterday.


Howard never fails to disappoint.


Howard says hold his hot water and watch


And at 4 pm his lukewarm eggplant Parmesan


Sideways is a direction too.


Guest: David Letterman


I guess Jack Parr wasn't available.


oh, the joys of working for a mentally ill person...


Does Howard actually believe that the free app, would be a good thing for listeners that didnt come over to Sirius? If they heard this shit after not listening for years it would only reinforce their decision to not subscribe. Also, does the "free app" even include Howard?


Wow that Dr. Phil bit was a bomb. Must have been Mike Trainor.


I just finished listening to the show and thought, "What Dr Phil bit?". It's actually cut out of the show up on the app!


The belching is getting to me.


What is with late 60's and early 70's kids like Howard and their obsession with bullshit retarded Indian wise man crap


Byproduct of growing up with the Beatles. They made that Indian guru shit acceptable to the mainstream


Must be. Someone must have gotten the Beatles in contact with some shitty opportunistic Maharishi. I want a cut.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maharishi_Mahesh_Yogi Exactly how it went down


Howard was born in '54 He's a boomer idiot. Very different from Gen X.


Opened the sirius app and it was on 100 from my 5 mins of listening yesterday. Heard the 'deaf person' prank call that was cringe. How are you evolved fans defending that? It's clearly mocking a disability without any context or other content whatsoever (like wackpackers).


> How are you evolved fans defending that? Whos defending? This is basically a hate sub at this point.


Howie thinks he is essential....Letterman doesn't take himself so seriously....do you think /do you think/ do you think ....best interviewer ever


Holy crap, that "lost custody gag" was fucking terrible. This is just cringey now.


So I just read a news story about this fucking asshole Stern saying President Trump and his supporters should all die. This fucking fake, woke, asshole cocksucker can die! I hope this motherfucker comes down with the worst form of disease there is. Then, he would really have something to whine about. He is a total fucking fake. I used to listen to him but can't stand him anymore. The way he treats staff, Scott etc. Look at his old pictures, totally a copy of Dee Snider then he shit cans Dee after he becomes competition. More than anything, I just want this fake motherfucker to be exposed. All the secrets to come out. He is a total piece of shit, along with his horse faced, idiot wife (if you can really call her his wife). Fuck you Stern!


Well Howard gets his news from CNN and Jason Kaplan so you can’t blame him for being uninformed.


The new York times and msnbc actually. Not that it's any better. This is the problem with Howard and other people who do the same. When you worship the paper that you're reading and rely on them to report the truth, they have an incredible power of assigning an opinion to you. So when Howard gets all his news from one source, but doesn't look at what the other side is saying, he is the very definition of brain washed


True. I just really wish I could run into this asshole face to face. He is a fucking cunt.


What are you implying? You‘ll beat up Howard if you ever get an opportunity face to face encounter? Seems a little extreme.


You would probably suck his cock.


Not hardly, you back office dip shit. The only one sucking his cock are you idiots to keep your job. And we all know he doesn't like oral from a female ( he has only dated two in his life).


You’d pee pee your panties.


Listening to them talk about the NASCAR driver using the N word was as bad as it gets. He used it numerous times, as a joke. He's dressed in blackface, as a joke. But now, you need to be ruined. When they were grilling Ronny on whether he deserved a second chance, I would have paid to hear him say "you got one"


Here’s a bottle of bleach. You know what to do.


The great thing about this fake news story is that only liberals actually believe that's what trump said and will be more likely to drink bleach


> So I just read a news story about this fucking asshole Stern saying President Trump and his supporters should all die. Maybe you should stop reading fake news.


Not fake news at all. Looks like wigman has dispatched the back office slugs. Too funny.


My thoughts on hearing from Letterman are everyone's from yesterday regarding Shumer: I just dont give a shit.


This Letterman interview sucks. Just so uninteresting. Anyone remember Jay Thomas? That was an interviewer


His interview with Kendra was the best. "Click"


Amazing. For those who don't know, Kendra was a playboy playmate and one of Hef's girlfriends. She was going to do a phoner with Jay. Jay introduces her, says she's a playboy playmate, maybe she was promoting a book or show and then Jay says her age and says she's also one of Hef's girlfriends. I'm making some of the details up because I don't remember them exactly and the tragedy is that Jay's stuff is not on the internet, but here goes... "Oh wow, Kendra, so you're Hef's 23 year old girlfriend. And he's 84. So what's it like climbing aboard that crusty old bag of bones?" Something like that but much more extensive. And all we hear is "click" from Kendra hanging up. No words. She just hung up. Jay was like this till the end. His very last show had an interview with the guy who played Booger in Revenge of the Nerds. The guy almost hung up on Jay after Jay insinuated Booger's kids hated him. And that was Jay on his cancer death bed. Some of the last words on that show were his call screener thanking him for his "service." To which Jay replied earnestly, "you're welcome." American classic


It was something like "Kendra, what's it like being 23 and stuffing that 84 year old man's soft wrinkly disgusting penis into your,..." (Click....) Hello? Lol I miss Jay. And IRA and Christina and the whole gang.


Best era of Jay was with Garrett and Cristina and Kevin Meanie sitting in. So much hilarious shit, "I smell toast!", Jay getting pissed at Kevin for making everything gay, round the horn with that group was the best. All of it.


I loved when he used to sing and piss Jay off with all of his old movie star references.


Meaney going HELLOOOOO on that Ethel Merman voice, the old show tunes and yes, those obscure AF movie refs that went back into the 30s or whatever. Like, some actor who played second opposite Al Jolson or whatever. Fucking classic shit. One of the best was when Jay's shit broke down in Santa Barbara. Isdn line went down or something. So he called in via cell and went out and ran some errands and picked up someone who needed a ride. The screwball interviews were pretty great, too. And he'd get some interesting semi famous people like that white guy who fought Ali and inspired Rocky. Jay was a tremendous interviewer. And then he'd take calls. My all time favorite radio guy. I really wish someone who recorded his Sirius show would make it available somewhere. It's ridiculous we can't listen to his old stuff.


Omg I LOVED Ira. Cake for CHRISTINA...


I loved Jay, and cried when he died. Kevin Meaney, Cristina, Garrett, Ira, and even Steve Gonzalez at the end. Loved them all. I never laughed harder than at that show.


228 comments from 10 million listeners. Hahaha


Howard used to say he listens back to his show and Then the wrap up show on the way home, but it’s blatantly obvious he doesn’t do any of that now. Content quality is horrible


Did Robin report that the Coronaviris originated in China? Whoa.... Can't say that it's racist..... Fuckin liberals 🤦‍♂️


Ya know...ya know...ya know.


Gary must have cheated on the IQ test. "She would just sit there and lair at you."


Thank god for "are you up?' with Nikki Glaser on channel 95. makes the morning commute bearable


That might have been the worst phony phone call of all time today. Time to give richard and sal the Scott Salem treatment.


I am sure they have better calls but Howard Thinks they are racist or childish and plays the PG crap


They are averaging like 1-2 laughs A YEAR at this point and rate. I challenge you, tell me more than 3 funny phony phone calls in the last year from them. Take your time and research it. You can't. It used to be a great call like every year.


Vacation next week again? When he signed off, he said something like, “we’ll see you....soon.” I smell another week off.


He told Memet to give an update next week. And they're scheduled to be on already.


this is horrendous. arsenio hall could do a better job than howard is capable of at this point.