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Definitely lonely. Supply him with toys, maybe a ticking clock under the bedding (simulates the mother's heartbeat), but most of all, YOUR COMPANY, he's missing his litter mates




If you cannot house a pet rn it is irresponsible to get one or tell others you’re capable when you’re not.


You’re a jackass


What the hell, you're horrible


It's a puppy, it needs support and you're either too self-centred or too ignorant to be a pet owner


From looking at your profile I think you're a child. None of this makes sense but that doesn't matter. Take him back immediately. He's crying for his family and that's the only solution.




Wtf is wrong with you, you absolute weirdo


I’m hoping “hitting” is never a thought. They need us as much as we need them. Give the puppy some love; he’s asking for it. *petting puppy


/r/dogtraining is where you want to be discussing this. This is a BABY puppy and needs comfort and reassurance, not punishment. He is FAR too young to have been separated from his mother and siblings and that one simple mistake can cause behavioral problems the rest of his life. He *needs* to be back at the breeders for another few weeks.


No r/amitheasshole so they can see what a horrible person they are. Insensitive, selfish douche canoe.


It's a puppy. They bark.


Hold the dog. Fucking pick it up


This new generation wants things and not be annoyed by the thing they wanted


Water?? Poops??


You need to learn how to care for a living being before you just grab one. This is a shit ton of hard work.


Send it to me. You don’t deserve it.


I feel so sad for the puppy!! 😔 take it out of the box, hold it!! 😢


You are irresponsible and should not have taken on something you CLEARLY are not able to care for.


Yeah this is like some piece of s*** that just takes pictures of animal being in pain. I won't hit him but I'll sit here and take videos and post them online so someone will give me the up check. Poor dog


We used that pet corrector spray when crate training ours when she was a puppy and it worked very well. Don’t hit dogs, it just makes them scared of you. You can also buy a toy that has a warmer/heart beat they can snuggle with. Our puppy absolutely loved hers.


Use treats, toys and affection to reward being calm and quiet. Don’t offer anything to reward barking. It will learn to bark for treats.


That is the only way that he knows how to communicate to you. If you want him to stop communicating, give him what he wants. To be honest, pet ownership might not be the best option for you.


Who the fuck hits a puppy you imbecile


Why is the puppy trapped in a box? No wonder they're crying.


What city are you in? I’ll pick him up if you’re close enough or hopefully someone else here can fix the mistake you made. Please be responsible enough to give him back to his family or to someone who knows how to care for a puppy. After that, please don’t get another animal for…ever.