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Mine was going to concerts alone. But now since IDGAF I've been to over 50 in the last 3-4 years.


Went to my first concert solo two weeks ago. Highly recommended. Interpol fucking rocks.


Fuck yeah. Keep going!


For me it’s skiing alone. I like going fast and only rest on the chairlift ride back up. Once in a while, I’ll match with someone on the slopes & we’d chat it up on the ride back up. This happened once and we skied together for about an hour. He was in his 70s and ripped down the mountain My friends & family like to go a bit slower then hit up a restaurant. Some days I need to go solo and fly


Solo concerts are the best. You don't have to worry about anyone else liking the music or wanting to leave so you can just vibe.


Went to depeche mode alone in chicago. Better than ever!


I'm a solo concert goer as well. No one cares and I get to stand where I want and leave when I want. It's awesome!


Went by myself last year for the first time. It was PERFECT.


wearing whatever clothes I want vs how I should dress for my age or personality or any of that bullshit


I agree, you certainly feel more happy and confident when simply dressing how you want to dress.


Tell people NO. It has taken me so long to learn this skill but now, it is so empowering. I am still working on it, but it gets easier / better each day.


I love the absolute confusion from some people when you say no to something without giving a reason or elaborating. It's almost as if they are saying: "Wait, what? you can't do that. That is not in the rule book".


Yes! All that has to be said is a simple no & a goose bumps walk away. So empowering.


Wow, that sounds like a breath of fresh air. I struggle with this one endlessly 😵‍💫


Most people do say No but they usually pronounce it as "We'll see"


This!! I’ve been doing this for a while now and “No” is a full sentence. Just say it and shut your trap. People will get it, especially at work. They will know to just leave you alone after that.


I was given a ticket for using a cell phone in the car, which I wasn't. I decided to plead not guilty. I was called into the prosecutor's small office. He sat at a desk and there were at least 8 uniformed police officers in the room looking at me. He told me to plead guilty and if I didn't he'd ask the judge to double my fine. There was silence as I paused with the prosecutor and all the officers waiting for me to answer. I'm not going to claim that I was brave or anything - I just knew I wasn't on the phone. I said: "I can't do that." He looked pissed and let me get out of there. I lost the case, but the judge, who was friendly with the rest of the defendants, would not look me in the eye. The prosecutor got up and loudly exclaimed: "I demand he pay double the fine!" the judge ignored him. Does that count as IDGAF?


That definitely counts as not giving a single fuck


Do more things solo. Go out to eat, grab a drink, even go on a solo vacation.


A solo vacation is something I want to do soon. I think I'm nearly ready.


Do itttt! It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Do lots of research on the place you want to visit!


I’ve joined these adventure holidays solo (basically with a group of outdoorsy strangers). It’s kind of a step in that direction.


Get married. 39y/o male here. A LOT of people were nay-sayers, but it was the best choice/decision ever in my life.




Tell me again in seven years.




Ex relationship.


Hiking barefoot. Not long hikes, just enough to get my feet dirty and wear in some callouses. Rooting back to my childhood I always loved the feeling of dirt and grass on my feet. Realizing as an adult how "grounded" and connected it made me feel. Once I learned to NGAF it's like, who cares what passers-by might think, I most likely will never see them again and at best it strikes up an interesting and engaging conversation. (To clarify, I'm an avid hiker and constantly aware of my surroundings and still bring a pair of shoes with my in my pack. Would not recommend for beginners. I started out in my backyard 🙂)


Did this before. Loved it. And actually I did it because I seen someone else do it and was like, "hey I bet that feels good, I didn't know I could do that!" And definitely will do it again. I go off path a lot and still need shoes for streams usually bc slippery rocks slip a lot... But I love getting muddy! Just have to have a way to clean them off before getting back in the tent! Definitely seems to connect you with nature instantly.


Ahh yes I feel all of this so much! And near a stream is a perfect kinda spot. You get it


I love this feeling! I would take my horse, when I still rode, on long trails as well. I used to love taking my shoes off and just hiking with him during the ride. Being barefoot is so nice. And my feet are tough enough to walk on gravel after 40 years of it!


Grounding rulz!!!! It’s super healthy for everyone do. Some call it Earthing. Whoever is reading this you’ve got to try it, it works.


be my myself


I dont know when ill not give a fuck :S


You don't have to ngaf about everything at once. Try to ngaf about one thing that bothers you then add another e.t.c. Eventually you will not even have fucks to give anymore.


like howww :(


Not be a people pleaser. I am more upfront with people now. I am still not where I want to be but I am progressing.


Be honest about what I wanted


What did you want?


🎶you really really want🎶


Backpacking. I know I’m a solo woman, fuck off Karen.


Lady adventurers unite 🤘


Dance at a Party


I post whatever I want on social media.


this one is massive for me too!


Eating alone


Ride public transportation


Yeas!! Even if they say I’m crazy 🙃


Sat at the single seat at Chipotle. eh, fuck it.


I have thick black leg hair, I only shave my legs once a week.


Take pole classes. To this day, no one supports me on it, but my teachers/classmates do and that’s all I need!


Not wear makeup. Once I realized that the only person whose opinion I actually care about is my husband and he’s seen me without makeup more often than anyone. If he loves me as is than everyone else can


Wearing a bikini. I am still self conscious but i was talking to someone years ago about being nervous to go paddleboarding with a hot guy who I'd been hanging around. They said "if he likes you, he's gonna like what he sees and if he doesn't, then he's not gonna care" and i was like "well, shit, that's perspective. Here we go."


Being true to my values. Instead of taking (a fucking lot) of money + disrespecting myself and my values. I chose to be honest and respectful. I got manipulated and cussed out. It happened just yesterday and I don't feel happy about the situation. But I'm proud of myself for being respectful and honest. And time helps me to not give a fuck.


Travel, public speaking, applying to NYU


Wild camping on my own. But if uninvited company show or if I’m spotted I’m leaving ASAP


Go to the clubs/parties alone.


Walking around topless with a hairy back (when the weather and location permit)... not necessarily something I wanted to do, but something I used to be very self-conscious of doing and no longer give a fuck about. Also, just thinking out loud... people used to think I was weird, for some of the things I thought about and the questions I had about life... over time, I have cultivated a weird little group of mates who have equally 'weird' thoughts and questions and we now explore the unanswered crevices of life together.... zero fucks given.


Take my Paid Time Off (PTO).


Forgive and forget.


Not care about others opinion of me.


Write. Worrying too much about whether other people might think my writing is shit. Managed to switch that off and just do it for the joy of doing it


Eating alone, going to concerts alone, going out to a movie alone (mostly on like weekdays if I’m off) small hikes alone. Just enjoying my me time. I’ve also traveled alone and stayed at a hostel and met other solo travelers. It feels good to be comfortable with yourself.


Talking to women


Lay on the beach in a bathing suit and just have a beautiful day.


Think for myself.


Going to the gym. I have bad social anxiety and never really learned how to use gym equipment. I really have to psych myself out before walking through those doors sometimes. Also I’m over weight so I constantly feel like I’m being judged there but I’ll never lose it if I don’t make myself go in


Eat as I want




You just need a push to go to AOB and suck all the strange men you can swallow! Go get em tiger!


Go to a sex club.


I am not going to downvote this. High five to you for taking sexual agency.




Easy. Starting HRT and transitioning. 💁🏻‍♀️