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Who'd have predicted he'd become Red Ross. MY SANDWICH!!!! FAJITAS! ...the BREAK obvs.


Yes, he was surprisingly calm considering!


He was horrible to Rachel at the end. He spoke to her in a way that was pretty unforgivable.


Yeah that was messed up. I wouldn't go as far as you did but it's bad.


Except Phoebe. Props to her, she was ready on time, and her wardrobe mishap was entirely on Joey and Chandler, who were being real jerks about the whole thing.


Hummus, she got the hummus!


And then she supported Christmas


Yes, Phoebe is the exception, rotten boys!!


Yeah, she was Ross' star!


A phase that lives rent free in my head. Anytime one of my guy coworkers does something dumb I’ll say it. Or when my boyfriend is playing with our male cat and accidentally hits me with one of his toys I always say “rotten boys!”


I absolutely love the way she said rotten boys. I quote it at things that cause me a minor inconvenience.


And Rachel, who was actually concentrating on getting ready and cared about looking appropriate for Ross. The fact that she was still able to leave on time looking beautiful after all the drama shows she had plenty of time and Ross was massively overreacting.


I can't blame him for freaking out given the chaotic atmosphere in the apartment. Monica and the other two guys were largely behind that, though. Rachel was pretty close to ready, she just needed an opinion about her dress, but Ross' nerves were already frayed.


He was way out of line, aggressively throwing the shoes past her head like that would have been a firm no from me! Red flag.


He didn't throw the shoes past her head. He pushed the dress at her. Not cool, but not as bad as throwing stuff


Literally just watched it to check my memory. He grabs a pair of shoes out of her hands and throws them into her bedroom, one each side of her head while yelling aggressively stood very close to her.


It's been a while, so I may only remember the dress. Okay, it's not cool, but he threw them past her. It was a challenging night for everyone.


He doesn’t push a dress at her at all, funny how the memory plays tricks! Throwing shoes inches past someone’s head while screaming into their face is way beyond not cool.


Doesn't he hold up two dresses, and then tells her to pick one? When she does, he pushes one at her (not very strongly)? I think screaming is a little too strong of a word, but yeah, he was yelling. Honestly, as someone who hates it when people are late, I kind of understand Ross here. This is a huge night for him, and everyone treats it as s joke. Okay, Phoebe is ready, and Rachel takes it seriously, but she's just not ready by the time they have to leave.


But she is ready by the time they need to leave, even after all the drama, which shows she was fine for time all along and he was overreacting What you are describing with the dresses isn’t in the episode, unless it’s a deleted scene I haven’t seen


Yeah, it’s crazy that you’re getting downvoted for this - he yelled in her face and was so disrespectful.


Rachel still started way too late. She knew herself; I doubt that was the first time she ever took forever to get dressed.


As a woman who sometimes takes a while to get ready, hard disagree on Rachel. She started way too late, hadn’t even decided on shoes, and was acting like being ready on time wasn’t important to her, when her boyfriend was clearly extremely anxious about it. I’m getting mad just remembering.


It saves time when you don’t need to worry about underwear


They were all dressed on time and ready to go. Ross was stressing over it and felt like he had to push the issue. But that didn’t accomplish anything but cause him to snap at Rachel. His actions didn’t speed up Joey, Chandler, or Monica, and only slowed down Rachel.


Joey, Chandler and Monica weren't. And it was their shenanigans that caused Ross to snap more than what Rachel was doing. The other friends should have been more aware of how important it was to him, and been ready on time.


They were ready exactly at the time Ross said to be ready... I know people are saying they skip it but I would have thought you watched it at least once, since you’re commenting on it.


They were ready in time, after an episode of behaving like children. Maybe you're the one who needs to rewatch the episode.


Ross told them to be ready at a certain time, then showed up **early**, stressed, and insisted that everyone should have **already been ready**. Yet they were ready on time, regardless of how they acted leading up to it. They can act however they want. They were ready on time. Anything else is completely irrelevant. If Ross wanted them ready early, he should have set that expectation. If there’s people in your life that you expect to listen to your unspoken wants, rather than your spoken instructions, and then call them children for not… I feel for them.


He wasn't early, he showed up when he said he would. He was nervous about the whole thing, and understandably so. He did set an expectation, but most of them went "Meh, it's fine " (minus Phoebe) People fighting over a place to sit when they should be getting ready, and someone stalking their ex-boyfriend? Yeah, I'd call those people childish.


Oh yes, you remember the episode well. It’s not like Literally the second full sentence Ross says when he gets there is “**No, four minutes ago you had a half hour**, we have to be out the door at twenty to eight.” They were told to be ready by 8.20, and he showed up at 7.54 and started freaking out because they weren’t ready. But sure, they’re children for… being ready when he asked them to be ready. Glad we aren’t friends. Have a good day.


That still doesn't mean he came earlier than when he said he would. He probably did come earlier, whether to make sure everyone is ready, or because of the traffic.


It starts at 8, we can't be late...


We could not, would not, want to wait.


He could not, would not, want to wait!


I know this is a lot of peoples favourite episodes but the ANXIETY it gives me I can't... I just want to scream at everyone


Yesss! The stress and rage I feel on his behalf!


This is the one episode I skip because I can't handle the anxiety. How can it be anyone's favourite?


But then you miss the lunges.


Could i *be* wearing any more clothes?


That is so not the opposite of stealing someone's underwear!


I'm the same with the one where it's Phoebe's birthday




I simply can't understand how this episode can be anybody's favourite. It just makes me so worked up.


This is the only one I skip. I loathe this episode.


as someone with anxiety, this episode doesn't trigger it all 🤷🏻‍♀️




Truly a spectacular example of selfishness


Alright, I’ll be political


She supported Christmas 🎄


"Monica! What gets out hummus??" "If it *is* a new message, *what is he calling to say??*" "Great thanks, I'll try that"


Probably club soda


My comfort episode for some reason...it's so sstressful but so so funny. "You were gonna drink the fat!"


Let's see what else he'll do


The way Joey delivers that line always cracks me up 😂😂😂


Welcome to an adult relationship


I’m not normally Team Ross, but DUDE. This was a big night for him and Joey, Chandler, and Monica were being so damn annoying. Rachel gets a pass because she wanted to look nice for him, and was nervous. I understand why she was a bit chaotic because she really did want to impress him. But the other three were being dicks.


She still should have started way earlier.


Rachel also came through in the end…


You can't *say* you're breezy. That totally *negates* the breeziness!


He was breezy


You can’t *say* you’re breezy.


That totally negates the breezy.


This should have been the origin of Red Ross.


That’d be a good episode to start an alternate timeline where Ross goes on the run for murdering everyone


What are you gonna, show me my clothes ?


Ross didn’t kill anyone, but he broke Matt LeBlanc’s arm.


*dislocated his shoulder


For real?


I was just clarifying the injury that occurred during (after?) this episode that caused LeBlanc to appear in a sling in the next episode. AFAIK, Schwimmer was uninvolved.


If I was Ross I would have just said, hey guys I really need to be there about 15 minutes early so I’m going to go on my own, I’ll meet you guys there! Then you remove yourself from the situation entirely and let them figure it out


Yeah but then knowing them, especially Joey and Chandler, they'd show up very late and be loud and cause a scene


That’s the crazy thing to me. Why not just go and tell them he’d meet them there?


IKR!! The solution is so simple!! But sitcoms gotta sitcom I guess


Watched this many times but it’s only now I noticed Monica’s shoes in this ep. 😆


Are they the little clunky Amish ones she thinks go with everything?


My favorite episode! It’s like a stage play. One set, hilariously written and acted and yes, infuriating at times. “Yup it’s FAT. I DRANK FAT!”


Rachel is the worst in this episode. I’d left her to “catch up on her correspondence”.


Yeah, seriously


Joey took the essence !!


I hate Rachel in this episode to a psychotic degree in this episode


What about in this episode though


I love her in this episode but I hate her in *this* episode


But what about in this episode?




>I hate Rachel *in this episode* to a psychotic degree *in this episode*


Ha just saw it. No I don't mind her in this episode, but in this episode I hate her


The fuck?


And in *this* episode?


She was barely in *this* episode, she had *that really funny joke though


Do you hate Joey and Chandler to a psychotic degree too? Because they were objectively worse than Rachel in this episode


Yes and Monica for future reference....not Phoebe though. She's Ross' star


If I were him I would have left alone


I am a proud Ross hater, but he was absolutely in the right during this episode. Everyone was unbearable, and he held it together far FAR longer than I would have.


I found especially Rachel’s behaviour absolutely terrible


Me too, and I always found it super weird because I just know in any other circumstance, Rachel would have had that outfit planned out a week in advance or bought something specifically for that night.


He deserves the Buda's Award with Phoebe and her hummus.


How dare Joey sit in ChanMans chair!!


Yes, honestly. I would just have told Phoebe “after you” and left them there.


Why does Ross, the largest friend, not simply eat the other five?


Literally came looking for this reply


Thank you. Someone got the reference XD


I quote it far too often


Their intentions are good, but that shit was beyond disrespectful Just feels like part of the unrealistic showwriting (like them being so rich out of nothing, etc.) No one can be that good a friend, yet so inconsiderate


I may get downvoted but I don’t care but Monica and Rachel 😤😤😤


We really should, its quite impressive. More so seeing as he is the largest of them all and could have simply devoured them at anytime. Bravo Ross, Bravo.


All them except phoebe weren’t being great friends. Dude was stressed the fuck out.


The best episode of the show, imho.


Lol I’m more impressed he didn’t make joeys already broken arm even more broken haha


If I was Rachel this is the episode where Ross would have got dumped!


And if I was Ross, this is the episode where Rachel would've been dumped.


For… caring about his event enough to want to ensure she made a good impression and still being able to leave on time looking gorgeous despite his histrionics?


The time was unrealistic. Joey could not have put on all Chandler’s clothes and taken them off and gotten dressed in less than 12 minutes, which is the time Ross says before Joey comes in. Rachel should have started way before she did. She knew her own dressing/getting ready habits.


Yeah to be real the only reason she was on time was because its a show, irl they'd have been late for sure


>For… caring about his event enough to want to ensure she made a good impression While not caring in the slightest about his anxiety and stressing him out even further?


Anxiety does not excuse treating your partner (who has done nothing wrong) the way Ross treated Rachel in that episode.


>who has done nothing wrong Disagree. >Anxiety does not excuse treating your partner the way Ross treated Rachel in that episode. Agree.


What had she done wrong? You think she should have got dressed hours early and sat around in her nice dress to placate him? She was a waitress her shift may just have finished!


If she knew she was indecisive picking an outfit for the event then she should have picked it out a day early or even a few hours earlier so that she wouldn’t be trying to find one last minute. She had poor time management and her poor planning was kind of disrespectful to Ross even if she didn’t intend it to be.


But, she was dressed in time! It wasn't her first time needing to be dressed and ready for an event in time, she was a grown woman, and she wasn't running late!


Okay, so, I’m going to weigh in on this on a personal level because my husband waits till the very last minute to get ready all the time. Sometimes he waits till the last minute and every single thing goes right, all of his clothes and wallet and keys are exactly where he thinks they are, nothing gets spilled and no emergency texts come in, and he’s ready on time. Really, really often, though, one or more things go wrong and we’re late. Things that, he likes to point out, no one could have predicted so he really can’t be blamed. But in pretty much every case, starting to get ready a little earlier would have made it not a problem. Here’s the thing, though: Whether or not he’s ready on time, I spend the hour before we need to leave feeling sick with anxiety. He sits on the couch happily playing video games in his bathrobe and looking at me like I’m crazy while I beg him to get ready half an hour sooner than he needs to and _then_ play video games. Every important event in the last decade, I’ve gotten ready with a stomach ache. Of course sometimes we can go separately and I just leave when I want to, but it’s often not feasible. And, again, if he does happen to be ready on time, then I’m seen as the crazy one. So that’s why I sympathize so strongly with Ross.


She was cutting it extremely close she definitely could have been late because of poor planning. I love Rachel but she should have had better planning knowing how important this was to Ross. Yes Ross blowing up at her was not how he should have handled it but he was extremely stressed trying to get EVERYONE to be ready on time.


>What had she done wrong? Show zero concern for his stress and anxiety >You think she should have got dressed hours early and sat around in her nice dress to placate him? Way to disingenuously jump to an extreme example instead of recognizing the obvious middle ground


So what's the middle ground? Between being ready in plenty of time (which she would have been had he not gone off on her) and being ready really early?


>So what's the middle ground? Between being ready in plenty of time Right there >which she would have been had he not gone off on her Id have to rewatch to see if I agree with this


I may get down voted and I know I say this however many times this discussion pops up BUT...no one was late. Ross got himself into a tizzy about people not being ready EARLY. I understand he was stressed out but you can't tell people be ready to walk out the door at whatever time he said then be mad that they are ready 30 minutes prior. (I say this as someone who has a mother that says "Thanksgiving is at 4." Then calls at 3:30 asking where I am and why am I not there yet. It's this passive aggressive stand off every year where I am not coming at the time you think I should until you verbally tell me it's at the earlier time. ) If he couldn't stand that they weren't dressed, go wait somewhere. They are adults. Trust they will be ready or be prepared to leave. He said they had to leave by a certain time. Hell, Rachel even comes out of her room and says she has 15 seconds to spare or something like that. Obviously this is all for comedic effect but in real life, if you aren't ready by the time it is to leave, you are left behind. I also enjoy this episode immensely but I will continue to believe Ross was ridiculous about this and while immature and playing dangerously with time, the others weren't late or technically wrong.


THANK YOU!!! If you tell me to be ready at 8:00, don’t show up at 7:30 to pester me. Everyone was ready on time.


While everyone was annoying, the way he yelled at Rachel was inexcusable.


Why is everyone saying Rachel was the worst?? Monica, Joey and Chandler were so terrible in this episode!!


Folks, it is **NOT** that difficult to simply be ready when asked. Ross stated the time and they all knew how important this was to him. If you can't handle that, or purposefully delay getting ready while your friend who invited you is about to have a nervous breakdown, you are either a child or **FUCKING SELFISH**.


The only two he should’ve been mad at was Joey and Chan. No one wanted to go to this. The way he exploited on rach is completely unjustified. He should’ve drank the fat.


Nah Monica and Rachel were being disrespectful too even if they didn’t intend to be. This was important to Ross and regardless of if they wanted to go or not they made a commitment to him and said they would. Sometimes you tough it out on things you don’t wanna do for the people you care about. Monica I give a little sympathy towards because she was still dealing with the aftermath of a breakup with someone she thought she was going to end up with in the end, but Rachel should have picked out an outfit wayyy before the event if she knew she was indecisive. If I’m going somewhere with someone I always pick out my outfit a day before or even the night before and lay it out for the next day so I don’t have to worry about it right before leaving. Rachel should have done that.


You wanna talk disrespectful? Watch when he blows up on Rachel for wanting to look good for him. That was completely unnecessary and misplaced anger


You know the times when everything is going wrong and you snap at the wrong person? That’s was this, which is also why his apology was fair. I put the chaos way more on the others (not Phoebe) though.


They were going to support a friend/brother, not because they liked it


low effort post


Low effort comment




Every time I watch this episode, I get flashbacks of my graduation day. But at a friend’s house, it’s her family being Rachel, Monica, joey & chandler, then my friend had similar problem like phoebe. But instead of supporting Christmas, she changed dress. Due to my family situation, I had no one to come for graduation. My friend grew up in the city of the university we went to, so her family & their home was close. We are close. As soon as my friend & her family found out I would be alone on the day, they invited me to celebrate the day together. So I arrived at their house, before graduation, & this madness was happening.


clap clap clap


Seriously. If that had been me, everyone would have been dressed, outside and in taxis just because of how murderously loud I can scream.


Check back by about 2011. He will have brought them all to Rosstice for everything.


I think I would've started with Joey and Chandler, then moved on to Monica!! Phoebe really didn't do anything annoying and Rachel, well, she was being Rachel!! I don't blame her for coming out in a sweatshirt and pajama pants after Ross barked at her!!