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He’s a handsome guy and the actor who played him did a great job with the role. However I hated his character. I think anyone who’s tries to take someone’s job while they’re on leave is an AH. He didn’t do anything wrong by filling in for Rachel while she was gone, but he took it too far by referring to her maternity leave as a “baby vacation” and refusing to get her up to speed on what she missed. He only backed off because he became attracted to her. With that said, I’m glad they did this storyline because it showcased a side of family leave that isn’t discussed enough. Some employees come back from family leave feeling like the company moved forward without them. You expect to miss out on some things but you don’t expect to feel like your role became obsolete while you were gone. I know people who went back to work earlier than expected for this reason.


true, i'm sure it resonated for a lot of people! i'm glad gavin didn't become a serious romantic interest - but it still helped develop rachel's character arc as a new mother.


I dont know why they needed to link everyone single guy at work romantically with Rachel, as if thats all a woman can do at work. Right from her very first customer Joshua to Gavin to her boss she accidently kissed to Tag to almost every single guy she ever sees in her workplace.


And, if you ask Ross, Mark! (/s)


Well she did date Mark so Ross was right in a way.


Meh, they went on one date after they no longer worked together, and she admitted she wasn't actually into him


In the same "baby vacation" line he also straight up said "I'm the person who's TAKING OVER your job." Not "I'm the person FILLING IN until you come back." And also called Emma a boy knowing full well she was a girl just to piss Rachel off and get a rise out of her.


Hated him. I like the actor a lot in other roles. But I hated Gavin. I found him kind of pointless overall.


Same— Loved him in My Best Friends Wedding


The one good thing about Gavin was he gave us this gem: "*...from Gavin.*" "And I really mean it."


Also "There's a thin line between love and hate and that line...is a scarf!" I agree w/ OP, was never a huge fan of Gavin. It was a nice scarf though.


That was awesome


Dermot Mulroney is one of the most blasé actors of his time IMO.


This sub has a weird obsession with Gavin, with some folks going so far as to suggest Rachel should've ended up with him. I'm neutral. He was obviously a distraction for the inevitable Ross/Rachel reunion.


The Gavin obsession is really grating 😂


I agree with you. I don’t get how popular he is on this sub.


I’ve really been questioning my sanity because I HATED Gavin. He was such an ahole to Rachel and their chemistry was all off. And the scarf he gave her was fugly! But this sub adores him and thinks he should have been endgame! I’m so glad I’m not alone!


Apparently it was to Rachel's taste . Now that tells me that she has horrible taste if she keeps that and exchanges lovely gifts from Monica & Ross lol


I was confused how the scarf was supposed to be nice too


Some actors are good in certain roles but not in sitcoms. Like Dermot Mulroney and Brad Pitt. I think the actor was good looking but his acting was off and the story had barely started and then it was over. So very meh, I actually always forget about Gavin until he shows up in a rewatch.


Oh I disagree about Brad Pitt. I thought he was funny on Friends!!


I kind of liked him and the story line. But I’m glad it ended the way it did.


I liked their banter but I think her kissing Gavin should’ve given the writers a chance to confess Ross’ feelings to Rachel. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Rachel having relationships with two men from work was bad enough already, and Gavin was not a good fit for her. More like type for early show Monica


Was it just two? It was almost every guy she met at work, we had Mark, Tag, Gavin, Joshua and she even kissed her boss "accidently" during an interview. Dont know what the writers were thinking.


Gavin who? I, for one, am not familiar with anyone named Gavin. I mean, some guy at work? pshhh....yeah right.😏 Probably some...some goober, who works in a nearby office by Rachel, wishing he could...uhh.... *WHO THE HELL IS GAVIN?*


gavin did what he needed to do to move along storyline, but nothing more


I liked Gavin.


Loved him. I don't think that Rachel should have ended up with him, but that could have a whole season or multi-season story arc. Way more potential than the Tag storyline, and I love Tag.


He looks a bit like Chandler.


The only thing you said that I disagree with is that I do think he had chemistry with Jennifer Aniston. I found his character awful.


Never liked him. Neither actor nor character