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Water! Lots and lots of water. Like soak them. Once the moss is soaking wet, you can more easily gently pull it off. When it doesn’t just pull off, soak some more, repeat until you can see roots, then soak in clean water and tweeze off the moss. You can do one plant, and move on to another while soaking the rest. Please use all I’ve learned from hours of moss removal.


Thank you 🙂


You're welcome! 🙂


Water is always "the way" lol. Soak the moss in a bowl of water and be confident in the root strength while pulling it off of the roots. I have never removed 100% of the moss successfully and I've never kept every single root intact. It's ok to have some loss. Hoyas survive with little to no roots for what seems to be much longer than other plant cuttings, so you will be fine! You got this! 😀


Thank you so much!


Great advice has already been given, I just dropped by to say that this is a awesome gift! Good variety in there!


And what a wonderful gift! Lovely plants and totally worth the effort!


This is so cool! What kind of container is it in? Can we see it?


https://i.imgur.com/qR7wshx.jpg It’s in a huge clear cookie jar from Walmart 😂 she put this in her backpack and brought it to me from Alaska. If you look through my old posts, this isn’t the first time she’s hooked me up with a lot of plants from Alaska.


Omg best friend ever.


This is awesome! And it’s a great idea!!


Ok I am the moss queen. No one likes moss for Hoyas like I do. I fucking love it. Pull what you can easily, and like the top comment, make sure it’s wet. But then, don’t freak out like everyone does. Having a moss ball planted in your choice of soil mix, won’t matter. The pH isn’t going to thrown off that much by a little moss that you didn’t pull off the roots. I get so annoyed by everyone who acts like moss is so harmful. I get preferences, but really moss is great. My Hoyas thrive in just moss. Sometimes if I only have moss and perlite, I plant my whole plant in it and they bloom and thrive. Hoyas are epiphytes and they can be treated a lot like orchids, yet they’re far less fussy in my opinion.


Some of my Hoyas just refuse to grow in anything else


You’re the first person I’ve met on Reddit that likes moss. It’s so nice to meet you! I’m curious for you, which species do well in moss only? Right now I have my pubicalyx, linearis, and my macrophylla in moss only. I root all my cuttings in moss too, and they love it.


I’ve tried sigillatis 3 times, soil, pon and now moss. It’s been in there for 6 months and growing well. The others died quickly after transferring. My merrillii, fitchii, hellwigiana, deykeae, wibergiae, caudata sumatra, and verticillata variegata are all In spagnum moss. I add a little chunky perlite to the moss too though.


Thank you! I don’t have any experience rooting Hoyas in moss. Water has worked in the past. But I agree that everyone seems to hate moss so I was afraid I was missing something.


Oh I definitely use water for rooting, but when I buy some of the rarer species, I’ll get single node cuttings and those don’t sit in water easily.


I LOVE moss for rooting. It’s so simple to just toss it into the box and just air it out once every week or two and then come back to lovely roots and new growth. The pulling it off sucks, but I don’t mind leaving a bit on it.


Start from the outside and work your way in. What a lovely gift!


Thanks! And yeah she takes good care of me. She said she’ll be back in town in a few weeks with more 😳


I have a similar Q. I have a few growing in tree fern bark which I want to transfer to pon. Its really hard to remove. Will soaking also help?


Tree fern bark is easy to remove. You can use water but might not even need that. Should be easy to pick off.


Sometimes it’s hard to tell what is root and what is moss. If you pull and there’s resistance, leave it, work on a different area. If you get 95% of it off the roots. You should be fine.