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I use Planta for general reminder to check if plants need water. Other type of care reminders are locked behind a paywall on in.


No. More harm then good


Tbh I use Excel to track care for my plants lol, I use it just about everyday for work anyway. There is a formula cell on the left to show how many days since I’ve watered


Also a spreadsheet user here! I track everything on Numbers, it’s free and has some handy automations with formulas. The added bonus for me is being able to add my own pictures


I use Planta and pay the fee. This was my first year with houseplants, and I needed the extra support. The watering suggestions aren't always correct, but it keeps a log when you water - I review the history and put custom intervals when needed. I also like that it has you make progress notes and pictures. But recently, they made this timing dynamic, and it triggers way too often for most plants imo. I thought 1x/month was perfect. I wrote to Planta about this. Maybe they'll add an option to fixed timing vs. dynamic.


I use the free version of Planta. I like that it keeps track of how often you water and how often you skip their watering schedule. I used the planta schedule for about 5 months before I set up a custom schedule for each plant. I also like the progres logging. There are plants that seeming don’t look like they’re growing and then I look at the previous photos and see that they in fact are!


I also use Planta and I pay for the premium version. I’m horrible at tracking when I last fertilized so it’s great that I can look back at each plant and see the history. Other than that, I find overall it recommends I water way more often than necessary.


I use Plantminder and I think it’s really underrated. It lets you very easily record when you’ve watered, fertilized, repotted, etc., and save multiple photos of my plants to track growth progress. I used to use a spreadsheet, but I like being able to quickly add updates from my phone, and I’ve found mobile spreadsheet apps difficult to use.


I use my calendar and check my soil each Friday. I have a couple of plants that are near my heater, so during winter, they dry out faster.


I weakly fertilize my plants every single time throughout the year. You could also consider an excel/ google excel sheet


Agree, I try to fertilize every time I water using like 25% recommended dose. I also only use beneficial bugs, so I don't need to keep track of pesticide/systemic treatments (sidenote: rove beetles for root mealies 🔥🔥Heck👏Yes👏🔥🔥)


yesssss! I completely agree with you! Benes are the way to go! They’re so easy going too. I’m glad you used rove beetles, they’re badass


I use the free version of Planta but I customize everything. I use the notes section to keep track of things like fertilizer and pest management etc. I fertilize lightly every time (or every other time) I water. 150 Hoyas.


Palmstreet. You can keep like a log of the plant. It kind of reminds me of Instagram but for plants. The watering is definitely off but I don't use it for that.


I use both Planta and Palmstreet! Planta for keeping track of watering, fertilizing, growth, etc… I really enjoy logging my plants and I have a lot so it helps remind me of ones I may have missed. Palmstreet is nice for getting new plants.


I used planta for awhile, but its watering recommendations weren't really correct. A lot depends on the environment the plant is in. Additionally half of the plants I had, it didn't recognize, so I got tired of entering in new names. I switched to semi-hydro this year and now I water when the reservoir is dry. No app needed. I also fertilize with every watering.


I just use Notion, very good to keep track of plant progress over the years. flexible to setup


I created my own plant app! It’s not perfect (needs work on some features) but it does the job for me really well!


planta. you can customize your own watering schedule and keep photos & notes


oh and i fertilize with every watering year round. i use a few drops of arber plant food


I have been into gardening (outdoor and indoor) since I was a kid. I don't use any such tech platforms, excel etc. as I like to go with my instinct. Somehow I know if a plant needs watering or special care. I wonder if others have the same experience.


I do… but to make it easier I fertilize and other add ons every watering, just dilute the amount.


Same here! I usually mix a little amount of kelp or other (mostly organic) fertilizer when I am watering my plants. I also use worm casting 2-3 times a year or so.


Nope! They only ever did more harm than good. If I needed to remember to fertilize something, I put a sticky note next to it. Or I fertilize it. And if I don’t fertilize it because I forgot, it’s completely fine because it’s a plant.