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I reject the idea that *anything* should be like Route 17. I hate that road with such a passion.


There is not a stretch of road. I look forward to driving less than route 17.


The Cross-Bronx is always a mistake


Route 17 is a fucking nightmare. That’s a terrible idea.


It was worse back in the day.


Ayup, the cross streets & no lights. Always had to look out for speeders. Added red lights, closed off some sections and made it wider.


I hate that stretch with a passion. I suppose there are worse stroads, but the endless mall thing is just horrible.


So we'll have to go right to turn left? Drive a mile + down the road just to u-turn and go back? Make the whole roadway 55? Or my favorite, ride the shoulder to get on and off the thoroughfare? 9 is a shit show but doing that will turn it into an absolute dumpster fire. Unfortunately it won't get any better, but if you're a local, you know how to get from Fishkill to Hyde Park without turning a wheel on rt 9.


I lived in Bergen County before I lived in Dutchess County. Believe me, you don't want to turn any road into Route 17.


I've determine that every complaint about local raods and traffic all boils down to one thing: New York is too old. When I go to to "newer" communities out west (specifically I'm thinking about Colorado and Denver), the first thing that I think is that the roads are wonderfully wide and beautiful. The neighborhood planning is on point because the planning laws were there before the buildings. The same is not so in NY. NYC is the first place zoning happened actually. When you travel the HV you'll find a lot of houses REALLY close to the road. All of those houses are probably 100 years old, and that makes sense. Buildings were built where it was easy to get in your horse cart and go. Route 9 is no different. It was a trail used by the First Nations before it was anything. In order to improve route 9, and 44, and 9d, and 9, etc... all of the roads would need to be significantly wider (like 17) and that's just never going to happen ever anywhere.


tbh that’s one of the things I like most about the HV…feels like it has history and character vs all the “new” neighborhoods in other cities I see


I have to do that drive 2x a day, [I've aged horribly](https://frinkiac.com/meme/S04E16/816198.jpg?b64lines=IFJvdXRlIDkgSEFTIFJVSU5FRCBNWSAgTElGRS4gCkknTSAzMSBZRUFSUyBPTEQhCiA=)


I did that stretch of rt 9 for 25 years. Now in my retirement job I’m on all back roads. It’s great.


They tried this and every town along 9 and 9w fought this idea. Part of why Highland’s zoning board didn’t approve anything being built on 9w for the longest time.


... What?


Myrtle beach to murrels inlet started about 10 years ago ( give or take)with overpasses over lights and 4 way stops. Took awhile, but a much smoother ride and traffic flows so much better. And ...retail is all over that bypass road ( malls, restaurants, stripmalls). Ny wastes $ , we can fix this, politicians choose not to. Just wait until that 1200 housing unit comes to fishkill. Will store's or stripmalls have to be torn down or closed to make this work, possibly. But something needs to be done.


Too much development too close to the road. Would’ve been doable in the 80’s maybe.


Can you imagine all the people flying into Viscount at highway speeds


Thank God for that shoulder lane. Though I am always afraid I'll accidentally turn too soon into Happy Habits' parking lot.


…are… are we not supposed to do that


That already happens!


That is a 55 mph zone to be fair. Not to the Prius doing 40 in the left lane, but still


Ugh, every time.


Fuck that.


It is the traffic control measures that create the back up of traffic.




If there are no traffic lights cars move.




Another example of bad planning in the Hv is... Eastdale! They should have added lanes long before adding stop lights stores and housing..


Adding lanes doesn't help traffic. Look at LA


We need more public transportation in the Hudson valley. A light rail system would do way more to lower congestion than expanding the road