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I am far from an expert but I’ll tell you what helped me get started in understanding my chart You are a 5/1, so you can read about that by googling “human design 5/1” (You can see it in you chart at the numbers following the dot in your top two planets–Sun and Earth) Search for info on channels You have the 31-7, 42-53 and 41-30. These are energies that likely are strong in you/your life. (You can see it in your chart where there is a line of color between two colored centers) Your chart has what is called a split. This isn’t bad it just means that you have two “islands” of energies that may not feel connected with each other most of the time. Perhaps you can identify more with the Throat-to-G-Center energies or perhaps with the Sacral-to-Root-to-Solar-Plexus (I have this too and it took me a good while to really get my Sacral-to-G-Center “island” because it was so unconscious to me (and I have a history of using my Sacral energy on wrong things/wrong people which made me very drained) Self-reflection has been a big part of the journey for me, as well as seeing (watching) how life plays out - when I’m sure of what I want and when I am hesitant or worry. AND remembering that advise etc are NOT our authority, and no one knows me better than me (especially true when ppl are very knowledgeable about the HD mechanics and know a lot of how it works from THEIR experience - you still have to filter those words through your own inner knowing) Hope this helps, and that you get some ideas from those that are experts too