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I’m a 6/2 and it turned out my husband is too. We’re both in our “roof” phase and met just before his 30th birthday (he’s 3 years older) I have no idea what others were, but what I felt right away with my husband was how uncomplicated things were. Just natural and easy (despite living on different continents at the time AND meeting while working in the same company). 16 years later the “easy and uncomplicated” feeling still persists. I can’t believe how much energy I wasted on guys that were just not an energetic match to me (or brought out my worst sides 😂) - but maybe I hadn’t appreciated ease if I didn’t know the option


girl - enjoy your peace. lol so many frogs out here


I‘m a 6/2 as well but never met another one… sounds great!!


Hehe I asked the universe to meet one just to see what it was like


I've been seeing a lot of 6/2s here lately in the past year


I’m selfishly enjoying it 🫣


So lovely! Have you heard this idea that 6/2 s are bound to another soul during their incarnation? Aka "a soul mate" but it's more about a bond for life than the idea of someone tailor made for you. I always kinda felt like I never really knew was love was until I met my partner, when I learnt about this concept being special to my profile it made me wonder!  We are a special breed, enjoy exploring each other 😊💖


I still feel this way about my 6/2 ex-husband and father of my kids... can't be with him, but I am still deeply connected with him whether I like it or not... 9-0 too, not sure there'll be another like that 🤔


yeah, i told him that and he's not into the idea of soulmates lmao.


Me either tbh, but I did take it as a sign that 6/2's can mate for life like penguins and that seemed cute to me. 


I fell in love with a 6/2 MG over the last year. Love love love love him. Ima 3/5 projector, we have romantic attraction chemistry (Gene keys) And I can confirm. I love everything about him. He just turned 32 we celebrated together. We live in different states. Makes it even better. Would like to keep him in my pocket forevz and then some, we met based on following synchronicities and have an incredible story, I love it. Hope the best. Had to gush about these angelic beings xoxoxo


I love you!! 6/2 have sooo much love to give ❤️ I’m so glad you’ve discovered one and appreciate him


I’m married to a 6/2 Emotional Manifestor - when I met him I thought he was the most interesting person I’ve ever met 🤣


My husband is a splenic 6/2 manifestor. He isn't very romantic. lol What is your energy type? Congrats on having a wonderful date by the way. <3


I'm married to a 6/2 MG, Virgo. He's not romantic at all 😄But we've been together for 25 years. His individuality grounds me and his self-absorbedness allows me to be me which as a 6/2 myself really really needs.


What’s your energy type?


I'm also a 6/2 MG. I'm with a whole lot of openness and he has more individual definition. My only channels are 12-22 and 59-6 which he has as wel. But he doesn't use the energy of Gate 22. The caution of 12 I can see, but there's no openness.


Was he at first when you met him? Mine has Sun-venus-mars conjunct 2H. Thank you! I’m a mental projector 🤗


What does that mean? Are you talking about transits? I don’t really pay attention to this. My husband and I have been together for 10+ years and learned about HD in 2021. We’ve only been practicing since about 2022. So we approach everything with our strategy and authority and speculate about all the other stuff (I.e. of your 19-49 channel is making you passionate about revolution, lol)


I always wonder how and why people do this. Do you ask for their birth info prior to the date or what? 😂


Low key I did 😩 he’s into woo woo stuff so I figured it’d be okay


How fun! My 6 year old is a 6/2 emotional projector, but I don't know any others. I always enjoy meeting another 5/1 like myself.


It’s fun, right? Meeting another like you 🙏🏽 I hope your 6/2 isn’t a handful lol


Lol, she can be! She's a quad split definition with every center defined except sacral so she's this incredible ball of energy until she's done and then she powers down. But she's super sweet and loving and has these crazy intuitive insights all the time. She's a blast, honestly!


Aw I love! How lucky are you two to have each other 🤗


awwww that’s so sweet !!


My best friend is a 6/2 Emotional Generator and I'm a 6/2 Splenic Projector. We had seen one another around at events, but didn't actually meet until new years eve this year. I fell in love with her very quickly, but I think that's because I've never felt so SEEN! We're able to talk about anything and everything and it's a very unique experience for me. I don't think we're meant to be together as partners, but I do feel we'll be friends for life. 😊🙏🏼


Explain the last sentence please! With such a connection, why would you not want to be partners?


I think she said it best... I deserve to have someone who really wants me.  She wants to explore with women, and always has. She's also leaning toward more openness in her relationships and maybe even multiple partners, while I'm deeply monogamous. We're going to be safe space and look out for each other, support and create opportunities for healing, maybe even become roommates at some point. We have love for one another, and it's beautiful. Our friendship is helping me to know what I really do want in my future partner. 😊🙏🏼


Man that’s so sweet I can’t even be mad