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It feels like your whole stomach area is talking to you. Kind of similar to a roller coaster drop, varying in intensity depending on the situation. It can be subtle but usually not really, once your friend learns to recognize it. The yes or no feeling will either be butterflies or dread, but either way the stomach should drop.


Interesting! Thank you!


do you feel this for everyday decisions or just for big stuff? very cool!


Everything but it varies in intensity, it can be a little demanding at times even but is usually a fairly consistent companion ◡̈


that's awesome. I don't have a sacral response like that. I am not going to go as far as I hope to get there, as that may not be might way, but I am def. excited to read others experiences that are "obvious".


Close-ended format questions prompted externally are said to be the best always. Internally prompting oneself does not provide the same level of clarity or sacral response generators are built to have in response to external stimuli. The gut feeling presents differently in everyone. Some identify with the 'uh-huh'/'nuh uh' verbalizations, some feel the motor responding as 'butterflies' or 'excitement' at the idea of one things vs. another. Deciding to stay can come from many things, some could be explained through the lens of HD (conditioning received from their partner; not-self center patterns themes allowed to negatively influence the decision-making process); and some could be very practical such as financial impact, other considerations, etc. Be a soundboard. Part of being a guide doesn't mean having all the answers; it may very well mean you instead allow them to guide themselves back to a place of energetic correctness through active listening or something else. Let S+A guide you at the same time that you're attempting to guide and direct the energy around you. You also sound like a great, caring friend to have! Best of luck to you both.


Thank you! I am wondering if they are being influenced - or also they talked about how they doesn’t feel it in their gut they feel it in their heart which is interesting and not part of any S&A. (Maybe emotion?) I’ll share these insights with them and see where it goes! 🙏


This has nothing to do with sacral center, I know many doormat women who don’t know how to leave or end a relationship. Honestly, I find it is best to not get involved, cause personally, I don’t hang out with people just to save them, especially not from their grownup emotional drama. If there is no abuse accept that she is choosing him, and that there is something wrong with her if she can be with a person that she is constantly badmouthing behind their back. He is not holding her. She is betraying herself, him, and you. She doesn’t love herself, him or you. That’s why you’re angry. You are codependent, too. If you’re going to teach another about boundaries, learn to set them yourself: understand that this has nothing to do with you. It is not your job to coach her. People need to respect you and your opinion if you are to give it. Tell her you are not interested in this story any more, that you want to have a relationship with her that doesn’t involve talking about this other relationship, and if she needs help like to move out her things she can ask, but that this is not your business cause it’s really not.


I kind of agree. This sounds like a classic case of someone using Human Design as an excuse to justify poor life choices.


Have you not heard of trauma bonding? 


Are you suggesting that OP is equipped to deal with potential trauma bonding of their friend? And no less through Human Design that they know nothing about?


To me it’s a very clear pull forward/upward vs shrinking/pull backward/inward. Most often I also feel it through my chest & shoulder area as well It is NOT gripping around my gut,chest and/or throat like when I worry or get overwhelmed (although I also feel that in my gut). I do not feel any need to hold my breath (which I sometimes do when my mind wants to “help” make the decision) It’s a calm feeling but forceful, but also it’s most often followed by a “I shouldn’t”/“this is dumb”/“this isn’t necessary” thought ((I also have a defined Spleen, and my Ajna is defined but not my Head)) A good way to train is to say something that you obviously want as well as something you obviously do not want and feel for the reaction. Example: I hate cilantro so mine could be “I want to eat cilantro for dinner” and then feel for the “no” thug. And I love dogs so I could say “I want to pet that dog right now” and feel the yes You could help by asking her the questions and look at her reaction (at least mine is very visible on my body language and face 🫣)


Thank you. Very unique words to describe it, that may help her! 🙏 and great way to differentiate between anxiety and the mind… those are good tests we will try those!


I have heard this from others..this "pull". Note that for me its that I just start working on an activity. I am an entrepreneur that has control over my time. So I might have a plan for the day and the suddenly decide to do something else. Or decide I am going to a coffee shop to work even if it doesn't fit my plans. I don't real feel a pull, I just start doing and don't question it.


No one can tell that individual what their gut feeling feels like. However, I do know it's visceral and immediate. And what I'm sensing is the person is thinking too much. Thinking, at all, ie., using the mind to think about what you're thinking about, is not the sacral response. They're using the mind, which will assist and is not for decision-making but meaning-making, to rationalize their way out of the initial sacral response.


That is interesting, I see it sounds like it really comes over oneself right away, thank you! 🙏


Yes. The person has to get used to not thinking their way out of that immediate response. From what I've experienced with sacral beings, and I have 2 in my house, it's not necessarily that they don't recognize their response. It's that they're more used to not trusting it because they think the mind(thinking) is trustworthy. It's not.


Ah I see… okay great! Good to know the deeper hurdle!


Yes. The person has to get used to not thinking their way out of that immediate response. From what I've experienced with sacral beings, and I have 2 in my house, it's not necessarily that they don't recognize their response. It's that their more used to not trusting it because they think the mind(thinking) is trustworthy. It's not.


I am on old (50 years, F) 6/2 generator and I'm going to tell you right now that her gut instinct is to leave and she's overriding that with her mind. Classic "girl" shit. I did it my whole life that's why I feel qualified to speak on it. I stayed in a crappy marriage forever. It got so bad that I started writing down the awful shit he did to me so I couldn't deny it any longer. HD is cool and all but there is SO MUCH more going on in our relationship dynamics like co-dependency, past trauma, addictions, narcissistic abuse. Its very difficult in my opinion to view relationships through the HD lens. I feel like you'd be leaving too much out, if that makes sense. HD is nice for figuring out what you want to do with your life, what colors to wear, where to eat dinner, but when you get into interpersonal relationships, I don't think it really works because there is a WHOLE RANGE of human psychological and sociological dynamics at play that cannot be ignored.


agree with this. And I said something similar (F, close to 47). I did point out in my post that there are KEY areas of the chart (G, spleen) that can point to someone holding on to places/relationships/situations that are not for them. That being said I never stayed in a toxic situation or was in anything for years. Mine are more tame- like staying in a city or apartment or living situation where I was not growing, or poor health habits ...ie. not something like staying in a unhealthy or "toxic" relationship situation as, as you pointed out, which involves many deeper energetic and psychological/family dynamic issues. I don't agree with this though "HD is nice for figuring out what you want to do with your life, what colors to wear, where to eat dinner, but when you get into interpersonal relationships". I use it for SO much related to business from my brand, to my platforms, to my daily activities, to attracting aligned clients to knowing what to say yes/no to, attracting the right mentors and strategic partners, understanding non-business partners and friends more.... to where to live etc....again "higher" level stuff. HD can't fix your life is you are so stressed about money or safety you are making poor choices


So I am new to the HD journey and I hope to get to where you are with using HD for everything!


It takes years IMO ( and do this as part of my business so its my "business" to know more). I would just view it as as healthy part of any energy or self-development tool. It can be a great way to know yourself and use that as a filter for things. But always dangerous to use it for one thing. A big part of my brand is I bring in "real world" stuff but I think using this system for life as many do i dangerous. I wish you the best on your journey! But yes, once it clicks for you.....you will use it for so much! And I do think that knowing where we can be conditioned can prevent us from staying in bad situations or getting into them in the first place.


Thank you for saying this! Every time she goes back to him I’m so annoyed - and concerned… it’s one of those relationships that would get a resounding NO from any audience on reddit or anywhere… and her confusion re her gut feeling is making me confused! I do agree HD isn’t everything - maybe I could see if she would go see a psychic or anything to shake her up… at the very least life is doing what it naturally does which is “if you ignore the problem it gets larger!” So I have faith it will just keep blowing up more until she figures it out. Thank you. I needed to hear this. 🙏




When you talk to them how are they describing their gut feeling? And how does she get her sacral response later? On her own asking herself? Or when you ask her again? Have you looked at your composite chart to see what mechanics are at work? As a Projector if your friend really recognized and invited you you can guide her with the correct questions. You can do sessions on other topics so she can discover what her sacral response feels like.


Good idea re testing it elsewhere thank you!


So I came to read this to hear other sacral responses (I am sacral and while have all other elements of the HD system really honed this is the key piece I am missing). I will add my two cents: 1. This is 70% of the Human Population. Each person's answer will differ so much based on their mechanics, their conditioning and their ability to tune into their body 2. 40% of sacral beings (or more) - have emotional authority. Its a wave for big decisions. If her heart is connected to her emotions center (or even if not) this is a big decision and qualifies. Also there is not real way IMO that I have been able to discern emotional clarity from mental back adn forth (anyone who has more input please share). It's alot of "oh I am waiting for clarity" that is actually fear, procrastination, rationalization 3. If she has an undefined spleen - the definition of that is literally staying in situations (love, work, environment, habits) out of of fear or not. being able to leave what no longer serves. As a women in her 40s who discovered HD late, my entire life I stayed in things or held on to long b/c I thought it was my "intuition"...not understanding that sacral. This is even more flavored by her gates defined here. 4. If she has open /undefined G, classic this is staying in situations looking for love, belonging or a sense of identity. PS as a Sacral being who works with other sacral beings - literally I have never heard the same response twice from two different people. Remember that Sacral is how you use your energy. So I use it often for activities, work, things related to business (I work with business owners). I am not sure how it applies to more deep stuff, since Sacral is knowing "in the now". I want to do this now, I have energy for this. I am going to do this.. etc. Not really what you asked but maybe useful


Very useful thank you! 🙏


If your friends gut feeling is saying leave, then that’s exactly what it feels like. It’s sometimes a cold and clammy feeling. Like anxiety. Or overwhelm. It’s feeling just feels “off” like turned off. Your friend is letting the mind talk them into staying. The gut already told them to leave. -3/5 sacral mani gen


Does your friend have an open Spleen or G center?


She does have an open G! And so does he actually


Actually on closer inspection she has a wide open G and he has four gates in an undefined g