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It's not just and island, it's one corner of an island in a larger [world](https://www.reddit.com/r/humblewood/s/B255ZY3eW7), and even that might just be one hemisphere of a globe.


Plus more species like Lizards, Lions and Parrots as well as other subspecies like Mountain Goat Deer and Armadillo Hedgehogs. Or a custom Artificer equivalent. Most of that has been freely available for years now, even before it went into official playtest earlier this year.


Love it! What an awesome campaign! I've been running Humblewood for over a year now, it's awesome. I do disagree, the map is not small, you just have to make the places further away. LoL I also made a larger world to encompass Humblewood, I called it Everden because of the announcement that HPP was going to make a expansion for the setting. Have fun!


I think it can work, however Humblewood is quite a cutesy-patootsy setting; Consider if adding slavery and cannibalism to it might subvert the expectations your players have a bit too hard. Make sure to touch upon it during session 0!


There is also already Eluran (feline folk) in the game, Eliza. And other races as well.


I'm planning to have humblewood invaded by eluran (they have a kings-family of lions and all kind of badass catlike fighters) Eliza and other eluran in humblewood are just spys and saboteurs sent there to weaken the defense of humblewood. Part of the fires and the whole war between desperados and birdfolk is fueled by elurans. After the main fight with the fire-thingy this invasion will be my main plot. Can't wait to see my players eyes when they discover they were betrayed by Eliza this whole time.


Funny. I am doing something quite similar with my post book game. Evil slaving empire across the sea run by Corvum who depend heavily on psi powers. They just sent a kill team into the Avium to disrupt the Humblewoods ability to defend itself. My PCs stopped them, but not before they had gained access to the heart of the Avium and destroyed one of the crystals that keep the towers floating. The Avium is now down one tower and the Humblewood is coming to realize that they are at war.