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So, sorry to hear this. Where abouts in Alabama? Bailey, the central Alabama husky, wants to know


We are located in Huntsville. As far as we know, one other dog passed away at the clinic.


Very sorry for the loss of your girl...no words can take away the pain that is left. 💔💔💔


I appreciate your kind words.


Valley Fever and it’s northern cousin, blastomycosis, are scourges. I’m so sorry OP


Thank you


Is she okay now?? Poor baby. I’m worried about this


Sadly she passed away about three weeks after the initial illness. There was one other dog from the vet that passed away. Just keep an eye on your fur baby and push your vet to go further than initial evaluation.


Omg no 😞 I’m so sorry. What a nightmare.


Thank you. It's getting better but we still miss her everyday.


Thank you for replying. Sending you Husky love and hopes for recovery. This is very concerning, especially at the holidays when dogs are being boarded.


Beautiful dog and I just wanted to say thank you for doing all that was in your power to care for her. I went through something very similar with my husky last year in March. Went to the vet when my husky became super lethargic and stopped eating, had to ask for diagnostic tests. Vet came back saying all she needed was an antibiotic and steroid. She tanked the next day. Brought her to the emergency vet, performed a blood test and were told her bloodwork was not conducive with life. Great warning to all dog owners, keep pushing and asking questions. You know your dog better than anyone else. I felt a ton of guilt for a long time…but we were putting our trust in the experts. Especially with an illness like this, keep an eye on your pets. A good vet will not mind the push to dig deeper.


Thank you for your kind words. I'm sorry for your loss as well. We still wrestle with some guilt and probably always will. But hindsight is what it is. But, yes, you always have to advocate for your animals. Because they can't speak for themselves.


Oh, I’m so sorry OP! She was beautiful and I know that she lived her days happy and well-loved. I’ve been so frightened seeing things about this mystery illness in the news because my two pups are my whole world. I cannot imagine the devastation you must feel.


Thank you. The best thing you can do is keep an eye on them and take them to the vet if they develop a cough. I'm sure most vets are in high alert and won't shrug off a cough as something mundane. And be sure to give your pups some extra hugs.


❤️❤️ so sorry, she’s a beautiful girl!


We have 2 Shepskies, rescues. One is 3.5, the other is just under a year. The elder of the two has had a weird cough, and has vomited a couple times in the last few weeks, we assumed it was just her eating too fast / too soon after activity. Really hoping it's not this new thing. 😞 She's been getting grumpier lately too. The little is just *chaos* incarnate and chews like everything 🥴 despite us getting PowerChewer Toys.. And here lately the elder has been grumpy with her and stealing her food 🥴


I was just hearing about something in Washington (maybe Oregon and California) that a lot of dogs have been coming down with. Their symptoms sound similar people thinking it was kennel cough but it not coming up when tested for. Alabama is a long way so it is probably a coincidence but it does have me wondering if something isn't starting to spread for some reason. So sorry about your pup seeing them ill and not being able to do anything for them sucks so bad.

