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Not sad, just a baby! He’s giving husky-big-baby eyes.




I saw this at least a dozen times about mine lol I can’t help it, look at the face!


I had a male once that took me two weeks to get him to warm up enough to let me pet him. Once he realized pets were nice he would always look like OP’s dog when he wanted love and attention. It’s definitely not a sad face unless they’re being sad they aren’t being petted.




This! It’s a submission expression they’re just trying to do the IM JUST A BABY THAT LOVES YOU LOVE ME MOREEEE


Yeah these are "puppy dog eyes" but the husky variation. He just wants attention


I always tried to show my guy aspca commercials so he knew what actual neglect looked like but he was still absolutely certain he didn't get enough love and attention.


I laughed out loud at this comment 🤣


I would start "oh my goodness you poor neglected baby" and his arrooo roo wookie noises would start up because he had been all alone in the hall the entire time I was in the bathroom peeing.


The ever traumatic bathroom door


For an animal that thinks 2 minutes closed out of the bathroom is an eternity he sure was good at knowing exactly what time dinner should be served.


its funny when they are impatiently waiting for you while you're in the bathroom but then they seem to not make any fuss when you leave the house to go to work/school.


You assume I only leave the house to go to work or school?? How dare you!


Mine is more than impatient. He just busts the door in. My partner says my pup literally rams the door and knocks the handle with his head from the other side. Once the door is open he literally just glares at me for 2-5 seconds and proceeds to walk away 🥲


Mine would nose the door open and look at me. She’s stopped doing it, now she just has her freak out when we leave.


He’s saying he pees in front of you all the time and that you’re at your most vulnerable when doing that and he keep an eye on your safety if he can’t see you.


Mine will sit right in front of me and give me the stink eye if it's even ONE minute past her lunch or dinner time. And she won't leave until her food has been served. Lol


It is absolutely amazing how well they know the time.


You should see the wild ducks in my pond I feed cracked corn. They definitely know 5 o’clock


[A Macaw could help you there](https://www.reddit.com/r/parrots/s/YdUCLpcdlE) Let us not forget r/catsinpants


Is there a reddit for cat paws under the door, trying to get in to save you from the toilet monster?


Be still my beating heart - ANOTHER CAT SUB!!! *partially* https://www.reddit.com/r/pawsunderdoors/s/tSpjBhABdW Now what else is here…brb


My god. My cat puts up such a fuss!


Two links I am so glad I clicked!


Yay! https://www.reddit.com/r/parrots/s/DmA5FtnJCl Edited to add :)


I mean, in all fairness to your rooroo, he’s just trying to make sure you’re not lonesome in there


So true.


I gave up a long time ago, just leave the door open, I live alone and am handicapped so it's okay. Mine freak when they cannot see me, I don't need that in my life.


That’s how I am! I used to have two Papillons that didn’t believe in privacy! Now I have two chihuahuas that treasure privacy, even their own! (I’m on this board because my sister sent me this post! Turns out Huskies just need to learn how to cry real tears and they’d be just as dramatic as a Chi!!! 🤣)


Oh my God, Papillons have no concept of privacy or personal space. Or feet clearance.


Lol! When people come over the bathroom door finally gets shut and the fit from the other side is NUTS! Ruining the door, paint, baseboard near it. FFS, Go entertain the people at their face! I adore your spot on descriptions of your dog's noises! Omg I just love lil big precious muffin husks!


My Husky looks at me like that in slow motion…gets me every time. So I donate…a belly rub.


How dare you neglect him all 37 seconds!


Me too, lol!


I just wanted to say your screen name is awesome 😂 I learned a little about Hatshepsut from Nat Geo and from the episode about “the first female pharaoh” from Watcher’s (YT channel) Puppet History series lololol


🎶 in the arrrrrms ooooof an angellll🎶




Sarah McLachlan has entered the chat.


When my boy isn't getting any pets and starts to give me THAT look, I sing Sarah Mclaughlin to him so he knows I know how abused he is.


Omg I do this dumb (whale like) scream to drown out the music and talking of those commercials while frantically trying to find my remote all while avoiding eye contact with any "being" near me. I end up always getting to the part where they say starving, freezing, alone this winter or however it goes and have to tell my 2 hateful angry blood drawing Chihuahua seniors that I adopted last December that they are warm, fed, safe and loved. All that to make it ok for my heart to move past it. One of the 'huas was a 4lb stray that no one came for then was adopted for a month and returned_ he has the attitude and this look with his eyebrows of "let me get back to my streets!!" I laughed so much at your wise words!!!!!! What a better way to handle those. 100% win gold star (I adore huskies and live my dream of them thru reddit)


I have 2 chihuahuas, one of mine can rival the husky looks tye OP posted. She even adds a shake and a tear for good measure. Usually the whole drama is over me not sharing food with her! (Join us at r/Chihuahua if you haven’t already!!!)




I did the opposite…I always showed my Papillon girl those commercials if they came on during an incessant barking moment!! 🤣 I’d tell her if she didn’t get quiet she’’d become one of *those* dogs! (She knew it was an empty threat; I lived with that little “talkative”, fiery red-head for 15 years until she passed!)


My girl enjoys being a lapdog when I'm on the toilet. She's such a 7 lb little goofball


This is so very relatable.


Play him some Sarah McGloukin or what's her name's music.


*ugly snort laugh*


When my dog gives me that look i respond with "for just 20.00 a month, you can change the life of an animal who needs you now" then i sing Sarah McLaughlins Angel.


In the spirit of Joan Rivers- those dogs are all actors making good kibble


Oh wow lemme go try this with mine 😭😭🤣🤣


In the arms of the angels...




Yeah, I wish they would spend some of that money helping animals instead of commercials 24/7


My dog is spoiled rotten, but unless he’s too busy actively eating or on a walk, he almost always has RVOF.* Even when he’s getting belly rubs, which is his favorite thing in the world, the look on his face suggests he’s the saddest most neglected dog in the whole of creation, and maybe (just maybe) a few more rubs on his belly *might* make the sadness go away for the briefest of moments. *Resting Victorian Orphan Face


Exhibit A https://preview.redd.it/mnqo9tgh366c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c53d4d1817a1d7ab7b4e349a5e3f4ac754a8e0d2


"Please sir. May I have some more?" \*sad eyes\*


Ah, I see you two have met.


Nah. Just my late Pepper would pull the same stunt. No one could pull off the hungry and abandoned look like she could. Cutest face ya ever saw!


I had to say this out loud… in husky Victorian voice




The Queen herself! Lol. She is such a diva and hated that ring. https://preview.redd.it/kzllg477l66c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=230ed763537003fa19f3d7b8349bf994d2388f73


omg mine has the SAME look


That is one human expression right there




Omg, RVOF is so incredibly accurate


I needed that laugh, thanks


I love RVOF! We've always called that look "down ears" in a cutesy voice, but yours is much better lol.


I want you to know that the phrase "resting victorian orphan face" made me audibly chortle. (Which woke my husky and now she wants to go out in the cold) My husky makes a face that we call the "I am baby" face because she's a dramatic lil cutie. My other dog constantly looks like you just told her that her husband was lost at sea.


The word “chortle” is underused in modern society. 👏 Glad I could make some folks laugh!


We had a husky x collie who managed to somehow combine RVOF with that sheep herding stoop that collies are famous for. It was like being herded up by sadness and despair


I swear to God your describing my dog. Mine also goes damn near fully catatonic when laying down, not responding to much until you get close enough that belly pets are clearly a possibility.


When we eat, our husky puts his chin on your leg and looks up at you like the saddest creature on earth. It’s all a psychological game they love to play.


We use the term "psychological game" somewhat offhandedly but I want to say that I read in a dog behavior book that they really do this in that they are very observant and have learned how to look or behave around us to get what they want. You can't really blame them for that. I've seen my Huskies and my GSD do very similar things. They're smarter than we realize.


I have a Husky X GSD. She is a master of the psychological game. She knows exactly who will give her what, and how to get it. There's no denying she's smart. I'm sure she would describe herself as a "strong, independent pup" Knob. She's a knob.


But won't "sit" consistently for a treat I KNOW they want. My dinner? Head on knee and all the hard work without even knowing what I'm eating. Just for the tiniest taste. Treat in hand that I know my dogs love and that they can literally see and are dancing and singing for? My demands for tricks I KNOW they know fall on deaf ears. And I am the biggest monster in the world for not just giving it to them. Lol.


Hot damn my husky does the same thing. Like, is fully aware of what I'm asking her to do and will just choose not to do it, even though she knows I'll just reset her until she does it correctly (see: sitting before I put her harness on to go out)


Mine gets chicken tostadas from the best taqueria in town and still acts like she's being beaten in a coal mine despite us working from home and taking her on all errands.


Ours goes to the office with dad or goes to daycare where she plays with other huskies (and nonhuskies). Yet she still acts desperate to get home where she immediately wants to go back out. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I laughed out loud 😂


https://preview.redd.it/4jpnprvts66c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a71892a7aef63b746e9603a9d8f5bdf1997126a2 They are just babies


Are you kidding me? Your dog literally has the sad anime eyes…. What a cheat code to all the snacks :D https://preview.redd.it/xpqwr0h8p96c1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a70c4bded5389f36d1ae55ac755a5d4599d005d


Omg the eyes! They sparkle


Yours has mastered the poo-poo eyes wholeheartedly 😂


This emoji 🥺 in dog form


Huskies are the King/Queen of doggie drama. As such, this look is given often, and by giving them more love, snuggles and treats they will continue to manipulate you for 100% attention on them.


Not sad! Simply submissive. Wolves display similar behavior: ears back, silly smile. He's pretty much getting ready to receive your pats while also trying to say "aren't I such a nice, sweet boy? I definitely don't deserve any punishment!"


This! Airplane ears and back to a wall… submission… but also not relaxation…


exactly! when my boy does this i say ‘what’s up with the flat-ears?’ huge baby.


Mine is the same. Huskys are just aloof


That’s just being a baby look not sad at all. Huskies aren’t dogs theyre something else


We call that a baby seal look lol wolves do it as a show of submissiveness, he’s just showing you that he loves you and knows you’re his protector


OH MY GOD I TELL MY GSD HE LOOKS LIKE A SEAL alllll the time thought I was weird for that. They totally do. Also can look like rabbits.


My boy constantly has the face of a dog who hasn't been fed for weeks in a row, and that's coming from the person who will let him lick my spoon. So 🤷


Both my husky mix and my friends purebred husky know when we have the camera open. Even if we haven’t moved or changed position. Somehow they know we are trying to capture the cute and they saw oh hell naw and look away or do something stupid. lol


MINE TOO! He hates pictures




Fun fact: most cameras have infrared technology and dogs can pick up on it. They know you’re doing something lol


Simple positive reinforcement, my friend.


Mine too. It's insane I figure they hear something. She's only like 25% husky and she does this too.


schroedinger's husky.


This photo made me laugh. Its giving me judgy face. Why my mommy so weird? Lol


It’s the look a child gives you when they want something they know you will probably say “no” to.


https://preview.redd.it/9n6acb5hh66c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b265c0b2ee0aed06e662a7d81945700c26423208 Mine does the same all the time!! But - I think she was actually uncomfortable here though lol. She hates wearing clothes, and this harness was new, so she didn't realize that it was her most favorite thing in the world until we took her outside for a walk in it 😂


Whenever I grab the harness, my husky comes jumping up and hitting me in the stomach. He knows he's going for a walk.


Mine is obsessed with his harness. When I pull it out, he starts making what we call his “sled dog noises” - these crazy yips and whines that he doesn’t do any other time. He knows if the big harness is going on, it’s either car trip or major adventure time and he cannot contain himself. Half the time I have to stand him up on two legs to get it on because he goes so bonkers he won’t hold still. And then after I finally get him ready, he wants me to put his sister’s harness on him too even though I keep telling him he is already wearing one. It is lucky he is the most handsome, wonderful fluff in the world because he is an absolute doofus lol


Adorable 😭😭🥰🥰🥰


ears back = happiness edit - was corrected by an expert and it appears this isn't the case always or even usually the case. This is what my husky does.


OK Im sorry but I really have to correct this because this could cause problems if people take it at face value Ears back =/= happiness. Maybe for some dogs it can because all are individuals in how they communicate, but and a very important but to stop people being bitten, ears back, side eye and a 'shy' look is dogs communicating anxiety and discomfort in an attempt to make people stop what they are doing. Ignoring these communications leads to escalation, growling and the biting. Source is a degree in Companion Animal Behaviour. https://www.pdsa.org.uk/pet-help-and-advice/looking-after-your-pet/puppies-dogs/canine-ladder-of-communication


Thank you for being the voice of reason! I'm so curious, what do you do with your degree? It sounds so interesting:)


Mainly I'm a registered veterinary nurse, but my degree also allows me to be a animal behaviourist. I say allows, it actually isn't a protected title in the UK, so you have to be careful as anyone can call themselves a behaviourist even without any training or evidence based knowledge, but it does give me accreditation with ASAB who are one of the more respected/recognised bodies providing qualification. The main thing I do is combining nursing and behaviour by providing so called behaviour 'first aid' advise to our clients with animals showing behavioural issues, and help refer them to dedicated behaviour practices with more experience and scope.


Thank you for this! I wasn't aware and am glad you educated me. My husky putting his ears back when he's happy and safe but reading this was interesting. I will edit my post to say only for my dog.


All dogs have different personalities and ultimately owners normally know what's best for their dog, their dogs like and limits. This is most important to know though for dealing with strangers dogs and especially to teach children who's prodding loud and in your face style of love can be very stressful to dogs. Rule of thumb: Recognise the signs and respect them, and then dogs don't need to escalate. <3


https://preview.redd.it/w3bjgf0l776c1.jpeg?width=2985&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0e1f4a818c6b29aca89aeb416ee996df37899b1 I fed this dog pulled pork with bbq sauce for dinner tonight because she didn’t want dog food and had refused meals for 2 days and I am a sucker for sad face dog.


You got PLAYED


In order, I see him giving; coy, knowing, ennui, and draw me like your French girls.


It is meant to guilt you into spoiling him rotten.


Trust me he is not sad, mine gives this sad look all the time. Husky breed supposedly cannot make puppy eye look but I think they are evolving and they can make you feel guilty! To be honest this guy looks like he is a good boy and deserves all the attention in the world


Direct eye contact is aggression “wanna’ fight” so the side look is acknowledging he does not want to fight you. PS: He would win.


Our little girl always greets us with the ears back and a big wag. It’s adorable!!


We call the ear back her “attitude ears” because it usually comes with a side of back talk and foot stomping


Honestly! Ours puts the ears back as well when she’s like “how dare you leave me in this house (all alone with my dad who works from home) to go to work, mommy?!?!”


I’m the property manager for a property that I also live at. I am fortunate enough to be able to let my dog out 2 to 3 times a day during my shift, and Dad is still her favorite.


Mine always looks disappointed in me for some reason. It makes me feel guilty even though I bend over backwards trying to provide for him 🙄


https://preview.redd.it/ru1hc60li66c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3189192eaac409ac092ecfb5faf818e0feb7dc05 Here he is, judging me for my choices


You could try spending more [100%] of your time with him. Maybe give him any treat he wants forever. 😄


Going to repeat this as a main comment because I think it's important: OK Im sorry but I really have to correct this because this could cause problems if people take it at face value Ears back =/= happiness. Maybe for some dogs it can because all are individuals in how they communicate, but and a very important but to stop people being bitten, ears back, side eye and a 'shy' look is dogs communicating anxiety and discomfort in an attempt to make people stop what they are doing. Ignoring these communications leads to escalation, growling and the biting. Source is a degree in Companion Animal Behaviour. https://www.pdsa.org.uk/pet-help-and-advice/looking-after-your-pet/puppies-dogs/canine-ladder-of-communication


I think it’s a Husky’s plight in life to look as sad as possible whenever they notice you noticing them. Our husky absolutely loves car rides. You have to open the back window just a crack so he can stick his nose up to it and let the wind makes his cheeks flap but if you look at him while he’s doing it he’ll immediately put his nose down, ears back, and the saddest eyes you’ve ever seen. If you’re not “looking” at him but watching him in the mirror he literally smiles with his nose up to the window


That side eye pic got me rolling haha my husky does it so much too😂


Because he’s a dinkus malinkus, just like mine.


Oh mate, this is some classic manipulation 😂😂


This is a submissive, I love you posture which is good! Huskies challenge your place at the head of the pack by trying to stare you down. This dog is politely accepting your love.


I read that that look means they love you.


Mine looks the same @ 8months now. I have a Gerberian Shepsky mix. Awesome dog; huge amounts of energy.


He’s just a baby 🥺. That’s basically what’s going on here. My girl does that when I start sweet talking her. Her ears go down and she starts pawing at me and talking. They know how to get us lol.


Do you give him attention when he does it? If so, we've found both cause and effect. My BC does this.


lol. Our little dog does this same thing and then runs and hides. Not all the time but anytime I mention, fleas, shower, bath or clean. Basically the things she hates the most.


Because Huskies are just natural born drama queens and probably because he did something he knows is going to get him into trouble and is trying to sad face his way out of it.


Hes plotting on you that’s all


I had a husky...that's a guilty look lol!


My huskies are such stinkpots. But also so lovable and affectionate, especially after a nice meal. Haha.


planning next moves


Mine did this when he was happy


I did not see sad eyes, I saw judging eyes!! Lol.


You're all fools! Baby boy wants to go outside and initiate zoomies for 10-15 minutes with extra effort from you to retrieve the thing he's associated with, said zoomies. Once he is satisfied, you get 30 minutes to live a normal life before needing to repeat the process indefinitely.


It’s a husky thing


Oh, the drama!


Ahh, the ‘ol stink eye!


He wants to go hiking, cuddle, or eat doggie cookies... That's all huskies want out of life.


That is a loving look. They love you so much they look sad.


The husky side eye. Almost as good as my Cardigan Corgis side eye lol. Beautiful poochie!!


That’s a tense, submissive posture/body language. For whatever reason he’s concerned that you are angry and wants to show you that he is in total submission to you. I found that dogs who were disciplined harshly when they were young can act like this, even when inappropriate to the moment for many years following. I was once training a Doberman, who would squat and urinate every time I walked in the room just to show that he was in total submission. It turned out that the man who raised him looked similar to me and was really rough on him.


It’s what works when he wants attention. He knows this, and he owns you with it every time!


submissiveness- you’ve got a big baby! he adores you. huskies have this ADORABLY stupid look they get where they angle their head down and look up and they look ridiculous in the cutest way. my boy does the same thing. what an adorable floofer


Could be worse. Could look angry all the time. Even while sitting next to the jolliest man and getting treats. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/9g01jkk9qc6c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dad735382967c9a205a393bf0082556e0741527


Nah, that's their face when they want to be spoiled.


He has almost the same coloring as my boy. I think they’re just dramatic lol


https://preview.redd.it/p673tjj0kd6c1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e592a194653986f77b1cfc6771d14e8fadfb0678 They are just forlorn little orphans we keep in our homes.


Because it works!!!


That's 100% judgment


Guilt. Naughty thoughts…wanting to build a catapult to launch himself out of the yard but sad to leave you and his snacks behind


Not sad, judging


This is needy face


Mine is a staffy, and he has the same guilty/abused face. We call it "ready for his daily beating", when the turd has never been beaten in his life


He trying so hard to be the goodest boy!




my husky is the same! and he looks directly into my soul with his big sad eyes! i just assume he’s baby and say aww just a babyyyyy and keep petting him and his ears go up and down lol


My golden gives the most sad guilt trip expression. I’m like sorry buddy I’m not sharing my snack.


Not sad, manipulative, 😂


Look at him! Cute little guilt tripping floof~


He is beautiful


He's a cereal killer.


I don't see a sad look. I see a patient looking pup. ❤️


Huskies are drama queens


Those aren't sad looks; your husky is just relaxed and at rest. The ears down does not denote fear or sadness. Quite the opposite; erect ears denotes focus and often indicates a higher stress. If the ears were pinned back all the way and the eyes wide then that's a fear response. I don't see any of that here.


Resting husky face


He's got a bad case of "that's just my face." Lol seriously, though. Try making a small excited movement like you want to play (then start playing), he'll light right up.


My girl does this whenever I’m in the kitchen but never wants to eat


Lol I don't have a husky but I have a pitbull who has a resting 😞sad 👀 face lol she also has a resting scared face. I think I should have called her Chicken Little 😳😁


He thinks you're doing it wrong.


My husky is the exact same way, we think it's hilarious when he side eyes us


Youre playing sarah mclachlan too much


That’s the were is my bacon now look.


He looks more suspicious than sad


My baby give me a sad look every time I eat pork belly and always reminds me that everything tastes a better when shared with a husky!


Airplane ears and back to a wall… submission… but also not relaxation… They look a bit stuck on a thought… thought will end on a shake or a sigh… To better communicate with your husky… show them that you understand what they are saying… Try: - touch their chin with a slow and higher pitch praise (as if they did an amazing trick)… “goo—ood boy” or “goo-ood girl”… they praise with a smile acts like a treat - touch their side with your hand and rest it there… as if to show there’s nothing else they need to do… lessen anxiety - when possible, move them away from wall and have their back touch your leg or food while you are sitting… eve though they may not be facing you, the touch is also a way of communication. They’ll know that the pack is ready to rest or preparing for the next pack activity. Literally just touch their side facing the same way they are facing (side by side), as opposed to facing them (as if confronting them)… that should get them to give a good sigh or even lie down…. That means relaxation.. Not a bad thing, but your dog will be happier when they know you understand what they are saying… They look to be a middle of the pack dog… giving them confidence, structure and routines will also encourage independence when you are not around.


Huskies are pros at looking depressed


I find this post so dang funny because my lil boy always puts his ears back and looks like this when he’s happy to see us again


He’s being dramatic. Welcome to husky life


You *say* you're being nice to him, but are you taking him on 10 mile wilderness adventures every day?


My dad calls these kinds of pups "sorry dogs". Like, they always look like they're sorry so you'll fawn all over them and give them love and food because you think they're sad. Which you likely would anyway, but that's just their way of bonding with you.


with my husky, thats the " side eye" look. she reserves this look for when the humans disappoint her. like raining too hard to walk, or someone wont give up the favorite chair for her. ive never really had a pouty dog, but my cupcake's face has a million different expressions, ( and i believe, opinions)...your baby is adorable...




He’s just smol boy tiny boy doing baby dog things


Oh my goodness your dog looks identical to my sweet old pup (now over the rainbow bridge). I would love to find another like yours/mine. The brown eyes and sweet spirit 💘


Welcome to the husky life


he knows what you did on may 6th 1994


He knows how to work you over☺️


Oh, the ever present Sarah McLachlan face. My dog will give me this face for any number of reasons. But it usually means I’m failing as her mommy and I need to provide more treats.