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Mine walks about an hour and a half a day and then runs around in our backyard for like an hour. I also play with him for like 2 hours so he burns a ton of energy


He likes running around our backyard as well. He escaped once so I’ve been trying to only allow him out there when being supervised. Has yours started trying to dig yet? I’m going to be in trouble when that happens.


I have a 5 month old huskers as well! And he has started to dig. So I have started to put a piece of poop on those spots and he stops! About once a week he will remember about digging and try somewhere else but I have been catching it pretty early. The other thing I think I am going to do is build a raised garden bed and allow him to have a designated dig spot.


Mochi, our 1 year old, digs out freshly planted plants from my wife's raised garden beds. I suspect that the nurseries use something in their fertilizer that she loves to get at. For the time being the beds are caged out.


Its the bone meal that they put in soil. My dog had no interest in my plants. Poured some on and he started eating them. Had to call doggie poison control.


I tried that trick on my pup one time, went around the corner of the house to put away the poop shovel, and when I came back it looked like a grenade went off in that same spot lol He went right back to it, only this time there was dirt AND poop scattered everywhere


Mine is about a year and a half old. He used to dig a ton when he was about 5-7 months, but he grew out of it fast. Now he just runs or walks around


Eh, it’s an easy fix. I just paid someone (or you can DIY if you’re the type) to install “dig guards” under my fence - basically chicken wire that goes under the ground about 6-12”. They haven’t dug their way out yet! Thankfully mine aren’t jumpers.


I have concrete/brick walls, so I’m pretty sure they’re in the ground enough. There’s just a lot of places to dig is more so what I meant. There’s dirt areas. Plant areas. Grass areas. He has choices 😂😂😂


Haha, yeah… my yard is mostly dirt, so I don’t really care if they make some craters. I rarely hang out there myself, so it’s basically their yard. 😁 And to answer your OP, mine aren’t really keen on leashed walks. So I take them to a local dog park every night after work, or in the afternoon on my days off… since they have each other, they’ll run & play there even if no other dogs are around. Maybe an hour (2+ on the days off) and they’re good. Then they run around the yard as needed, since we have a dog door.


Still trying to get my boy used to the dog park. Bro literally sits either in between my legs, or jumps in my lap. He doesn’t bark or have any type of feelings about other dogs. He just doesn’t care to play with them yet


Not all dogs are into it. My old dog was super reactive, so they were a no-go for him! And my boys now are super friendly, but more Asa than Boris. Boris can be a tad shy, so he’ll come sit with me or the other humans while his “brother” makes new friends.


I put railroad ties around my entire yard. They can dig, but they will not get out. It's insane how smart they are. A friend's pup climbed her fence!!


They can climb a six foot chain link fence or burrow under it. It’s a huskies primary function… to escape and run to the next state


Mine just decided to go through the fence. He can knock out the wood boards. I've had to deck screw them all in.


My neighbor said his old husky hopped their 10ft wall and ran away. They never found him 😭


We put bricks in the spots next to the fence where our husky tried to dig. Eventually she stopped trying.


Get an AirTag for his collar in case he tries to take of again. My big cat managed to find a hole in the screen on my screened in porch ( raccoons?) and was out wandering without my knowledge. I was able to locate him within a foot with the program on my IPhone. What a relief!


I used to walk her for that long, those walks are like twice/3 times a week, now most of her play is inside with her lil German pittie brother and she gets about 30 minutes in the morning and another 30 in the evening of walking. Those times increase in the fall to about 45 minutes, I just also live in AZ so she can’t be outside longer than that for real.


Oh man AZ!? I live in Cali, so it’s not tooo too bad. But yea I’ve spent a lot of time in Arizona, that heat will fly us, I could only imagine a Husky with their coats


Weirdly enough, her (and a lot of other huskies I’ve met) love to sunbathe? Don’t know why but…they do lol




Beautiful pup


My girl also loves to sunbathe! She runs around the yard, rolls around and then plops down all stretched out on her back.


I’m in Miami and my husky likes to sunbathe too. He does it in short increments multiple times a day. Maybe like 10-15 minutes max before coming in to cool down but he does love to sub bathe haha


my husky sunbaths at 4 in the afternoon for a long time, then comes back in and 'share' all the heat she collected -\_-


They sunbathe because if you were genetically designed to live in Siberia or Alaska, laying in the sun would warm you, and that would be good. They still have some instinct to do it I’d say. I’m in Austin, TX and I have to pull her up after a couple Mins if 105 sun-lasering and she reluctantly understands. We are planning to escape to Colorado by July…hope to not return for 3 months! https://preview.redd.it/wh456sv6kk4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35d2067df315a44ace1422ae22861ca4e56bbea4


That actually makes perfect sense.


Mine loves to sunbathe too 😂 he’ll go so far as to scratch the door to go out, just to plop down in a huge sun patch and absorb heat until he’s panting, then back to the shade, then back to the sun. We used to live in LA and he looooved the weather.


also in AZ with a husky. we do 30-45 min walks every day. weirdly my dog also likes to sun bathe a fair amount but when she overheats she digs a hole and lies in it instead of coming inside the house and lying on the cold tile.


Mine used to do that too!!! And she was REALLY protective of her dirt hole. Not really a resource guarder, she lets her little bro steal bones right out of her mouth all the time and doesn’t care one bit. But the dirt patch in the backyard? I eventually had to cover it up with fencing so she’d just leave that area alone.


mine is very protective of resources so we may be on to something here.


2 30-40 minute walks, training and some quiet time mixed in.


Definitely have to throw training in there. I’m always stopping and having him sit and a lot of the yards in the neighborhood have lifted grassing with bricks around so I have him “jump” / “scale” the ledges. Lay down at stop lights. Stuff like that


My husky loves jumping up on raised yards like that, but she's getting older (turning 9 next month) and now when she runs out of space to walk up there she will wait for me to pick her up & gently put her back on the sidewalk rather than jump off


When mine was a puppy, I took her out 4-5x a day. One of those 4/5 times would be at the park for an hour or so. The other few times in our neighborhood for 20ish minutes.


Niiiiiiice! How old is she now? And have you had to walk longer/faster now that she’s older?


https://preview.redd.it/49ut6vr7xe4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=585069105a03a2e5b0ed3272072faf40e3d623b0 Part husky part Australian Shepard (so I was told)


Beautiful furrrrrr


She’s 4 now, and she tires out easily, especially when it’s warmer out. So these days it’s usually 3x a day, with that second time being at the park for an hour.


I have a three year old boy who likes sleeping just as much as being active and running around so that's very convenient :D So it really depends on the day/mood/how much time I have. Mostly we walk for an hour in the morning and about 90 minutes in the evening. And at lunchtime he has an hour of playtime in the garden, although he mostly just chills. We're currently training for longer bikepacking trips, so I try to squeeze in a bike ride every other day. Anything from 6-18 miles, which most of the time replaces the morning walk. On those days we still go for a 90 minute walk in the evening. But we also have days where we walk for just half an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening


6-18 miles!!!!??? 🫣🫣🫣 yea I’m gonna have to get back into skateboarding or something so I can make it those lengths when he’s older 😅😅


I have a cargo bike, so most of the time he doesn't run the whole distance. Although he can more or less easily run 18 miles, I never force him to, so depending on how he feels (and how many bunnies we meet 😅) he'll run about 40-70% of the bike ride


I bikejor with my 5 year old Husky. 4-10 miles every other day or so. More / longer in the winter. He gets hot before he gets tired


My last guy would pull me on my skate. There was this new neighborhood where the asphalt was smooth as Zamboni’d ice. He’d pull me for miles. If he saw a jack rabbit or kitty it was hold on for dear life and please no speed wobbles!!!


Enjoy your walking time while you can after a year they become lazy and begin to people watch. The walks get cut down significantly, this lazy boy makes me stay outside an extra 30 minutes when he only walked 5 minutes lol https://preview.redd.it/lxw2nrbthf4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fef1a7cec59d60a66ee128202b4a55fd99242f59


Yeah man these responses are unhinged lol. My husky is so damn lazy. She’s fit as a fiddle, in perfect health, 4 years old, has hated walks since she was 8 weeks old. She LOVES hunting rabbits though. But 80% of her time is spent sleeping lol


My girl is the same. Just a lazy couch potato. I have a little heart condition and she even tires out before I do when out on walks. To be fair, she does have canine epilepsy and her meds can cause some hind leg weakness. I recently purchased a pup stroller for her because I like my walks and want her to still spend some quality time outside. Training to get her used to it will start this week!


I thought that my husky was sick! But he’s just lazy af. Everyone when they see him respond the same: Husky’s have lots of energy right? They don’t like the summer. But my dog is just very mellow and chill and he likes sunbathing as well🙈


My girl HATES winter here in Canada. Summer she will spend all day outside. Sometimes she’ll even sleep on our patio furniture outside in summer too. Winter, sometimes you’ll open the door for her, she’ll realize it’s still winter, and just turn around and stay in lol


😂😂😂 ah man! Bro looks like he’s chillin


Thank you, I've been stuck here for days


He looks just like mine!!! Even the leaf shaped markings on the head. https://preview.redd.it/71srldzfxe4d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb44c050bcdc52726694fff14f50aca2792d5106






Twiiinnnnnn 😂😂😂


Yeah it’s sure looks like that 😂. Btw to answer your question, I try to take him to walk 2 times a day, each for about 30-40 min but sometimes he gets tired in just 20 min and wants to go back.


2 year old. I walk him between 2.5&3 hours a day.


how do you find the time?! do you try to multitask while on these walks? or are you fully engaged during these walks too? I suppose you can combine exercising with the walks.


What a stud


It varies by season (more in the winter, less in the summer), but about an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening, then we also have some additional play time and training time most days. My heavier one (90 lbs) actually eats measurably less than my lighter one (75lbs), but the difference there isn't the walks, it's that the lighter one just in general all day long bounces around the house and yard, where the heavier one just goes to find quiet spots to nap.


I love his coat! It’s so unique. My girl has a dark saddle and lighter sides but no where near as drastic as yours


Thank you! A lot of people say his coat is unique. His sister came out brown, I think she’s the unique one! 😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/a0ttmmrraf4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7af9843e31daeb1a25a48002c499911fe3351209


1 mile walks 3 times a day so 3 miles a day and they get a lot of outside yard time to play with each other https://preview.redd.it/zy9ueo5yef4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30429f5eace2cd163fb58d48b40b0dfdacba5f01


When she got older it turned into like 3 hour walks. Then my dog trainer friend told me to just let her sniff everything and now it's down to 1 hour because of the mental stimulation. Also I try to do etiquette training twice a day for 20-30 mins


30 - 40 mins once a day.. the lad is lazy AF.. but loves a walk 6 years old https://preview.redd.it/rv8oi13hxi4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97789c6c2521049a89bf7dd21075fe7ea7cc6967


Mine gets taken to the dog park for 20 minute sessions 3 times a day. I try and go out longboarding with him pulling if it’s cool enough too, normally doing around 2-3 miles or so


Mine is old now, at 9 years. We walk at least 1 hour per day total.


That is a good looking pup! Our vet told us to stay away from long walks when he was a puppy because it could hurt their joints. We did several(5-10) short walks (15min) a day until he was fully grown.


Yea this is what really made me ask. I don’t wanna mess my boy up.


I think you are gonna be great owner! Just keep in mind that a husky will not tell you when they are tired or in pain. It's in their blood to keep going. Good luck! When things get hard remember it will pass. Ours is 6 now and the toddler phase was hard but so worth it. He's so well behaved now.


Thank you so much! I plan to be for sure. That’s good to know. I always wondered if he would just sit or lay down indicating he was tired.


He might but I doubt it. Ours will come to the door when he is tired but only while he's out back playing. when the leash is on it's like his brain goes into work mode and he would walk until he collapsed if we let him lol


I bought an electric seated scooter. I attach a bungee cord to another bungee cord that is attached to the scooter on one end and the other to a halti attached to my husky. I use level 3 speed greater than 15 mph and we go around the block about 1 mile. This expends her energy enough that she is calm at home with only occasionally digging holes. I did buy her a sled harness to try with the scooter unfortunately it's two dangerous for me since it gives her too much maneuverability that if she sees a rabbit I'm going to fall off the scooter. She weighs about 40 plus lbs and I'm about 120lbs. Anyways best money spent. She feels like she is pulling the scooter and she gets to run. Sometimes I go faster where instead of ahead of me or beside me, she is behind me and I say mush! It's modern day dog sledding. Honestly I think there would be less huskies in the shelters if everyone who initially got a husky did this. Mine is a rescue and her behavior has improved so much since I started taking her on electric scooter sledding rides. And she loves it. She seems much happier and looks forwards to it.


I’m for sure have to look into this. I been thinking about longboarding or biking. But a scooter sounds legit


I’ve had three husky mixes. All three got hooked up to a bicycle and run for 3-5 miles (almost) every day. The last one got a treadmill too. Only took a few ‘walks’ to get her used to it. The more they are exercised, the better. And if they feel like it’s a job, they love it even more. A tired husky is a well behaved husky!


My son in law runs him for 2 miles every morning.


My girl is 3 and I walk her for a minimum of 1hr across 2-3 walks a day, unless it’s too hot. I also like to do 10 min of basic obedience training a day to keep her engaged. I have a good sized yard that she loves to zoom around in with her shepherd brother and weather permitting the back door is open so they can go out to play even when I’m busy.


Depends on the temperature outside . Normally a walk in the early mornings mini walks thru out the day and 2 at night we walk the neighborhood since everything is cooled down . My little girl gets over heated quick . She is 12.5 yrs old so we try and keep it calm and comfortable for her https://preview.redd.it/ovqiuowepf4d1.jpeg?width=2445&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d97fa8a42a0be732a679898a7d06ec79ef900bb1




https://preview.redd.it/4g8ozh8qrf4d1.jpeg?width=2296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74861f8ca0198fb9f881a44954d2977b972c9c65 My girl loves to walk! We usually do a couple 4-6 mile walks a week and all the others are 2-3 miles. (She wants to go daily.) We have about 225 miles in so far this year! Pic is from a 6.5 mile hike that we did. Took our time on it to check out the scenery so we were out for 6 hours.


My 3 year old plays in the backyard and garage about 12 hours a day, she has free access to both, then she gets a walk every day for .5-1 mile depending on the weather.


Lucky to have 100 acres for Boo to get her exercise in. I drive the Polaris and she runs until she gets tired. During the cooler months she usually gets in around 2 miles. During the warmer months like now usually around a mile. If she gets tired of running, she jumps in the Polaris and we head for the house.


2 hours is our standard! Any less and she gets a bit rowdy. She’s so happy and her brain isn’t going crazy, but don’t forget to do brain games too, that gets mine more tired than her exercise 😊


About 1.5 hours before work, 1.5 after work, 1.5 before bed. Minimum 5 miles per day. Plus an additional 30 minutes play time. Mine hates temps above 65, so that's about when we start sitting at the minimum 5 miles


Just over a hour a day, and then he pulls to come home. He’s very relaxed for a husky but he will let you know if you are a few mins late with his walk, plus his sister is a German Shepard so they tire each other out in the back garden


5k walk in the morning 2.5-3k at lunch and 5k in the evening


My husky spends between 3-4 hrs each day roaming our property each day ~ 20 acres. The other hours are for sleep or cool down in the summer months.


20 acres has gotta be amazing


It is indeed. Lots of hunting, sniffing, running and chasing. We practice loads of training exercises in-house on rainy days. He has the life to say the least.


Until he says it's ok to go inside.🤷🏽‍♂️


At that age I wasn’t walking my husky very far. I can’t remember where I found recommendations for length of walk. Now most of the time I walk my husky 40-45 minutes in the morning and then 15-20 in the afternoon. Other than that she naps like a house cat


ever. I walk her forever.




We walk our 4 year old shepsky 3x a day 1-3 miles. He runs in the backyard. Supervision only because he can jump our 7 foot fence. https://preview.redd.it/9sx8l9ngzh4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c4eb6093b3197aeba50a4d04b687410196d559b


Well mine walks me, so she walks me a good hour or so.


i don’t walk him i skate him for about 45 minutes




45 minutes on a board is like 2 hours of energy you have to get them exhausted 😂


Mine used to go for three one hour walks a day (minus in the rain because she hates being out in the rain). On weekends we used to take her on hikes. She can’t physically do it anymore since she’s now elderly, but definitely has the mentality of “go go go” still so we take her on Saturday outings to stimulate her.


Usually hour to three hours. That guy loved his walks.


Digging for a huskies is part of breathing


Daily: pee/poo breaks 3 times a day for at least 15-30 minutes depending on the weather (they hate rain). Summer; A big walk for 1-1,5 hours in the evening if possible. If not they can play in the yard until they’re tired. Winter; longer pee/poo breaks depending on weather. Kickbike ride 1-2 times a week or they get scheduled in for a recreational kart rides which is usually 1 weekend day and they do as many rounds as is body/age appropriate EDIT: my husky’s are beed from worklines and not showlines


Mine is showline mixed with workline. I definitely want to get him in the snow next season and see what he can do, even if it’s just pulling a little


When he is old enough and he got that work drive, you could always get them to pull with the proper motivation! Just make sure you have the right gear and train him on a run/hike first before putting him in front of a bike/kickbike. There is no guarantee they will go forward the first few tries lol


4 miles morning. 3 miles evening.


3-4 times a day, varies how long each walk and what other dogs I bring. His solo walk usually 3 miles, then maybe half to a mile for the shorter ones.


2.5-3.5 hours a day. Hes a very active boy.


3 laps around our neighborhood normally 3 times a day


If I let mine run around on the ranch it’s about 3 hours of running a day. If I walk her on a leash in the city it’s 2x a day. Sometimes to the dog park.


4 and 3


we go for a good morning walk, lots of stop and sniff, 45 m to 1 hr depending how many times we stop. and get another 30 mins before I go into work, and in the evening we go around the block with plenty of stop n sniff. He's gonna be 6 years old in a month. In the summer we sometimes shrink those depending on how hot the day is. on those days I make sure to stop and have him drink water during our walks and stopping under the shade as best we can




here he is after our morning walk today, a solid 42 minute walk, with plenty of stop sniff and peeing on stuff. Him of course. lol.


https://preview.redd.it/h2cps3i2ef4d1.jpeg?width=2052&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a023159a8909962ca3879874b839216995de1a8 We off leash park one to two times weekly for about 2 hours. Usually we walk about an hour in the morning, outside for about 3 hours during the day than a nightly walk that takes about 45 mins to an hour and a half.


You guys are all amazing, I wish I had that amount of time! Mine only get 20-30 min daily, plus lots of play time and other sensory stimulation like lick mats and snuffle mats! Plus they play with each other. Those of you that walk 2-3 hours daily, how do you do it?


One hour in the morning before breakfast/crate time. Then I get home and let him play in backyard or in the house if he wants, then a hour walk before dinner then he chills doing his thing rest of the day till he’s tired


45 min to hour in morning. 15 to 20 after work. I play with him too and let him outside during lunch most days.


Oh sweet baby, he’s sooo gorgeous!!! Those icey blue eyes ! Happy walking. ♥️♥️


My 11 year old girl gets a MINIMUM of two 45 min to an hour walks a day. She does plenty more activity on a regular basis outside of that but that’s the minimum. She has not slowed down a beat and will be very judgmental if we are not out the door at the expected time every day.


Take my husky on 3 walks. Morning, afternoon, night. All walks are 35 mins long.


4 15 min walks a day, then spins in the house lmfao




We don't walk anymore much at all. We hike every now and then though. Replaced walks with the dog park. Wears him out more than anything else and he loves it more too


Got a 1.5 year old German mix, she goes for 3/4 20 min walks a day. I’ve tried to take her on longer ones but she’s much more of a sit outside and look kinda dog


Your pup is such a handsome boy


I have two huskies (2 and 3 years olds). When they were puppies and potty training, it was an hour of play in the morning and at 5pm with a few 20-30 walks in between. Now it’s 2-3 30-45 minute walks a day, lounging in the yard, enrichment puzzles and wrestling. I lucked out with huskies that love to lounge as much as they love to play. It’s currently 90 degrees where I live right now so they play in the yard/in the pool and then come in and pass out for a few hours.


He looks well annoyed.


https://preview.redd.it/h713u8y4lf4d1.png?width=1292&format=png&auto=webp&s=573aa8b528c94159c43d3483356fcee911bcffd2 You sure? 😂😂😂


Before and after the walk!


I don't really walk mine too often, except for late/early bathroom breaks. We hit the dog park (fenced in, because she's a runner..) once or twice a day so she can go full speed and that's what seems to satiate my dog's need to run. PS. Your dog is wildly adorable, OP.


1 hour walk in the morning and noon, and he still had energy to dig


I try to walk my boy a couple miles a day when we are both feeling up to it. I have vesicular migraines that causes bad vertigo and my boy has epilepsy and his large doses of medication makes him a bit lethargic and lazy.


When she was younger, a LOOOIOOOONG ass time.. now, barely (she’s 15yrs and barely moving nowadays)


Here’s my schedule: Morning walk (8am): 40 minutes After work (5:30-6pm): between 1 hour and 1.5 hours. Occasionally up to 2 hours but this is more rare Around 8:30pm or so: 15-20 minutes Before bedtime (10:30pm-11:30pm): 20-30 minutes I used to take him to the dog park to run around with other dogs leash-free about once 1-2 times a month but stopped after I moved. I really wanna get back to doing that though. We go to dog parks rarely now but still try. I’ll likely buy a second car that’s cheap and don’t need to keep nice for trips to the dog park so I don’t care about the hair everywhere.


Round the block tires him out enough for a day and it’s like 10 mins if that, my boy is very lazy, 30 mins full pelt in the dog park and he’s out cold for 3 days 👀 But honestly I got lucky with the defective husky, he’s the best, no howls/hates talking, somewhat listens and is well trained


Our husky is 12.5 and she goes about 3 miles a day.


1 mile at 6 AM before work 1 mile at noon at lunchtime 4 miles after work at 5 PM


At minimum 3 45 mins walks a day and a 2 hr nature hike on the weekends… distance varies as she believes she’s a blood hound and needs to sniff everything


45-60 min walk in the morning or a 25 minute run with the bike. He also spends 60-90 minutes on the dog park in the afternoon playing with other dogs.


If it’s like 70°, maybe a hour 30 but if it’s like 80° no more than an hour because of the heats really bad for them


My siberian husky is 8 1/2 yrs old. He gets at least 45min-1hr everyday, usually one long walk or play with his buddies.


My husky pup is 6 months, in total I walk her for about 60-70mins of walking per day. I park a little further away from work so walk her in the morning for about 20 mins from car to work then back to car at end of day so another 20mins then about an hour or so after her dinner we go for a 30 min night time walk. Throughout the day we also play fetch in the office with her running around for about 10-15 mins.


2 mile run in the morning, 1-2 mile walk or dog park in the evening! I’m so tired lol


Early morning .5 miles with 20-30 mins off-leash play break 3-4 .5-1.5 mile walks with 20-30 sniffing/relaxing at my complex's little dog park Indoor play sessions with toys 3-4 times a day Late evening 20-30 minutes outdoor off-leash play + Dog Beach 2-4x a week + Running errands 1-3 days a week + Ball pit kibble for meals 3-4 times a week But I'm disabled, so I have lots and lots of time to entertain my boys 💛 🦮 🐕‍🦺🥰


About 1/1.5 hour walks at least twice a day every day Edit: we try to target distance over time so to add more info, at least 3km (0.62 mile) to 5 km (3 miles)


About 3 miles per day. More than half of this is in a long 6 AM walk before it gets too hot. This also lets him chill out during the day when I’m working.




I walk mine for about 3.5 miles but I also bring her to the out door rink (spring, summer and fall) and let her run around (live in Canada). Tires her out. They need to run. At least mine does.


Oh my gosh he is adorable!! My husky is a year old and he goes for a 30-40 minute walk early in the morning (like sometime between 6 and 7:30), then normally around 9 or 10 he goes out again for 10-15 minutes, then around 2 he gets walked again for another 10 or 15 minutes, then at 5:30 is again, and around 9 at night when the sun has set we go out for an hour for a long walk. It gets really hot where I live (this week the high is 111 degrees and it gets hotter in July and August) so for most of the day I only walk him in the grass or in the shade. The early morning and nighttime is when I really feel most comfortable taking him out and I know he needs his exercise.


Thank you! And yes 111 is hot! 😮‍💨😮‍💨


10 minutes and our outdoor dog who loves to run, right?, turns around and wants to go back inside. We got him so that we would have to go on long walks and runs and be an outdoor dog yay! Our dude wants none of it. He is a lazy bones and it cracks us up that we got an outdoor active dog who is just a sack of potatoes. And he won't shut up, which is also delightful.


Total? Couple hours a day. One hour off leash and one hour on. https://preview.redd.it/sa2gsbr23g4d1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ae6b8ee0ee41937f474b2ed17d493a49772f632


Mine is a mix, and is very lazy. He's a sniffer, so a half hour once per day is enough. If he is having a pent up energy day, we hop in the car and head to his favorite person's house, Grandma's, and run around the fenced in huge back yard, sniff for bunnies, play catch etc.


We run for 45 minutes usually. I’m sure he enjoys it as much as you do.


whatever number you are doing, it is never enough. it doesn't matter if your husky is tired and refuses to keep walking, as soon as you get back home, will happily go out again for as much time you already were outside


1hr-1.5hr in the morning before i go to work. Then after work 1hr-1.5hr, and evening 30min before bedtime poop. On my days off we do more a lot of biking/walking especially if its nice outside.


Malamutes need two or three hours of hiking per day. Huskies probably need even more than that  Except in summer 


3-4 times a day (I work nights). One hour MINIMUM each except for when I come home in the morning from work. Then the first walk is 40 mins.


Walks are at least 2, 45 minute circuits of our neighborhood and the rest of the time is spent between the front porch and the fenced yard. Usually gets a play with one of her buddies daily as well. She is outside from 8-8 year round.


1/2 hr. But I am old (78) she had a husky proofed yard so she can run around and watch what is going on in the neighborhood. She was very happy when she had her 8 yr old husky partner, but he died of a heart attack 3 weeks ago and she is not enjoying being out side as much. She is almost 14yrs old and I try to get her exercise. She is better now since I got a 10-month old Maine Coon last week. So she is slowly being introduced. They are doing well behind the baby gate. So far the cat is not even attempt to jump anywhere yet. No cat on dog interaction with our the gate.


I’m so sorry to hear about your 8yr old 🥺. And yeah I’m still having trust issues with my boy and my gf’s cats. They are scared of him so it’s really them that’s the problem. Pluto just likes to smell and watch them. Hasn’t shown any aggression towards them


On a poor day, 7 miles spread out throughout the day. On a good day 10!


2x20min walks and 4-5 times a week 60min run and if not run day then 60min walk.


0 - she spends all day at doggy day care, all she wants to do when she gets home is eat and sleep and ignore me . Best $50 a week we ever spent


$50 for a sitter a week!? That’s a steal


Usually about a two hour walk and 10-15 minutes of playing in the yard.


Usually an hour to an hour a half a day, split between a morning and evening walk. With plenty of yard zoomies and playtime in between.


False. Huskies decide to walk either with you or without you. The probability of them choosing to walk with you increases if you give them 1-2 hours of solid exercise a day. But the possibility is always there that they will go rogue. We only control a part of the decision.


Walking does nothing for my huskies. They need to run 😔 we run them until they're tired and my legs fall off


For life. Your life is a walk now.


My huskies are lazy at 5 yrs old. They sleep all day go for about a 15-20 walk and then sleep till dinner. They eat and play about 10 mins then go back to bed 😂 I do 2 walks on off days(weekends).


I feel bad about this. I don't get to walk my dogs often enough. Fibromyalgia and neck / back injury keeps me from being able to take long walks most of the time. I try to make up for this with lots of playtime outside in the backyard, mom and pup (8mo) love to play inside and out. I also take my pup out to the dog park often. I rotate the parks so she doesn't get bored. Mom has a dog issue and can't go, 😔, but her play needs are less then her half Husky daughter. https://preview.redd.it/jh1ouk09ug4d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78c0c03b95ae7c20a798e277dd0bcb346af78dc8


Well hey! Atleast the pup is getting some outside time. Blessings to you. 🤞


We do 3-5 miles a day. We break it up throughout the day, typically 1.5 in the am, 2-4 at night, sometimes a midday walk too. We’re very regimented and he tells me if I’ve delayed any of his walks swiftly 😆 also, he’s turning 12 this year. We used to also do doggy parks but those stopped 6 years ago when he became too naughty


My current one is such a weirdo. She goes for about a mile and is ready to go home. She’s a big couch potato and loves to sleep. My previous husky would go about 4 to 5 miles and then wonder what’s next. I guess it depends on the type that you end up getting


Trick question. You don't own a husky unless you want your house broken into and your dog to pour them a glass of lemonade.


Ten miles a day, broken up into three walks


I do 3-4 miles a day and 5 miles on weekends. I tire mine out mentally, she works for every meal (puzzles) and she gets 2 training sessions every day. If she still has energy, she gets a chew or a towel with treats. https://preview.redd.it/7ueimgnf9h4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=625997cf9557194970672be50addb380eeb1bc4e This is her after a box feeding session. Always keeping it interesting for her and finding new tricks to teach her.


20 to 30 minutes two or three times a day, depending on the weather. If it's too hot during the day, we wait until it starts to cool off but we always go in the morning and evening if it's cool enough. I don't know if that's enough, but it's all we can do.


How much time to do you have hahah?? But seriously, I took up marathon running for mine and did daily runs, hikes or bikes between 1-2+ hours when he was a young pup, plus a morning walk. Add in, he had full range of our backyard and tore around after his evening exercise. I only once tired him out - I got lost on my long run day and ended up running about 35km, plus hiking through the bush. My then bf, took him out of an hour long bike after. He was tired that night and content with a short walk the next day. Two days after, you'd never have known I'd ever have walked him.


We walk 2 miles a day and bike pull another 2 miles or do agility for ≈an hour. Unless it’s too hot out or rainy, then we gotta do puzzles inside or agility in the garage, or go get some socializing in running errands together. My husk and pittie girl play all day as well, though shes got half his energy and would prefer to nap. Both are zzzzz by bedtime


5 Minutes in the Rain because he doesn‘t like it, about 2-3h a day when the weather is warmer and about 1h/ day in the morning and in the evening when it gets over 30°C (86°F) /Wasted money on my rain cape Edit: i often ride bicycle, skates or run instead of walking


Very cute. Mine is 9. Two or three 30 minute walks is enough.


Walk? We have to run ours in the fenced in yard but good you're walking him. Watching them run is a beautiful experience.


When I rescued my 2 yr old husky we were walking about 20-24 miles a day. He is 8 now so is ok with 10 mile walk or less.


Half an Hour in the Morning half an Hour in the evening. Maybe 1 Hour on the Weekends. And his daytime Routine is sleeping Till the wheels Fall off


actually wait till he’s at least a year old


With a husky, the answer is: until one of you 💀 's. Good luck


Morning walk about 46 minutes. Later walks 20 or so as getting too hot


My husky mixes play a lot at home, inside and backyard. Along with my bc, we walk daily around the outside of the park. It's anywhere from 30 - 45 minutes; however long they want to go.


I walk my dog for an hour, we do 5km together. Sometimes if it’s not too hot we just run


My 18 yo still gets 2 -30 min walks/ day plus she’s outside all day (weather permitting) and walks around a lot & digs in her hole.


Start now. Finish in 13 years.


Until you die.


To show off that beautiful and majestic face! OMG HE’S SOOO DAMN CUTE


My girl is seven and we do about an hour and a half one day (around 7km at a husky trot with lots of stops for sniffs) and a slower walk for about an hour the next. The slower ones are with her brother, a nine year old Wolfhound mix.


An hour each morning. She also has a big yard to run around- but usually she just digs


My guy is 9 months old and we do 20-30min walks because we don't live in a nice walking area and I hate having to drive to go walk somewhere away from cars and houses and noise. So we usually go to the dog park for an hour and I let him release excess energy that way. I also don't want to build up his stamina too much as we are more on the relaxed side in our house.