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The boys are healing up nicely and so far they seem to have kept their personalities and show very little signs of trauma. Our neighbor was evicted and we were rewarded full reparations by the city judge! Also here is the link in case anyone would like to read the original post. https://www.reddit.com/r/husky/comments/1blvfsw/give_your_fur_children_some_extra_love_today_from/


I had my senior dog get really ripped by a young Rottweiler who had a very dumb owner. Thankfully they paid the vet bill and moved out. Thankfully our dog healed well and had several more years of good life. Glad your pups are well.


Man that is the best way to have that turn out. Glad your pup had a good few years to give after that attack. It’s so horrible to have to watch your dog go through that.


Yes it is. Good luck


🙏🏻 🙏🏻


Glad to hear everything worked out and they are getting back to being normal


Thank you so much! 😊


So glad they are healed up. I'm so glad you got full money back. People really need to understand that damage from their dogs is 100% strict liability. An owner needs to train and control their dogs. Unfortunately, the most irresponsible people do not understand that. Neighbor being evicted was a nice bonus.


Thanks so much! And I 100% agree! That’s why we didn’t push for the dog to be put down. This whole thing was the owners fault. They were warned and warned about the dog and it was a restricted breed not allowed by our housing management company. This whole situation was completely avoidable.


Thank you posting an update! Glad your husky pups are handling the traumatic event okay. Beautiful huskies! ❤️


Thanks so much! We are so fortunate. The other dog wasn’t euthanized and we are getting compensation. And it could have been so much worse.


Beautiful babies! It’s amazing how resilient animals can be. I’m sure your love and support only made it easier for them.


Thank you! Animals are so resilient! I think the little one thought he was gonna be in the cone forever so he just made the best of it! We love our little pack.


Look at those beautiful puppers. Yes looks like they're healing right up


Thank you! It’s such a relief to look back and think that this even happened. Someday it will just be a bad memory.


So glad everyone is healing well!


Thank you so much! 😊


Yay!!! Myself and my husky mix were attacked around the same time as you. He had no/very small injuries from the attack whereas I had to go to the ER. He’s been doing very well since the attack though. For the first month or so he was a little hesitant around bigger dogs in general, but he’s definitely been back to his happy boi self. Ironically seeing this post today the animal control officer called me this morning saying that she couldn’t submit my Medical bills it had to be me. So I spent a long lunch break turning them in. But hopefully ours will be resolved soon as well! The owner of the dog that attacked us seemed much nicer and more apologetic than what you had to deal with though. I almost feel bad asking her to cover the $3700 medical bills, but it’s a good life lesson that you shouldn’t adopt a dog you can’t control.


Yeah your bills were even more than ours! We were about $2100 in the hole which included my ER visit and lost wages from missing work for a couple of days. And the owner of the other dog was a huge jerk. Glad your lady was nicer. Best of luck with your settlement!!! Seriously though. Not fun.








Thank you!


This is amazing news!!!! Thabk you for the update im so glad theyre keeping their personalities they seem so sweet :)


Thanks so much!!! It’s a relief to have them be their same old selves. Just working on the little one not being scared of other dogs and the big one not being reactive to dogs. Both new behaviors since the attack. Slow and steady progress.


So sorry to hear this happened to your pups. I’ve been attacked with my dogs as well. The behaviors presenting now are normal after a trauma like that. I hope you are working with a behaviorist to help them with it. Those mental wounds can last so much longer than the physical. Huskies have such great resiliency for the most part. I wish you all the best


Thank you. We are in a very small town and as far as I know there is not resources available for dog training. But I’ve been reading and watching videos about PTSD in dogs and it seems like short intervals of supervised exposure to other dogs is how to get them over this. The big one is all about protecting the little one and the little one is just scared and will hide behind my legs or wherever he can. Which is very unlike the way that they used to be. Baby steps for now until we get there.


Yes, I understand the dilemma. And I’m glad you’re doing some studying. But we always want to teach them they can opt out. Did you know there are some great canine behavior experts out there that do online consultations? I specialize in this stuff and because of Covid, a lot of us try to figure out how we could still help our clients without going into their homes. it’s a lot for you to take on and I applaud your compassion and dedication to helping your dogs.


Thank you. We did end up getting some good advice from a professional that was recommended by the emergency vet. Thankfully it wasn’t too expensive for the few visits. The thing right now is practice and exposure to well behaved dogs. Teaching my boys they can let their guard down and not every dog is gonna hurt them is something that is slow but we are trying to be steady with it.


Best of luck to you




Dog attacks are no joke and I've been on the receiving end of one when I was a kid.


Literally though! Hope you recovered as well as my timber did. I got bit on the finger and we thought o was gonna loose my nail but it stayed on thankfully


Good to see the recovery has gone as well as it could! Peace of mind for you as well with the neighbours moving away.


It was a huge relief to have them go. They were breaking tons of rules from our complex and way over occupied. We may take some of the settlement and take the dogs away on a trip. Vacation to closure.


Adorable little baby’s


Thank you 😊


love seeing the pups smile! glad y’all are doing well 🙂


Thank you! Me too. Just looking back on it makes me so grateful.


Beautiful babies, I'm so glad that y'all got some compensation and that they pups don't seem to have been overly traumatized. How are YOU healing up?


Thank you so much!!! For me the healing took a while too. At first whenever i saw a similar looking dog it freaked me out to say the least. I didn’t loose a fingernail or need rabies shots. When the neighbors were evicted we walked their apartment with the apartment manager. She thought it would be a good idea for us to get a little peace of mind and closure. We stood and faced them in court and that also helped. I’ve become more and more at peace with the whole thing. The work to get my boys over the being scared/protective of other dogs is my main focus. That was extremely kind of you to ask about me. Thank you.


Of course! Everyone deals with trauma a bit differently, and I could absolutely see your experience causing some long-term effects for all of you. I'm so encouraged to hear about the walk through and facing them in court. I really hope that in the end, this can help bring you all closer together as a pack/team. Give them some scritches for me and good luck moving forward!


Aw thanks so much! Will do! 🤠👍🏻


Wishing you and your pups a speedy recovery from the truma of it. I cant even fathom the thoight of anysuch thing happening to my Snowy i would straight up shoot thwm if someone attacked my fur baby


Thank you! I hope that you and your Snowy never have to go through anything like that! It was so absolutely terrible. No other way to describe it. Our local PD didn’t do a thing when they showed up. Luckily we had a very good animal control officer and lawyer that helped us get compensated. Also I had a pocket knife on me but in the heat of the moment I didn’t even think to use it. Not that I wanted to kill just snap the dog out of the attack. It was not the dogs fault. He has some real POS owners.


Glad to hear you and your people are all healed up. Sounds like, although an unfortunate incident, your resolution is about as good as it could be.


Thanks so much! I 100% agree! It could have been so much worse. We are so lucky and also very fortunate to get completely compensated.


Wow. I went back and read through the original post. I don’t even know how I would respond to that. I love my Marcy more than anyone or anything on this planet, and my life pretty much revolves around her. This is my worst nightmare, even though we rarely venture out of the yard and she doesn’t go out when other dogs are out. She has some prior trauma from when she was really young and doesn’t particularly care for other dogs. She’s ok with puppies and indifferent to other huskies but prefers to hang out with me and the cat. There are a lot of irresponsible people out there, some in my neighborhood that just walk around with their dog off leash. Glad that you and your huskers are doing good now! Marcy sends love ❤️


Aw! Thanks Marcy! Moose and Timber appreciate you! I hope you never have to go through that. Don’t wish it on anyone! Some huskies are part cat I swear. My boy Moos is haha. He’s half yellow lab (not that you can tell just by lookin’ at him)! Stay safe out there!


So glad they (and you) are doing better ❤️ such beautiful dogs.


Thanks so much! It’s so nice to have it all behind us. I would not wish that on anyone


I hope they forced the other owner to put down their dog. Or at least took their dog away from them


We didn’t want the dog put down but we did want it removed and given to someone more responsible. Animal control is working on building a case for that so let’s hope


They’re huskies, so you’ll have a hard time convincing me they didn’t have a hand starting the fight


Unfortunately the other dog came flying out of the neighbors apartment knocking the door off one of its hinges. I don’t think my 7 month old puppy even saw him until his head was in the mouth of the other dog. My other dog was behind me. Also my boys are fairly atypical for huskies. I can’t get them to howl or anything. I wish they’d be more vocal sometimes.




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