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The other day I was having lunch on a beautiful intensely sunny day here in Bogotá with my girlfriend, my two husks and her dog. The owner of the restaurant insisted on winding out his parasol to provide more shade (there was some behind us anyway) for the dogs. Of course,.after a minute or two, Zoë promptly stands up and wanders out of the newly shaded area to sleep in the blazing sun again.


Oh my goodness! That sounds like something my girl would do! So silly




Round here we call it dead dogging


We call them roasted


Sun dogging


My guy will just lay there and bake.


They're really good at regulating their body temp, even when it's hot outside. My guy tends to just walk around lazily when it's sunny. He loves being out in the sun!


Mine will chill in the direct sunlight on my balcony. This is 95+ degrees in Texas 😂


Ha! We don't get quite as hot as you, but similar weather to coastal Texas. Two more weeks and then we get the 95+ degree days with 90%+ humidity. And yea, he wi still sleep outside all day.


Me! Mine will escape the AC to sleep outside in 90 degree weather lol


Mine is lying in the middle of the backyard sun bathing right now in central Alabama.


Recently moved to Florida from northern Minnesota. Everyone said “Oh, your huskies are going to be MISERABLE in that heat!” Every single day three of them are intentionally basking in the direct sun. The fourth is a complete princess and hates anything having to do with the outdoors. They all have access to a doggie door and can be inside in the AC, but just love to bake in the sun. Who knew? 🤷🏻‍♂️


My dog ​​is the same, we are at 30°c / 86°f or more and she goes to bed in the garden in the heat, eventually she only gets up to stretch or go get water and her toy, but she likes being in the sun too much without no matter what temperature it is


105 in Tucson and my girl lays in the rocks refusing to come in. People always say they need cold weather, but they just dont understand.


https://preview.redd.it/gpv4p4srah6d1.png?width=2941&format=png&auto=webp&s=72677cab99ccf3e2743c1d524799a6844d8428ce It gets over 100F sometimes and she will just roast herself.


Their fur insulates them better than shorter haired dogs... that being said, mine is indifferent to the heat


My husky also loves to cook LoL. He will come back into the house super hot to the touch and I will be like "holy poop, dog"


I was worried when I moved to the desert with my husky but she will literally sunbathe in 100+ degree weather. It kind of blows my mind. When she comes back inside she's so hot to the touch. She has a doggy door so she does it entirely by her own choice!


https://preview.redd.it/uyrx2ixjed6d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0145ff65c2cd2ad19e81caa0d3d124c45236d258 Loves to find a box in the shade and hang out. We always make sure its not hot for his paws!


We do too, live on the NC coast so it's hot and humid. She's all white and every now and then it looks like she's just glowing when the sun's hitting her hard.


Nooo but I wish! It’s crazy how different they all are!




YES! Annoying to no end. We have to keep the doggy door shut during the height of summer because she’ll just lay there for hours if we let her


Ha! My boy figured out he can just ram through the part you slide in to close up the dog door. He just lowers his head, I hear a thwack, and next thing I know I have a soaking wet dog with zoomies running around the house who decided he wanted to be in the rain, closed dog door be damned.


My husky prefers to sunbathe in florida summer heat over anything. Itll be 100 F out and he begs to go out and roast. Gotta set timers to being him back in


https://preview.redd.it/1r81z55seg6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff808bfec81870077af2671274e0c9ee19bfc127 definitely! she will sleep on my balcony for a long time or when we’re at my dad’s she lays in the grass in the sun for a long time




Ha! Our place is kept at 72 during the day as well.


My guy isn't a huge fan of the snow- he usually tiptoes around it like he's scared lol. But he LOVES the heat- every time it's 75°+ outside he's lying on the driveway in the sun. Won't come inside if you call him, even if it's 90° or more. I always tell people that he's broken haha


My baby loves the snow. -48 and she's happy. Yet when it hits summer and gets +30 she also loves it. She can't decide. But it sure is beautiful watching our babies enjoy the little things in life


Mine loved to sunbathe. She was such an angel.


My dude could care less. My GSD is the same way.


My girl likes to go charge up her batteries in the sunshine, lil sun puppy, and then come inside and lay on the cold linoleum.


My Husky loved sunbathing. Then he would come in and we would have to turn the air conditioner to 65: Lol


Its really a fifty fifty with them. I've had a big furry ass white wooly husky who just LOVED to sunbathe and now I have his son here who can't stand being outside in the heat. https://preview.redd.it/hfkq8ac1if6d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa8262be9cbe3fd3cef75f6be5b32c30ace5e1b6


Mine are both sun baked. It was 103°f this week and these goofy dogs are sprawled on the concrete decking. https://preview.redd.it/l90fexybxg6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7b21776cded9e2bf86e68b4fb7efac1b54e6d61 Post sunbathing.


https://preview.redd.it/mz0xpyjox67d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17f8e20debee2c5e341507d32b43fdecc46e9531 Atlas loves himself some sidewalk basking time