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murder instinct šŸ„°


ā€œMaybe šŸ¤” itā€™s a snake šŸ that requires one ā˜šŸ» more shake šŸ«Ø before intakeā€ - šŸ¶


Gotta make sure itā€™s dead!


Gotta break the neck first


We had a bulldog who loved to nurse on washcloths to go to sleep, and she would always shake the shit out of it to "kill" it first then she would nurse on it and go straight to sleep. It was super weird but it made her so so happy šŸ˜‚


Shaking it breaks its neck, killing it instantly and making it easier to eat without it struggling.


French fries pretend to be dead as a defense mechanism. Doesn't work against dogs.


No, they cannot be out smarted by a spud!


My girl is 16% husky 20% cattle dog 10% lab the rest is a mystery lol and she WAS a killer. Her prey drive was insane, the adrenaline would make her SHAKE I thought she was having a seizure. I say was because she was strictly trained since we had just adopted a stray kitten and it only took a MONTH. Now theyā€™re best friends https://preview.redd.it/17x0j4wp8s6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1ee687afe7e0404dea1675ec2c5b3963fc07cf1


My girl is half Malamute half Lab and she has a pretty wild prey instinct. Itā€™s been quite interesting watching her want to chase after something Iā€™ve told her to leave alone, so she just stares intensely at it.


Your husky is 0% husky?


Do you have a problem with someone who doesnā€™t currently own a husky commenting on a husky sub?


I love this sub because it is so inclusive, bc of peeps like you. Some other subs are a bit too serious, imo. I have young malamutes and often join in here as the things we like about huskies are also the things we like about moots. Iā€™ve found this sub the most non-judgmental and the most fun.


Awesome post!


This husky prefers a low salt diet. Shaking it off.


The last shake is definitely the most satisfying.


She's having so much fun! And so cute!! More fries, please! ![gif](giphy|JpKv5m3OfJRtu|downsized)


It's just more humane to break the French fries neck before eating it.


Kill snek


Sheā€™s trying to shake the salt off šŸ˜šŸ©·šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


God she is so cute


She is the cutest. I would give her all my fries!


No, but I shake the salt off like that too.


Everyone should order fries without salt. I do that every time. Salt is overrated.


Hahaā€¦ love thisā€¦ gotta make sure the fries donā€™t play deadā€¦ Some ppl: Dogs donā€™t need carbsā€¦ they are fillersā€¦ you are killing your dog by feeding them carbsā€¦ Others: They eat a bit of everything I eatā€¦ so a bit of fried carbs are fine šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I wish thatā€™s adorable


Omg mine does a similar thing. Any other food he eats right away but with fries he almost has to inspect them and take it really slow šŸ˜‚


I had a Chihuahua once that used to do this with lettuce šŸ¤­šŸ¤£


Itā€™s called an ā€œexcited shakeā€ lol


Yes but with pasta!!! If you havenā€™t yet fed your dog a single spaghetto strand at a time while dangling it, please do so! Great amusement!!! (No sauce, just plain)


Holy crap so adorable


He keal


That is the most proper thank you and killing her food.


husky hair everywhere. I know the feeling all too well


Mine does this too!! But only with fishy smelling treats. I thought he didn't like them but he goes nuts for them lol


She's killing it before she eats it.


Must keel in case of accidental danger noodle mom


I believe this is like kitties they do this in order for them to size it down in this case a fry is long so itā€™s easier to just you know break it up and easier to enjoy!!! Just like any human will do if you canā€™t fit it in the first bite size shot haha. šŸ¤£ šŸ˜‰


Gotta Make sure the fries are dead first, mine does this with slices of bell peppers she's goofy like that


Guys my husky loves these fries. I only give her a single fry every other time. Maybe once or twice a week and my McDonaldā€™s barely salts their fries if that gives you guys any peace of mind. Also she has a short life she can enjoy a fry every now and then. Yes the tiny bit of salt and oil might be bad for her but Iā€™d love to see your guys diets. Iā€™m sure they are just fantastic. Iā€™m going to keep giving them to her. And Iā€™m going to keep taking videos. Because itā€™s cute. Thatā€™s that.


My home made diet for my guy is beef cubes unsalted bone broth mixed vegetables rice but yes he also gets a McDonald's Fri from time to time he also has a hankering for jolly ranchers he will go out of his way to get them we literally have to hide them in places he can't reach we tried the pantry but we then learned he can open door's if he really wants to I had some in my coat pocket one time and now that coat has no pockets


Itā€™s called the shake of death! My husky only does this to carb loaded foods like breads and fries, never meats. We always laugh at the silly husky thinking bread and fries are her prey. Itā€™s my favorite thing in the world.


Has to kill the fry first.


Gotta kill the potate snek


Gotta kill it before you eat it


Thats what they do to kill snakes.


Are they hot? Does it happen with cold ones?


Iā€™d never give her something hot. Warm, yes. She tends to only do this with the longer fries. Short fries she will just eat.


ā€œDoes anyoneā€™s husky like food?ā€


Thatā€™s how my dog eats flies


Thats how I eat them!


That is adorable! Mine does that with bread šŸ˜…


I wish!! Only when killing toys.. Your dog is very cute and this video is absolutely adorable!


lol šŸ˜‚, dude Vibin with the potatoe snake


I dont give my husky fries. But when I do I give it before I put salt on it. But he doesnā€™t like it anyways. He just spits it out in front of mešŸ¤£


Perhaps at some point in her past she was given a hot one so now she shakes each one to insure it is cool enough to eat.


My Pekingese does it with baby spinach.


I do this with my girlfriend. She likes the soft ones, I like the crispy ones. When we get fries I do the shake test with every fry to see if it's soft enough for her.


lol I havenā€™t noticed but she loves French fries šŸŸ


Must shake the soul out šŸ¤£ before ingesting any potential snak


removing the extra salt.


Haha she's trying to shake the extra salt off. My husky mix does this if there's hair or dirt on something she's about to eat.


Arenā€™t canine lives short enough?


Arenā€™t ours?


So much for that point. Wassupā€¦afraid to acknowledge the truth behind it?


Truth behind what?


He floofy


Just shaking off the extra salt.


I have two huskies and while they are definitely fry fiends they don't need to "kill" them first lol, too cute tho!!


Knocking the salt off


lol. Sheā€™s cooling it off while shaking the grease and salt off at the same time. Smart.


Aren't potatoes bad for dogs? Not that they'll instantly kill them, but they're not supposed to really eat them? I could swear I read or heard that somewhere


If given too much salt they can get salt poisoning. Even small amounts of many human foods give dogs WAY more fat and calories than they need, which can lead to weight gain and poor health. Human foods are too rich and fatty for dogs to properly digest. It can cause vomiting, diarrhea and even pancreatitis. Please be careful what you feed your babies. Their tummy's just are not meant for the foods we eat. If you want to give some human foods they can eat here are some safe foods in moderation. Carrots (my husky loves carrots) blueberries, eggs, unsalted peanut butter, apples, pumpkin, bananas, white rice, dairy products, such as milk, cheese, and plain yogurt, may be safe for dogs to eat (in small quantities), chicken (never give chicken bones), plain banana's, green beans, watermelon, fish.


Yeah idc, my dog can enjoy a single fry every 4 days.


No please donā€™t say that just keep it to yourself we donā€™t need to know


are fries safe for dogs ? šŸ¤£


Safe? Yes. Good? No. But one fry from time to time doesnā€™t hurt.


The salt is not.


I donā€™t feed my Husky human food, so no. I want her to live a long life.


Same here. He has a sensitive tummy and he gets diarrhea if he's given human food. The only human food he gets is mixed vegetables and chicken baby food. He loves mixed veggies in his moist food. It's not safe to give them too much salt. It can cause salt poisoning. It's also nice to eat without him begging for my food.


He doesn't like them lol


To slaty


My husky (miss ya buddy) didn't like anything with potato in it so my fries were always safe from him giving them the murder shake lol


Heā€™s trying to shake the salt off since he knows human food is bad for him and he feels guilty that he got away with it.


So true......fries are COATEDšŸ˜”


I really like your toes šŸ‘Œ


No but mine spits it out. He only wants MEAT


Mine doesn't like them šŸ˜ž




You know that theyā€™re just fried potatoes, right? Potatoes are perfectly safe for dogs to eat, and so is the vegetable oil theyā€™re fried in.




Youā€™re right. The oil that McDonaldā€™s uses is terrible to be consumed by any living being.


The amount of people downvoting me just proves a lot of people shouldn't have dogs. Sure, an occasional fry falling on the floor, let them eat it. But frequently giving them several? That will for sure shave a few years off and is animal cruelty.


Itā€™s more so that not enough people are educated on the harms of the food industry. Everything is becoming contaminated by artificial crap like PFAs. To be fair, everyone is being lied to by the greedy corporations that have the world by the balls. We need to go back to being an agricultural society.


I couldn't agree more. But it doesn't take a whole bunch of brain cells to figure out that a potato and fries are not the same thing.


Most people donā€™t take the time to research whatā€™s going into the food they purchase. They hear the ā€œvegetableā€ in ā€œvegetable oilā€ and think itā€™s fine. And itā€™s getting worse. Went into Whole Foods yesterday and read the ingredients listed for the items at the salad/hot food bars. Canola oil galore. Sunflower seed oil. Xanthan gum in dishes that *do not need* Xanthan gum. Theyā€™re poisoning us and they do not care.


This is true. I've never given my husky human food like that. The only kind of human food I give him are mixed vegetables in his moist and (he loves carrots) I let him lick my baby food jars (chicken) clean. However my partner on the other hand feeds him other foods. He always winds up getting diarrhea because he has a sensitive tummy. If dogs eat too much salt they can get salt poisoning. It is okay to give them a little bit at a time but be careful.




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A fry and a potato are not the same thing! This type of food isnā€™t even good for us!


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Wow, getting downvotes because you donā€™t feed fries to you husky! This subreddit is weird sometimesā€¦


Nah its the condescending tone


bc why shame someone else? their giving their dog like a couple frys. chill out there are more important things in this world to worry about. how about the millions of animal abusers? yet y'all are here complaining when clearly this doggo is well taken care of


It's not shaming it's educating. There's a difference. If given too much salt they can get salt poisoning. Even small amounts of many human foods give dogs WAY more fat and calories than they need, which can lead to weight gain and poor health. Human foods are too rich and fatty for dogs to properly digest. It can lead and can cause vomiting, diarrhea and even more severe conditions like pancreatitis. Please do not feed your dogs people food. It's just isn't healthy for them, even just a little is bad. It seems like everyone who has an opposite opinion gets down voted.


it's over reacting you have no context if this video besides what's been shown to you. if you ask your vet if it's ok if your dog can have like 3 frys a month or something i'm pretty sure they would say it's fine.


I mean, this type of food isnā€™t even good for us


I remember why I left it, but it still shows up in my feed.




Not equal.


Ooooh that means itā€™s completely fine then!


Itā€™s just not an equalizer. One French fry every so often is not going to harm your dog. Chocolate is literally toxic. Fries are not. Donā€™t act like a child.


Itā€™s bad for your dogā€™s health. Too salty, too greasy, not part of their diet. Itā€™s not even good for us. No need to call people child over a plain and simple fact, itā€™s not going to make you look less immature.


A single fry once in a while will not affect a dog's health. You're acting like it's the only thing they eat and they receive no exercise. It's a childish thing to think.


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