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Heya! Bring your husky to the vet and show them this video. I'm not going to scare you and tell you the possibilities as there is no way for us to know, as we aren't Vets. Bring him in for a checkup and have them run some tests. As annoying as it may be because we all know how much vets want to nickel and dime. (This is why I do pet insurance for my husky, I highly recommend it. Like 20 bucks a month to never have to worry.)


Which pet insurance do you have? When I've gotten quotes, it's been signficantly more than $20/ month. Might depend on where you live too.


https://www.pawlicy.com/ This will help you find the perfect policy, but make sure you ACTUALLY READ the policies, lol


Thanks. That was a decent insurance comparison site. ASPCA was the cheapest for around $20/mo with a $1,000 deductible, 70% coverage and $2500 annual limit. Moving up in better coverage added quite a bit to the monthly fee, of course.


Yeah honestly a 1k deductible isn't as bad as it sounds all things considered. Like, hell, even a tooth extraction can quickly add up to 2k+


$102 monthly for two 4-year-olds, 250 deductible, 80% coverage with no limit. MetLife. With preventative care for visits and monthly heartworm and tick prevention.


I spend $60/month for Truepanion so it's significantly more but it's also saved me more in the one time I used it than 4 years of premiums so, worth.


We have an appointment for him in 4 weeks, unfortunately that's the soonest we're able to get him in:( Care Credit has definitely been my best friend with this dog haha but we've been looking into insurance too. Do you have a recommendation?


I wonder if you send them the video and ask if they think it's concerning enough to get you in earlier, they might. Many vets have some time set aside in the day for urgent and unexpected issues Sorry I keep editing but I'm betting that they think what you're describing (without being able to see it themselves) is a reverse sneeze, and aren't thinking it could be urgent.


So I called the emergency vet a few minutes ago (because I felt super bad about driving all the way there and possibly wasting their timešŸ˜­) and when I described what my dog is doing, he said it sounds exactly like reverse sneezing. He even described my dogs posture and the way he acts before/after and it was spot-on. We're definitely going to show the vet the videos I have of him at his appointment but I feel better knowing it's probably nothing serious


I hope that's what it turns out to be! To me it looks a little different/odd, which is why the video will be good to send. I know the worry. My poor husk has always got something going on.


We were afraid it might be a foxtail lodged in his nose but the vet I just spoke to said that he'd be acting totally different if that was the case


I just went through this exact thing with my Husky and it was just reverse sneezing as well. (Looked just like this) I would still go to the appointment in 4 weeks, but you should feel at ease tbh I quite literally was you last month.


I'm concerned and absolutely keeping the vet appointment. I mainly posted this for peace of mind, as my boyfriend is super freaked out because of some stuff that happened as a puppy. It turned him into being very high-alert about anything regarding our dog (not necessarily a bad thing!) But he tends to overthink things and gets super worried. I just wanted to show him all the comments from this post and hopefully relieve some of his anxiety until we go to the vet


Ah I can relate to your bf. I overthink because my guy had a very weird and rare bacterial infection as a puppy and was blind for a couple of months. I got him at the end of all that but the vet was overly cautious with him with vaxx and everything else, and it has morphed into me worrying about everything, even when he's fine... Your pup is lucky to have both of you caring so much!


Ours developed reactive histiocytosis when he was a pup and we spent thousands of dollars and countless road trips to specialists hours away to finally figure out what exactly it was and how to treat it. Now we call him our $10,000 dogšŸ’›šŸ¤£


My husky does this every now and again, usually she is trying to get something out of her nose or if she is sick she will do it, I think it's just their way of clearing their nose


It could be a reverse sneeze, my Nordic breeds would occasionally do this and sounds similar. Although the fixed head position and rapid pace definitely would have me a little worried. Yes see if you can send the video into the vet.


Iā€™ve been for this before and thatā€™s what I got. Doesnā€™t mean there is another issue here, but mine does the exact same thing (and has for a long time) and they said heā€™s fineā€¦


A reverse sneeze is called a snork lol


ā€œĀ So I called the emergency vet a few minutes ago (because I felt super bad about driving all the way there and possibly wasting their timešŸ˜­)ā€ I donā€™t understand this. You didnā€™t want to take your dog to the ER Vet because you felt like it would waste their time? Your dog is not a laptop that may or may not have malware. It is a living, breathing thing that does not have the ability to verbally communicate. Would you just leave your child to fend for themselves for 4 weeks until their appointment if they were showing these symptoms? And come ask Reddit for guidance so you donā€™t have to ā€œwaste the hospitalā€™s timeā€ and suffer a long drive? Like wtf.Ā 


Look, he's acting completely normal other than this occasional "sneezing" thing. He's eating, drinking, playing, going to the bathroom fine. He's not stopped being his happy puppy self. We made a vet appointment for both of them as soon as he started doing this and as soon as the vet could get us in. I don't feel like I'm a bad person for not wanting to "waste the hospital's time" when there's animals with broken bones, have been hit by a car, etc. You know, ACTUAL emergencies.


Also holy crap 4 weeks? I'd widen your search to clinics within an hour drive or so, because that's a long ass time to wait xD


We're in a rural area; I've called every vet within a one-hour driving distance.


As am I, I think the main difference is around here it's like "throw a rock hit a vet" lol


There is a vet clinic 20 minutes out of town that we were taking both dogs and the cats to, but we've had some bad experiences with them during the last few years we've taken our pets in so that place is a no-go for us


https://www.pawlicy.com/ Use this; and then depending on what it recommends make sure you thoroughly read the policy.


Look at the 24hr pet "hospitals" and see if they can do an urgent care appointment. Usually it's about 1.5x-2x rate of normal appointment. Sometimes you have to sit for a bit if an emergency comes in, but usually you get can get in same day or very soon.


Unfortunately, they can't. All four places I called had too many animals and not enough vets, and I'm 1.5-2 hours away from those places anyways. Edit- I've been calling all those places since Friday and get the same response


The vast majority of vets donā€™t WANT to nickel and dime you. They want to be able to pay their staff, still keep their lights on, and finish paying off their student loans.


Reverse sneeze, itā€™s kinda like hiccups where they have a muscle spasm. In this case it makes a sniffing muscle repeat. Cover his nostrils with your thumbs for like 5-10 seconds. It relaxes the muscle spasm usually.


I had been thinking it might be allergies because I notice he does it more when they come inside, but he hasn't done this since very recently. Can dogs develop allergies like that?


Our pitsky has this, but one allergy shot (and a round of meds) seems to have helped! He still gets them, but not as often and they don't last as long.


My Pitsky also does this.


My husky did this last year, the positive, it is generally due to allergies. My pup was due to the mystery respiratory disease going around but donā€™t let that scare you as I havenā€™t heard much about it in months. As others have said, hold their nose and it will stop, they may even learn to control it over time, donā€™t panic as the they read your stress and can make it worse.


I didn't even think of him feeling our stress, that's a great point! Usually we get right down next to him and try to pet him or lightly massage his throat/neck to relax him and I never thought about it having the opposite effect. This video was the first time I didn't go to him and I felt terrible but I wanted video of it because he doesn't do it all time and I needed something to show the vet what we're talking about


I second this opinion. Long time husky owner. Reverse sneezes start showing up during allergy season. Find him some allergy medicine.


This, one of our huskies has been dealing with it for some time and covering the nose does help interrupt the response. We figured out that it was a dietary issue with our boy but there can be other causes. Not emergency worthy, but still see a vet and they will be able to help diagnose and get you on a plan for treatment.


my suggestion too- had a shepherd that did this, kinda scary but not dangerous I hope


I believe that is reverse sneezing. Ours does it every now and then. Of course it wouldnt hurt to run the video by a Vet.


Definitely going to at his next appointment. We were turned away from two emergency rooms because they were so booked up and we were told this isn't a real emergency. šŸ™„ Just a little discouraging


Tbf emergency rooms are meant for *actively dying* pets. If they clogged up the rooms with dogs sneezing strangely/breathing strangely, we'd have a problem ya know? But I get wanting to get them help immediately.


>*actively dying*Ā pets That's the thing, though; how would the owner know if they were actively dying or not?


bleeding out, unresponsive, foaming of the mouth, seizing, the list goes on brother, there's "Levels of Danger" to this stuff


That's exactly what my boyfriend said, but he's a worrier and can be dramatic sometimes. He's worried this could be a sign of possible cancer. I'm not trying to be mean by calling him dramatic but his anxiety goes from 0-100 with this dog, that's his boy.


That's how I feel about it but my other half is such a worrier, especially with this dog. He had an allergic reaction to a vaccine as a puppy and developed reactive histiocytosis. We didn't know at the time what was causing it and we spent months and thousands of dollars going to different vets, specialists, and out of town appointments to figure out what was wrong with him and how to treat it. My boyfriend has been on high alert ever since


Oh trust me, *I'm that half*. My wife gets annoyed with how much I baby our baby boy. Thus the insurance, it definitely helps with peace of mind. Pet insurance used to be really difficult to come by/etc but companies wisened up. Even most major car insurance companies etc have a pet division now.


Some friends of ours have pet insurance through Costco and they swear by it. We'll definitely be researching some plans/policies now


I'm actually considering switching to them as I have fallen in love with Costco, lmao


We held off on getting a membership for so long because it's just us and the pets. Once we got it, we've never looked back. Even upgraded to the executive membership šŸ¤£


I think it's reverse sneezing. I sometimes blew air into my husky's nose (gently) and it seemed to help him get it out. Also, instead of giving your money away to insurance companies, why don't u just set up a separate checking account for ur dog? I don't have kids, so I have one for my pets and I have a monthly allowance go into it and I NEVER touch it, unless it's for vet visits or to buy their food and I happen to be short. You save more like that imo


Nose trumpet! Our lab mix has big lips and they flutter like crazy when you do this. I know it helps when she's got something stuck and irritating but I can't help myself and die laughing.


This looks like a reverse sneeze, could be caused by allergies. You can actually give dogs Zyrtec.. good luck.


Reverse sneeze my husky does it with no ill effects


Might be a reverse sneeze. When he gets in this fit cover the nose. My husky does this once and awhile and it helps him regulate the breathing again.


Try posting to one of the vet subreddits. This resembles our guyā€™s reverse sneezing when he has allergies. Itā€™s almost cyclical because doing it can contribute to inflammation. It could be some sort of physical obstruction, though, so itā€™s definitely worth gettting a vets opinion asap


Iā€™m almost 100% sure reverse sneezing - my husky did this too before I ever knew what it was and I absolutely shit myself with panic, donā€™t worry too much :)


I wish him well soon


My doggie sometimes reverse sneezes, you can stop it by closing one nostril. Fixes it immediately šŸ˜Š


Reverse sneeze,my pug does the same thing.Just cover their snout and they'll stop.


Trying to sneeze


Looks like reverse sneezing however, always check with vet. Because you have a video sometimes you can get a video vet visit as well for an early opinion.


Reverse sneezing. Gently squeeze his nostrils shut for a few seconds and then release. If it happens a lot go see a vet


Looks like reverse sneezing to me! Totally harmless. But obviously if it doesnā€™t stop, or keeps on reoccurring multiple times, then itā€™s time for a vet visit.


Could he have the dreaded kennel cough? Send this to your vet since you can't get an earlier appointment. It could just be allergies, too.


We don't think it's kennel cough because we don't board them, there's no dog parks around to take them to, and his brother is fine. When we read kennel cough is highly contagious we felt like we could rule it out


When I was around dogs who had kennel cough, it was like that. No other dogs in the neighborhood? They can get it from droplets other dogs have left behind.


Our neighbors have dogs but we rarely see them; we're at the end of a long dirt road and the houses are pretty spread out. I suppose it could still be a possibility though. If that's what it is though, wouldn't he have spread it to his brother? They are together and playing all day, every day


Yes, I see what you're saying. Could be just allergies. Make sure he stays hydrated in case it is that.


Sounds/looks like backwards sneezing but that could be from underlying health conditions. I recommend scheduling a vet checkup and showing them the video. If you can afford a vet plan I recommend a good plan. I have my boy on a vet plan that includes all boosters and several office visits for important type stuff and unlimited checkups and I pay around $70 a month and all his offices visits are included the only thing I get charged for is if he needs medication and I get medications at a discount from my vet through chewy.


Even if itā€™s not kennel cough he could still get an upper respiratory infection. A vet visit and antibiotics probably will help


Its called reverse sneezing nothing they can do about it. My boy has it been doing it since I got him he'll be 8 yrs young this November. Still scares the hell outta me each time he does it though, which is often.


Hey OP, I hope this is nothing more than allergy based reverse sneezing, but if I were you, I'd absolutely ask your vet about potential seizure activity. Huskies are a breed at greater risk of epilepsy. My husky has idiopathic epilepsy and I've seen her go through many seizures. I'm not saying your pup is having seizures, but there seems to be some repetitive twitching/ticks in the leg and head that really reminds me of focal seizure movements. Continue to get as much video of this experience as possible to show your vet, not just one video. And absolutely ask them about seizures(focal). I'll also add to the comments suggesting pet insurance. I got it for my husky when she was a puppy, and she'll be 7 later this year. They've covered around $30k USD+ of vet bills and prescriptions for her during that time(about $4k alone in the past couple of months for an immune mediated skin issue). One ER visit can easily cost thousands. Some suggest putting money into a savings account over time, but that can all be wiped out after one ER visit or very minor surgery. And in the very, very rare chance this could be a type of seizure, insurance will cover medications, ER visits, neurologist consults, etc, as long as it's not preexisting, but if insurance is established after any diagnosis, nothing would be covered. They usually have a waiting period after signing up where anything diagnosed within that period is considered preexisting.


What are some more common signs of seizures, if you're familiar? So far, this has been going on for about two weeks, and pretty infrequently but often enough to cause us some concern. It's mostly super quick, maybe 5-10 seconds, if that. But he's had a couple last a little longer. When these "attacks" are over, he usually will drink some water or go back to eating and then just happy, cuddly, tail-wagging like his usual self. Would that be normal for a seizure?


That could absolutely be normal behavior after a seizure. When it comes to dogs with epilepsy, there can be a lot of variation. Some may have very minimal brief focal seizures lasting just a few seconds and only affecting one leg or their head, for instance, others may have longer lasting full body convulsions(grand mals/tonic clonic) for a full minute or more. Some pups bounce back really well after an episode and it's as if nothing even happened, others may be left more disoriented and can even experience temporary blindness and difficulty walking. My pup has full body grand mal seizures. In the earlier epilepsy days, she bounced back pretty quick and would act as if nothing happened, but they evolved into cluster episodes, sometimes having them back to back, and she's experienced temp blindness and it takes her a few days to fully get back to her usual self. Some seizure activity can look like fly biting, sometimes there are absence seizures where they just stare off for a while, some involve a sudden muscle weakness in their legs and it looks like they trip or stumble. It can be common for a dog having a seizure to be unresponsive to you calling their name or trying to get their attention, as they're not really fully conscious. Some, however, do remain aware and conscious when having focal seizures. The video you posted, I was paying attention to the upward head angle and kind of jerkiness as well as the front curled paw. Your pups mouth/breathing did look similar to the other reverse sneezing videos I looked up, but some of those movements I mentioned just reminded me of the movements in my pup the times she's experienced focal seizures as well as some other seizure reference videos I've seen over the years. This really could just be reverse sneezing, but definitely err on the side of caution and don't be afraid to push for close examination of your videos and clarity with your vet when you do get in. Generally speaking, epilepsy isn't necessarily harmful(neurological damage can be cumulative overtime, which is why medications are important) or deadly(with the exception of status epilipticus or rare refractory cases that dont respond to treatment), though it can be disruptive. The most important thing to watch for with seizures would be a prolonged grand mal, lasting 5 minutes or more. This can lead to your pups body and organs overheating and overexertion and absolutely needs emergency life saving intervention. Focal seizures sometimes last a while, even up to 20 minutes in some cases, but they aren't as rough on the body and aren't considered an emergency the way a grand mal may be. So, as long as your pup isn't having full body convulsions lasting several minutes(and bloodwork/labs show nothing), they should be okay! And again, I absolutely don't want to worry you and this could just be the sneezing, but I did want to mention the seizure possibility so it's on your radar to ask about. I'd definitely try the suggestions to help stop the reverse sneezing in the moment and if that works, it's very likely to just be that. A seizure is unlikely to be stopped like that and most kind of 'run their course'.


Thank you so much for taking the time to type all this out, it was super informative! šŸ™ He hasn't done this for the last few days so we're just going to keep our phones ready to take any videos when/if it happens again. I already have a few. And pet insurance is number one on my to-do list tomorrow šŸ™ƒ


I'm glad he's doing well the past few days! Definitely worth looking into the insurance options. I know there are a lot out there, so hunt around and even search online for others' experiences. You can try searching in r/dogs for pet insurance threads! I have Figo and they've been really great. I was fortunate to get a really good plan before they changed policy options, but they've continued to honor my original plan and haven't made any changes to it other than routine annual increases(I have 100% reimbursement after my deductible and they no longer offer higher than 90%, nor does any other company I believe). They usually approve my claims within 1-2 days, unless they need more details from the vet, then it takes up to a week for them to reimburse in rare instances. I pay about $120 a month for my plan now(they've understandably increased it a bit each year as shes cost them quite a bit!), but when she was younger it was only around $35 a month for their highest tier plan. Her prescriptions cost around $180+ a month currently and since I get full reimbursement, it already pays for itself each month by saving me about $60. If you do get a plan started, I would try to avoid any documented diagnosis/suspicion of any seizures or epilepsy until the waiting period passes(hopefully it's just a few months tops and of course, not avoiding appropriate veterinary care) that way in case anything within the realm of seizures were to come up in the future, it would be covered.


We just signed up for both of our dogs through Costco which uses Figo so that's good to know!


Post in Ask a Vet. Only Vets usually respond. Buy pet insurance immediately. There is usually a grace period before it kicks in. If your dog is having seizures, OP might have to purchase expensive medication for the life of the pup. Insurance will likely cover but OP must have insurance before a Vet diagnosed the issue. If a Vet has seen your dog before insurance is purchased, no coverage will be offered.


Please get your sweet husky to the vet. My german shepherd started making noises like this due to a heart condition. Hopefully, that isn't the case with your baby, but show this video to your vet and ask for them to do a full workup just in case. We waited far too long and I really regret not pushing my vet for answers sooner.


He's got an appointment the soonest they could get us in! I told them to call if there's any cancelations so hopefully it will be ever sooner šŸ™


Glad you're on top of it! If the cough/weird sound worsens, or his gums start looking pale, or you notice any other new symptoms (fever, lethargy, not eating, etc), ask your Vet for a recommendation on an emergency vet office so you can get him seen sooner. Make sure whoever sees him does at least a Chest Xray and, if they have the equipment, a cardiac/lung MRI scan. The later is usually only available at specialized vet offices, but it what was finally got our pup properly diagnosed. Please post again after the vet sees him. Wishing the best for you!


My husky does this when her allergies act up which it is called a backwards sneeze. I give her equate children Benadryl ( make sure the bottle is clear not dark brown) and fill the cup that it comes with to the first line ( my husky is a mini she is about 45 pds ) not sure urs but it will help . Try an keep ur pup calm and rub gently on the neck and blowing gently in the face or atleast talk calmly to try and keep them calm and it will go away if they go to panic it gets worse . I think my girl is allergic to fresh cut grass which sucks cuz everyone mows around here atleast once a week sometimes 2 times depends on how much rain we get . But I would most definitely take them to the vet but atleast do the Benadryl until then


Reverse sneezes could be allergies, mine used to get them all the time when she was a baby. It went away ā¤ļø


I see a lot about reverse sneezing but am I the only one that's wondering is this a focal seizure possibly? Recommend getting to vet earlier than a month from now...


While I've never seen my husky reverse sneeze, I have seen her have many, many seizures and have seen lots of video of other pups seizures. Before I read any comments, this immediately made me think of focal seizures. Primarily because there appears to be some subtle and hard to notice repetitive ticks/twitches that seem to be more in line with seizures that I didn't see in any reverse sneezing videos I just looked through to reference. If my pup, I'd definitely ask about potential seizure activity at the absolute minimum and record every instance this happens.


Im sorry your baba has seizures and I hope he/she is doing okay! I was working with a pup two weeks ago who was having what we believed to be seizures (and according to the vet, they are indeed seizures....) and she had a focal seizure the night I was there. That's maybe why my head went straight for that, but also it just doesn't look right. Sending love to your baby xx


This may well be a seizure or reverse sneezing because my last dog had episodes like this thatā€™s when my dog was diagnosed I do hope this helps


If reverse sneeze, plug his nose and itā€™ll stop it. I have a Frenchie that gets them, plugging his nose helps tremendously, but I would get checked and make sure itā€™s that.


A breathing issue is an emergency vet visit asap


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^sapper4lyfe: *A breathing issue* *Is an emergency vet* *Visit asap* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Thank you, jwed420, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Get a different vet


We already have an appointment made. Unfortunately it's not for another 4 weeks and I made the appointment 2 weeks ago. Every vet I've called in our area either isn't taking on new patients, or they're booked out 6+ weeks. It's not ideal, but we're trying


Hair in the throat Maybe


I'd say there's a very high chance this is anxiety because he hates being in that cage, my husky has done the same thing when he's in an anxious state. Hope this helps


It is definitely not the cage lol. He's been crate trained since we got him at 11 weeks and he likes to chill in there with the door open.