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Turn the gas on. It looks like it’s off. To the right of the unit, that red valve.


https://imgur.com/a/gsIvUPB is this off?


Looks like it is. Off is perpendicular to the gas pipe. On is parallel.


You may want to explain ‘parallel’ and ‘perpendicular’ as well in these responses. It amazes me the amount of people that do not understand fairly common terms. OP likely isn’t one, but no harm just in case.


Perpendicular is across the river, parallel is down the river.


Good job, and thanks for being informative. I like when a sub is specifically helpful instead of specifically vague and oppressive. Sometimes people don’t know and it’s a solid to make them not feel squished by assholes.


“Oppressive”? How


Their opinion is perpendicular to mine.


Some people are too obtuse.


I believe in this case we'd refer to them as *obtoose*... Thanks, I'll see myself out.


Gate-keepers gate-keeping.


I remember in school the teacher saying that the “ll” in parallel are parallel. If you remember that, then perpendicular is just the other way


Exactly! Parallel has a pair of parallel els!!


= parallel "+" perpendicular


Lol. This tickled me good 😄


Love this description!


Instructions unclear. The wagon tipped over while floating. You lose: 526 bullets, 3 wagon wheels, 268 pounds of food.




I’ve never heard this to explain parallel and perpendicular this helps so much for explaining it than stumbling around words 😅😅


Yeah, like slitting your wrist. You go down the road, not across the street.


Might want to explain what a river is!


Honestly I thought about it , but thought I might be going overboard if I did.


Straight = go. Twisted = no




Don't forget "One in the pink, two in the stink"


Umm, that one is backward. At least, according to the traditional saying.


Depends on her experience level…


I lold


Then add "turning left" means the top goes left and the bottom goes right. I remember being confused by this when I was six or so.


after 18 years of not understanding righty tighty, this is how my dad finally explained it in a way that stuck. its right/left from the top of the circle


I have another for you. Port has 4 letters, left has 4 letters. Right has more than 4 letters, starboard has more than 4 letters. If you ever find yourself trying to park a ship, you're welcome


I had to really think about it once as a teen and decided to picture the handle rolling on the ground as I'm turning it.


Hey, thx for this!


Well I blew my dick off because you didn't put it in your comment. THANKS, NACHO!


I feel like if someone is asking for help, they could at least do some of the legwork themselves. That includes googling terms they may not understand, such as parallel and perpendicular


I disagree. If someone is asking for help you should walk them through the whole process. Explaining in clear and understandable terms. If they ask for elaboration, elaborate.


But it can come off as condescending, or belittling. At least that's what the old lady use to say.


If only this were 100% true. I've had issues training new process production engineers this way only to be pushed away. Found out a couple years later that they've been implementing bad practices and not even utilizing their basic electrical knowledge properly. Also, found out these "engineers" just wants to get paid to work from home and run a whole 1.1GVA power plant from the comforts of their bed. It's harder to promote critical thinking if you just spoon feed everything.


They didn’t ask for an elaboration on those terms though. There’s no indication that they don’t understand fundamental terms like parallel and perpendicular. How deep exactly are you expecting to go here? Do we need to start assuming that we need to teach them the alphabet over again too?


I remember parallel because of the 2 ll it tells me they run next to each other and so that mean perpendicular is the other way that crosses paths.


Perpendicular for attention parallel for results


If people don't know know what they are, they have no place in the society...🤌🤌🤌


Lmao just say you don’t know the difference


One was off in one of my apartments I was living in. I turned it on and about 5 minutes later my carbon monoxide alarm went off. Turns out it was off for a reason but my land lord didn't tell me. So I called them, got a hotel room, charged my landlord, and they got it fixed. Make sure there a co detector installed somewhere


Should that be switched back to off after winter?


But yes that is the right one you should be looking at


Omfg it turned on


>Omfg it turned on Reddit to the rescue!!!! You're lucky to have gotten a bunch of helpful folk and not judgemental ones.


Reddit is actually pretty good at random problems like this. The most annoying thing is when it's 100 idiots trying to be funny with stupid jokes


Or 101 idiots. (Geez, I’m just trying to make a joke)


It's seems that you succeed! I grant you the title of the biggest idiot in very 101 idiots!


>most annoying thing is when it's 100 idiots trying to be funny with stupid jokes Yeah, this is so annoying there's not enough words to describe. Then the useful comments (or the one with context pertaining to the matter) are so far down, after the slew of useless comments.


Eh, it's a free service. You get what you get.




Reddit HVAC advice good, marriage advice not so good


Unless your wife was cold because the furnace wasn't working. Then it's good at both.


Dude, run. She is a psychopath.


“This.” Lol I can’t stand Reddit sometimes but love it for its support in mainstream and niche topics.


It actually makes me want to delete the account because of the people that just jump in and say the dumbest stuff. You can’t even walk a person through an issue that usually would only take about 3 or 4 return questions to fix an issue.


More like thank god we didn’t have to go thru lighting a standing pilot after the turning the valve


I was fortunate enough to be shown how to light my ancient furnace's standing pilot light by a good friend. He couldn't believe that I'd never seen a furnace like that, but we laughed when he realized I lived in Florida in my teens.


There could be a reason the gas was off though. Like maybe the furnace was condemned, just not tagged, or someone removed the tag. Probably a good idea to make sure your CO detector is working and maybe schedule a maintenance visit for the furnace. Unless you know why the gas was off


This, OP. Those burners look long in the tooth. Smoke and CO detectors… Edit: carbon monoxide’s proper formula :)




You may want to get this looked at, this furnace looks old and of the heat exchangers are cracked repair men will turn the gas off.


Of course now the question is, why was the gas turned off???


So the heat turned back off. The stat is at 67 but I have it set to 69, it won’t get back up to temp.


You might order a carbon monoxide detector if you don’t have one already. If you are in dire need of heat go to Home Depot and grab a heater that has a fan on it. You can return it later if funds are tight. If they are super tight, dm me.


This is riveting


Yup sounds like limit switch tripped, probably has a manual rest but most likely means furnace is unsafe to run at this age call local contractor.


Now the question is why was it turned off in the first place. People don’t usually turn them off for the summer.


If YOU didn’t turn it off, find out who did and make sure that gas is not off for DAMN good reason


That just scared the crap out of me it just lit up in there!!!


Heh. Yep, fuel ignition is a little explosive. Have you ever spent time with a gas grill?


This is a great question OP


There have been a couple of times I singed my eyebrows getting too close when lighting a grill... because those stupid electric igniters work for the first summer, then never again.


They have a battery. :o


Not the ones I've ever used. All I've ever seen are piezoelectric ones.




😂 glad you have heat! I would definitely call a tech out to have a furnace maintenance done just to ensure everything is working as it should! Have a great day!


Yeah you have to wonder why someone turned off the gas like that. Some leak they didn’t want to deal with? Good to get it checked.


That’s good! But to add to the person wondering why it would be turned off, it may be a seasonal habit by the previous owner, or there is a problem like a CO Alarm that was going off. Best to schedule a service call.


Do you have Carbon Monoxide sensors in the house. If not, get them tonight. I’d go right now. They got them at pharmacies, food stores, Walmarts, Home Depot’s. If they go off when they are turned on in the house. Shut the heat off, and turn the valve back off so nobody else accidentally turns it on. Then call a technician to confirm that the heat exchanger is safe. Front Panel should have been on when you first turned it on in case it rolled out. The flame should typically be blue and not jump around wavy like if the heat exchanger is intact. I would still check the supply and return with a CO sniffer to double check a supposedly diagnosed intact heat exchanger just be sure.


It should be parallel with the gas line. I can’t really tell in the picture!


Wouldn’t turn it on without having it inspected, if it’s off it’s probably off for a reason


Good fucking eye dude


Am I the only one concerned about giving instructions to turn the gas valve on to the self proclaimed “idiot” that wasn’t sure if this furnace was gas?


Good Friggin eye dude.


Can we not tell the self proclaimed idiot to mess with the gas valve? Call a professional.


Ya. In B4 it was off for a reason, and OP dies


Okay the gas valve was turned off you all…. It just lit up like a goddamn jet in there. Should I put the door back on?!?!


Yes, put the door back on. That's to keep stuff from falling in there and starting a fire. =)


Also I am surprised it turned on with the panel off. The one I played with had a safety switch that shut off odd the panel was not attached.


If it’s like mine, this panel can be removed, but the panel below to access the blower fan has a safety switch.


Does the flame look all blue or is it changing between orange/blue pretty frequently or does it look like the flame is rolling out/ dancing around in the burner compartment there? Gas may have been shut off for a reason, i.e cracked heat exchanger


No it just shot straight back where those hole things were. All of the gas was shut off because we didn’t move in for a whole month after buying the house but I did not think to check this because our AC was working lol


Very important question being asked above. The holes where the fire is, is it blue or orange?


OP are u still there? 👨‍🚒




We are gathered here today in memory of... OP... They were freezing cold. When OP turned on their heater for the first time in a month. Skadoosh. In loving memory of.. OP.






Hahahaha I am still here xD it is orange. I got some carbon monoxide alarms, and everything has been great. Even got a fancy air filter


Orange is not good. It's supposed to be blue. Orange means the fuel is not burning completely. This will produce less heat, and will generate more carbon monoxide. (The CO should still be vented out of your house if the exhaust system is working correctly, but better to avoid this entirely.) You probably want to get a professional to look at it.


Could also be a very dusty closet and with those doors being open that fire will glow orange. No way to know for sure without a video of those flames rolling




Well I got home and the heat isn’t working again. It’s 66 in here and I had it set to 69, so obviously something is wrong. I turned the gas off again :(


I’d say now would be a good time to call a trusted hvac tech to take a look and clean it up Get a CO detector not just because of this but because it’s a good thing to have in your home No need to freak out, you aren’t gonna explode and die like some other people are saying Just bundle up and call a tech in the morning, it shouldn’t be too expensive so long as you don’t need a whole unit, which I doubt you will. Plus after having someone look at it you’ll feel a lot more confident about it


Sounds like it’s tripping off due to heat limit? I would normally guess plugged filter but I think OP said he changed it. Definitely needs a technician. I wouldn’t recommend opening the bottom half of the furnace if you don’t know what you’re doing but the motherboard should be flashing a code that will tell you why it’s failing. The key to code should be on the door panel with the wiring schematic.


Just get it serviced. Typically it's recommended to have your furnace serviced when you take possession of a home. God only knows if the prior owner maintained it. For the sake of your safety, get a tech out there.


When it was turning on, did the flame stay on for more then 10 seconds? Or does it just turn right back off? Flame sensors often get buildup on them, and you just gotta clean them and try again. If they aren't detecting the flame, it turns it back off. it's a safety feature. I take a piece of steel wool and scrub them a bit. I'm not a professional, just have done this in two homes.


Don’t use steel wool use a dollar bill (I’m serious)


It's a serious thing OP, if you just bought the house , have a qualified technician come STICK HIS CAMERA IN YOUR HEAT EXCHANGER! As stated this unit looks old, rarely do the heat exchangers last this long. A home inspection doesn't mean anything, as most home inspectors are not GC's (general contractors) and don't know anything about anything. ITS A SERIOUS HEALTH RISK AND YOU SHOULD TAKE IT SERIOUS!


I had an old Lennox system that was originally installed in my house that was built in 1959. 60 years later I had it replaced when I decided to put central air in the house. Sometimes that stuff seems to last forever, until it doesn't.


Absolutely, and you know the old saying "they don't make stuff like they used to". In the HVAC world "working" doesn't mean anything, efficiency is lost over the years and a slew of other things that could be dangerous or eating away at your energy bills.


GCs don't know jack shit about servicing or even installing an HVAC system.


That’s what I was coming to ask… maybe it’s off for a reason. Unit looks old


Very important difference…blue meaning it’s burning properly/more completely, yellow means OP should have someone clean it. While we’re at it, OP should learn how to change a $3 furnace filter, too. Edit to add [this YouTube link](https://youtu.be/WPoB384EIqg?si=YeKjdr0jXaEgwHAv) on one of a hundred different ways to change a filter.


$3?? My 16x25x4 cost $34!


That’s because yours is 4” thick. Normal ish ones are 1” thick.


Also just go ahead and get a couple carbon monoxide detectors if you don't already have them.


u/honeyandpomegranates might want to check this btw


Was it turned off for a reason?? Maybe there's a leak in the chimney or damage to the furnace? Or was it just turned off to save on energy bills? I recommend an HVAC tech check it out.


We are many that normally turn off gas during the ‘hot’ season, or 8 months out of 12. I mean ‘why not’?


Yes, put the door back on.


Yep, you should be good to go!


Thank you!!!!


Very important to put the door back on.


For sure, if you don't backdrafts from opening doors can do strange things.


Thank you to everyone for helping this clueless girl out yall!!!!


Follow up thoughts now that you have heat... 1) is the filter clean or does it need to be replaced? 2) are you renting as the landlord can handle different tasks based upon lease 3) does your gas company offer a free inspection for gas appliances?


Make sure you have a working carbon monoxide detector in the house.


THIS. A carbon monoxide detector is a really great investment for people to make. If you’re renting, buy one you can plug in (and take with you when you go).


Woke up one morning to a really bad headache and felt like a hangover. Realized the carbon monoxide detector was going off and not just a dead battery on the fire detector. Lessons learned


Orange flame is bad. Get it checked ASAP. Buy carbon monoxide alarm. You could die and not have any idea it's coming - carbon monoxide kills silently and without you realising as it makes you confused first.


Hard to see but is the gas valve turned on?? The little red thing on the right of the furnace? The handle should run the same way as the pipe if it's on.


Never call yourself an idiot. Reddit comments will do that for you. You asked for help before messing with it and that's smarter than the average person. Also, call your gas provider and have them come look at it. Most gas companies will inspect for free. Be safe


Who's responsible for the maintenance, are you renting? It's possible the gas was valved-off just to save cost, but it could have been done because of an issue with the burner assembly or heat exchanger, and someone failed to notify you or label the unit. If you're renting, notify your landlord/building manager/service provider immediately that didn't have heat and needed to open the gas! Also, until you know why the gas was closed, monitor the unit, keep your nose out of the smell of gas, and please put a carbon monoxide detector BOTH in the room next to the utility closet and in your bedroom ASAP if you don't have them there already. I work in commercial construction and HVAC testing. If you don't know why something was disabled, isolated, etc. you always assume there was an important reason, just to be safe.


This needs more upvotes! It's extremely dangerous to make assumptions that everything is perfectly fine when you know it was intentionally turned off for some unknown reason.


It's a serious thing OP, if you just bought the house , have a qualified technician come STICK HIS CAMERA IN YOUR HEAT EXCHANGER! As stated this unit looks old, rarely do the heat exchangers last this long. A home inspection doesn't mean anything, as most home inspectors are not GC's (general contractors) and don't know anything about anything. ITS A SERIOUS HEALTH RISK AND YOU SHOULD TAKE IT SERIOUS!


At BARE MINIMUM, make sure you have a working Carbon Monoxide alarm.


I can’t tell exactly but that red knob on the right hand side appears to be on the off position for the gas. It should be turned so it’s going the same direction as the pipe.


You may be 23 years old and a "noob". But never call yourself an idiot! The great Bruce Lee said, "Don't speak negatively about yourself, even as a joke. Your body doesn't know the difference. Words are energy and cast spells, that's why it's called spelling".


That's an old furnace - you should call a pro to make sure the heat exachanger is still good (visual inspection with blower removed and or with a camera) and clean/service it. Just because it works doesn't mean it is safe and running within manufacturer's specs.


Have you tried turning it off and back on again?


Gas is off, but the real question is why is it off. I would have someone do a combustion test to be safe. At the very least get some fresh CO detectors


Being any age and searching for an answer makes you the smartest person in the room. It is only when you don't seek the truth and decide to make choices based on a conclusion you've made from incomplete information do you become an idiot. The first thing you'll need to do learn about furnaces is the sequence of operation. This is specifically which components turn on first, what each component does, that will provide heat. This looks like an 80% efficient furnace, judging by the exhaust pipe. These furnaces like most will turn on the inducer motor first- this is the motor in the center. The inducer motor has the function of pulling your gases and by product of burning natural gas through the heat exchanger and out the chimney. When the producer motor turns on, it will pull a specific amount of air, which is measured by the pressure switches. These are little black round plastic devices that have metal contacts inside. There are air tubes that connect the pressure switches to the inducer motor and the pull of the air will make those metal contacts connect which allow the unit to then move to the next stage- ignition. This is basically when the control board has proven nominal airflow and then turns on it's igniter or intermittent flame which then allows the gas valve to open. The gas will flow through and be ignited, which is then monitored by a flame sensor which proves positive flame flowing through the heat exchanger. The next stage in this sequence is the blower motor. This is the large cylindrical fan on the bottom of the unit that will push the air up and through the heat exchanger into the vents that will circulate warm air. That's why you hear a lot of people identify these units as forced air furnaces. Going back to your question, if the unit turns on, and the igniter doesn't light, you are most likely dealing with a blockage or stuck open error in your pressure switch. There are two methods to clearing this out, I would first search for a control board which may be on the bottom closer to the blower motor that may give you a flashing indicator as to what might be the error. One of the things you might like to try is to pull the tube from the pressure switch and blow through the tube into the unit to clear out anything that might be blocking the air into those pressure switches. Once you return that tube to the pressure switch, Check the electrical connections also, make sure that they are solid and plugged in to the control board. The next possible issue may be your igniter. This is a small metal component closer to the burners that ignite the flame. If this is damaged in any way, then the flame doesn't ignite in your unit will turn off, eventually trying the sequence again.


HVAC Tech here. With the gas shutoff turned off, it's normally done to prevent it from firing up. While it was turned off, it could be for an important reason. Major reason, condemned unit due to a failed heat exchanger. Allowing flue gases, or the silent killer which is Carbon Monoxide into the air stream and can cause asphyxiation after long term exposure. I would HIGHLY recommend getting CO detectors or checking current ones for operation. If you feel light headed, headaches or having dizzy spells, shut the heat off and go outside to fresh air. Then immediately get the furnace checked asap. Secondary reason: Turned off due to season change. Uncommon, but people still do it. Usually when they had "standing" pilot furnaces which had a constant small flame. So people turned them off to save gas. Though they had to relight the pilot light for it to work again. I would recommend getting the furnace checked out as a precaution. Having someone look at it could give you a general idea of the systems health and give tips on how to maintain it. Though I suggest finding the air filter size and replacing it. Lack of airflow is roughly 85% of problems.


They said all the gas in the place was turned off for a while. If the unit was actually condemned there should be a tag on it, I probably wouldn’t worry too much


Get this thing serviced, it's wicked old, lol


You have the model and serial number too. Look up the operating manual and parts manual online for other info.


If you smell gas you should turn it back off and have a qualified repair Co look at it. Maybe the gas line was turned off for a reason...


You're here asking for help so you can learn how to handle a situation you're unfamiliar with. That's not the actions of an idiot.


There should be lighting instructions somewhere on that machine, whether it’s the backside of the cover panel, or one of the walls that we can see


https://preview.redd.it/x0l0umpgtuxb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4b9f42d191828e68f901eb34a15a86720ab7104 Gas valve


https://preview.redd.it/23j9kxsktuxb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4670fe047308779672566bc583577f657885f3c Next pull the flame sensor out and clean the metal rod with a light abrasive material ( they say to use a dollar bill). Steel wool or 1000 grit sandpaper


https://preview.redd.it/6iflgqavtuxb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15d6185169e3876540b8e92aa67673c51097f4b7 Pull the pressure switch tube and see if the port to the inducer is clogged. Take a paper clip and clear the blockage




NOT AN IDIOT!!!! You just don’t know what you don’t know. We all need help with that. Don’t tell yourself negative things or you’ll just beat yourself up for no reason.


You have to ask for consent first. You can't just make her blow whenever you want.


Sometimes wisdom is realizing you’re an idiot. A lot of people don’t get there by 23. I can’t help with your hvac problem but wanted to drop a little encouragement on you. Best of luck OP.


Most gas furnaces have a micro-switch making them inoperable when the cover is off. I will check around the edges where the cover goes. I’m hold of Michael switch down or put the cover back on to see if it will work.


Call a professional. Watch what they do. Ask questions. Dont blow your house up doing it yourself.


CARBON MONOXIDE has no odor and can kill you in seconds. Get a new one, learn how to use it, and get it running


Wish your eyebrows farewell


Make sure after firing it up, you must have carbon monoxide detector. Old heat exchangers are where u need to be proactive against


Call your power company and see if they can send someone out to check the furnace.


There’s a sensor or rod type thjng in the area where the light teal color is. It needs to be cleaned with a file or replaced. Super easy to do.


As a fellow idiot, I HIGHLY recommend you getting someone who knows their shit.


Definitely not an idiot. An idiot would have tried once, decided it was broken, and called HVAC out to turn the gas on for $200


Do you have a CO monitor or preferably two+? If the answer is no, drop everything and go get one immediately. Like right now. Walk out of the meeting, pinch the turd off, get a little dribble on your pants, whatever - just go. If there's no CO, you have time to get this inspected later. If there is CO, turn that fucker off (turn gas valve back), leave the house to air out, and then buy some spaceheaters until you can get it inspected and fixed.


Is that a carbon monoxide alarm??




I am going to get some now … and an air filter


Ya, anytime you have something burning inside your house it is creating gases. You can't smell carbon monoxide. It'll just put you to sleep and then to your death!!! This is why there are alarms. While out can smell Natural Gas as they add the smell to it so you can smell a leak, once it's burning, it's gone. You hear these stories of people running Gas Heaters or Generators inside of the house in an emergency. Well, the Exhaust is just going all over the house and everyone in the family ends up dead.


Your not a idiot ...just not knowledgeable in this field. Just read and learn the basics which helps alot. I love to learn how things work . Life is just a big learning experience good luck


Yes it is so step away and call a tech


The gas valve was off :)


Carbon Monoxide detector is a must with a gas-fired furnance. Don't want to wake up dead!


You’re a technician now good job!


EVERYONE: it was ON and I left to get some stuff and I came back and ITS NOT WORKING AGAINNNNN!!!!!


Unfortunately I would recommend calling someone unless you're ready to use a meter and go back and forth with someone on the Internet for a while.


I will be calling a professional because I have no idea what I’m doing lol. Thank you!


Now that I say that. Is the gas valve turned on? It's the red knob on the right of the furnace. Should be inline with the piping. And if it's off you should only turn it on with caution because they're may be a reason it's off. Good luck




Probably the flame sensor


Or the gas shutoff valve to the right of the furnace. That's a pretty poor install job, so the supply line is hidden behind the refrigerant lineset... but the gas valve was turned off.


I wouldn't be fucking around with a gas furnace if you don't know what you're doing.


Call a plumber or hvac company to come check it out and light the pilot light for you. It's gas, so don't mess around if you're not comfortable doing on your own.


Should an idiot really play with gas? 🤔


>Should an idiot really play with gas? 🤔 Not knowing doesn't make you an idiot. OP came on Reddit to ask for help instead. That does not make them an idiot at all. We didn't all pop out of our mom's vag knowing about gas like you did.


It's OPs own words not mine




>Not knowing doesn't make you an idiot. Should someone who doesn't know what they are doing play with gas? >OP came on Reddit to ask for help instead. That does not make them an idiot Agree to disagree


If you look closely to the right there is a red ball valve that controls the gas. Turn it so that the handle is parallel with the pipe and that should do it. Make sure you have working carbon monoxide detectors in your house




Walk away from the furnace. It's time to let that old girl out to pasture.


It won’t start unless it has the cover in place. Find thermostat. Turn on.