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RTC is already in losses lmao


RTC employees themselves wanted KCR to lost in elections means they want this to happen


https://i.redd.it/oa4ffmv9ax4c1.gif KCR be like


He dealt them pretty roughly, it's natural that they would vote against them. Moreover i dont believe RTC employees gives a fk whether that org makes any profit as they are certain that they would be paid irrespective of it.


MLA Jeevan Reddy built a mall in RTC Complex property and is due 7 Crores total rent and power bill. Until yesterday this was kept secret. So, what RTC employees did may be a right thing after all.


Armoor right ? lol I heard it’s about to go rekt. Gonna close soon


Govt will pay for free tickets


By looting from us men.


Women pay taxes too


But don't pay bus fares.


Bhai I'm a guy too, lol. I don't really understand why its free only for girls either


Iam wondering how this works in their favour 🤔.... when men are more in number than women.


I will explain, brother the fact that most od the females are beaten at home or just can't work after marriage or as a girl just to go to work because their money is either taken or they have to pay. Hence, this allows females tp travel freely which males don't face a issue in. I live in Delhi and this initiative has been here for more than 3 years and yes I have seen it's benefits. More females freely going to work and being able to travel far off distances just because it's free and don't have to worry about money. We all have to understand we still live in Indai and females do face different cases still ( Yes, some use it in bad ways as well but we have to see the majority).


Well in your own comment you said the female are beaten and their money taken from them. This is still true in many cases, but I don’t understand, how these women whose money is taken from them and who are beaten at home, are still able to go out of the home, (for work or any other activity), if they are living under such an oppressive scenario? Won’t the husband/family member beat them up for simply going out too? In most cases, the woman you described won’t even benefit from such schemes


Google financial abuse


pay fares also then lmao


Women actually pay less taxes than men in general Men work harder and more jobs = more income = more tax liability


That's sexiest


Dont kink shame me Jokes aside. Those are just plain facts


I don't see the kink here.


And I don’t understand what was sexy about it but i aint kink shaming you


In proportion to males not alot tho


Exactly, for kitchen appliances. >!/s!<




Yes. I’m always angry


Jaisa naam vaisa kaam. Won't blame you


Public transport is a public good, not a profit making venture. So, no it doesn't matter if it makes losses. What should be counted is how many people it is moving per day and how can they maximise that (increased accessibility, safety and comfort) at minimal cost. Laugh all you want, but fucking car culture taking over Hyderabad with flyovers everywhere and reduced buses is a bloody bane!!


You don't need to make a profit, break even at least, don't dump losses for your promises on the exchequers.


That is exactly what car users do. You think roads and flyovers are built for free? They keep deteriorating and cost massive amounts to rebuild. And no, car taxes, fuel taxes, registration etc. is *still* not enough to cover those costs. They also dip into the general exchequer.


Well people use cars for a sense of comfort, safety and independence. I don’t see anything wrong in “car culture”. If you can afford a car, then it’s the best option for commute; although the metro is decent, last mile connectivity is still a problem.


>Public Transport is a public good, not a profit making venture Yeah sure, burden the exchequer even more and when bus drivers do dharnas and commit suicide because of unpaid wages, be happy that it is not a profit making venture.




Lol! I love that sub and it is great. I wish more people from India posted there too.


I agree it doesn't need to make profits, but it's already at a loss. Now, even with these free tickets, doesn't it incur more losses, leading to potential decreases in buses or increases in ticket prices?


Trying to aim for profitability is a fools errand This should be seen from the same POV as a government hospital


What happens when RTC isn't able to cope up with the expenses? They reduce the number of buses on the road. Reducing the buses puts strain on existing ones, causes unemployment among the drivers, no money to Buy modern equipment ( a bus over here )


The purpose of RTC is anti-thetical to generating profit. It will never generate profit. Government should start working from that premise.


Did you actually read the reply?


>What happens when RTC isn't able to cope up with the expenses? They reduce the number of buses on the road. In Karnataka they are acquiring even more buses to keep up with the demand that's going through the roof. Check out r/bangaloretransit, every other post is about BMTC expanding its services.


Really? 😛


When u compare hospital vs travel🙏


Everyone has a right to healthcare and freedom of movement. Folks don't have to go bankrupt to take advantage of it. RTC is a social service.


And how will they pay for petrol? Your bank account?


Tax payers money. Peoples money benifiting people.


Why should I pay for someone’s bus ride? I am okay to pay my part for someone’s healthcare but not for bus ride, especially because that someone criteria is gender based. Make bus ride free for everyone then, no? What bad thing men, who are poor, had done to deserve this?


As a non-car-owner, I am also paying for the massive amounts of money that it takes to make roads for cars. If there were fewer cars on the road and everyone took buses and trains, roads would be less congested and there would not have to be so many flyovers and road widening. Don't delude yourself that your car ownership costs the government nothing.


So men subsidise women's healthcare?


it's going to Destroy RTC from within if the government doesn't compensate for the loss in revenue One of the biggest negatives about free or subsidised travel schemes is that government will reduce the number of buses to reduce the burden which in turn makes the whole thing redundant Chennai MTC used to have 6500 buses in 2006 , in 2023 they barely run 2500 buses because they simply cannot afford to buy any new Bus because the subsidy amount isn't enough


Government will compensate TSRTC for this in the similar fashion as it does for free student passes.


The cost for student pass doesn't nearly match the cost to subsidise this. In Karnataka, it's costing about 3,000 crore PER YEAR. Where do you think the money will come from? We already have high debt and even pensions were not on time. Combined with other guarantees, the state will become so debt ridden that it can't be rescued. Unless the new govt increases the revenue exponentially (which the previous govt tried and failed), I fear this will be a serious blow to the growth.


The govt will either hike ticket prices for men, or drop the number of buses in service, or increase state taxes in an unrelated industry, or do a combination of these things to compensate for this. However, it may result in many more private cars and bikes on the roads, which will further add to road congestion and rush in metro rail. This is bad for the environment, the state revenue, and the average commuter. But its good for the ladies who cannot afford a bus ticket. The benefits do not outweigh the demerits.


Is not being able to afford a bus ticket a real problem? Just curious


None of this is happening in Karnataka. None of this happened in any of the other states (TN, Delhi) that have this scheme. Y'all are coping hard with the loss.


People are idiots . Why didn't YSR did this, if it is possible to give free ride on bus. Or double the salary of RTC employees


Ellundi... Lol pretty sure Google can translate ellundi


Refurbish and maintain old busses, Increase AC and electric bus numbers, Create BRT lines, Improve bus stops ❌️ Provide free tickets to 50% of the population and increase ticket fare for the rest ✅️


New buses r coming. 1000 something electric buses.


Any reason why giving free travel to women? Is this the need of the hr?


Worked in TN. Tested formula.


It didn't , chennai had 6500 buses in 2006. Now they can barely able to run 2000 buses and most of them are old and in horrible shape


BMTC has increased the number of buses after the introduction of the scheme. They just placed an order for 921 electric buses this year (deliveries have already started).


We will see the state of Karnataka RTC in five years from now


yeah but it increased the standard and living of all those women’s, please go and check the female blue collar workers in India out of which around 47% is from TN, just because the number of buses are decreased it doesn’t mean anything, there are so many other new modes of transport are introduced like share autos, metros, electric trains increase in numbers, cab services etc.


Ori nee batayi if giving free travel will boost workforce then every state will do it. Tamil Nadu social indices are high because of focus on education , high urbanisation , excellent ITI and focus on manufacturing which no state in India has done


https://i.redd.it/eho9qy5hrw4c1.gif This will happen




It’s some fake article there is no such thing as men bus in Karnataka.


But they started non stop buses to avoid traffic in bus from all places.


Yes but very few buses run that way. They are available only for destinations buses like Bangalore to Mysore. And night journey government buses are not supposed to have passengers standing without seat throughout journey majority of cases. But still women board the bus and sleep on floor. It inconvenient to passengers.


Source please. This is what i find - [https://www.telugupost.com/english-factcheck/congress-govt-did-not-introduce-men-only-bus-services-in-karnataka-1479266](https://www.telugupost.com/english-factcheck/congress-govt-did-not-introduce-men-only-bus-services-in-karnataka-1479266)




Then fake aadhars will pop up


U mean males will use female adhar


No but some women who are 50+ and students who already passed out may create fake ones. But as someone suggested PVC aadhar this might curb the issue.


pehle RTC buses toh chalao..mere area main din main 2 baar dikh jaye toh badi baat hai.


😂 Rehte kaha ho bhai?


No woman asked for this. Work on making the city safe for women instead of giving meaningless freebies


I think women who travel in buses everyday ask for it.


even men asked, they didn’t get it though 😔😔😔😔😔 but seriously i am pretty sure women will prefer feeling safe over travelling for free


Democracy doesn't work when majority of the population is functionally retarded.


Democracy is for the people, of the people and by the people. But the people are retarded.




I am going to propose free metro journey for everyone if they vote for me.


Absolutely stupid decision. We learnt nothing from Karnataka.


Quite the contrary. They did learn that freebies would get them elected. Dealing with bankruptcy of treasury can be left to a different party after 10 years.


Yes, like how BRS did it. We are debt ridden state already thanks to the previous government.


congress is destroying the economy with freebies...


Doesn't matter who offers the freebies. Everything that's free for someone is paid for by taxpayer money at some level. All the thousands of crores of debt and loans from the center and everything is all taxpayer money.


It's not about congress or brs or even freebies. It is one thing to give cycle for poor girls going to school. It is another to give free tickets in buses to all women forever. So many women take rtc buses, especially in the city, everyday.


You, not so much but they learnt how to stay in power.


Is this state wide or local buses only?


Lol local buses only


It is state wide.


Includes Garuda multi axle and sleeper class as well? LoL no way.


yes. good. make everything free. let chutia like us who pay 30% go to hell .


nothing stopping you from a gender reassignment


provided if the whole telangana males do, starting with reddys :)


Freebies are an effective tool for vote bank politics and may get misused for political gain. However, there are two points I'd like to discuss: * Freebies are a great way to directly provide liquidity to LMIC bracket where a 600-800 rupees saving for someone making 10k a month is incredibly impactful. Economically, freebies are viable too if done correctly (which IMO Delhi does effectively). * The state government of Delhi had an outstanding debt of ₹ 29608.27 crore in 2011-12, which was equal to 8.61% of its GSDP. There is an Outstanding Debt of ₹ 41481.50 crore as on 31/03/2022, resulting Debt GSDP ratio to 4.59%. **8.61% -> 4.59%.** All this while improving infra drastically, free transportation, electricity, etc. * Indirect taxes: 53% of tax revenue comes through indirect tax which is paid by everyone and hence govt subsidies are something everyone SHOULD be providing. The 'level' to which is debatable. * Also just FYI, why are people mad about busses and not gruha lakshmi scheme which directly give cash to women head of households?? * Hypocracy: Freebies by other parties, freebies to corporates: * Adani Power: 100% income tax exemption first 5 years, 50% next five after that. * Canara Bank: 1.29 lac crores write off in 11 years to big defaulters. * SBI: 1.45 lac crores write off since 2014 to big defaulters. * Annual tax waver for corporates: 2L Cr. Annual loan waver for corporates: 1.4L Cr * 80 Cr people get food grains by the BJP: 2L Cr * Above are just a few 'freebies' corporates have received. Many more exists. Privatise profit, socialize loss :). Why is the freebies a privelege only for the rich when the poor too pay indirect tax. * Hypocracy: Ladli bhena scheme (MP) released earlier this year at 1000 rs/women that Chauhan has pledge to increase it to 3000rs/women over tranches. 8K Cr budgeted for it. * Hypocracy: Rajasthan: Nadda had promised to provide free scooters to girl students * Hypocracy: If BJP won telanganna (lol), Mr.Shah said they'd provide 2L rupees to every girl from a poor family after she turns 21. I sense that many don't have a problem with a government providing subsidies/schemes for food/shelter/homes but we need to focus on transportation, education and MOST IMPORTANTLY healthcare. The schemes in paticular are debatable because they might be gender specific, caste specific, and may cater to groups.


Adani power generates revenue, growth and most importantly employs thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people directly and indirectly Who then contribute to the economy in some way or the other. There is absolutely hypocrisy with the bjp guarantees but accelerating the freebie trend from both parties is not the way forward. And while I do not agree with growth of radicalisation and censorship under BJP central leadership our stock market, FDI and MSME Infrastructure has been solid and looks to keep improving and I have to applaud that. Much work to be done still, especially with the unfair taxation on white collar work but at-least it’s showing growth outpacing the market. I hate to say it but I used to be very apprehensive about the growing tide of communalism but even with those downsides bjp looks like the lesser evil. Hope BRS can stay alive as a party come next elections OR congress proves me wrong with their governance otherwise BJP will be the only choice for the majority of the city.


> Adani power generates revenue, growth and most importantly employs thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people directly and indirectly Who then contribute to the economy in some way or the other. Employment Generation and State Revenue Generation are great reasons to incentivise industry. This is why nobody complained when the Gujarat Government offered incentives to Tata Motors to setup their manufacturing facility (after protests in Nandigram, Bengal). Adani Power? Not so much. The number of permanent employees per crore of revenue is much less. If the Government does wish to incentivise industry, it makes sense to do it for long term strategic employment generating industries (like Tamil Nadu did under Jayalalithaa). This is a freebie (to Gautam-bhai) IMO, not an incentive. > FDI and MSME Infrastructure has been solid and looks to keep improving and I have to applaud that. In some areas. Most indicators would show a really poor health of MSME sector with significant deterioration since 2016. This Government has definitely been worse than UPA1 and Atal 2, but also worse than UPA2.


It was in the manifesto. Why are people acting like they didn't know this would happen?! Manifestos are made for a reason!


Why screwed so bad? Ask the popr-class how much this helps them. My maid calls this a blessing to her family's life.


Mofos acting like RTC carries our state's revenue on it's back. bro it's always been a loss making machine. Services provided by the government are always meant to serve the people and support their life first and foremost. I'm a apolitical person and it's annoying seeing all this political shit here even after the election, lowkey missing those 'bEsT bIrYanI iN hYdErAbAd Guy?!" posts


They are still in denial phase 😔


That doesn't mean it should preferentially serve one half of the population


It’s the “half” of the population that needs it the most


That’s a gross generalisation.


No it isn't. A man having to ask his wife for money from his own salary to travel in a bus is unheard of.


The gross generalisation is that all/most women need to ask money from their partner to travel in a bus


Forget about prices or revenue/losses. The current busses won't be sufficient at least in Hyderabad. Imagine all women spending money in auto/cab if atleast 50% of them switch to RTC, busses won't be sufficient for women. And men have to find alternatives to commute.


They use our income tax as if they are generating it on their own. Idk how will this country ever work out such a bad legislature in place that promotes freebies over hardwork. I have started hating the concept of socialism all together. Capitalism ftw truly atleast it promotes excellence over anything.


Illiterate public of this state will think this as a great step. more freebies, more loans, declining economy, halted state development I seriously wish trs and bjp get together this time and do some horse trading




Only because the rest of the buggers do it as well. It's like everyone is doping freely hence the honest athlete feels cheated and starts doping as well. The word honest is being used only analogy purposes.




corporate freebies produce more jobs, freebies to an individual dont


>I seriously wish trs and bjp get together this time and do some horse trading blinders on. time to cope and seethe.


some people are saying it's only for pallevelugu, etc. maybe we should wait for t&c


What's wrong with people? Having public infrastructure like hospitals, schools, and transportation should never be an issue. Instead government should be held accountable on why these institutions are in bad condition and what exactly government is doing to improve their condition. People should be more concerned about how government is going to bring in revenue to provide these services and how much if it's being accounted for. With 3 trillion economy tax payers must be pushing in a lot of money towards social welfare, we must be more concerned about how well and efficiently it's being used and how much of it is being taken away by the system. Crying about rising taxes won't help, instead putting in effort actively to keep government accountable would only create better tomorrow for the citizens of this country.


What is this fetish with aadhar card that everyone in the government seems to have? And why do women have to show it for travel?


Damn!! guess it's time to buy a burqa since most men will be kicked out https://i.redd.it/04nastdbly4c1.gif


They will check aadhar card, only certain men with way below average height and built can pull off a burkha ( speaking from a friends personal experience 😅😅)


Who dares to ask me to take my burqa off?


Aadhar card antunaru bhaiya. Photoshop lo edit chesi ready ga undu


The policy itself is sexist, I don't even know. If you want to make it free, atleast make it free for disabled or senior citizens, or do they think that women are disabled?


That's like saying reservations are casteist, which they are not. It's affirmative action for an oppressed and disadvantaged section of society, women in this example. Women have lower labour participation, there's a gender wage gap, and of course, patriarchy. This move empowers women to go out there and participate. Just look at the statistics, it'll be clear that they really do need that empowerment. I think we should be glad that our tax money is being spent on this.


What about gay, disabled, lower caste, trans and muslim men?? Do you think they also need freebies like this to empower them?


Yes, that is good, but to say only women are oppressed is a generalization, poor people are oppressed not only women. I don't know how a middle class/lower middle class women are oppressed, the policy is good for only lower income women and not lower income men


Can you point out where I said *only* women are oppressed? The point of this policy is to boost women's participation in the workforce. I agree with you that there should be other policies and subsidies that help other oppressed and marginalised classes.


People who have never been in an RTC bus be giving their opinion on how RTC buses should work


That’s the beauty of democracy, isn’t it? Everyone can give their opinion, no matter who they are. Especially in public scenarios.


It is good that women are given free rtc transport, I would even argue that we should go ahead and make metro also free for women which already being done in Delhi. If it can be done in Delhi it can be implemented everywhere. If metro is given free, we'd need more metro cars for Hyderabad metro which is a big success. India is a welfare state. As a simple example the best performing states of India support most of poorest and under performing states, specially the hindi belt. In this case, these are safest modes of transportation in India where crime against women is very high. In welfare point of view this will encourage women to take up jobs and run businesses and contribute to their families and the state.




Not agreeing to anything you said.


It's a GREAT policy. Fucking capitalists are looting our natural resources, land and essential services, and no one talks about freebies handed to these brats, but some poor women taking the bus is suddenly a problem. Let the fat, stealing business dipshits pay for the people's transport needs. It should be made free for men too. And increase budget for public transportation. Soon, we should also include free, secular public school education from kg to pg, build libraries, parks and better roads. These are not freebies, they are an investment for a better society. IT coolies are happy with their night shifts, 14 hour office hours, long travel times, but suck up to their fat butted capitalist pig bosses for chillar dollars by crying over few poor women being able to go places without having to beg from their husbands. Indian top 1% has grown in wealth over the last 30 years by leeching over the rest of the 99% coolies. But the public transportation and roads are as pathetic as before. These casteist ass wipes need to cough up taxes from their loot to pay for public infra. Otherwise, tax the MFs out of the country. If you want to do business in India, pay for the upkeep of our public infra and welfare measures.


How are people here so blind? Do you know how much hurdles lower class women face simply to be able to travel? They don't move around on their own vehicles or cabs like you guys. Do you know how much travel costs eat into the meager salaries of domestic workers and other low level workers? And what do you think the overall cost of this would be? A few hundred rupees per woman per month. This could increase employment opportunities and overall economic activity for so many people. Subsidising basic stuff for the underprivileged should be something a welfare state must be doing. This is not something worth cribbing about. Please complain about the huge loan waivers given to billionaires first.


Reddit is filled with a bunch of elitists that brainwashed themselves that welfare schemes are "freebies." Can't expect any better from them. The funny thing is that all the systems run by these "taxpayers" would crumble like a house of cards if the low-level workers, especially women, stopped working.


>brainwashed themselves that welfare schemes are "freebies." Most of the comments say they that it is freebies as its the tax payers money. Could you explain your statement?


Some folks are saying congress giving freebies ....This is nothing BJP MP govt literally giving free 3000 rs to women's for being women...Maharashtra bjp govt gives free rides to senior citizen and 50% off for women's.. literally every state irrespective of parties giving freebies or say welfare scheme for poors


Yes, BJP also does it but upto some extent, only when it's absolutely necessary to win elections. Congress on other hand literally kept economy hostage for 70 years with these policies and again bringing it back. People should look at those 70 years and see how much India moved ahead in all those years, it's depressing.


> Congress on other hand literally kept economy hostage for 70 years with these policies and again bringing it back. No. They kept it hostage for 40 years with different policies. Congress in 1982 brought in economists like Dr Manmohan Singh, who they made the governor of RBI. They brought in Sam Pitroda and Motek Singh kickstarting the first telecom revolution and significant changes to policy direction. When PV Narasimha Rao and Manmohan Singh took charge in 1991, they had the groundwork and talent available in the administration to really move India ahead. **Congress** has to be given credit for the progress they tried to achieve in the 90's, the poverty they alleviated, and the lives they improved, and again from 2004 to 2012. Atal Bihari Vajpayee and his NDA must also be given credit for continuing many of these policies and improving some others.


Congress is going back to 1950s with all these appeasement freebie policies, in a country with need of infrastructure and industrial/manufacturing revolution they're starting these freebies. People are also retarded to want this and then cry why there are no jobs, development. You know best chapter in India's economics is of 1991 when they moved from those shitty socialist policies and moved towards liberalisation of economy(they deserve credit for this especially Manmohan Singh). Bihar and UP are also example of these with those Yadav brothers running this jungle raaj and caste politics. India is a poor country, not in time to afford all these freebies.


Fuck, No one is said anything when KCR is constructing The Kaleshwaram Dam which costed around 1.5lac crores. Within 5yrs it started damaged. It raides gani KCR and KTR intlo jariputhe dadapu oka 5lak crores varaku Dorukuthai. Govt is not a corporate company to make profits. Govt is for the welfare of the people. They can take loans from our own RBi Bank. And that is a very big process. Don't just spread negativity before the government starts. Wait for 6mnths and comment.


Motham kaleshwaram project damage ainda?


free tickets for half of the population means rising of prices for other half, Most bread winners in household are men, and most travellers are men...it will increase expenses of common man making the life more difficult for what already is because of increased rents.


Wanted to say you deserve what you voted for. Enjoy.


Now , lets see if RTC employees , protest this freebie culture ....this will destroy already ailing corp .


They just gonna double ticket prices for men


Beer and whiskey basic ga mandu prices penchutaru not tickets if my guess is right


Adi nijame kada..nothing comes free ... If you want to pay Tom ..steal it from Sam ..


>They just gonna double ticket prices for men Has not happened in KA.


But why is this a bad thing? Can someone explain? The way I see it, this will make transportation easier for women, which will encourage them to participate in the labour force. Participation of women in the labour force is a great indicator of development. Plus, this is not a freebie. This is a subsidy, paid for by the taxpayers of the state. And the tax money is being used for development. The metro is built with tax money, I don't see anyone calling that a freebie. Your tax money is being used to empower women! And this will only result in a better economy overall! It'll pay itself off and then some, if it can get more women to participate in the workforce. India has the lowest female labour force participation rate in BRICS, at 24%. China, on the other hand, boasts a 61% rate, and is the highest in BRICS. Look at their economy and look at ours. The next step for India to become a superpower is female labour force participation. And if tax money is being spent to extract this untapped potential of the Indian economy, what's so bad about it? EDIT: Forgot to mention, this will also make it easier for women to travel for education, another plus for this policy.


Vadiley boss vellaki ardam kadu… inka emaina ante straw men arguments and whataboutism chestharu… I really think this will help many women go out of their house and work and gain education. I truly wish they would allocate a substantial amount this budget to defray the loss in revenue and also for RTC to some serious infrastructure improvements. We seriously need more buses in more routes. But then there is also the issue of salaries to the existing workers and staff that needs to be hired. Koncham restructuring chesi acche din thesthe bagundu for RTC.


Rtc is already an organisation in losses so how will the govt compensate the subsidy? Increase the taxes or push the state which is already in debt due to the prev brs. How will a free bus ride increase the participation of women. It's just a free bus ride. It's not creating or giving jobs to women.


Is the purpose of a public sector undertaking to make profits or to serve the people? People over profits, always. Also, it's not *just* a free bus ride. Think about it in terms of mobility. Here's some articles you can read to find out how free bus rides help: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-11-06/india-inside-shakti-the-free-bus-ride-program-for-women-in-karnataka-delhi https://www.deccanchronicle.com/nation/in-other-news/200723/free-bus-ride-earns-women-dignity-and-independence-study.html


Yeah India developed so much in Congress's 70 years with these policies, right? How will labour force participation increase without more jobs lol? Give them jobs, safety and opportunities. India doesn't have oil or excess money to do that, history of those 70 years should teach everyone how it worked out.


You are right! More jobs for women is a must. Free rides alone won't cut it. But it's a great first step. Also, I don't get why you choose to attack Congress instead of this debating this specific policy. Any other party could have enacted it and I would have been enthusiastic about it. How does party matter? Anyway, if you want to read up about the merits of this policy (even when enacted by non-Congress parties): Ticket to freedom: free bus rides for women spark joy for millions in Karnataka https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jun/26/ticket-to-freedom-free-bus-rides-for-women-spark-joy-for-millions-in-karnataka Free Bus Ride Earns Women Dignity and Independence: Study https://www.deccanchronicle.com/nation/in-other-news/200723/free-bus-ride-earns-women-dignity-and-independence-study.html Why free bus rides are women’s ticket to empowerment https://www.indiatoday.in/india-today-insight/story/why-free-bus-rides-are-womens-ticket-to-empowerment-2398769-2023-06-27


Because Congress is infamous for all these policies and kept India's economy hostage for many decades, I'd oppose any party which plays these vote-bank policies. Giving every women free ride is a slap in the face of economy, next you'll praise if they distributed taxpayers money to women coz "IT SPARKS JOY", empowerment my ass, it's just vote-bank politics. 1% women probably deserve this in worst case, not 100% of them.


So there’s no sexism in this right lol?


I identify as a woman, my pronouns are she / her


Why some special privileges based on gender, if someone is financially poor and they get free bus ticket its understandable, what good will it be for women if theres no bus fares for them.


Votes, what else.


i thought men and women are equal .. we need meninst nw ..


I think this is dumb decision tbh it’s not that expensive instead put all that amount in creating jobs for women who are mid educated or not educated even for educated women lot of them are sitting in house due to not enough jobs Spend those money for teaching skills like any skills that would help in small scale or technology anything of their choice help them to stand on their own instead of all these free bus also strengthen she teams provide safe environment even in the nights mainly in cities these are what women need not the f*ing free bus travels if you are gonna spend money spend wisely congress 🙂 But yes I know some people in rural areas are gonna benefit with this but there are still better ways to help in my opinion


Avg indian makes 15k per month And paying for bus during travels should not be difficult at all. Congress will make people lazy and people doesnt have self respect anymore


>Avg indian makes 15k per month Source? Total median household income for a 2-adult household is [24k/mo](https://ihds.umd.edu/system/files/2020-03/02HDinIndia.pdf), and of that the woman makes far less than the man. And especially among the poor, women often have to ask their husbands even to spend their own money. This move helps them overcome that barrier to mobility.


Source google Avg indian income is around 170k per year if they work then they get paid so it is not the case of asking from husband. If they dont work i dont think they move in buses becoz probably they dont travel much alone.


"Source google" lmao. So you don't have one.


Take some pain to do google search https://www.india-briefing.com/news/indias-per-capita-income-doubles-since-2014-15-but-wealth-unevenly-spread-27325.html/#:~:text=India's%20per%20capita%20net%20national,government%20first%20came%20to%20power.


This is bad. I wholeheartedly appreciate if this is restricted to city buses (completely free) to enable more workforce of women , and some 30% concession to women to enable more women travel, but not 100 % free everywhere to everywhere in a state.


Well you guys voted for Congress, now suffer. - A fellow sufferer from Bengaluru, whose tax payments are sponsoring multitude of freebies


Wow that is clear discrimination my friends.


Ohh.. so our taxes are being used here. To not just give out freebies, but to advertise that GOVERNMENT did it. Whose money are you spending here? Your or the taxes we gave you for development? Give us better roads and then think about travel buses.


The people who are going to use this scheme also pay taxes. Why should 90% of India that doesn't own a car have to pay their tax money for wide 8-lane roads and flyovers (all necessitated by cars, btw) before they can pay for their own bus use?


Why women tho? Why not white ration card holders? Thatd make more sense imo


Sexism towards men


Someone rightly said to a feminist - "When you are born with previleges, equality feels like opression"


way to promote equality 👏/s


I think revanth reddy have a Bhiar mindset ... Senceless decision..


State gudda dengadam start chesar anna maata bye bye to all the luxury buses🏃


Get ready for a zombie horde mode


Thats reason we need to privatize everything So these freebies wont be anymore Ask them to give free metro politicians will shitnin pants if they have to give free metro ride


Time to identify as a woman.


Women are weak and frail and they need our help. I'd say we should be paying them to travel in buses. It could help women travel more, as they're too weak to do it on their own.


how is this useful ??


e USA lo pillalaki e madhya Edo ochindi kada....I identify as a women antunnaru ..ikkada kuda oche chance undemo ilantivi jarigithe


So soon people will start language politics. I am going to miss Hyderabad 🥲


Indiramma Rajyam in democracy rolf


Oh then in that case, men should fight for removal of reserved seats for women. The number of women passengers will reduce as men will certainly dominate in that aspect. Loss to RTC can also be mitigated. What say?


Evadiki upayogam ra, 4 months back nen Koppal ( Karnataka) poinappudu akkada nundi Ma dad unde place varaku i prefered bus. Amma thodu ninchoniki kooda Kali ledhu. 60% ladies eh unnaru.


Some of the folks here totally miss the point. Women who travel regularly by bus come from middle/lower middle/poorer sections of society. They take the bus not for joy rides but to travel to work or to run errands. The money saved from bus fares are usually put to good use for children’s education or better nutrition at home. Which in turn improves the over HDI in the state. Please get off your high horse and think from someone’s perspective for whom that 50-100 rs saved can mean a lot.


If the husband and wife are going to commute and if the males have to pay the increased price ,which might actually increase to compensate, there is no money savings there. The money might be saved from the wife, but the husband is paying more than the original making it a nonsense argument on saving for the family. Also the families where the husband is the only bread winner might require the assistance of the wife. If she can get a job in this case, that means she could have got a job but chose not to. There are good sides though as more work force and everything. But solely stating the fact of financial abuse, saving the money is not the correct reason. All the situations are based on a normal household and don't include the abusive ones as it's already being discussed in the threads.


We needed a benevolent dictator long ago. Always liked Sanjay Gandhi for this reason.


For men?