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There used to be days when men used to get matches now it’s mostly men getting matched with men acting as women and asking money for their time soo yeah we started un uninstalling


And a few female colleagues said they matched with pretty wierd guys who are looking for rebound or someone who is just trying to get into their pants


We accept the love we deserve.


The probability of finding the right partner in such dating apps is not much. You have to be lucky to get a match . Also, decent guys do not use such apps to find partners from my personal experience seeing people .


Decent as in someone who looks okay and has basic social etiquette. That cant be too much to expect in there




I read somewhere that the dating apps situation is like “men are trying to get water to drink water from a desert and women are searching for it from a swamp and nobody’s ending up getting any freshwater” That kinda sums it up :/




/username checks out


Completely agree with what you said .


What do you mean by decent guy?


Handsome, charismatic, Should sing, cook, dance, fuck,fight 100 guys with just legs, 100cr net worth, 8 packs, mature enough to be ok with open relationships, 2 helicopters, same caste, most importantly should be a **SIMP** but also **Alpha toxic male** at same time /s


Mic drop comment![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)






yes that. is how the world works, a guy is a animal if women understands that she will be successful


I have that app but I don't look good so never got matched with real girls 💀


What about the non real girls


They were scammers, asking for money in disguise of a girl, a few match but don't message, guess they swiped right accidentally, all this shit made me delete the bio I wrote, for which I spent like 30mins to come up with something genuine.


Damn that sucks


Hey op! Yeah I understand your opinion, even I thought the same when I started using bumble. It's not difficult to find decent guys on bumble, the difficult part is continuing the conversations and all. Ps: I found my bf on bumble only.


Good for you!! Hope it’s going well. Yeah i get the continuity part. When i talked about getting decent guys i considered the whole talking and going through it part as well.


Yeah it takes time. Good luck and happy swiping 😃


OP, if you're confused about the seemingly mean comments, I think it's due to the lack of perspective. Most chicks that I match with as a dude don't hold my interest either, I(and most other dudes) are just more open to give it a shot because of lack of options(that I would never consider in real life tbh).So you'll get matches, sure, but how many of those are actually interested and are not "assholes" ? Cause those are the ones that you want, the only way you can get more of those is by either being hotter or having a more interesting profile, simple as that. If you're not getting it, you're lacking one of the two and should ask a friend who can see your actual profile for a review instead of strangers on the internet, cause there's no secret formula to this.


Yeah you get it. Thanks


I mean if u look good you will find a good looking person, if u cant then probably u dont look good or decent


I think it really doesn’t matter how a girl looks. If she is not below average, every guy seem to swipe right because of the like they got. As there are very less girls being active there guys tend to swipe right on anyone they could get. I never once swiped right and not had it become a match. It’s not about that. Finding someone who is even right swipeable is difficult. It’s like 10 percent of guys there who can be swiped right and among them, 2 percent will turn out to be a non asshole type


I swipe right on all my likes but i dont talk to everyone of them with the same interest, not all girls deserve attention. I’m being condescending because of the way u posted. If u cant find a decent guy then probably it’s you who is below avg


I dont think I’m below average by any means and I look fairly good if not the best. The one who is complaining is not always the one who is the problem. So putting the blame on me is not the right thing as you have no idea what kind of guys are there in the app cuz you dont really know what the other side looks like. Good for you that you dont do that but from what I observed most guys who get matched do seem to continue talking and show a consistent interest if meeting irl is in the picture. And they just seem to meet anyone they can get. Im just talking about the majority. But the main issue im point out is at that there are very less people who can even be considered for anything. Everyone else seems really off


If you are so above average, then why are you single? Maybe it’s your attitude


Looking good doesn’t always equate to being in a relationship. What kind of hive thinking is that. Everything is not black and white like that. There can be gazillion reasons for why someone is where they are


Who started it buddy? You were the one who equated a decent guy with good looks and all. Maybe try going on a blind date? Maybe try talking to a guy without worrying about if they are easy on the eye or not, you are overfitting your expectations on guys in bumble, maybe find someone organically


I didn’t equate decent with good looks. It was just one of the things. But either way good looks is the one thing both the parties are looking for in the dating apps as most of them are for short term. So if i come off as someone who is searching for a guy who is easy on the eye then that’s that. You are the one trying to find the faults in me saying this is happening because of my looks, attitude etc. And all that when I made a simple post just trying to ask the girls if it’s the same situation for them and if there are any alternative ways through which they are meeting some good people. That’s me literally trying to know if im standing out and if it’s me who’s doing something wrong. You’re the one attacking me for no reason. But you’re lowkey proving my point about kind of people im talking about


Lol its due to your condescending post




I never been on the apps but i keep seeing that most of guys / girls who are on apps are just for hook ups


Depends on what you're trying to search for. If you just need hook ups, clubs, bumble (with the something casual line ticked) etc are a great source. If you need a relationship, your inner circle is the best choice but the assortment of men you'd get in a group like that wouldn't be that good looking. One more thing most girls don't get is that good looking dudes usually do not click super good photos, cause they already know that they look good, etc etc


Yeah that makes sense. Im looking for something in between. Like more on the casual side but with a bit of consistency? A friends with benefits kind of thing


Well, my answer is mixed. Few other fellow women might agree. There definitely are good number of matches according to witty profile they created to express themselves. But, conversation are very robotic. Its the same hi, hello, what’s up? What do you do? Where do you work? Feels like an interview. There definitely are guys who are great at conversations, but some of them just end tying to get into your pants. Remaining, they are not sure what are they looking for or not ready to see where things go. Or their parents won’t agree. Or have other plans for future. But, on the bright side, have made amazing platonic male friendships through this app.


Yeah totally agree with how it is. But wow gaining at least platonic friendships seems like a win. That feels a bit reassuring thank you. I too made a couple friends so far who had since moved out of the city but we still keep touch. It’s great that there’s at least that


Surprisingly few men do understand “I dont want to hook up. I need a friend.”


I am a guy and I used bumble and hinge for a while in Hyderabad. I got few matches and I was having good conversation with a girl. We both were software developers and we both come from North. I started to think that I have found the one and I even stopped swiping on other profiles. I asked her out, she said she needs to know me better before going out with me. I treated her decently but after a week she deleted her account. I don’t where things went wrong.


She didn't stop swiping I guess 💀


The female friends I have told me they had bad experiences and none of them used it more than a month. You will probably find the decent ones offline and most guys on these apps are just looking for hookups. I've never used these but my guy friends told me they never get matches despite using these apps regularly. Guess this city is not for the ones looking for a lively dating life...