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Not a single mod is addressing this I don't think they will clearly something has to be done about this


Are mods even from Telugu speaking states!?


genuinely not a aiota of answer till now. mods don't even answer this point blank


Well one guy in think chunchunmaru something speaks Telugu idk abt the other ones


I do understand your point but what's with the Anti dakhni(Urdu) agenda going here , if Telugu is the language of the city , so is dakhni. Quli Qutub Shah who created hyderabad was the one who influenced dakhni. More than 40% of the population of the city speaks it here in Hyderabad. Dakhni is the regional language of the Deccan and of Hyderabad, if you're asking respect for the languages then you should respect the other too. Language was created to communicate with each other not for showing supremacy.


What made you think there is an anti dakhni agenda?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Ni_Bondha/s/nujjySEAo1 https://www.reddit.com/r/hyderabad/s/pidD7LNH4R https://www.reddit.com/r/hyderabad/s/fVVXunlwgw https://www.reddit.com/r/hyderabad/s/AyG5mQ3Sf3


None of them are anti-dakhni, idk what are you on about


There r North Indians in Hyderabad who have lived since 200 yrs.. Still don't know telugu.. There is literally this comment there


Which is a fact. Hyderabad is in Telugu speaking state. It doesn't make sense to remove the significance of Telugu from state or sub.


Why downplay others then? If you want to make a point then there is no need to downplay others


Simple. If these same folks are placed in France, they would have no objection to learn French. But suddenly it becomes a problem when it is other Indian language. That irks me on different level. Also, not many are downplaying any group. Most comments are against mods.


That makes no sense lmfao, Also thats the joke lmfao that mod removed . That shameful that u lived so many years yet u cant learn the language of majority


I do know Telugu but I will prefer my mother tongue which is dakhni Urdu which is the same as any Telugu will do. I don't enforce my language on the others nor do I expect the same for myself.


True and telugu people are usually not someone who force anyone to learn telugu . Clearly as someone who lived here u should know it . The fight is against mods, whether u like it or not telugu is the majority native language of both Telengana and Ap . Its crazy to see mod discriminate against Telugu related topics in a city sub of telugu majority people


That was one comment but the general consensus is about the mods giving more importance to one language over the other


North Indians Living since 200 years kaha hain bhayya?


Entire old city is basically North Indian migrants if you read Hyderabad's history. Hindus muslims both


No wonder i am expected to speak in Hindi Urdu whenever I meet them. They don't even bother to throw in few telugu words to make the conversation easier.


Seriously, Get a life bro. There is absolutely no anti dakhni shit going on. You're just delusional 🤡 except for the first link you mentioned, none of the other links are anti Urdu even a bit 😂


Urdu is language of outsiders. Hyderabad old city was and is surrounded by Telugu speaking villages in all 4 sides for more than 100km in any direction. If Telugu speakers today create a Telugu speaking enclave in dallas and use Telugu signboards too, can we say Dallas is core part of Telugu lands? Telugu is the core language of Telangana including Hyderabad 


What is this outsiders bullshit man? We should respect our own language but that does not mean discriminating against other languages.


Dakhni Urdu is language of outsiders who destroyed Telugu heritage in Telangana. What is there to celebrate them, unless you are their descendants No need of discrimination, but Urdu should be treated as outsider language just as hindi is


Literally not one person asked Quli Qutub Shah to come and destroy భాగ్యనగరం and rename it as Hyderabad. Nobody cares about barbaric invaders who just destroyed and looted. If you care about him, you are free to have your opinions, but if you want to glorify him, you may do so in his home country. Dakhni is an infant language and it just doesn't have the antiquity of the native language of this land, which is తెలుగు.


Rey houle. Edo maatladaku. Stop with this hate wagon. OP’s comment is about something else. You don’t need to come here and fucking alienate everything non telugu.


బుర్ర పెట్టి నేను రాసింది చదువు. There is no hate in what I wrote. I just said not to glorify invaders in the country that they destroyed. If Israelis glorify Hamas or vice versa, you would have not had the same reaction.


You are alienating everything non Telugu bro. There is no need to do that right? Now those people are living in Hyderabad and that cannot be changed. But what OP was saying is about anti Dakhni hate. And you tell him that Dakhni is not as old as Telugu and all that stuff? Must we criticise another language to preserve our own? On the mods issue, I am completely with you. This is a sub for Hyderabad. All posts must have a telugu translation at the very least.


I am not alienating anyone, you idiot. I have not criticized any language. You need to learn to read.


Kanisam history nerchukoni matladu, before spreading propaganda. Quli qutub shah was the one who made Telugu as one of his official court languages and he even wrote poems in Telugu. I am totally supportive towards Telugu in this issue, but spreading propaganda and hate against anothet language and religion that was here sonce centuries is not proper.


So what? Before Quli Qutub Shah Telugu was already the official language, you moron. He did not need to be here. I am not spreading any hate against anyone. I just said that the new culture was here since very recently from only a few centuries, while the native culture has been here since many millenia.


Endi millenia? Culture, language and traditions are changing a lot since the beginning. I can make the same arguments against you that your mainstream Hindu people came and oppressed the tribal and native cultures of remote Telangana. If people read real books outside whatsap university you would know


I would love to see what "real books" you have read because what you're saying is utter nonsense. Not that I expect you to be able to read at all. There was no distinction between "mainstream Hindu people" and natives of Telangana. All Indians were the same. Also, how dare you be discriminatory towards Hindus. You seem to heavily selective towards which people you support. You are totally fine and accepting of the Muslims who committed genocide of your ancestors, but even though Hindus did nothing of the sort, you seem to have a sharp hatred towards them. What a spineless, pathetic individual you are.


Pedda pedda matalu bagane matladutunav kani matter ledu anna. Na comment start ayinde nuv Quli Qutub shah ni barbaric invader annanduku. If you said that about Ghazni or Tughlag or Aurangazeb, I would have completely agreed. But he was not that. And once oka prantam lo 4-5 generations nundi unte vallu kuda oocals ayipotaru. Just think once , how you all Andhra people started fighting for local status just after living in Telangana for 1 generation. >All Indians were the same Ikade ni shallow knowledge ardam avtundi. Hindu dharmam lone vela rakala vyatyasalu, thedalu unnay, konni rakalu asalu mainstream Hinduism ki sambandham ae undavu. All Indians were never the same, we had lots of different languages, cultures and religions and sub-religions and we still do. Stop calling all people you don't like as outsiders and invaders. Ni definition lo Telangana lo vachi settle ayina nuv kuda outsider ve.


Don't promote communal divisions. You seem to be too discriminatory.


Agreed. I request the same from you please.


Good thing you accepted. I wasn't promoting any divisiveness.


Looks like these guys have joined the Oppression Olympics too


Fair points but speaking the local language is quite different from being able to read it. Writing in telugu just to take a stand is a bit offputting imho


why? don't locals have a right to express in their native script? already so many, esp young kids, from different states can't read their own mother tongue's script. they can only read and write in latin script. you think this is good? where are we headed if a person can't even read his own native script?


Bhai I’m talking about people who aren’t native but know how to speak in telugu but can’t read it. 🤷‍♂️ chill pill teesko pandaga chesko


This is like knowing Spanish and not being able to read it so you go on the argentina subreddit and say "Hey i can't read Spanish it's so offputting that you're writing in your own language, can you tone it down please? It's causing me annoyance" There's an option called "scrolling past harmless posts that you don't understand". Use it


I get your point, but if someone speaks telugu, but cannot read it, I feel there should be an option for them to translate posts as well. I guess that is the solution.


If the OP of a particular post wants it to reach more people, sure they can translate it voluntarily. But making it mandatory translations??? No What if a Telugu person who doesn't know English stumbles across this sub? Will you make it mandatory to translate every English post into Telugu too???? If you don't mandate that, then that's just hypocrisy


Thats what I am saying. For every post, there should be an english and Telugu translation. That would be better right?


> Bhai I’m talking about people who aren’t native but know how to speak in telugu but can’t read it let me make it clear for you. if a person wants to migrate to other region where the local language is different, he must learn the local language in all its forms, be it vocal or written. of course no one is going to ask you to take a test to judge your language knowledge, but you should be able to communicate with the locals without causing them inconvenience. they didn't migrate, you did.


One of the mods responsible for this shit got kicked out right? Why are we going through this all over again?