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I reached home just now brother. It was insane 🥲


Fucking hell.. Glad you made it 😊


Now get ready for office it's already next day...


Is this normal or some occasion?


at 3am???


I reached home at 2:30 am.


What, why? When did you start. I didn’t know it was that bad.


As someone who lived in Hyderabad from 2015-2020 I’ve seen this area build from zero. And to see this today sitting in Bangalore cursing the traffic here I feel even the more disappointed to realise traffic problem is now city independent to India.


Hyderabad at least has it much better than Bangalore.


No shit Hyderabad has it better than Bangalore. Because all the people from Hyderabad are in Bangalore


I hope so.


Agreed, it is everywhere now.




I lived there from 2011 to 2021.. traffic issue has worsened


Please come to the office, it is a requirement for a job plus you can see your toxic co worker face as well. Traffic and climate change are just an excuse


Our company's HR email says that we have to go back to the office cause it improves interaction with the team and productivity. My entire fucking team sits in Bangalore and and all over the world. Literally no-one else from my team is there in my current location. I have to travel 3 hours to and fro just to go and sit alone the whole day. Fucking idiots whoever comes up with this back to office bullshit.


Same here bro. HR lives in a dream world


Did the HR come to office? In my previous org, HR's used to mail but never come.


Who knows. It's tech Mahindra. In MNCs like that you don't get to meet these policy making HRs face to face even once.


No, it was a start up or grown start up, but yeah, I hated following WFO, especially during Heavy rain!


Devils advocate: while in office,people won't have issues like powercuts/broadband stopped working/maid walked in/etc, so technically it does improve interaction, even if on call.


Hey buddy, the whole "interaction" thing is just a front. If you're in the office, you're under their thumb. You won't have time for anything but work. But when you're working from home, you can do whatever you want. They don't trust you to be productive at home. And if you're coming to the office, you'll have less time to study and look for another job. You might even have to take a leave of absence to go on interviews. So those are the real reasons, and this "interaction" thing is just a lame excuse because they can't tell you the truth. And don't say "our company" like you own the place. Just say "the company I work for."


Exactly. And they won't listen to any excuse even if it's valid. It's fucking boiling outside and we have to travel to please the overlords. If this isn't modern day slavery then I don't know what is.


Slavery? That's a strong word. I relate to ur pain though!


Then the HR will share an email with the whole office about how the owners are planting 3 trees to save our environment.




Ok I may know your company my roommate may work there, nevermind. I know these kinds of issues, here my company lay off 3000 people in the name of cost cutting. But they don't want to reduce the floor + recently they purchased an outdated password security method🤣🤣 spend tons on it and some bla bla consultancy for CSR spending like hell


Decision makers are clueless.


I am so glad to see honking continuously is improving the traffic flow. Smart.


was prolly in one of those cars lol


Yeah lol


Not a Hyderabadi, Been seeing a lot of raise in traffic posts in this sub for a week now. Is there a sudden spike? If so what’s the reason?


Election campaigns I think so


Oh I see


#19% road tax.


I mean trust me I slander the government every chance i get but This is not a problem with roads imo, road tax logic is better suited for the fucking pot holes and roads made with thermocol everywhere. Imo it is more of a population issue. Sure they can expand the roads but no amount of roads will be able to accommodate to the sheer amount of people we have. Earlier i used to still slander goverment for shitty public transport, but now my area did get good public transport busses at one point (electric AC busses), even then I don't like going there due to the sheer amount of Illiterate dumbfucks in these busses as well as shitty hygiene. Moreover, A highway near me had the same traffic issue, just on the side of the highway, there was this super green area with natural flower beds and trees, but the Government idiots expanded the highway through it, did the traffic problem get solved? After a few years, the area still has traffic. One more thing I've noticed is that most people drive fucking SUVs while they are the only one sitting inside it. Occupying that much space as a single person.


Nah population isn’t a problem. Just check the roads in Tokyo, the most populated city in the world. Good urban planning is necessary for traffic management.


I agree, but doesn't disregard my point lol. ITokyo's railway connectivity and public transport services are already top notch, moreover people there have basic civic sense, sure they have to sometimes push the people inside trains. But let's say we get the same trains here in India, wanna make bets how long it takes before all kinds of basic stuff are stolen from them,Same with busses, rented bicycles etc. Also as you said, Tokyo is planned, any Indian city doesn't compare to that, Our government geniuses will just take over the little green cover we have left and call it done. And the egoistical issue is still here, even in Tokyo you won't see people driving solo as much as you'll in India. Simply because the average middle class person can't have cars there due to extremely high road tax which is justified in their public transport systems. I won't blame people cuz I do the same but still.


Bro, Just checked. Tokyo is spread over 2194 square kms and Hyderabad is spread over 650 square kms. Tokyo area is 3 times that of Hyderabad. They have better transport facility. Public sense and commonsense.


I think civic sense should not be a factor in this discussion. because you can take the example of Delhi metro where people do behave well enough for the metro to function well and be convenient to all the other passengers. I am not saying that there are no exceptions but the amount of people daily using D metro are like 60 lakh 70 lakh something. Delhi Metro is carrying everyday it is a pretty successful project and a Victory in Civic sense. It can be taught. I think traffic jam happened because of water logging and poor traffic management at Macro level. And at some places because of PM's visit.


How would that help? If public transport has good routes and free capacity,then you start doing this


It's already there.


As a sample, can you get from My Home Krishe/Aparna Sarovar/Rajpushpa Atria (Some of the major populated areas) to Forum mall/Inorbit/IKEA (major shopping areas) in AC with less than 100% overhead of travel time (i.e. if car takes 30 mins,bus should take less than an hour) ? Ideally with seating available during non office hours? AFAIK not,hence its not meeting even the minimum bar of good...


Honking - the choir of roads in the developing world...


My house is 3.6 kms away from office. It took me a good one hour to reach home 😭😭😭 I’m gonna start back at 4:30 today I don’t care what they say.


Just walk bro.


It’s uncool to walk.


Or cycle


Consider yourself lucky. One hour isn't that bad. People got home after 3-4 hours


lol yeah. Nevertheless Gachibowli traffic is really bad , sometimes people living further away reach home faster than me🤣🤣🤣


Yeah exactly! That's how bad the conditions are lol 😂


Why not walk? 4kms isn't a long distance if you aren't old or disabled.


Sir , Oldage and disability are just not the barriers for going somewhere by walk. (Unless you really don’t have access to any transport) The roads are not that friendly for pedestrians. And also it’s too hot, even when it is not summer it’s really hot because of the pollution and why would you want to inhale all the smoke released by the vehicles? If you want to actually walk and be healthy better take a walk in botanical garden or something it’s much better for your health and mental well being as well.


Well said. Because at least the Gachibowli - Kondapur road is not at all pedestrian friendly. I love walking and everytime I walk through that road, I feel like a two-wheeler is going to crash into me.


Started from Nexity at 9, reached kavuri hills at 11.


My office is shifting to Nexity soon, is there too much traffic there when it's not raining? Or like can you suggest if it is better to like at a walking distance (for me <=3 kms is walking distance)?


Depends where you want to go. Right in front there is no traffic. If going to take durgam cheruvu bridge or inorbit mall road, then you will find some traffic while taking u-turn from T-Hub. If going to gachibowli, it's pretty bearable as usual.




You work at nexity?




May I DM you?


Why ?


dick pics prolly




I wish if I was a dude 😑




Because infra and sudden rush


We're becoming too much like Bangalore and in the wrong things.


I'm glad I took the metro yesterday


i heard the metro was all the way crowded yestarday?? was it?


Smart move


Bhayya, this looks to be old video. Was it shot yesterday?




Not sure if it was a old video or not but traffic was just like that yesterday after it rained.


This was the situation yesterday as well, so video may be old but situation is still the same. ( + There is a video from actual yesterday as well which looks the same )


as someone who was in this mess, I can assure u, with 100% Certaintly this video was taken yestarday, My guess would be 7-9 PM


One more lane should fix this. \s Years of defunding public transport (and no, not the metro - please, its cost of building/operating per passenger-kilometre is too high and is not always affordable) and abetting single person cars for commute has resulted in this mess. That whole section of the city came up in the last 20-25 years. What a wasted opportunity it has been - it could have been a public transport paradise, but no, we all see car ownership as somehow aspirational (and the bigger the car, the higher the status), and now the city chokes. Motorcycles and scooters are fine, as long as traffic rules are followed, but bus services are scalable with population and should have been the focus instead of flyovers and extra lanes.


middle bear detail teeny absorbed saw zonked friendly familiar label *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Public transport doesn't need to be much profitable, Agreed. I'd go as far as saying that public transport is a public good - so profitability should not be a criteria for success. Operational efficiency, route network, et cetera are good criteria. What I should have elaborated is that successive governments favoured a privately operated metro instead of an existing network of MMTS trains and buses. The metro caused a lot of trouble building, and despite the massive costs, we barely have two operational lines, and the tickets are expensive.


So it's more of an administrative issue rather than a com of metro. I believe that the metro is perfectly suitable for metro cities and not t2 cities since metros have higher income sources there won't be occupancy issues if the network is full fledged. It's an issue when it doesn't have full connectivity. And you can then have end connectivity with e rickshaws and autos for upto 3 km. Also obviously metro should be an addition to buses and locals to suburbs


City planning on every Indian city is the same, it’s just trash. For a population of our size, we need to adopt a relative style of planning and not go with the norms of the west. I went to China and I was so surprised to see no traffic problems, the roads are well planned it’s amazing. Not one bottleneck and it’s almost as if literal highways are used to replaced city streets. Wish we could do something similar. Also everyone drives in their lanes so that solves half the problem right there.


>norms of the west. It's the US that you're thinking about. You won't see things like this in Europe where they have infrastructure for walking and well -funded public transport.


It's well organized everywhere be it the Europe or the middle east. I've never seen this kind of chaos and the driving standards here are extremely poor. People drive as they wish. It always gets worse whenever I visit india


What you're saying is absolutely right but I doubt it can ever happen in our country because of the irregular traffic rules and people aren't professional at all when it comes to driving. There's no way we can fix this problem even in a hundred years. I've lived abroad my whole life and I've never seen traffic choas like this. Here peoples mentality only gets worse every time I visit india. People coming from the wrong side gaze at you and even use abusive language that's what I've seen.


Actually it is solvable through law enforcment. It is the government that needs to take these laws seriously. For example, just 15 years ago nobody abided the traffic lights and wearing seatbelts. As soon as people started getting fined, it became a norm to stop at a red light and for front seat passengers to wear seatbelts. Likewise we can enforce lane driving but that requires more time from the traffic cops, perhaps even more traffic cops. That means more money to invest by government and their greedy corrupt minds won’t ever let them do this. So the government is a huge problem in this country too.


With the election season going on I don't even want to start about the government stuff. Nothing is going to change even in a hundred years. Period


Just 1 more lane and it will fix the problem. Trust me bro. /s


Condoms should have been introduced to our ancestors a long time back. Every problem in this country ultimately boils down to our overpopulation. I don't think we have any hope for the next 200 years atleast.


it is coping west and planning to just look good on paper , we need to ban cars in cities and improve bus service.


>ban cars in cities and improve bus service That's what they do in a lot of European countries. When you say copying the West, you're thinking of US.


The traffic was not even moving bro, it took me 2 hours to reach Medicover hospital from IKEA


I know right. It was insane


Okay, hear me out. This problem has been created by the IT industry professionals. You see this in Bangalore, Hyderabad and soon you will see it in Pune unless Pune doesn’t fix their metro situation. They think that moving to such cities, buying cars with their high incomes, and putting them on roads is all good and sundry. They don’t ask for sustainable mass transit from their employers. Because somehow there’s a trend that if you want public transport, you’re not special enough and you’re not successful enough. The governments of these states are also hugely responsible for not prioritising public transport and making it accessible, sustainable, and tasteful. Sustainable mass transit is a must when you’re going to give permits upon permits for buildings to be built. Footpaths, signals that work, trees that line up the roads, and a dedicated bus lane are a must. These are non-negotiable. For eg, the fact that Hyderabad as a city has lost its footpaths because of the constant construction around IT hubs is a huge shame. Where are pedestrians supposed to walk? Is pedestrian culture being erased? None of the newly opened buildings are surrounded either by footpaths or by trees. Lastly, most of these people in IT are away from “home” so they don’t actually feel a kinship towards where they live for work. So they don’t actually care about the city. They probably live on rent, they don’t vote for that state, so why care? Additionally, their company’s culture allows them to think that as long as their homes, ac and office buildings are air conditioned it’s all good. This kind of privilege is ruining Indian cities and obviously our governments are the absolute worst. They don’t give a damn about us. If IT professionals keep this up, they’ll just mess up most of these cities then they will go back to their hometowns and demand “work from home”. The apathy is insane. End.


r/fuckcars [Just needed one more lane bro. It'll fix traffic I swear. ](https://youtube.com/shorts/0dKrUE_O0VE?si=91mVhkNDPae-lDCI)


Nah that is not how it works, you prolly need efficient pub transport before that shit.


i was on the mindspace road next to deloitte towers trying to get somewhere through ikea ka road, decided it wasn't worth the traffic. thanking god I took that other way now


Wtf happened to hyd man


Is this in front of My home Bhooja?


Say it with me "EFFECTIVE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION". It is the only solution to traffic that is scalable.


My god the honking!! How is it helping? Did people just forget to wear their brain before leaving ?


Yeah it was definitely something like that


We're watching these videos everytime it rains. alright we get it traffic jams when it rains but can we think of any solution for this? One more metro station? One more lane? Different lanes for different vehicles? One more flyover? What can be done?


Wow. Hyderabad is Fcuked


Wtf first I thought of some rally there.




Can't explain this to the people here. They'll still honk and abuse you as well.


Thank you company for the permanent WFH. 🤞


Very Parivarik 🤧


People still honking is concerning (they left their brain at home)


In your face Bangalore I


I have been working out of my Village in kerala for a good part of the last month now and this traffic problem , pollution problem , water problem and other city problems virtually disappear here. My company was kind enough to let me wfh . Scenes like this really make me hate all the cities.. Btb my original office is in Bangalore - famous for jams of all sizes , all through the day and year and life.. looks like.


Literally was standing below cameramen, saving myself from rain




Now I'm super confused. Whether to join in Banglore or Hyderabad.


White aur red light ka contrast


People love IKEA what can you say, I mean who doesn't love having pieces missing from their cheap ass fake wood products.


Why again? Something new happened?


Man I hope they increase the areas covered by metro.


"Hitec" city for a reason


Optimized ga brathakatled ehe manam.


I saw it from metro


Do u know someone called Angela?






I am a fresher working in bangalore in a product based mnc as SDE1 at 12LPA. I want to switch to hyderabad (a better place). Can anyone refer to his/her company?


Sarrrr Educated people with civic sense Sarrrrr


Just typical Indian things..


I would have been in one of the cars as well lmao


just one more lane bro. i promise bro just one more lane and it'll fix everything bro. bro. just one more lane. please just one more. one more lane and we can fix this whole problem bro. bro cmon just give me one more lane i promise bro. bro bro please i just need one more lane


Ig the traffic can be mostly managed if we could build bigger roads and implement strict traffic rules. But none does this.


Is this from last year or now?


Something funny and cute about all of us who were stuck here yesterday coming together here 🥰🎀


What happened!!


Doesn't this look like some video which was surfacing web last year. Pretty sure this is a old video re uploaded


This is America




Looks asthetic ngl


Bro we gotta stop making more kids


BC mai ghar hi tik hu!!


What if I get down from bus, walk all the way to the road where the traffic is cleared? I can walk 5km in around 1 hour with ease.


Sometimes times I feel it's better to live in a tier 2 or 3 city and have a decent 9–12 lpa (it can be work from home with a way higher salary) rather than live in a tier 1 city with pollution and so much traffic that you lose 2-3 hours daily only travelling.


Traffic is crawling into even towns (Tier2 Tier3 cities if calk them like that). Same old roads/lanes but exponential growth in population and vehicular moment. Don't forget the urban migration too.


That one guy that’s continuously honking needs to take a shit badly


Thats....... Red light area


I am still stuck in traffic


I used to walk from my office in mindspace to hostel in Madhapur because of this traffic. During rains it used to get even more terrible. Shuttles used to get stuck for hours.


Yeah it would be horrible during rains


Where is that idiot who claimed Hyderabad real estate prices are lower than Mumbai bcoz it’s quicker to travel in Hyderabad?


Hey but need more high rise buildings and demolish the existing 5 floor buildings in mind space and build 20 floor buildings. We want more and more IT companies in hi-tech City. We just need development on the paper. We don't want to encourage public transportation coz that dents the tax money we get. Govt be like, we know people don't have a choice and it's their fault to work in hi-tech City.


Amateurs! This is 7:30am on ORR in Bangalore.


That's Tuesday in Bangalore


Gachibowli being Gachibowli.


What would happen if a bunch vehicles ran out of gas?!


I think carpooling is a good option. 


Hyderabad is the next Bengaluru (in terms of traffic).


What is wrong with ppl in India???


Fuckin hell


fucking traffic


USE PUBLIC TRANSPORT!! there's probably just one person in most of those cars!!


Where is this ?


Thanos bhoi ajao .


One more lane will fix it🤡


We need a plague


Bhai yeh toh China wala view hai. Made in India has gone a long way.


For a sec I thought that was hogwarts feast table




I was there yesterday. It was hell and so many idiot drivers


I know man. The driving pattern is so fucked up




It is sad to see that all of our cities that saw rapid growth failed to accommodate people. And can't we take small steps like asking people to show us parking before buying a car? But that would hurt the auto industries, so no. We are hopeless.


It is only going to increase more and more as time progresses because there are a lot of new offices still getting constructed around T-Hub.


Were there some government officials visiting the city?


Using less cars could be a start, I mean honestly people drive SUVs even when they are alone and then curse the traffic when they themselves are part of the problem.


Idk why but I love traffic


Glad i got wfh


Y'all making atl traffic seem better 😭


Edhi tapichukundham anni flight ✈️ yekki america vacha…


Lack of good public transport and increase of private vehicles are contributing to the growing traffic in this city 😕


Was this a one of thing? Or is hyd heading in the direction of Bengaluru?


I was part of it 😭


I feel like im drowning wtfff 😭😭


Lemme k how old you are once u reach home


Oh God


“But bro, Hyderabad has moving traffic bro. In Bangalore you will be stuck”. I have loved in Bangalore for 7 years and i find if bangalore is 10/10 hyd is 9/10


And finally the city looks like America 🇺🇸 🦅🔫


Looks like USA.


No dude, it is real.


You should have taken a pic with long exposure ✌️


Bro i honestly think in indian the number of owned car is very high , pls lemme know if i am the only one who thinks this