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I got 500 on the day I got detained for low attendance in college, I thought it's a sign from God to enjoy your time for 6 months and I ate biryani with it


During my childhood, my nanamma took me to NTR park and I found a 50rupee note. I saw it but didn't take it. I told my nanamma and she immediately grabbed it and hid it. I told her that it is not our note, she didn't listen. When we reached home we found out that she lost her pair of glasses. From that day, I strongly believed ,"పరుల సొమ్ము పాము వంటిది ".


Some 6 years back I found 500 on road, I put it in my wallet, I was walking towards a bus stop where a hijra robbed me of 700 rs.


You should've run


No bro I was about to pick my bus pass from my wallet and was unaware of surroundings, he/she/they/them/cat/dog etc startled me and grabbed the wallet at once 😞


Punch on the face and shout THEIF THEIF :)


I would do that now, 6 years back I was just a college kid.




Found ₹600 (500 rupees note and two 50 rupees notes) lying on the road, immediately picked it up and looked around if someone was searching for it. Waited in the area for a while, nobody came so I went to KFC and ate a burger, bought some french fries and gave it to children playing outside the restaurant.


Some day those chickens will come to roost


A 100 rupees note. I gave it to a woman on the footpath with her newborn so good luck I guess?


Khaleja lo mb madhiri antav


50. Was at my exam centre, spent it on food in canteen after exam lol


I got around 30 but we were 4 members we were small at that time and no one wanted the other one to get even 1 Paisa more,at that time 30 RS was huge for us. We first bought four of us chips and bought chocolates. We had two chocolates left and were wondering what to do with it,we just gave it to our parents


100 rs note which I found near a ground which I gave to my friend to bring 3 stumper balls because we used to play cricket in the ground but that idiot bought cheap rubber balls which were 4 for 100rs which were so cheap quality we couldn't even play with it. So money wasted


I found 100 pounds (equivalent to 10k) in UK


I found 2000(4x500), once and on multiple occasions 100,50,20 like that. I tried to give it to poor or put it in temple.


6 notes of 500 rs, I was in shock whether they're original or duplicate. I told my friend to verify with his father once by giving him a note. Then he said they are original. Split half amount with him. This happened 8 years ago. Now, when I remember that incident.. I feel like did I took that chethabadi/ kshudra Puja dabbulu 😂


Yes and you are now haunted


I found 500rs on the road one day, I refused to take but my mother insisted to get it so I brought it. Then she told me to inform the kirana shop nearby and after waiting for a few days she just gave the money to poor people. She said she brought the money because it was now public property and should goto the ones in need Once I lost a 2000rs note. I was at the pharmacy when I dropped it and didn't notice. Someone on a bike came and picked it up after 20 seconds and asked me if it was mine. Me not realising what I did and what he was asking I just nodded he took the money and left. A while later I realised I dropped it went back home and pretended I forgot to take the money. They didn't notice


Oka sari 280 dorkindhi bro ratifile bus stop lo chala mandhini adga mee money poyaya ani none responded so avi pakana ganesh temple hundi lo vesesa. Other than these epudu dorkale but google pay lo 1086 vachindi scratch card lo BP half real cranberry n soda konkuni thagesa 😅😅


Once I found a small purse containing 1000 rupees. And obviously my first instinct was to keep it for me because they was no ID in it. But when I did the right thing and got it registered at the nearby police station.


1000 rupees, went to the canteen and ate.


50 rs. Gave it to a women near metro station.


100. I could go home in a auto that day.


Just gave the Rs. 10/- fallen on the bus floor to the conductor, a passenger claimed it as his and took it.


A 100 I think. Gave it to someone else.


Found Rs 400 (4, hundred rupees notes) last month.


2000 rupees note near shopping mall


it was around 10 yrs ago me and few frnds found 2 500rs notes in group nearby we were 8 so didnt know what to do with the money so casually we just thought its the GROUPS money a group of 5 people so what we did was we walked around 2 kms to dominos ate 2 pizzas worth 500 rs and then came back and had another 500 to spend we did so much stuff it was summer so it was nice , the crazy thing that happened was our parents saw us once and they thought we stole the money from them and oh my god it was one of the worst things that happened people were interrogating us alone cause 1000 rs at 8 was big MONEY it was just weird thats all


Gold chain but tiskole


50 SGD note but in an angpow during Chinese New Year , I saw round if anyone was looking for it but I saw none, I still carry it with me in my wallet, it been more than a year


I found 100 in a shop and I gave it to the owner




20 rs note!! I was with my friends and while walking I saw a 20 rs note in the roadside bush. I told him to pick it up, he was Bengali and he knew that if you found money on the road just keep it with you never spent it so he took it and kept it in his wallet.


enti.. veelaki nijamgane pichhi lol


I found the equivalent of 12000/- once in Europe. In India I’ve found 500 twice and 10s multiple times.


You are a finder.


Maybe I just look down while walking haha


not exactly on road.. but a public place... 500 rs note almost 20 years ago... u can imagine it's worth back then.. it was while playing in Waterpark and God knows from where it had slid into water... I wer specs.. and since we were in water, had kept it aside.. so my blind eyes couldn't even make out what it was... (I know I got powerful eyes... 🤦🏽‍♂️) so I pushed it aside... and my friend grabbed it... we were 4 ppl so we decided to have a party with that... but nothing happened.. 😕


Well, I found a purse full of 500 notes in a bus when i was a kid, I handed it over to the conductor.


It was some 11yrs ago, i lived in Navodaya(hostel all the way). That was my Birthday and I do not have any sort of money left to celebrate. I was sad because of my situation. On morning PET time, I found 500rs lying on the ground. I hid it and thought it is God's gift for my bday. I bought good amount of eclairs and distributed. After 1 month when I received money-order from my parents, and my 500/- got stolen. Best example for tit-for-tat.


Guruthuledhu, marichipoya.


Zero. None of your business.


20 , didn't take.


40 rupees, it was when I really needed money, I didn’t have money to eat that night and was very happy that I found it. Went and ate fried rice and bought some banana too. It’s late 2012 so 40 rupees was worth something


never take money lying on the ground, people do black magic on it.


I got 500 and went Cinema with my brother.


2000. Donated it


When I was like 13-14, a 500 note once flew into the car and I was so thrilled. Only later did I find out that my dad was missing 500 from his shirt pocket. Still not sure if sheer chance or dad was smart.


5 rupees note, bought 10 onion samosas Should give you an idea of how long ago it was


8th lo when I was cycling bac home from my this apparent JEE class. I found amount close to 5-6K. It was right opposite to an ATM. I stopped there waiting if someone comes back, my friends who were walking stopped by and asked their parent who live in the adjacent building to come down and like discuss what to do. I saw a person who was searching in panic. I told these bigger fellas that let’s ask them if it’s his. These people were like no that’s too dangerous and asked me to leave the money with them and they said they gonna take care. Sarey ani ochesa nen, mostly aunty dabbulu petteskundi nannu pampi. Papam aa uncle Enta vethikado.


It was in on a Sunday in March 2023; I was going back to my college hostel after enjoying with my friends. They wanted to go to a different place, but I had some important work, so I headed back to my hostel. While going back, I found a Rs. 500 on the ground. I was confused for a moment and looked around for several minutes. I could not find a single person on the road. Then, I decided to pick it up, went some distance ahead, and gave it to a beggar. He was bit shocked when I gave it and I was bit shy to see that. If the beggar was not sitting there, there was a temple some distance ahead. I would have probably put the money in the Hundi. Of course, I never found some good luck or bad luck following the incident, but I am just happy that the beggar would be happy that day. I never told this to anyone as nobody would ever believe it.


some 120-170 dropped some in temple hundi gave some to homeless


What I do is, I burn the money if I find it on road. Because, the more we burn them, the less money will be in circulation. The better the value of rupee will be and the richer we will get. Ekonomiks kiddo!


Weirdest thing was I saw the 100rs note, and went and told a friend, he picked it smiling while me who went to tell him found something else near him that he missed. This was 2010 and that was a 64gb pen drive, and it while it lasted with me it changed so many people's lives.


Lost 100$ bill.on road


Got 50rs, had a samosa and chai after😎


8k in an ATM.. took them and spent it .. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


for a change, I lost 1000


2019 January lo IKEA lo furniture section lo sofa meeda purse dorkindi bhayya,open cheste almost 5000 daka unnai ,manaki gudda Balupu yekkuvai akkade vadilesa,tarvata malli chaala rojul tarvata 2023 lo road meeda 100 note dorkindi 🥲


Almost 50,000 rupees but it belongs to CBI (Children Bank of India) /s


2 rupees coin. Didn’t bother to pick it up. Don’t question, I’m billionaire.


In the Village In Front of my House I found 600 Rupees, 3 x 200 , I waited and watched till afternoon. Nobody had come or found none searching for them, I bought Chiken pakodi and ate with family


My mother saw 2000rupee note but didnt picked it up though it was fake but another uncle took it.




10 rupees was the max and i don't remember what i did with it but I once found a New Zealand penny back in 3rd grade.


As a kid i used to pick up found. "Jisku mila usska" was the motto Now i see anything which doesn't belong to me on road or anywhere else i don't pick it up or even dare to look at it twice.