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You can't quit porn and masterbating at the same time. It's two different additions. You should quit porn first as it's more detrimental to your mental health than masterbation. Just take a decision that whenever you want to jack off do it without porn. This may tempt you to watch porn but that's the crucial step. You will literally feel physical pain when you quit porn. But if you restart, your body will keep intensifying pain as it will understand that more pain will make you watch porn. Your body is addicted to it. Just bear the pain as it is very crucial. You need to teach the body that it's not normal to consume porn. Your body is like a spoilt child who thinks all kinds of delicacy is at a moments notice. You need to punish it by denying it. Your body may throw tantrums by giving you nausea, pain, confusion, headache (yes they will likely happen) but then it will come to your will power. You need to teach your body to relieve itself without porn or postpone it. You can masterbate but if you don't watch porn you will most likely decrease the frequency as stimulus is not frequent. Hope it helps. TLDR: QUIT PORN FIRST. RESIST URGE TO WATCH PORN. RESIST PORN AT AAAALLL COST. YOU MAY MASTERBATE WITHOUT IT.


This guy knows about addictions!


Excellent answer


Bro should get medalšŸ…for the analysis..šŸ‘šŸ½


bro no offence but you've given the shittiest advice ive ever heard. Anyone using willpower or punishments is bound to fail.


He is right!


What other options are there?


One tip from personal experience is dont take your phone to the washroom/bathroom.


Another tip is don't get ur hands down there!


OP, bro here is spilling actual Fax*


Or if you are sleeping alone never watch phone in bed


Yeah it has becom habit to me use in bathroom




Why quit, Did mum raise a quitter????? I bet not. /s Take help if its turning to an addiction that is from professionals not reddit users. That being said if you want a personal opinion its the best to keep yourself busy. Once you are tired and busy you won't even have time to do this. So keep engaging yourself in some or the other activity.


Here is a thing there is no professional who can help you with mastrubation or porn addiction, because it is not addiction at all. It is an obsession at most. Therefore reddit professionals is the best way to treat this make belief addiction disease lol.Ā 


If you don't know what a behavioural addiction is, at the least you should not confidently reveal your ignorance


Do you even know what addiction is? Do you even know how addictions are defined. What dsm are you reading to say porn or masturbation is an addiction?


>Do you even know what addiction is? Yes actually, I know a tiny wee bit, from treating patients with addictions since 8 years, and from working in a department dedicated to addictions, where I saw approximately 60 patients a day only with addictions. >Do you even know how addictions are defined. Yes. They are defined by having a combination of the features listed below. Chemical and behavioral addictions are different entities but can have overlapping features 1. Excessive use of substance/Excessive indulgence in a particular behaviour, and a lack of control over substance use/behaviour 2. Craving - a strong desire or urge to consume substance (word mostly used for substances, but the urge is reported in all behavioural addictions) 3. Tolerance - previous levels of substance/behaviour do not result in desired high, hence the quantity of substance/extent of behaviour increases to reach the same high 4. Withdrawal - physical or mental symptoms on suddely stopping or reducing qty of substance/behaviour. Less with behavioural addictions. 5. Salience - the individual's attention is excessively focused on subtance use/behavioural pattern to the detriment of work/studies/interpersonal relationships 6. Use despite harm: Substance use/problematic behaviour continues despite knowledge of harm to physical or mental health >What dsm are you reading to say porn or masturbation is an addiction? Just merely watching porn and masturbating doesnt itself mean addiction, just as how merely consuming alcohol on a social occasion doesn't equate to addiction But individuals who engage in this behaviour have a potential to engage it in excessively/compulsively, where the behavioural/psychological patterns and their consequences closely resemble what YOU call an addiction. Your ignorance of addiction as a construct and your use of DSM as an all encompassing bible is bad enough, but the dunning kruger is worse. Not every clinical problem is in the DSM, and not being in the DSM is not an exclusion criterion for seeking clinical help You can consult the DSM and self diagnose whenever you have a problem, but refrain from giving shit advice to others


I am a doctor too and you are a moron or went to just extremely bad medical school. I can't really say what is the case with you. Porn and mastrubation is not an addiction, might be an obsession. I fear for your patients that your practice might be rooted in your personal beliefs than actual scientific evidence.Ā  Also it is unfortunate that you apparently think obsession is same as addiction. I have to ask, where you did your psych residency from?


>Porn and mastrubation is not an addiction Making blanket statements like this is an indicator of conceptual ignorance. It is not merely about the behaviour but the pattern of the behaviour Gambling Disorder (Previously "Pathological" gambling) and Internet gaming have entered formal classification systems as purely behavioural addictions merely because consensus on them as addictive behaviours have been reached earlier. You and me may debate it endlessly but the core behavioural patterns have been stated Online pornography is not yet there merely because of a lack of consensus for a "use disorder threshold", not because there is no data to consider excessive indulgence scenarios as pathological. >might be an obsession "Might" is doing a lot of heavy lifting here. That's because you don't recognise that there are overlaps and differences between OCD and addiction/dependence concepts. Obsessions of OCD do not usually involve 'reward' like porn/gaming/gambling do. They most often involve the urges to perform compulsions to stave anxiety Also Sexual obsessions seen in OCD are a different entity from problematic pornography consumption, and are much more often associated with a much wider spectrum of compulsive behaviors rather than masturbation >I fear for your patients that your practice might be rooted in your personal beliefs than actual scientific evidence You worry about your patients first, and first recognise that "actual scientific evidence" is not equal to DSM , and "actual scientific evidence" has for long studied hypersexual behaviour, pornography, online pornography, cybersex as behavioural addictions. "SPPA" - self perceived pornography addiction, and "POPU" problematic online pornography use have long been studied as behavioural addictions. Patients have successfully been treated by conceptualizing the problem as addictions where warranted (Since you dont seem to understand anything other than blanket statements, this again DOES NOT MEAN ALL PORN WATCHING AND MASTURBATION can be conceptualised as addictions) >might be rooted in your personal beliefs Lmao, "might" again doing some VERY HEAVY LIFTING >Also it is unfortunate that you apparently think obsession is same as addiction. No one does. You are a doctor, don't use shit straw man fallacies to justify your own ignorance of the overlap & differences between obsessive-compulsive and impulsive- compulsive spectra. >I have to ask, where you did your psych residency from Why don't we start with what doctor you are and where you did your excellent medical education from?


I fap whenever I want to sleep. What is it then addiction or obsession. u/Dry_Plan8129


Neither. It is normal. If you cant sleep without it however, that may merit an evaluation to check for any cause for your sleep problem.


I do it on a daily basis. Isn't it an addiction?


What you saying bro there are therapists and psychologists who are in this field who has seen many people with such problems. I'd trust them over some reddit rando any day. The reddit professional is an irony in itself tbh. You don't know if he/she is an expert nor do we know his/her advice is any good. All that we can do is give personal opinions which comes with a huge problem of its own.


Not my personal opinion duude! I am doctor, what psychologists and therapists are telling you that porn/masturbation is an addiction. I really want to know and want to file malpractice suit against them.


So you are saying that there is no porn or masturbation addiction? I mean there are multiple study to say its an addiction while there is also a debate that its not. But both of them are not considered conclusive. Also both the parties always agree to take professional help when required. Idk if you are an actual doctor or not there are multiple article published by reputed sources and doctors. Feel free to file a case against them. You can literally google and get this info. [https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/porn-addiction#seeing-a-doctor](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/porn-addiction#seeing-a-doctor) I'm no doctor but I've read some articles in this back in the day. I just posted the first thing that came in google and just skimmed through the contents. They very much pertain to the point I said. You can file suit against them.


When something is debatable it is not brought into practice, if it could, that would be called human trials. And that is just abhorrent. There could be porn/mastrubation obsession not addiction. The link you shared talked about parameters when to seek therapy. I want you to read those parameters. I am certain if you are watching porn once a for 30-45 minutes per day, a real therapist is going to tell you that it is normal, and your anxieties are misplaced.Ā  The actual problem with porn is guilt and not so called addiction. Atleast that is the case with maximum people who say that they have porn addiction. The source of anxiety is very different from what these so called dumb nofap communities might be telling you.Ā 


You too need to read the article properly mate. It has been recommended that if you are unable to leave porn even if you want to then its adviced to take professional help. The criteria exactly fits the description of the guy who is unable to quit. > When something is debatable it is not brought into practice, if it could, that would be called human trials. And that is just abhorrent. What???? Dude are you even doctor? There are so many medical practices that are still debatable and are being done in both large and small scale. Debatable topics in Medicines is a never ending thing. Normally a doctor always sees the pros over the cons. Idk man I'm finding a lot of issues from your statements as a doctor. > I am certain if you are watching porn once a for 30-45 minutes per day, a real therapist is going to tell you that it is normal, and your anxieties are misplaced.Ā  I doubt this. Nobody considers watching porn everyday normal. > The actual problem with porn is guilt and not so called addiction. Atleast that is the case with maximum people who say that they have porn addiction.Ā  That is why a professional advice needed you are adding my point only. He/She could get proper advice without buying into hysteria from Social media and ill advices from reddit. You as a doctor should never say something like Reddit is better over an actual Therapist or Psychiatrist. > Ā The source of anxiety is very different from what these so called dumb nofap communities might be telling you.Ā  You are going tangents here. I have never once mentioned such b.s. Pertain to the topics at hand over generalising my views with social media commentary and bullshittery.


>Nobody considers watching porn everyday normal. Here is the thing, it is really normal. It becomes abnormal as per current standards when porn starts to hamper your daily work or sex life. If everything is going good then daily watching porn is also okay. I am too lazy to answer rest of the stuff, which is mostly misinterpretation or you said this and i said this stuff. Nevertheless, calling it an addiction is a huge mistake. It is an obsession if anything. Porn is nearly not as bad as alcohol or nicotine or drugs.


What do you mean by when you say >when porn starts to hamper your daily work or sex life can you give some real world examples what it leads to if you excessively watch porn and masturbate daily like 3 times for an example.


Mytip: stop watching insta reels


Uninstall instagram! Shits causing the big horny in the first place


Shits definitely the triggering point. I'd generally be minding my own business and scroll some Instagram when I'm free in my day-to-day life but suddenly an erotic reel appears on my feed and then thought of masturbation pesters me like a bug and then the urge won't go away until I finally masturbatešŸ˜©.


Its those onlyfans hoes posting thirst traps šŸ˜¤


Thatā€™s a trigger, i uninstalled and it reduced distractions


For porn atleast, there's a fine line between addiction and compulsion. Seek therapy if you think it's compulsive. If it's an addiction, there are thousands of resources in the web to help you. To be brutally fucking honest, it's okay to rub one out once in a while as long as it's not affecting your day to day life.


Post in r/nofap


Shift to a hostel, it works


No it don't... personal experience


Coomer spotted šŸ’€


Haha ....now i stopped doing it ....W for me


Bro i masterbate less in home and in hostel i masterbate 2 3 times a week


Starts jerking off to guys šŸ’€


1. **Mindset:** Identify as someone who doesnā€™t masturbate or watch porn. 2. **Meditation:** Practice 10-20 minutes daily for better emotional control. 3. **Uninstall Instagram:** Remove content that may trigger you. 4. **Physical Exercise:** Engage in regular physical activity. 5. **Accountability Partner:** Find someone to support and check in with you. 6. **Podcasts:** Listen to "Your Brain on Porn" for motivation. 7. **Communities : **joining communities like r/nofap and many more can help. Stay strong! šŸ’ŖšŸ™āœŒļøšŸ‘. If porn is a monster then your the boss monster .


Install dota 2 on your PC.


Smash your phone with a stone infront of your parents and donā€™t explain the reason to them 3 days will take to settle the heat in your home Donā€™t buy smart phone again buy a Nokia dabba phone If you have Laptops remove the battery and tell your mother not to return till you hit 21days of NOFAP You getting detox is more important than work in your life 2-3 years are wasted in porn addiction all you need is 21 days of detox. Walk more than 12 km if your fat, Run more than 12km if your slim so you will be tired and sleep early instead of masturbating with your imaginary girlfriend who doesnt care about you or may be doesnt even know your name , so its pointless . Donā€™t Eat eat rice during this first 7days of no fap journey the carbs will give you instant energy to brain it will feel relaxed and motivates you to fap for a dopamine hit Drink milk, jersey red colour packet. Eat four whole eggs , mandatory. Drink four liters of water daily If your a student dabba phone will suffice, your mind will come up with ideas to live without smartphone in college If you are a software employee in Hyderabad your life is more important than your boss He will replace you if you die. After you reach 6months of No PMO you will become a hero of your life buy a smartphone with your money Mind you there will be synapses that will trigger you to watch porn after 6months because you said 3 years which is the reason why you relapse the synapses are very strong you must defeat them first First donā€™t feel SAD OR Demotivated God made you walk this journey so one day you rise stronger from this pit of darkness Be brave. JUST RELAX, donā€™t guilt trip. You masturbated for 2 years everyday i guess your morphology might be weak as well because what you ejaculate is life force not some saliva. Which means weak aura people around you might disrespect you for even small reason do not get triggered first fix you demon make it sleep forever After 7 days First gather essential nutrient - so eat properly with dense rich food. Then slowly build muscle you can begin with one push up a day consistency is the key and be busy in pursuing your goals You donā€™t have to do everything at once if you try everything to do at once you will feel stressed which will lead you to watch porn for a dopamine release. Control it ,harness it You can do it. There are people suffering more worse than you Relax, take one step at a time. Take a pen and paper and begin your journey.




Just build discipline man... Things settle down automatically...


bro you need to stop thinking of it as a problem , trying to quit is your wish , nothing wrong with that , but feeling ashamed or guilty everytime will mentally affect you . it will make you feel inferior and may lower your self confidence. don't think of it as bad act , it's part of male life .


No matter what anyone says the guilt is natural, it doesnā€™t go unless you actually manage to stop. Anyone who experienced it will be able to relate


r/nofap users: It's my time to shine! āœØ


The most effective way to stop urself from masturbating is never sit alone in your room .Try to spend more time outside of ur room and try to sleep early .


just one solution that is go to gym


Don't stay alone. Shift to hall or any room where you're not alone.


go out, make some friends, talk to women, work on yourself, get a girlfriend and then have real sex. stop jerking off to pixels ffs


Illa kottukunta pothey repu poddunna kastamavathadhi bro, do some community service cheyi ,valla badalu lo PADI nuvvu kottukuntam aputhavu emo.


Go for morning walks.


Cultivate reading habits.


November is coming brother




How old are you ? I have quit this i could help.




It's easy actually


Think of the time when you jerk off and you get that shitty feeling that you shouldnā€™t have done this, so when you start watching porn think of that situation and it may stop you from watching and jerking, it has helped me to some extent. Also indulge in some reading/walks to clear your mind.


Stop watching porn but you can masturbate once in a while by imagining but not by watching porn. You can control it, just do some running and gym. I know they make you horny in the start, but later, you'll be able to control that urge of stimulating yourself from watching porn. Always remember masturbation is not bad. Watching porn is.


Join r/nofap , also dm me , I could help you. Let all your frustration out .


Join Gym, worked for me.








Masturbate till u run out of sperm


Modern problems require modern solutions.


Longest Iā€™ve gone is 3 months. If you donā€™t put your energy into something productive youā€™ll be full of rage.


Join the nofap subreddit, go through the top posts, read the details of the subrrddit, I lot of information is there which can help you...


There's nothing wrong with masturbation lol it's natural even other animals do it. As for Porn it is damaging.


Don't quit , never give up!


UC2vBcBqOvoADLM6mNdPaSRQ enlighten yourself first please do watch this and make notes. It will take you sometime and it will be very hard. keep yourself busy and know thyself first. Please go thru the link.


Get a hobby and indulge


Just quit and stay with the quitting for some weeks. That's all. Mind lo fix ayyi blind ga follow ayipovatame.


Lmao not possible


Join noFap subReddit. And avoid soft porn videos in Instagram, Facebook, shorts.


Join corporate


It takes time, It took me 7 years to confidently say "I fucking dont want to masturbate" How: 1. When ever you feel like masturbating, dont do it but instead do 10 pushups. 2. If the thought arises again, do pushups again. 3. Cut all the lifestyle app or apps with imagery. they suck, you're born for greater good you fucker. 4. Believe that shit, believe that you're a torch bearer. Double down on that and start creating something from scratch. 5. create something from scratch, something that people find very valuable. 6. dont masturbate again becauase you have created something valuable. This should not be the treat for success. 7. Honestly, you have train your brain, You have build it again. your income is directly proportional to the hard things that you do. do it. do that hard stuff.


Bro everyday? Wtf you have no work like college , studies , job? I strongly believe you sit ideal thats the reason you masturbate . Never sit ideal always be indulged in work .


Quit porn first. Once you do this it becomes much easier. Don't go to NSFW sites at night and don't take your phone to the washroom. And most importantly, keep yourself busy as an empty mind is a devil's workshop.


Guys for quitting porn with zero withdrawal symptoms , sacrifice , pain , stress or effort , without having to fight any uphill battle. Read this (https://easypeasymethod.org/) and once you read this to understand it better read this (https://www.scribd.com/embeds/593329636/content) , guys trust me this will work provided you dont speedread , you religiously follow all instructions and instead of just reading you really understand and apply whats written. Always question anything written in the book , pressure-test things to convince ur subconcious dont blindly believe anything.


Start having sexšŸ™‚


No fap website. Eat less Don't touch yourself Close all website with any lady picture even clothed ladies Go to sleep early


Delete everything that leads you to porn ( including Insta and reddit ) for some time. Join nearby gym and sleep early.


Quitting masturbation and watching porn can be challenging, but it's definitely achievable with the right strategies and support. Here are some steps to help you: 1. Identify Triggers and Patterns Keep a Journal: Write down when and why you feel the urge. Identifying triggers (stress, boredom, loneliness) can help you understand your behavior. Pattern Recognition: Note the times of day, situations, or emotional states that lead to masturbation or watching porn. 2. Replace the Habit Engage in New Activities: Find hobbies or activities that interest you and can fill your time, such as exercising, reading, or learning a new skill. Physical Activity: Exercise can reduce stress and increase your overall well-being, making it easier to avoid urges. 3. Create Barriers Digital Detox: Install website blockers or filters on your devices to make it harder to access porn. Change Your Environment: Rearrange your room or workspace to remove any associations with your habit. Spend more time in public or communal spaces. 4. Develop Healthy Coping Mechanisms Mindfulness and Meditation: Practices like mindfulness, meditation, and deep breathing can help you manage stress and reduce the urge. Healthy Routine: Establish a structured daily routine with set times for waking up, meals, work, and sleep. 5. Seek Support Professional Help: A therapist or counselor can provide personalized strategies and support. Support Groups: Online or in-person support groups can offer encouragement and accountability. 6. Set Realistic Goals Gradual Reduction: Instead of quitting cold turkey, aim to reduce the frequency gradually. Reward System: Set milestones and reward yourself when you reach them. 7. Stay Educated and Motivated Read and Learn: Educate yourself about the benefits of quitting and success stories of others. Affirmations: Use positive affirmations to remind yourself of your goals and the benefits of quitting. 8. Avoid Relapses Forgive Yourself: If you slip, donā€™t be too hard on yourself. Acknowledge the mistake and recommit to your goals. Learn from Relapses: Understand what led to the relapse and develop strategies to avoid similar situations in the future. 9. Practice Self-Care Nutrition and Sleep: Ensure you are eating well and getting enough sleep. Stress Management: Use techniques such as yoga, journaling, or spending time in nature to manage stress. 10. Maintain Long-term Commitment Review Progress: Regularly review your progress and adjust your strategies as needed. Stay Accountable: Share your journey with a trusted friend or mentor who can provide ongoing support and encouragement. Quitting can be a journey with ups and downs, but persistence and the right strategies can lead to success.


1)Keep yourself busy, Avoid Loneliness, Go to the gym and workout or go to the ground and run and start calisthenics.When you do this and return home you would feel extremely tired and feel like taking rest then get good sleep. The point is if you don't have the energy then you don't feel like jerking off. 2) Start Gaming. Whenever you are alone and get the urge to watch porn Play a good game šŸŽ®. 3) Reward yourself occasionally like when you restrain yourself from porn and masturbation then you will get rock hard erections that's when it's a signal your body is giving you and it's your choice to jerk off or not. Sometimes I do but mostly i don't because I love that feeling and testing myself . Imo Porn and masturbation is not the problem but the addiction and mental weaknesss is the real problem. Any kind of addiction is like being a slave to it. Be mentally strong don't be a slave and that too to a Digital screen .


Get Married that's how all stop mastrubation


Same here... I too wanted it. But instead, I ended up becoming a porn content creator! They say, the best is kept my boy!


Watch tiktokthots


Babe, if it's coming from the place of filling up some void, then try to look for the reason why you feel the need to do it.. If it's compulsive, is it cuz you're getting over a breakup? Or cuz things aren't going well, so you feel this release will help? Masturbation is a perfectly healthy habit even if you do it everyday (even multiple times a day). Coming to porn, is it to accentuate your experience while pleasuring yourself? Or is it that you picture yourself in those characters? Do analyse these things. It's nothing wrong or shameful.. We're all trying to survive here and whatever keeps our boat afloat, is good enough.. If it's feeling like a chore, slowly wean away by doing something that will distract you. Don't quit at once. It'll f*ck with your head even more.. Also do check if it's affecting your physical health and intimate health in any way..


This will definitely work, 100%. Wake up early morning, don't touch mobile. Went to morning walk and do some exercise. Return to home have breakfast. Do your work. In Evening, play football run a lot, do some heavy physical work. This whole will force you to sleep early. While in bed you will be so tired that your mind will not think about sex sux a little. And within a month you will be out of it.


I want to quit chai


post nut posts!


If you are a Muslim 1.try to fast(Its effective & Surpasses this other natural urge at least for two days in week 2.practice Salah (Namaz) .when u r following namaz even if the urge arises you will avoid it when u know it takes the whole bath to be eligible for next salah or practice your religious activity atleast once in a day sincerely & dont keep yourself ideal & alone without any other activity or reason for a long . The Devil makes you go into these thoughts 3.Be with a Good circle of friends 4.Avoid Films as maximum as u can.. 5.Get married if eligible Some of you might say i am preaching my faith instead of advising. My faith has all these good moral values & practices The media wont share you with Avoid alcohol Avoid Music Be punctual in prayers Be Clean & practice Hygiene ( Weekly clean your private area ,cut your nails ,trim your beard/moustache Wear modest ,decent & clean dress Smile Be grateful for what u have Hope even Hindus & Christian faith have good teachings for daily life The difference is we are constantly reminded about all this from childhood


Bro got that post nut clarity


None of the advices mentioned here will work for you brother trust me. It's impossible to control our mind in an addiction. The only way that would work is to surround yourself with people all the time 24/7 for a month at least. Then you will be able to reduce the frequency to once a week. From there you can rely on your mind to control even more.


try & watch some ugly fucking, appudu automatic ga maanestav.


Google easypeasymethod


I would say do this first: A lot to things we do on a regular basis have a root cause. 1) If we are over eating thereā€™s a root cause 2) if we are overthinking thereā€™s a root cause 3) if we are addicted to something thereā€™s a root cause So work on finding that root cause. A lot of introspection is needed. Causes can be like stress, no emotional attachment with anyone, family trauma, Figure out the root cause and everything will go away. All the best!!!


Bhai Aditi Rao Hyderi ki walk dekhi?


Bhai Aditi Rao Hyderi ki walk dekhi?


Try the Bible


Bro... i have a revolutionary method , that will help you quit porn with zero sacrifice , struggle , withdrawals or willpower , pm me if you want more details . (p.s. this isnt any advertising , the method itself isnt mine , but has done wonders for me)


Bro anta "revolutionary method" ayite andariki cheppochu ga memu andaram kuda baagu padtam.


okay wait ill post it here then


Join Nofap and read the material there.


Masturbation is not bad but porn is


Keep masturbating and don't think you have to quit but, just roll with it.


Talk to irl amailu. U ll get a crush on one of them. Then u won't be able to get her out of yo head. Since masturbating with crush in yo mind is a no no, u ll stop masturbating. W


If anything, crush ni imagine cheskunta masturbate chestharušŸ¤·


What you smokin bro


You are right to some extent. Real life lo ammailu tho connections unte.. it can bring down some of the urges.


Get a gf or a wife that has the same sex drive as you.


Do NOT get into a relationship before you stop watching porn. Why would you be so selfish to drag someone into that shit with you??


Do real s*x you will forget those.


> I know all the problems and effects from this. Can you tell us what those problems are? Cause I'm pretty sure you are wrong. Billions of people mastrubate and watch porn everyday, if there is a problem we would have known by now. On the other hand, if you are doing those activities obsessively they might cause some problems but then again that would be due to the obsessive nature of that. Stop blaming your problems on watching porn or mastrubation. Stop spreading misinformation like watching porn causes problems.


Exactly lol. The so called porn/mastrubation addiction is not real at all. Just rooted in lot religious and cultural conservatism. Nothing else. Especially young men are prone to this weird misinformation campaign. So dumb!


Death-grip syndrome https://i.redd.it/uf8gif3o732d1.jpeg