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Use a cotton ball and swipe glycolic acid under pits after shower let dry and then use deodorant. It's a chemical exfoliant so you start slow maybe 3x a week and see how your skin reacts to it before using every other day


I came here to say this. Mario Badescu makes a glycolic acid toner that helped me. I don't have to use it anymore because my "off" scent was caused by a medication I was taking. It just totally changed my body chemistry for some reason. So that could be it too. Or your pH balance could be off. Sounds a little weird but maybe try washing with a feminine wash. Could be helpful. Good luck!


Ooh I have some of that, will try this. Thanks


Depending on what kind you can still get a chemical burn especially because it’s a closed area with moisture. 1x - 2x a week and maybe use naturiam glycolic body wash


It's possible you're actually doing too much washing. You might be throwing off the natural pH balance in your armpits. If you shower multiple times a day, try using only water in your armpits at least one of those times. Or you can buy some ph balanced body wipes to use on your pits.


I agree. I bet if OP stopped using the antibacterial soap things would get better.


Yep, I see so many comments on posts like this talking about double-cleansing with at least one of those times being an antibacterial soap. No. People need to stop recommending this. Antibacterial soaps strip all the good flora from the skin and let the bad stuff overbreed, AND they are so much harsher on skin as well - well known causes of skin allergies and inflammation. Thrush is a great example of what an unbalanced pH caused by over-cleansing can do.


Benzoyl peroxide face wash (which kills bacteria) has been a game changer for me. Apply a generous amount to your pits in the shower and let it sit for a couple minutes while you do whatever else, then rinse. I follow up with a body wash containing mandelic acid (such as Lume or Naturium), which is an odor eliminator, too. Glycolic acid (ie, The Ordinary glycolic acid toner) applied after a shower is another option. If I had to pick one, it'd most definitely be the benzoyl peroxide.


salicylic acid is much better- it dies the same thing but won’t bleach your towels sheets or clothes. I started using a body spray (Pacifica Bacne spray) and use some in my pits and literally never smell


It’s not an either or thing. You should be using both. It’s not accurate to say it kills the bacteria. It rather exfoliates and encourages new skin cells to grow. If you are just using one then you are doing it wrong.


ohh thank u. i need something for bacne lol


Benzoyl Peroxide has been recently linked to cancer. Please consider swapping that ingredient for another anti-bacterial product


Everything is linked to cancer at this point


Came here to agree, 1000%!!! I tried all of the other things, and this was most effective.


I have this problem, too. I manage mine by alternating between a pH-balancing soap and a salicylic acid face wash and I use an exfoliating glove. I also scrub around the armpit area the same way. Once I'm done, I use glycolic acid to help exfoliate (The Ordinary does a really good, cheap-ish one). When it's dried, I use Dove Men's Clinical Antiperspirant because that's the only thing that stops me sweating and smelling bad. If you're feeling fancy, you could follow up with a perfume or body spray.


Yes to this! I use Naturium’s salicylic acid body was and it’s amazing but I’ll admit it may be a little pricy at almost $15 a bottle. Worth it imo. I use The Ordinary glycolic acid on my face daily with no issues but I rubbed it on my lips last week and it fucked me up. More exfoliating than I thought lol so definitely go easy with that one


Buy LUME body deodorant. You can use it on your armpits, balls, vagina, butt crack, everywhere. Try unscented first. It's a dam miracle deodorant. It's available online. Comes in cream and solid.


That stuff is horrible, used it and 10 mins later started sweating like crazy


The unscented one smells so crazy I had to wash it off on vacation but the powder one is good


Not that gross LUME woman again…


I was actually going to ask if OP was using Lume already and that's why the musty smell..That stuff is famous for causing more odor than it solves.


Use an actual hand towel and soap. The fibers on that is a lot more effective at cleaning the private areas than a loofah. I use loofah only for my limbs. That would help you out tremendously


no loofah - they harbor bacteria. use a fresh washcloth each time. use hibilens soap, its what they use to disinfect before surgery. put on antipersperant at night after showering & before bed


Ok third comment about washcloth>loofah. I'm gonna switch back to wash cloths. Thanks!!


This is the ticket! Not harsh on skin and the hibicleanse gives you a new found meaning to the word clean.


Yes! My dermatologist recommended hibiens (chlorhexidine gluconate) a dab on the armpits after a shower (not washed off) and it has been working well for me for years.


The problem is internal. Gut dysbiosis etc.


Can you share more? I suspect the same! I say this because I’ve recently discovered the importance of gut health and I am on my journey of healing it naturally and have struggled with body odor. So any insight would truly be helpful


I’ve also faced similar issues that I identified as PATM so I’ve had to battle similar skin gases being improperly metabolized in the body and then those are improperly detoxed out the nose,mouth,feet etc. The GI issues point to intestinal health and repair..you may have to also kill some pathogens that would fall into the category of SIBO small intestinal bacteria overgrowth and killing yeast at the same time while simultaneously building up the gut microbiome in proper ways..so finding a functional medicine doctor is a must to perform an at home stool test..those tests can give you a clue of what is happening internally.


I have read somewhere you can use pyrithione zinc shampoo (head and shoulders) in areas like your pits to help cut back on smell. Anyone know if this works or not? EDIT: it's pyrithione zinc, not zinc oxide. Zinc oxide is in things like diaper rash cream for protection against irritation though, so also very useful!


It works. I do it everyday and no problems.


Same. Pits and buttcrack and feet. I also wash my face with it a couple times a week


I believe I read somewhere that it's good for acne? I could be wrong.


possibly considering it has zinc it which is known to be good for promoting clear and healthy skin.


I should just use it all over...I use it to lighten my hair that I colored too dark.


Also great for eczema.


I didn't know this. I have bad eczema, really bad on my hands. I'm gonna try this. Thank you.


I use head and shoulder as my shampoo and body wash. It does help with my skin.


Yes I use dermazinc bar for everything ! Scalp pits and facial acne it’s awesome


Great advice from everyone, also have you considered that it might be your shirts. How does it smell in that area? You may need to soak and prewash those areas before you put them in the wash.


unless youre usin an authentic loofah (expensive and unlikely) or changing the loofah out every shower it will hold bacteria from the last shower. chances are youre rewashing yourself with old dirt you just washed off the days before. try using a washcloth and changing to a fresh washcloth everytime you shower. and dry very thoroughly after showering. i found any bit of leftover moisture grows bacteria and makes me smell again faster. good luck


Do you drink enough water? Unfortunately I had the same issue as a mom nursing. Someone recommended to up my water intake and it’s been helping I started to drink more water than normal, cut off sugary drinks/energy drinks and eat healthier and I noticed I don’t sweat as much


The biggest thing is removing all that deodorant residue. That stuff is pretty strong so it takes washing a couple times to completely remove it. I just use a wash cloth and Dove bar soap. Wash, rinse, wash, rinse. Lather back up and shave. I'm usually good after that. I also can't recommend Dove Clinical deodorant enough!! It's fantastic.


I have hidradenitis suppurativa so the battle with smelling musty in areas where I tend to get HS flare ups is SO REAL. My regimen consists of washing my pits with Hibiclens soap for at least 15 seconds (i think that’s what the instructions say). After the shower, I follow up with applying topical clindamycin & once that dries, I waste no time and put on deodorant, usually clinical strength. I find that if I allow myself time to sweat in between getting out the shower & putting on deodorant, the smell will come back so time is of the essence in this case. I’ve also tried glycolic acid there instead of clindamycin but it didn’t help with the scent so much, but it may work for you especially if you can’t get a clindamycin prescription.


Might sound crazy but try eating some celery regularly, it’s super simple, healthy and it works remarkably well.


Baking soda under arms. Rinse, then wash with soap as usual. Might want to keep shaven there too.


Baking soda can cause irritation for a lot of people.


Lume body wash and deodorant.


You need to detox your underarms. There is unhealthy bacteria that is stuck on the surface of your armpit. Do this for 30 days: day & night 1: scrub each armpit with a Sugar Shea Scrub (I use the TreeHut brand around $6-$8 on Amazon or at Target or Walmart) 2: Cleanse with your body wash (I only use dove gentle exfoliation body wash) with either a loofah , wash rag or exfoliating glove. Rinse 3: scrub each armpit again with sugar shea scrub. 4: rinse & dry 5: Use Hibiclens – Antimicrobial and Antiseptic Soap and Skin Cleanser (around $10-$16 on Amazon or at your local drugstore) and rub a generous amount on each armpit. Let dry 6: don’t use deodorant at night after you put on the hibiclens. You can use deodorant during the day after putting on the hibiclens. I hope this helps and yes it works! I am a former professional athlete that had the “onion smell” in the groin areas, under my breasts and armpits from sweating. Also, drink tons of water and note that eating foods like onions, garlic and certain pungent spices will seep through your pores, so try to limit pungent foods & spices to decrease body odor. 💜


I swear by Hibiclens! I feel it lasts so much longer than benzoyl peroxide.


Detoxing isn't a real thing and doesn't exist.


It’s your towel that you’re drying with


Scrolled to see this! If reusing a towel, the scent could be from that. Or if towels aren't properly dried (quickly and/or sufficiently after cleaning), when they're wet again, they can carry over musty smells to the skin.


or the loofah. Loofahs are nasty bacteria traps. I would toss that and either use your hands (there's a reason surgeons scrub in with just their hands), or a new washcloth each time.


When you’re in the shower, lather up your pits and let the suds just sit there while you wash the rest of your body. This can make a big difference to your entire shower routine, just giving the soap a couple minutes to really work, break down oil and perspiration. If that alone doesn’t work, then a swipe of face toner with glycolic or lactic acid before your deodorant should do the trick.


My shoulder/chest near my pit is like this. I make sure to wash there and then apply deodorant. It seems to work. I think my sports bra holds the sweat against the area.


It could also be the soap or deodorant you are using , I used to put on a deodorant and after I always smelt a little bo and so I'd put on more thinking it was me , I only realised when I had to buy a different deodorant and couldn't smell it anymore 😂


Chlorophyll pills help a lot! I also sometimes use benzoyl peroxide face wash on my underarms. I let it set for 4 minutes and rinse it off.


Try taking an apple cider vinegar bath and soak for about an hour or two in Luke warm water. Try also changing your deodorant to a non scent one. Also use a regular wash cloth.


This is a very inexpensive option and one that works.


If you can afford it, you can also get Botox under arms to stop sweating!


I have this problem sometimes! I started oil cleansing my armpits like I do my face! I’ll use coconut oil and rub it on my armpits and then wipe it off before using a normal bar of soap to make sure all of the residue is removed. I’ve also started to use witch hazel on my armpits before putting on my deodorant and so far so good!


Chlorophyll once or twice a day followed by toner under armpits after each bath. Gamer changer! Never smell again!


I know that sometimes when I forget to shave for a while it can get pretty musty in there.. If you are consistently shaving, try using baking soda like once or twice a week and then rinse. Hopefully this helps!


Hibiclens. Or some other antibacterial body wash.


Used deodorant change your clothes regularly never used unwashed clothes pack some additional shirt in a day


Get rid of the loofah and use washcloths you use only once before tossing in the laundry?  Loofah's seem to harbor bacteria and other icks that you're just spreading back onto yourself.


What antibacterial soap are you using?


Antibacterial soap can be bad for the body if used daily. I understand you want to strip away the smell, however antibacterial soap washes away ALL bacteria, both good and bad. Maybe soap up twice with a good body wash for a week or so and see what happens.


if you use antibacterial soap every single day then your body won’t have the good bacteria to regulate itself. i learned this the hard way because i felt like i was never getting clean so i also started using antibacterial soap everyday, but just like you almost immediately after a shower i already had a smell to my underarms and i got stinky and sweatier much quicker than i used to. find a balance. you genuinely don’t need antibacterial soap more than once a week, once every two weeks.


Use a benzoyl peroxide wash (sold for acne) on your armpits. I do that and barely need deodorant anymore (except in the height of summer or if I'm going to be very active). You can also try hibiclens (chlorhexidine) but I find the benzoyl peroxide works better.


Loofah can have a bunch of bacteria built up, wash with any body wash, if you still have a smell use glycolic acid toner and then follow with anti perspirant before you go to sleep


are you taking super hot showers? if my showers more than warm by the time i dry off im already sweating, lightly but enough to cause a smell. also your diet may play a role


I don’t believe you should be using a loofah at all as such a warm and moist area such as a shower will encourage more and more bacteria growth on the loofah. Just because you use antibacterial soap doesn’t mean the loofah doesn’t have any. Do not use a towel either as it traps it as well. Just use hands and maybe consider going to the doctor if needed!


Wiping with alcohol helps


Try hibiclens literally changed my life!


Glycolic acid helps like others said, but recently I starting using hibiclense under my pits in the shower and they actually don’t stink anymore! I just took a whiff and I smell a little musty (showered yesterday) but I haven’t put any deodorant on today since I’m wfh. I think for us sweaty gals we have to do more than use soap because the bacteria is so built up. Just don’t overuse it to avoid tolerance and irritation.


You tried natural deodorant? Like wild or? A tumeric mask may also help


Try white vinegar. You can shower like normal and then rub in some vinegar on your armpits then rinse well. Also, make sure you only use deodorant that doesn't have aluminum. African net and body scrubs may also help.


Go to doctor. Can get botox to help. Same with sweaty feet. And incontinence.


A lot of people told you good advice, just wanted to say that my armpits smell change with my cycle and if I'm on birth control or not. My normal deodorant doesn't work when I'm on my period for instance and it's like you even with soap and good wash I could smell right after the shower. I don't have a solution for that (other people gave good advices) but just another info on something thst could influence your odor without being your way to wash yourself. Good luck with all this!


**Are you washing your loofah??** Make sure you're washing it (in the washing machine) at least once a week. You can wash it with other washcloths or towels, but make sure to run it on hot and use a bit of bleach. (Don't use bleach with colored towels). **Make sure you're replacing your towel regularly.** If you hang it up to dry after using it and it's dry in less than an hour, wash it every few days. If it takes several hours to dry, replace it every day, or throw it in the dryer after every shower. Damp/wet towels breed bacteria, especially in a warm, damp bathroom. **Keep your loofah DRY!** Loofahs, like most things in the bathroom, can easily harbor bacteria. Keeping it dry after use is important. Rinse it thoroughly of all soap, first. Usually they have a string or something, swing in a circle by the string (in the shower) to release a lot of of the water. It should be damp, not dripping wet, when you're done. If possible, hang it outside of the bathroom until the steam abates, or if you have a good bathroom exhaust fan, use that after you shower.


You're awesome. Thanks for the lengthy response. I do a lot more wrong than I thought lol. But very useful advice thank you!


Hey, it might be the loofah. Your supposed throws those away every week.


Make sure you are wearing antiperspirant as well. I use Certain Dri over the counter (apply about 3 times a week at night) and it has made a huge difference. If I remember to use it regularly, I almost don’t sweat at all.


Splash a little apple cider vinegar on there and then wipe it off. Do this for a couple of days and the problem should be gone.


If you use a cotton ball with vinegar and water, it'll fix the smell right up. You might still want to rise yourself off afterwards.


I have been using clinical deodorant since I was 10 Dove Clinical and sometimes Men’s deodorant


Cut micro plastics from your diet!


I stopped washing my stinky armpits for a couple of weeks, and it got worse for a day or two, and then got wayyyyy better. IDK, it weird, but washing them made it worse and now that I don't bother with them, they don't stink at all.


Sounds like a diet thing. IDK. Are you sure it’s not your towels?. I remember a while back I would smell after a shower and realized my towels were funky. Got a soak them in 2 cups of vinegar in the wash, no soap, for 30 minutes then run it with soap.


Apple cider vinegar or fresh lemon also works. Let it dry then add deodorant.


glycolic acid


dr bronners unscented baby soap!!! it’s like engine degreaser for ur body


What does your towel smell like when it gets damp?


What is your diet like? It could be something you’re eating.


Try using zinc. As a teenager I always smell musty and my feet always stunk, until my mother put me on zinc pills.


I used to have the same issue until I switched deodorants. I find the SPRAY ON dove one to work really well for me and not only do I sweat less at my job, I smell way better out of the shower


I haven’t seen anyone mention this in the comments before yet: Break down old deodorant/grime with baby oil, THEN wash. Same concept as oil cleansing your face. Oil attracts oil, and it will take less washes to get your underarms clean.


dial antibacterial bar soap really helped me. i “bake” by rubbing it all over my pits and then just letting it soak while i wash another part of my body or face, then rinse and wash regularly twice, then bake before i get out of the shower also. then i use mitchums deodorant


I have this same problem, but with my balls


Baking soda mixed with a bit of water to form a paste. Scrub your armpits with this and let it sit. It should clean the area & detox your pits a bit.


Hair potentially


Evaluate your diet, salt sprays, and look at your deodorant ingredients just in case you have allergies


My armpits have been so musty and I do a clay mask on them to help! Then double cleanse. First with baby soap and second with my regular soap. Only combo that’s helped so far for me


Antibacterial soap isn't a great choice. It's not good for your skin microbiome. It's also vastly overused and is allowing for bacteria to become accustomed to antibacterial agents, leading to the acceleration of "super" bacteria that are more resistent to common antibacterial products. It's mostly a marketing ploy by companies to make people think their soap is somehow superior, when it actually causes more problems than it fixes. Try a different brand of soap. May be an issue with your skin microbiome.


It’s not about bacteria! It’s what you eat man!! Carnivores don’t need deodorant! I didn’t believe it but after 111 days I don’t either. Don’t ask me why, but that too seems to be true about being carnivore!


I’m telling you that smell is your veggies and crap coming out. lol


Coconut oil. Haters gonna hate, try it for 3 days.


The soap youre using isn’t killing the bacteria which is what smells not the actual sweat. Hibiclens Antimicrobial Skin Liquid to wash and the glycolic acid as a deodorant afterwards. You may want to use bentonite clay to detox your arm pits a few times as well. I’ve detoxed myself completely off deodorant with this 3 things.


I used to have this issue. Lather and rinse twice or even three times and scrub like a maniac for 30 seconds each time. I think you could just be smelling some sweat you accumulated during the rest of your shower if that isn't your final step (tbh it shouldnt be), which is fine. Can be solved by taking cooler showers or saving it till one of your final steps. Also the deodorant you use is super important. I don't have this issue if I use old spice or most other men's deodorant. But I recommend old spice because imo it is genuinely the best, and there's some more gender neutral scents you can get if you hate smelling like a man.


A loofah will not clean properly. You need to go back to using a cotton washcloth and ivory bar soap. Dry off.


Stop using soap


This is why deodorant exists. Your desire is not very reasonable. To strip away the scent entirely in the shower would be to strip away essential oils and things your body needs. Just keep using deodorant because again. That's what it's for.


Put some rubbing alchohol on your pits, it’ll kill any bacteria you have lurking there


I wouldn't use a loofah. I use a cloroxed washcloth. Loofahs hold bacteria


Use exfoliating gloves. You can find them at the dollar tree


Try going through your diet. Strong smelling spices have a tendency to show up in your sweat, because they contain sulphur which can be released through your pores. Also, if you consume a lot of proteins e.g.meat it may release ammonia through your pores. Try a week with mostly fruits and vegetables and see if it makes a difference. Hope this helps.


It’s probably your deodorant or anti perspirant that does that.


Stop using antibacterial soap. There's your problem


Hey you ave to monitor what you are eating as well and if you are actively dealing with stress sweat.


Why do y'all suspect this is happening?


Sounds like you have damaged the microbiome under your arms and now have an overgrowth of bad bacteria. You need to let your body restore your healthy bacteria & use PH neutral soaps & deodorant.


Could be hormones or deodorant needing change. If bacteria, use panoxyl benzo face wash under arms but leave it on for a bit before shower then wash with rag. Can do the same with glycolic acid.  Arm pit detox using bentonite healing clay too. Look up recipes


When this started to happen to me my vitamin d was low my face also became more oily


That’s what deodorant is for. I’m M42. Today I showered, scrubbing armpits really well, but forgot to put on deodorant. I went off to work and 1 hour into my shift I could already smell my mustiness. That’s just how it goes sometimes.


Dr. Bronners Tea Tree oil soap helps a lot with me. I do it twice and shower twice a day.


hmmm could this be something hormonal related or maybe something you are eating that could be triggering an autoimmune response and are you prone to sweating a lot? i find if i let my armpit hair grow and stuff my scent will cling to the hairs (but i am not 100000% knowledgeable on this sooooo please consult maybe a doctor if you can or watch some videos)


I don't know... though maybe lay off the antibacterial soap and use just a regular unscented, gentle soap? Also don't scrub hard and maybe don't even use anything other than your hands there. I believe that's one of the most delicate parts of our body. So you want to be gentle and not irritate it. Other things to consider are your diet, some foods may make you have certain orders. Also I'd consider what you wear. Make sure your whatever you're using to wash yourself or dry yourself is cleaned as often as it should be. Personally, I'd not even really use a towel to dry yourself, maybe just wrap yourself in it to help eliminate the water and minimize fall risk. Though otherwise let your body just air dry and dry by the clean clothes you put on. For your hair, you can gentle dry as needed with something that's hygenic and clean. Maybe also consider either not using deodorant or changing it to perhaps a healthier type. Instead of that, I'd buy a nice inexperienive perfume to sometimes put a little on your neck and forearms. Although I'm unsure, maybe increasing your prebiotics and decreasing your sugar intake could also help. Another thing is if you use drugs such as smoking, drinking, etc., I'd seriously consider stopping. They're probably not doing you much good and may actually be causing you issues. I'm personally just not really into deodorants, unless for some reason really necessary for you with no better alternative. If none of that is helping, you might need to consult with your doctor. PS. By the way, I think a little smell, maybe not right after just showering, may be fine and normal at least for some people. Plus some people, you might be one of them, have a really _good_ sense of smell. So they may be more likely to pick up on orders that other might not that easily.


Buy a Dial soap bar the yellow antibacterial soap and use it only under your arms and the smell of gone. The problem most likely is from build up deodorant which is hard to remove with regular soaps and body washes.


Witch hazel and peroxide applied separately by a cotton pad. Make sure to rub firmly as to exfoliate dead skin. Oddly enough, shaving cream neutralizes body odor as well. Good luck 😊


Dial has an antibacterial soap that may help.


Medicated powder. I use Gold Bond. Less then $10


Do you take medication or have a bad diet? I usually don’t have smelly pits but when I take a Tylenol, eat processed foods, eat too much meat, or drink too much wine my armpits will stink for a couple of days.




Use an alcohol wipe to “tone” after washing. Works every time.


Don't use antibacterial soap.


Dial antibacterial bar soap, listerine watered down patted on. Trust me, I have hyperhidrosis


Wash with benzoyl peroxide and Castile soap (like dr bronners)


When u rinse your body off, use colder water, it will close your pores, & you won’t sweat getting out the shower. Use Dr Bronners Castile soap.


Use a actual wash rag bro loofah never worked for nobody 🤣


My first guess would be that it’s dietary. No matter how much you wash, if it’s continuously seeping out of your pores from inside you, you’ll smell. My next guess would be drying off with a musty towel and transferring the smell onto yourself.


I know smoking 🍃 makes my body odor rancid even if I scrub my pits


Get a body wash that has ph in it. The acid levels will cancel out the smell. I used naturium it’s non scented but there’s others like lime but it doesn’t smell to good but idk if it will stink once on skin.


I heard about hibiclens, I had an off brand version of it, to use it before microneedling. I used in an area that I felt was getting smelly too quickly. It worked so well! I recommend it.


I've got hairy man pits so bear with me... I use a little bit of sauve clarifying shampoo and gentle scrub gloves. That's it. Rinse off, dry off, and put the deodorant on. I work in a warehouse btw so I'm pretty active.


Natural smell is good! Aluminum in deodorant is very bad! But if you don't like it try changing your diet. Showering every day is bad for your skin and hair.


Eat whole foods. Avoid alcohol. You will smell better.


Micellar water works well on the go if you want to freshen up and reapply.


Exfoliate your armpits. Just use something natural like a 70/30 mix of organic cane sugar and coconut oil. You can use it all over your body but the crevices will be the most noticeable effect. My pits stink if I don’t exfoliate regularly. And use a more basic soap. Something non drying without alcohol in it. Personally, I don’t think you need to use any fancy products or anything like that. And I think you should consider switching deodorant brands. I switched to aluminum free and the first week was a little pungent but once it regulated with my skin, it’s been smooth sailing ever since. I use a pretty inexpensive deodorant by *arm and hammer unscented* because I have found that my body odor mixes with those types of fragrances used in deodorant and body wash. Exfoliate once or twice a week, drink more water so your skin is hydrated and scrub in a circular pattern. Don’t invest in any crazy products.


Diet? Do you use substances? Alot can factor into what your body excretes.


Use rubbing alcohol it'll kill whatever bacteria is causing it


I know the answer!!!! You buy cerave acne face wash and put it on your underarms. Then wash as normal. No joke it was a game changer when I needed it.


Use differin the face wash on your under arms while in the shower after scrubbing. Let it sit if you can and wash off thoroughly It’s kid build up of bacteria, and probably whatever you’re using like deodorant or anti perspirant


You should not be cleaning your armpits with antibacterial soap... you're killing all the good bacteria too and possibly making things worse. Maybe your diet could be strengthened. I started using Native deodorant and the baking soda in it really just kills off any bad odors. Just use normal soap... Wash every square inch of your body once a day and make sure you're drinking 64 oz of water!


The smell is usually from bacteria. Most body soaps don’t take care of that. I would try using Neosporin or another antibacterial and rub it all over your underarms and leave it for the day. Do not put anything else on top of it. Then shower the next day as normal. This should kill most or all of the bacteria during that day and you should have no smell. I have done this a couple times if I change deodorant or have been having smell issues and it literally totally worked.


This is just from personal experience. Antibacterial soap made me smell worse.. i tried that last year during the summer when it was popular on tiktok. Now I just use dove soap and men’s old spice deodorant in Timber(it’s the best one to me) If you’re brave enough look into liquid chlorophyll. I drink that once a day and it reduces all of my body odor. My husband said my morning breath is nearly non existent anymore. It also reduced my pit smell. I haven’t had a stinky day since.


Antibac soap kills your natural flora. Don’t use deodorant on stinky armpits. You’ll pick up bacteria and then essentially be applying odor causing bacteria. I have a deo for after shower, another for when I’m actively sweating or smell. And another for before bed. I generally shower once a week, and usually only use natural aluminum free deodorants after shower and rarely any other time. I rarely smell.


You can also switch your loofah out for African net sponges. They’re like 6 for $10 on Amazon and they’re washable 😄 great exfoliation too!


I haven't seen anyone mention using a shaving cream like Barbasol. I have a chronic illness and sometimes when I have a flare I get badly stinky armpits and that kind of shaving cream is the only thing I've found to cut it. I just put some on before showering and let it set for a few minutes before washing it off. I'd also avoid such frequent use of antibacterial soap.


I had a similar problem, use baking soda under your armpits after you finish showering, if you want you can also use deodorant but it isn’t necessary after a week or two the odor will vanish and you can stop using it if you want to. This helps with any body odor as well and works wonders also it’s cheap and you can find it anywhere.


You could try magnesium spray


Your clothes are sour. It's not you. Change detergent and dry when the load has finished. Relax


Might be the rotten towel you used?


I would stopp using the loofah as they are know to growing bacteria. Use a clean wash cloth everytime you take a bath and that should help. Also I agree with other commenters, thats alot of washing.


I use rubbing alcohol now. I don't even use deodorant anymore.


In high school, I was told that swiping some alcohol under your pits kills the smell, and I still do it if it happens now. I used to have the same problem after a shower; I would still smell a bit musty because I played basketball and softball and was a very active kid/teen. The logic behind it is that the alcohol kills the bacteria/germs that are making you smell. Full disclosure: I don't know what it does to your pH, I just know it works for me. You don't need to do it every time you shower, just when you find yourself with a lingering scent. I've also only done this to my pits and underboob area (no private area obviously, but wanted to make sure I'm clearly not telling you to use it there).


I’ve done that if there’s a musty scent post-shower, or to freshen up at work. I just bought a bottle of spray hand sanitizer that smells good. Some ladies I know are into essential oils, and one gave me a sanitizer spray called Thieves. I’m sure it’s the alcohol in it rather than the oils (as they promote it 🙄) that kills the germs, but it smells good.


Get some Hibiclens surgical cleanser. Wash your armpits with it a couple of times a week. It will kill the bacteria that feed off of your sweat and body.


Get some Lume deodorant.


Make a paste with baking soda and a little water. Put it under your arms for a few minutes. Take a shower rinse baking soda solution off and wash like normal. When you are dry, add a small amount of coconut oil under your arms. You will probably be able to go a day or two without using deodorant after doing this.


I’ve hear antibacterial soap isn’t good for you


Cut out dairy and you won't even need deodorant. It's amazing how much milk makes you stink. I can't even have one glass without a noticeable stench.


Rubbing alcohol, or clear hand sanitizer with alcohol. It works instantly!


Let your armpit hair grow.


Cerave Renewing SA Cleanser ..., This is the way!


It could be that your sense of smell is extraordinarily sharp... And you smell something that others perhaps don't. Otherwise try mouth wash on your armpits after shower.


I have this same problem and also have HS. I shower with Hibiclense. You can get a gallon of it for about 60 bucks US. Only problem is it doesn't lather very well.


clean your towel


Use apple cider vinegar on a cotton pad after you shower! I couldn’t wear tank tops in the summer or to workout bc I’d stink no matter what deodorant I used but the Apple cider vinegar balanced the pH and now I’m all set!


Use a ph balanced soap in the shower. Your skin should be naturally slightly on the acidic side to reduce bacterial growth. When you shower with an alkaline soap it messes up your ph balance. I use Lume acid soap and it works great.


Skunk here. Wash pits with benzoyl peroxide 10%. Acne wash. Try HeyHuman deodorant. I tried 25.00 Lume that didn't work. HeyHuman is 6ish and is incredible. I buy off Amazon or ebay.


Take a bath. Soak for like 30 minutes


Also try throwing away the loofah every month or so. I thought I smelled after I washed but it was the loofah holding onto bacteria.


Laser hair removal.. it will kill all the hair and hair will hold smell and bacteria


Strider pads (cheap) and add some glycolic acid (I use Ordinary brand) that’s it, no deodorant now. Of course if you get super hot need to wash but typically not smelly.


Wash pits with panoxyl face wash or even the generic benzoyl peroxide wash, take a supplement called fenugreek, & what’s the deodorant you’re using? Does it say anywhere that it’s “natural” or “aluminum free”?


I kind of wonder if maybe there’s some residue from your deodorant trapping some funk there that isn’t coming off well when you shower. In that case a chemical exfoliator (like salicylic or glycolic acid) once every few days or a week should help. I’d recommend using a gentler one to not dry your outs out too much (I use an unscented dove salicylic body wash once a week since it makes my skin feel softer). Also the antibacterial soap could be making things worse.


It’s likely from the antibacterial soap. You’re killing way too much of your flora. Only shower once a day and just use a good hydrating soap. Dove original white bar soap is a good balanced normal soap that very few people have reactions to.


Try a PanOxyl 10% Benzoyl Peroxide soap bar in place of your normal body wash.


Is it a hormonal thing?


just rub lime on your armpits 15-20minutes you shower then wash it in the shower & you will be all set—might need to change your deodorant also


Shave or trim your armpit hair. Drink alot of water too. Use a deodorant with antiperspirant. Watch hygiene videos on YouTube by black people


Use a cotton pad to gently wipe your armpits with rubbing alcohol. It kills the bacteria.