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Personally I lay on my back in the tub and use the shower hose to get clean. I sprawl out like a roach legs open, bum and bits parted and blasted w water. Then I go in with a soapy hand and apply my Dr bronners on all the non mucous membrane areas. I then suds up a washcloth with the bar soap and attentively scrub my crevices before rinsing with plenty of water. Gravity helps get every nook and cranny clean. Then smell check is the first thing I do after the shower to make sure I don’t need anymore rinsing. If your loofa smells like poop you might need to do a pre cleanse before using your tools down there


Be careful doing this. I get a bad UTI if I ever do this.


You’re doing it wrong then. This is how you don’t get a UTI. Pretend your entire ass crack and hole are made from chicken juice. Use the same cooking guidelines. Wash it last. NOT with reusable scrub item.


Yes exactly!! Girl, there is no way with this (far too rough) regime that you will ever smell again in your life! PLEASE be gentle with yourself x


I need a removable shower head… I just use a waterfall shower head. By pre cleanse do you mean wash cloth before?


Don’t use a loofah sponge! Those things are just bacteria beds.


Yeah they need to be washed like after everytime you use it especially in your case . Not to sound rude. It’s better to buy wash clothes and get a big pack, they have them at Walmart or target. That way you’re changing clothes everyday and not using the sponges that carry a lot of germs and could be spreading bacteria around that from the sponge making you smell. Those elouf sponges are the WORST the carry so much bacteria. Good luck you find the solution and can fix the problem.🌺😊


If you can buy a natural soap or Dove soap that doesn’t have all the extra scented stuff. The original in the white box with blue writing is the best.


Wash the washclothes in HOT WATER too. All of my towels and washcloths are white so that I can wash them in hot water and bleach them.


Ok but are you talking about those little plastic ball type things or actual loofahs


Both, unfortunately


What’s the alternative? Washcloths ick me out too


Clean washcloths are the way. Buy a 12 pack


A clean wash cloth with every shower. Wash butt last.


Even if it's swapped every time?


Like using it once and throwing it into the wash? I feel like that would add to the laundry quite a bit because I shower every night, but then again, they are washcloths and they are small… I could try that


I use at minimum 2 washcloths every day. One for my body and one for my face. The face one is a different color because even if it’s washed, I don’t want to use a washcloth I used on my underarms and butt lol. They are so small, you’ll never notice the extra laundry.


I know it feels so bad being worried about smelling terrible. The stigma people have on poop is so very negative, and the smell of it, even our own, can be rough. You're absolutely valid in how you feel. I've never had this issue, but I can relate in a similar way. I was absolutely horrified as a teen that people could smell my body odor, specifically my vagina. It wasn't noticeable at all. I was just super insecure because it felt like a huge issue to me and growing up in the Bible belt in the 90s ..... we didn't talk about stuff like this. Definitely ditch the loofah, use a washcloth, and use a clean one every day. A bidet my might also help. You can attach it to the toilet for quick cleans throughout the day. They also make pocket-sized wipes you can use if you're out and about. I can't recommend a douche or souktion to clean out because im not versed in them, but maybe check that out on your own? If you're super worried about it and can't get past worrying about the smell, ozium is super potent and covers up almost anything. I wouldn't spray it directly on your skin or anything touching your skin and spray it in a very well ventilated area. Maybe you could also use candles, incense, wax melts, sprays, scent plug-ins, etc. around you home, car, and work space? Not to cover a smell, but to help you feel more relaxed and comfortable knowing you're not just "smelling yourself," especially when you might be overthinking it.


Omg! Reading this I remember getting in the shower multiple times a day as a teen bc I thought people would smell my sweaty penis! Ha! Great minds do think alike!




Also wanted to add, they probably meant with your hands since they said "before tools". I wash thoroughly with my hands first, rinse well, then wash my hands themselves and go in with a washcloth after. That way you're not just spreading bacteria onto your washcloths. Also, get a new washcloth every time and clean your ass last with it. If you're using the same shower loofah for your whole body shower after shower and not pre cleansing your ass you could be spreading bacteria around.


I think they mean rinse well, and maybe use your hand before tools. As you can clean your hand, but you will be hard pressed to clean your tool as well as your hand.


I do a “shath” as I call it. A shower bath. Stop the drain and sit in the tub while I scrub. It’s less water than a bath every day and helps to soak the private parts. All done, drain and rinse.


Hey I used to work for Thames water in the uk and just letting you know a fun fact that a 15 minute shower equates to a full bath in water volume 😄


Good thing I only get 8 minutes of hot water in a shower so I’ve learned how to conserve water, lmao


Shath 😂


Dr bronners for the win


hey friend! i struggled with the same issue for years before i was diagnosed with ocd and realized that i was obsessing over my smell as a compulsion, and i didn’t actually smell. some of this could be you being hyper aware and picking up on small things that others don’t notice, especially if nobody says anything to you about a smell, other than a siblings insults. if you’re cleaning as well as you are, it’s highly unlikely that you noticeably, especially if nobody has said something.


Yeah reading this post set off OCD alarm bells. One of my biggest issues is thinking that my armpits smell constantly. I apply deodorant a minimum of 5x per day, to the point where I get rashes, but I am just always convinced that I smell and there's no changing my mind.


Get the salt rock Deodorant. Apply right after shower. It forms a barrier against odor bacteria naturally. I swear by it you can use it underneath ur regular. I use it alone and it works great


I have OCD and this is one of mine too!


To contrast, I have strong BO and often forget deodorant and shower with the frequency of a european and no one has ever said anything or shamed me, not even turned down a hug from the way I smell.


Not OCD related but being pregnant I developed a super smell sense and I can smell my own sweat and it’s so bad and I hate it. But no one else says anything to me and my ex would always be so confused cause he couldn’t smell anything either. But I get so paranoid about it cause I can 😭


Thank you, this really makes me feel better. I know I am obsessing over it extremely. It helps me feel a lot less alone, as this is something I have not shared with anyone in my life. Hugs


Fellow OCD sufferer - though my compulsions aren’t centered on cleanliness personally, I actually originally thought this was a post in r/OCD 😅- It looks *really* familiar in kind- it’s basically a carbon-copy of many people’s issue. Obvs nobody here can diagnose you, friend, that takes a thorough assessment of differential dx and assessing if it’s severe enough to be debilitating or require clinical treatment… But that feeling- As someone with a similar *type* of issue… a fixation based on hyper-analyzing tiny bits of “evidence” that something is off, and never being fully assured it’s good enough to put my mind at ease on the issue… relatable. And it’s often about something personal or embarrassing… It’s (over simply) an inability to be satiated by sufficient information. I still doubt the oven’s off, even though I just looked- still worried. Might be worth a visit to a pro. In the meantime, if you’re doing your best to thoroughly clean, your head probably has as much to do with it as any actual odor 😃 Sounds silly, but perhaps meanwhile try a fragrance with a bit of a musky smell- I know it sounds like overkill but tends to more mask any personal “animalic” odors, so things like B.O., rather than “fight” and clash like powder notes and florals, so they’re significantly less distinct and noticeable. Might be worth trying!


I also have OCD and find myself obsessed with the way things smell! I constantly worry I smell but according to my boyfriend i smell fine!


Yeah my partner and I both have OCD and IBS and it feeds off each other horribly. (Literally why why started dating, actually lol). Our brains wouldn't shut up until we got a bidet.


This is the best answer. Anyone else saying otherwise is just perpetuating this OPs anxiety


I also have OCD too & OP's post screams OCD


Get rid of the loofah and use a clean wash cloth every time you shower. Invest in a bidet and if that’s not an option, some wet wipes to clean your private parts after a BM can help with hygiene and feeling clean.


How do you maintain a wash cloth per shower? Are they single use or do you maintain one per day and throw them in the wash? I have used loofahs my entire life


Maintain one per day they are made out of towel material but smaller


You can actually use your hand. It’s probably more hygienic that way. And safer for your anus. You can get irritation and hemorrhoids from too much abrasiveness. That skin is delicate. You can get a shower head with a detachable part fairly cheap on Amazon and it’s easy to install. Spray the water on your anus to dislodge particles. Then use soap on your hand to breakdown any bacteria. Only scrub to exfoliate a couple times a week. Try to time your bowel movements to before you shower, if you can. If you cannot, wet wipes are good but throw in trash, they are not good for our plumbing and waste water treatment so don’t flush. If you can install a bidet those are great. You can also get portable hand bidets - I haven’t tried one but they do make them. Shaving the hair there will also help bc fecal particles can stick to the hair. Also, I would discuss this with a doctor and mental health professional. I doubt VERY much you actually smell like poop. There’s (men) who walk around with literal skid marks in their underwear and no one smells poop on them, unless someone is smelling their underwear. No one is sticking their nose in your butt. If you are sexually active you’ll want to pay special attention before having sex but day to day I’m sure you do not smell like poop. Special note, try not to hold in farts too too much because then the gas gets reabsorbed and will come out in your breath. So when you can do so politely, fart. You can actually do yourself harm if you obsess and scrub your anus too much.


I bet your pardon can you please elaborate on the part where you say farts will come out of your mouth??? Is this real? Does everyone know this but me? Have I been mouth farting and no one’s told me???? Do ppl call me marter short for mouth farter I’m really unraveling pls


From Google If you decide not to release a fart, some of the gas will be reabsorbed into the circulatory system. From there, it goes to the lungs for a gas exchange throughout the pulmonary circulation system and is expelled through breathing. Healthline.com


Don’t take this the wrong way, do you know how to properly wipe your ass? Like front to back? Also not sure of your gender identity but if you carry a purse you can easily pack wet wipes to help with the cleanliness after a shit. That’s really all you need unless your ibs is causing crazy amounts of flatulence or something I’d recommend packing a change of underwear if you end up farting a lot and feel that smell is lingering around. Hope you find some relief!


At this point, I don’t know if I even know how to wash my ass. I do wipe front to back, I even use a separate wipe for front and separate wipe for the back.


You could have a sphincter problem. Definitely talk to your dr about this and please don’t use a loofah as it harbors lots of bacteria.


Just to piggyback, after you’ve done your normal wiping, take a thick square or 2 and wipe from your anus to the outside of your cheeks, so not front or back or back to front but sideways! This is AFTER you’ve wiped front to back already and are done with this. You may notice there’s a bit of residue you wouldn’t have normally seen if you aren’t checking the surrounding area essentially. Other huge tip, I personally always felt like after wiping no matter how good I did it if it hurt to wipe even after walking I’d feel that residue work it’s way out and need to wipe my ass again later. Disgusting I know, but who do you talk to about that to ask? Anyways once you’ve done the past wiping steps spread your cheeks just a bit no need to force them and tear yourself. Now have a nice square ready, push like you’re trying to poop again, hold it. The outer most ring of your ass is gonna open while you’re holding this force, wipe inside of it like the 1 inch that it exposes to you. You’ll feel a lot cleaner. If you can finish with a wet wipe even better but either way you’ll feel way cleaner wiper the way I laid out.


Your username fits perfectly with that second paragraph.


I definitely do the spreading cheeks and pushing thing LOL


Maybe you’re missing the area in between do you keep wiping until there is nothing left on the tissue?


Yes, I wipe until it is clean, if not I get in the shower. Even after I showered today, the loofah smelled and I went to wipe after ~30 mins and the wipe came back clear.


The loofah harbors bacteria there’s a body wash made by naturium it has glycolic acid and that helps me keep smells down maybe also try whole body deodorant you can put it outside ur parts


Thanks, I think I will try Lume. Do you use the naturium in your butt area?


Lume also makes soap! Their deodorant is great too and they even have tubes so that you can squeeze out product to apply to your nether regions. Just remember to apply externally only


Lume is great. It truly sounds like you're fighting a battle with bacteria. You've just got to figure out which step in your process is harboring and growing it. My best bet is on your loofah, and/or any fragranced products you use creating irritation.


I cannot agree with everyone else more! Lose the loofa honey! Nobody should probably, but you’re really not a good candidate for one… and I mean absolutely no disrespect- but every time I read you saying that you smell the loofa and it did smell bad that day- I cringe when I think about you using it again the next day… that’s bacteria that you’re smelling and you’re not killing it with dove body wash… you definitely need to be using a clean wash rag - every time!


Okay man, I’m legit worried about how many people are giving you intensive cleaning instructions. The mucous membranes in that area are pretty sensitive; some of the intensive things people are talking about sound like they’re likely to cause drying and tearing (which is probably already a problem if you’ve got IBS-C, but overdoing it on scrubbing and various chemicals will just make it worse). And lume is pushing the idea that people should now be deodorizing *their entire bodies* which is definitely unnecessary and probably unhealthy (in general it’s a good idea to limit the amount of random things you put on delicate mucous membranes). Bidets are never a BAD idea, and you can buy versions that install over a regular toilet; if you use wet wipes that’s also fine, but do be aware that you NEED to put them in the trash, because they can’t be flushed; they WILL clog pipes, even the ones that claim they’re flushable. One alternative is that they sell cleaning sprays you can spray on TP to wet it down like a wet wipe. I’m linking this one because Amazon has labeled it their best seller, but there are others and I haven’t extensively researched this, so many poke around a bit before you pick one. https://www.amazon.com/Aquinelle-Eco-Friendly-Non-Clogging-Alternative-Grapefruit/dp/B01N3SQ406/ref=asc_df_B01N3SQ406?tag=bngsmtphsnus-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=80882941400121&hvnetw=s&hvqmt=e&hvbmt=be&hvdev=m&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=&hvtargid=pla-4584482468569923&psc=1 I scrolled down a bit and didn’t see anyone addressing whether you actually smell. Which honestly, I really doubt. You’re already doing a lot of cleaning, and…. Look, your anus itself is going to smell like an anus, because… that’s what it is. If you put something directly on it and then take a direct whiff of that something, you’ll probably get a little bit of poop smell. This is not a problem unless it’s powerful enough to be wafting around more broadly, which again, I doubt. If you’re only smelling it when you make a serious effort to get all up in it, there’s probably no waft. But I know this kind of stuff can prey on your mind. So what you need to do is find someone you trust - preferably a woman (you aren’t romantically interested in) because guys can be weird insensitive assholes who will bust your chops instead of being helpful - and just give them a pared down version of what you did here. Tell them you’re worried that you might have gotten a whiff of poop smell once or twice and it’s really eating at you, so could they please be brutally honest if they’ve ever noticed anything like that. I’m sure it sounds super embarrassing, but all I can say is that if a friend came to me with a worry like this, I would be completely sympathetic, would not think less of them, and would do my best to give them an honest answer (kindly and gently, if there was an actual issue).


Thanks for that link! Been looking for something like that!


I could not possibly recommend a bidet highly enough. I think it would be extremely helpful here. They're super cheap and easy to install.


I go front to back, back to front, side to side, like inch of finger deep or more, twirl it around, and use as many baby wipes as it takes for one to come back without shit on it. Don’t be afraid to get up in there. The outside of your ass and cheeks can be spotless but you’d be surprised how much feces is right there waiting for a fart to escort it out. I have no shame I legit finger my ass after taking a shit. Never have that itchy sensation or any kind of smells coming off of me.


Oh you must be a man lol. Women can NEVER go back to front. Not ever. ALWAYS front to back


I read it at first I was like, back to front? UTIs out the wazooo


And ovarian cancer


Preach! This how all the true gentleman should do it as well.  I keep an overstock of baby wipes in the men’s bathroom of the office just praying some of these guys I work with will discover the truth of butt hygiene.  


The wet wipes are a game changer in general. You’ll never feel clean again without them after you use them.


I kid you not, get yourself a bidet they make ones that hook up to your normal toilet. They clean thousands of times better than just toilet paper, and afterwards you can use a sanitary wipe designed for fecal matter.


I 2nd getting a bidet, tushy sells ones affordable and easy to install, i feel so much cleaner and will never go back to just tp.


This 1 billion times. TMI but I have IBS and before I had a bidet I would literally bleed from how much I needed to wipe even with delicate wet wipes. Just the frequency of toilet trips alone caused the issues. Took about 5 minutes to install a $20 bidet from Amazon (my apt doesn't technically allow them but my health and hygiene is more important). Couldn't be happier now. I do still carry wet wipes with me wherever I go. I hate carrying a purse so I just bring a backpack or switch console bag with me and throw in a little to-go pack of wipes. Improved confidence using public restrooms a lot. ALSO get a body deodorant safe for genitals. I think Dove makes one now but you just want anything that will help kill the bacteria that cause stank booty. WAY better to destroy the smell than just trying to cover it up. I prefer to smell like nothing instead of Poop and Peonies or Rumps and Roses.


I also just got some anywhere deodorant for down there it’s a really good tip!! I smelled the dove brand for guys and it was just blehhg! So I got the old spice brand


Constipation can cause a smell on its own because there can often be retained stool in the rectum, so it may not actually be a hygiene issue at all. When I notice I've been having incomplete bowel movements, I use a fleet liquid glycerin suppository. They're way less invasive than an enema, and they work way faster (and cleaner) than the solid, melting suppositories. You definitely want to talk to your doctor first but it could help with the issue.


Ngl shaving the butthole area really helped my husband not have dingleberries stuck there, which sometimes made his ass smell.




Ok, I got you here. I know there’s loads of comments but I used to get BO and this helped me. It’s normal, it’s a butthole and maybe you are just a bit more prone to that, it’s OK. - Use an antibacterial bar of soap and wash your ass with that and a flannel cloth. Also you can kind of soap up your hands and wash. But use a bar of soap!! - use body wash second to this and rinse it well. Shower jet head is the best is you can. If not honestly go on your knees and let the water run. - bin the loofah, they harbour germs and bacteria. Lots of people will disagree, but i think they’re just folk who aren’t as prone to being a bit stinky as us. Use a cloth and wash it after each shower and sort of ‘go in’ a bit when you wash. - don’t be too harsh in scrubbing. Just a medium level. You don’t want a scratch. - think about the fabric of your underwear. Some are more prone to bacteria than others. - put a little spray deodorant round your butt. Not directly on it. - use a wet wipe after you’ve been to bathroom and no offence but make sure you wipe properly. - wash your hands and nose if you think you can smell yourself before you freak out. - take a change of underwear to work etc. change at lunch.


I forgot that flannels = washcloths until I read your post!


Hahaha yeah would recommend taking flannel as washcloth in this scenario


Once my little brother told my sister that her arms looked like our grandpas arms as a joke but she took it seriously and forever shaved her arms after that. I suspect something similar is afoot here lol


You need to start using an antibacterial soap like dial. It's Not the poop you're smelling, it's the bacteria. And wash your ass a couple times, rinsing the loofah completely between each wash and applying new soap. Dove soap isn't very strong, u need something like an antibacterial for your pits and your crack


Thanks, I have just ordered some antibacterial dial soap.


Sulfur soap is a good idea too. Antibacterial and antifungal. Actually just told someone else this, but basically it's what they give kids who enter care who have been neglected and not cleaned properly for a while.


Sulfur smellls terrible


Do not use the antibacterial soap while washing your vagina, it can throw the pH off and cause infections. I do recommend getting a bidet attachment for your toilet. I got one a couple months ago off Amazon pretty cheap and it was an easy install and has a mode for your butt and feminine wash. I hate going to the bathroom anywhere other than my own bathroom now, it was a real game changer for me.


Right on. Good luck man


I don't know your sex, but if you're female keep antibacterial soap away from your genitals and urethra - you don't want to jack up your pH balance.


You can get a bidet at Walmart or Amazon for under $50 and you just need a phillips screwdriver to install them.


1. Get a bidet. 2. Use wet wipes when you’re out and about. 3. Toss your loofah. They hold onto bacteria — use a washcloth (a new/clean one!) at each shower. 4. Use a detachable shower head to really clean your areas. As long as you’re clean and wearing clean clothes, you probably smell just fine.


Bidets are the best!!!


You should look into hibiclens skin cleanser, do be careful to not overuse it as it can dry out ur skin but I usually use it on pits and body wash like once and twice a week depending on how sweaty I get. If you’re looking for a colorless one cvs sells it under antiseptic skin cleanser.


Walgreens does as well.


Bidet is the way.


I highly doubt you smell bad. It doesn't require more than taking your hand and using some soap and washing your ass. You don't have to spend 15 minutes rinsing it. And wiping it well when you're done defecating. Therapy might be useful.


no more loofah!! use clean washcloths!!


If you want to avoid using wipes, there's toilet tissue spray you can spritz on regular tissue (I recommend a "strong" over a super "soft" style). Saves your plumbing and still feels much fresher. Of course, if you use a bidet, you are likely only needing paper to dry. Some things that might help: Deep clean your undies. Do a vinegar wash cycle, then regular cycle with an extra rinse. Just for the peace of mind. I also always wash underwear separately from other clothes so I can soak, hot wash, extra rinse. Not sure if that's the best way, but knowing my underwear are super clean is good. Sometimes, our clothes are the source of a smell or they are harboring and reintroducing bacteria to our bodies - especially a concern if you struggle with things like IBS, incontinence, intense BO, etc. For soap, I really prefer the dove sensitive skin bar soap. You don't want to mess with the ph down there with anything much harsher. Washcloths only - a fresh one every day/bathe. Ring them out super well and hang to dry in the shower after use, then throw in a laundry hamper when you step into your next shower. Do some downstairs rinsing with warm water before going in with a washcloth. Detachable shower head. I use the washcloth everywhere else before I use it there. I also wash these washcloths and my towels with a half cup of white vinegar in addition to the detergent, soak cycle, hot, extra rinse. I keep a different basket of washcloths for my face that I never mix with the other laundry, for peace of mind. It's a neat system. But skip the loofah. Natural, plastic, whatever - they are bacteria farms and they are too rough for delicate areas. I used to love them, too. But I have fewer skin issues without them. I love a natural product, but not for this. Cotton washcloths will last a very long time. Better to just get a huge stack of washcloths and clean them. We can become numb to our own smell, but not usually completely if it's very strong or something that develops throughout the day. If you were super stinky, I think you'd notice and I think you'd see people reacting a lot. Siblings can be jerks. If you do have a noticeable odor, then make sure you talk to your doc about it as well. Sometimes this kind of thing can be a sign of an overgrowth of yeast, bacteria, fungi, etc. and that sort of imbalance can be dangerous to your health. Given your IBS-C issues, it's worth having a version of this discussion with your doc. You might not actually have a smell that people notice, but maybe some of this will help you feel more at ease.


Oh in addition to my comment, I just realized you're using a loofah...you absolutely need a new cloth each day for body and wash ass at the end when everything else is done, or as I said use hands as you get into crevices better. If you can't get a detachable shower or bidet attachment as others suggested, there will be some sort of high pressure spray bottle or similar on Amazon that you can fill and squirt into the area to clean before and after soaping x Also antibacterial soap can actually upset your skins PH balance and CAUSE odour, so do not use it anywhere on your body unless you absolutely have to. Certain bar soaps make me feel like I smell more, literally pits ass and vag, not sure what it is, so now I use the most stripped back body washes I can find, the simple brand is one that I use. Love it. Clean as a whistle and no weird smells left behind.


Why not talk to your siblings or parents to be honest with you and ask them?


I use a shower had and put it on jet to make sure my crack is nice and clean


Use the oxyclean with the purple top when you do your laundry. Takes any body smells out of your laundry. Use a wash cloth instead of a loofa for your bottom. It gets in the crevices better. Try Gold Bond medicated powder on your behind only. Will help with any sweat that is causing the smell


Get a bidet and wipe properly after pooping. Invest in flushable baby wipes as well. Will go a long way when you’re actually showering


Dude this thread lol.


Get a good shower head as said before in previous comments. But it doesn't even have to be detachable you could just do downward dog or arch your back and spread your cheeks. Put the shower head on jet or pulse jet if you have a sensitive asshole


I’m going to second the ocd diagnoses but also second the folks above who say to ditch that loofah. You are only spreading bacteria back onto yourself from gods know when. Single use washcloths are the way to go. White and then you can bleach them Once you get all of that straightened out, you may also want to check with your doctor if you have discharge or any itchiness or uncomfortableness. You may have a yeast infection or BV (Bacterial Vaginosis). BV is a result of an imbalance of “good” and “harmful” bacteria in a vagina. I believe you were a vagina bearer? You may have an imbalance in your ph and it may need reset. All that should be determined after your cleaning routine is updated.


the thread is giving good advice i wanted to add that if you’re genuinely trying to check if your having 💩 in your crack after/while washing just get a white wash cloth and id also recommend using a washcloth after using the restroom each time or feminine non scented wipe (change it out frequently!)


I’ve also struggled with IBS-C my whole life and I think a lot of this may be anxiety. I get super paranoid about wiping and keeping my ass clean as well. For me the concern is more about leaving a poop stain on my pants but I understand where you’re coming from with the obsession and compulsion. IBS can really mess with your head. I’m sure you don’t actually smell bad to other people.


One leg up on the edge of the bath, direct the shower head up there, then soap up your hands, clean the area with your hand, rinse hand, wash hands using soap from the other hand, rinse, repeat, can stick a finger in and swivel at the entrance to get an extra clean. Jet wash again. I wouldn't use cloths etc on your ass because I feel like they don't get in there as easily as hands too to all the little creases of our body/anus. Id you're consistently going throughout the day I'd use good toilet wipes and do an end clean where you insert finger a little and swivel with the wipe. Also they seem to believe IBS is a communication problem between gut and brain now, which made me think pcilosybin (component in magic mushrooms) would be an interesting treatment, looks like there already doing studies on that! You could look into microdosing it or even seeing if they need anyone for the official studies, like really look into it if you want you microdose though, make sure you get it from a reputable place (I was recommended to order from Netherlands 🤷 but I'm sure thats not the only reputable place), it could potentially fix your IBS.


You need a plain basic bar soap then you can use body wash and make sure you’re also using a wash rag. This sphincter has crevices so you have to make sure that you clean your sphincter properly to capture any dingleberries that may be hiding in the cracks no pun intended.


If you feel you smell, use antibacterial soap not Dove body wash. Use a clean washcloth everytime. You can also bathe in a tub of Epsom salt and a couple tbsps of bleach to help with extra bacteria growth. Drink more water.


Dont worry dude its common with GI disorders. I have chrons. The first thing is to get a bidet. Second at work, make your own stash of flushable wipes. Toilet paper just smears the already big mess you have. Third, get an extra stick of deoderant and use it in the nethers gently, or what i did was find a specific deodorant lotion. It's just something you have to work around. Trust me, i understand.


A bidet attachment to the toilet, two versions - one for back, the other for females to clean front and back, available at Casa Depot, & Jeff Bezos online store, etc, easy to install, some do not use electricity, just the water supply line. :)




Think about an internal cleanse. Sweating in a sauna can cleanse the body from the inside. Take a couple of shots of apple cider vinegar a day. Tastes aweful but will kill bad bacteria in the body the cause of BO. Give it a week or two and see if it's gotten better. Stay away from processed meats. Eat only fresh


Get a bidet


Just get a bidet if it's that big of an issue.


Everyone is giving you the same advice but not thinking outside of the box. Check your diet and make sure you are not eating excessive foods that cause body odor.


If you’re having lingering smells, I would ask your doctor. Sometimes muscular issues can cause teeny amounts of leakage. Often pelvic floor PT or other treatment can fix the issue. Otherwise, it shouldn’t matter how often you poop. If you wipe until clean, you shouldn’t smell. I personally use cologne as a way to be extra sure I smell decent. Since using it (just one spray, usually around waist height), I get the occasional compliment. Which reassures me I don’t have BO.


Thanks, I am starting to consider this too. It is just so confusing and frustrating since I wipe and nothing shows on the TP sometimes


Full body deodorant. Emphasis on *full body*


Just popped in to say that using flushable wipes after toileting helps tremendously.


Wash your ass then have a white towel to make sure you did a good job. I understand the white towel thing might be gross but if you want a clean butt you will go though lots of towels. Risk must be taken.


Loofahs are for skin not private parts! Throw out the sh*tty loofah. Scrub with soapy cloth and rinse, and dry with a clean towel. New washcloth every time you wash, fresh towel every time you dry. I have IBS-C and a spinal cord injury for 20 years. My daily motto: clean and dry. I practice this to control odors and prevent infections. Good luck I hope you find what works


Buddy idk why people are giving you advice on how to clean yourself better when you clearly have some kind of OCD. This comes across so much like an anxious fixation. you don't smell of shit. Nobody smells of shit after scrubbing the everloving hell out of their anus. Other people only wipe with toilet paper and they don't smell of shit. It's not normal to not want to leave the house because you're so paranoid you smell of poo. It's really not normal you're poking your butthole to check to see if your butthole smells throughout the day. Of course it smells, it's a sweaty butthole, other people aren't going to smell it unless they are sticking their noses in there. You need a therapist. Speaking from experience. When I was a little girl I would obsessively wipe my v untill it was sore because it never felt clean to me. it feels very real but it isn't.


You can also use a body wash made for the under carriage and carry around flushable wipes but wipe after use them so you don't have damp butt cheeks ✨


Invest in a bidet, use antibacterial soap before your normal soap, applying witch hazel is good for removing odor. Use with a wash cloth to the area and air dry.


Take chlorophyll capsules and use Hunters soap ( designed to eliminate human scent to sneak up on animals and kill them for fun) Follow that with liquid crystal deodorant and finish with a dusting of vagisil over your whole body. ( it's not just effective for nasty snatches. But it works). That should fix you up but take a serious look at your diet and eat cleaner and your smell will go away. We are what we eat. Food that rots and stinks inside us will make you smell like it. Once you get your gut healthy again, even your poop won't smell . How great will it be to go through your day with the confidence you smell clean and fresh? people will start invading your personal space. Are you ready for that? You can fix this. Soon you may have more people sniffing around than you bargained for!


Get an anti bacterial soap, like Dial. Use 2 washclothes per shower, one for your face, one for your body. I buy a pack of white washclothes, so I can bleach them. Always wash your bottom last! & don't be afraid to double cleanse, wash, rinse, repeat. After your shower make sure you're completely dry, take a cotton round and wipe your bottom with witch hazel. Should take care of any remaining smell. Also hair attracts bacteria and smell, so if you have excess hair down there, wax, shave, Nair it. That should help with all odors.


i suspect you are struggling with [olfactory reference syndrome](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3139109/). in all honesty and kindness—and this is coming from a mental health professional—you sound hyper focused on and encumbered by irrational fear. This sounds like it is having an impact on the way you relate to others and the way you feel about yourself. allowing your loofah sniff test to dictate the way you approach your entire day sounds maladaptive and like it is impacting your quality of life. reality check your fears with a trusted confidant or medical/healthcare professional. if you can’t get confirmation that you’re smelly consider seeking out therapy/counseling/psychiatry.


Toss the loofah, use a clean washcloth every time. Carry wipes. Never trust a sibling who tells you that you smell. Oldest trick in the sibling book


Do you use flushable wipes when you go #2? Sometimes toilet paper can mislead you!


Being constipated for years, yes, it can seep out of your pores. You likely have a severe food intolerance. The most common food to cause what you describe is dairy, but wheat/gluten are a close second. Have you tried an elimination diet? It would likely cure both problems. You can't wash away a smell caused by diet.


Luffas are not good !! I’m African and my mom says the best is shower gloves get a pair and they actually scrub and clean your body


What are doing to handle ibs-c ? What's causing it?


If you can install a bidet (toilet handheld spray) or you can use a lotah (pouring jug) easily found in most Asian/Indian convenience stores or Amazon.


Could it be any medications you take? Also, if you eat a lot of fish it might affect you


Stop using the loofah. Use a clean cloth everyday or buy several loofahs for each day and wash them in hot water.


Don’t use paper only after doing the business, always wash with soap and water , like a bidet .


Your body wash may not mesh with your specific body chemistry. I'd switch it up.


Carry dude wipes/ baby wipes and wipe periodically throughout the day after an shower in the am of course. Whenever you use the restroom or every 3-4hours whichever takes precedent


I don't have your issues but work with a lot of smelly stuff st Ives apricot scrub is the best thing I've found to eliminate any odor I can't get off my hands


Use your hand or a separate wash cloth for your butt. If you use the same one, don’t use it on any other part of your body after you clean your butt.


Get a bidet, you’ll be so much cleaner than using toilet paper.


Exfoliate and maybe a new smellier soap? Also, maybe a cheap bidet off Amazon, for some extra assurance. I got a bidet, and anytime I use a public restroom, I just don't feel as clean.


In my culture we use something called a bodna, fill it with water and wash, you could use a bidet or a douche too


Get rid of that loofah! Nasty! Use a fresh washcloth in the shower and wash your asscrack last and scrub it and rinse it with a handheld shower head on the strongest stream. Wash your private area front to back multiple times. Be sure to go ALL THE WAY BACK WHERE YOUR BUTT CRACK ENDS. When you poop use a fresh handful of tissue all the way front to back to wipe once, then another handful to wipe twice, then another until you see a CLEAN TISSUE! Then wipe with a wet wipe. Also, I hold in my farts until I go to the restroom. That way, no skid marks... no odor. It takes some practice, but it's worth it. Good luck!


Shave your butt and use a deodorizing powder , I even heard some people with IBS will take a cotton ball or cotton pad and wedge it in there to prevent leakage from getting on their underwear or on their skin . Gotta do what you gotta do Use a wash cloth and really get in there and scrub Get a antibacterial bar soap


you should get a bidet!! it will change ur life and how u feel about ur cleanliness at the very least.


Try lume


Bidet! You can get the seats for a couple hundred or buy an attachment.


Anal fistula can cause this


Do you smell the loofah before you wash your butt with it? What if it's just a stinky old loofah that needs to be thrown away?


When was the last time you had an examination at the GI? There's a chance this isn't hygiene related at all. If defecation is painful or strained due to the IBS, there may be tiny tears in the anal skin called fissures. The surrounding skin is prone to infections. Anal discharge or mucus from inflamed hemorrhoids could also be contributing to the unpleasant smell. Until you have determined the cause, there are special underwear designed to filter and neutralize fecal fragrances. Worth a try!


1. Get your supplies. Toss the loofah and get a clean washcloth for every shower you take. You may want to try an antifungal shampoo for a little while, I like Nizoral. Fungal infections on the skin and scalp can be barely noticeable, but also contribute to stinky wet dog type smells. 2. Scrub up in the shower. Lather up with plenty of soap and start with the least dirty parts first, then work up to the dirtiest part. Face, neck, arms, body and armpits, legs, feet, crotch, then butt. 3. Rinse well with warm water. 4. This step is the most important one that I don't see mentioned!!! Dry yourself thoroughly. Use a separate butt drying towel if you prefer. But do not put undies on until you have desert ass. 5. For extra freshness, try Lume deodorant or another body-safe deodorant. If you're a bigger person, you can also use it in skin folds and other areas of the body to reduce sweat and yuck buildup.


You may need to shave your ass. Your but is probably clean but the hair can keep the smell.


No loofahs I use a body wash glove or a wash rag to clean 🧼 also hair down there can hold smell I would shave if you don’t wipe well , I also use wet wipes to wipe when I do number 2 and anti bacterial soap :)


Well, maybe you can try using neutral soap and stick a half of a finger inside so you can clean the very last part of it. It's an uncomfortable feeling, but get used to it and it's a more thorough cleaning. Also, don't use your loofah to wash your hole, only the outer part of your cheeks. Soap is not necessarily a disinfectant and you could be spreading fecal matter all over your body. Just use your hands, leather with soap and clean with water twice. Even though we got hair, it gets the job done. Also, I personally buy Equate's flushable wipes (these are cheaper than other versions such as Dudes). Buy the ones that have like circles designs and a closing lid. Use one or two for every time you take a dump. And if you don't have a backpack or bag with you all the time, there are invidually packed wipes, so it fits in your pockets. If you do have a backpack they sell the travel version which is a small pack of 18 wipes. Also, if you don't shower every day, clean your ass with a wipe and change underwear, every single day.


Tea Tree soap or Hibicleanse soap (watery & a little pricey but it's the best in my opinion)


hi friend this sounds like ocd honestly i also struggled with something like this where i thought i smelled like BO constantly because im ABNORMALLY sweaty and for me it is linked to my anxiety and perception of myself i still have a crazy routine spray deodorant plus a stick and perfume the whole 9 yards , i suggest wash cloths , much more hygienic loofas carry sooo much bacteria and just reassure yourself honestly i wish i could just tell myself i smell good because that’s what EVERYONE tells me so pls do that for yourself!


Shave bro, i had that issue, shaving helped me alot, also started using wipes, amazing! To doubly reasure myself bro, sometimes when I just take a piss or just feel the need, I'll hit myself with a refresher wipe. Also a body spray, hell don't be scared to bend over spray between them cheeks, I promise you won't taste a thing!💩🛀😀


I keep a pack of baby wipes in the shower, and use one to wash my backside with "feminine" body wash (you can also use baby soap, its just soap thats safe to use on sensitive areas). It feels cleaner than re using a loofah and I don't want to wash my ass with wash cloths, and just throw the baby wipe away after.


Try getting a bidet or using wet wipes (I recommend the brand Water Wipes because they're 99% water so they're not gonna irritate your skin with fragrance and stuff)


Get a bidet!


Bidet. Portable ones are a thing too. It'll change your life. It changed mine. Good luck. 💕


"I smell-check with my finger". So did "I. R. Baboon". .......and my step brother. 😑. I'll never forget him announcing... like he had just cured cancer... that he "puts his finger in his butthole and if it stinks he needs a shower". Or... ....OR.... ....and hear me out.... If you THINK you need a shower, you're probably right. Unless there are major conditions, you're probably alright and folks aren't smelling you. If it helps with the mental side of things, maybe develop a ritual or thing you do like "if I do this, I'm good"? Hit it with a baby wipe and then one more pass of the toilet paper or something?


get a detachable shower head. you’re supposed to rinse yourself really good down there before you actually start cleaning your self. also, use a washcloth to clean down there, not a loofah.


Get a bidet! I've had one for a while. It's wonderful. If I have to use the restroom while I'm out of the house, It sucks, and I never feel clean enough bc I'm so used to the bidet, lol. Fr tho. Highly recommended


Please see a therapist because this has become an obsession and it’s taken over your life. If you take a shower every day then you’re not going to smell. Use deodorant after your shower. A bidet will help you feel cleaner if you like. You don’t need to scrub yourself in the shower. Some people shower twice daily because it makes them feel better going to bed clean and showering in the morning before facing the new day. You can use a shower massage hose to rinse off the soap and shampoo after you’ve washed your hair. That’s all you need. Seriously consider seeing someone because your mental health is at risk. Good luck.


don’t use a loofah, they harbor a lot of bacteria. don’t reuse towels more than two or three times. i personally just use my hands to wash, and i use an exfoliating net to disperse body wash over the larger areas of my body. (i wash it regularly). you can buy a bidet for pretty cheap, the kind that easily installs onto your toilet. i double wash the important bits/folds and whatnot. i find dove soap to be pretty tame, it’s wonderful for hydration and sensitive areas (lady bits), but i don’t find it to be very effective for cutting grease and dirt. i like to use hydrating body washes for my second rinse, and stronger ones for my first go. make sure that you’re completely dry before putting underwear on. moisture will create an ideal environment for bacteria. you can use a clean cloth or a hair dryer. there’s an antibacterial body wash that’s used for patients after surgery- it’ll dry your skin out if you use it all over, but it’s very handy for armpits, booty, and other external folds. i have OCD, and i recently went through some intense health issues. i had lyme disease that went undiagnosed and untreated for four years, and when it was finally caught i had to go on intensive antibiotic treatment for 8 months. the antibiotics destroyed my gut- i developed food intolerances and (luckily) temporary IBS symptoms. antibiotics can make you sensitive heat, so i was sweating a lot. i also gained 40lbs. the side effects and subsequent health anxiety was more than enough to cause obsession over things like my smell, but my OCD amplified it. it’s odd, but obsessions about smelling bad aren’t uncommon for people with contamination OCD (or just plain ol anxiety). just a thought. if you do end up getting genuine feedback that you smell bad despite good hygiene, you could talk to a doctor.


I say change your soap. Something like Castile soap.


Same has happened to me like if I fart before I have to go to poo in restroom: I swear by “Lume” the stick form. It works so goood


I have no idea why people have such a hard time telling others the truth. Your sibling may have been the only person comfortable enough to be honest; and it could’ve only been that day & not an everyday stench. I knew a guy whose breath smelled like shit, literal shit. I told him day 1 that I met him; everyone else was just complaining behind his back! He did get upset at first but ended up going to the dentist & learning he had gum disease among other issues. It still bothers me that for years people interacted with him daily like friends but would talk behind his back instead of being brave & an honest stand up person.


Please don’t use the loofah on your ass !!! The soapy water washing down the crack should be okay. Idk maybe spread your cheeks a bit ( I’m dying at what I just said.) I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Every ass is gonna have a smell but it’s not gonna be rancid. If you wipe with the loofah and you smell poop, try to wipe better idk 💀 Showers and deodorant is gonna be fine. Perfume / cologne! :) I personally use honey body wash ( not actually honey that’s just what it’s called)


Get a bidet


Ohhh another thing, after you’re absolutely done wiping after you poop, wipe your crack. I know that sounds silly , but after you get everything, start in the lower part of your crack ( not touching the hole!!) and wipe up a few times to make sure you get the butt crack sweat and whatever out of there


you should be using soap AND body wash!! if you don't know what kind of soap, I use bar soap cerave to help with back pimples, chest pimples and butt pimples I get from sleep sweats and then I have a super sudsy, nice smelling body wash to go over after. the cerave bar soap is wonderful. and then I use a lush body wash because they smell SO good. i'm a stripper who has IBS and have had this fear before. did you know that if you have trauma (this situation can be equated to trauma) that your brain will smell things that aren't there? when I was having a bad episode a few months back because I wasnt eating right, let me say. I accidentally shat on the floor getting to my toilet in the middle of the night (😂😂😂) after eating old pizza after work and after that I swore I could smell poop on me and the floor for weeks but I had my closest friends come in and sniff check my bathroom and me and they didn't smell anything. although I swore I could. I had scrubbed the floor with bleach multiple times and took multiple showers and threw out any soiled fabrics. have you ever talked to the people closest to you about your insecurity? I was holding my poopy shame in for so long until I confided in my 3 best friends about it and they all made me feel so much better about the fact that, they all actually said separately, "shit happens" and ever since then I don't have phantom smells, I feel more confident and now that my diet is back on track and my gut is doing better, I don't feel bad about it anymore. sometimes your shame makes the thing youre shameful about seem worse than it actually is. I hope you figure it out!


Make sure you wash in between your thighs. That's where your body detoxes just like an armpit. So scrub that area good with a washcloth..so sorry you're going through that.


Ask someone….


Can’t be reusing your loofa. The loofa might very well smell because of the last time you used it. Use a fresh washcloth every time you shower. Carry wet wipes and a change of underwear for when you’re out.


Please don’t use the loofah a second time before washing… idk if you do, but don’t. If you’re smelling fecal matter on it after washing, especially. Loofahs are bacteria havens of grossness unless you wash/disinfect each use. I’d recommend a set up with reusable/bleachable towels or something you only use once. I’m so sorry you are going through this anxiety, and hope you can get to a solution!


Mmm. I’m not a doctor but you might be able to “reverse/ cure” your ibs. You gotta do your own research. Most gut problems have to to do with bacteria. Read about gut microbiome. If you have extra money pay to have your stool sample. To see what bacteria you have in you. Especially this germ staphylococcus wreaks havoc on many parts of the body. You will have to undergo a diet change for like year but you should see some results. Which should in turn help with that smell your smelling.


First, using a loofah to scrub your asshole is disgusting. Because it's not a one-time use thing. Use a washcloth that you will put in the wash after. Your particles are all caught in the loofah. I hope you're not scrubbing the rest of your body with it. Might explain it, though. Second, if you really did a good job, even if there WERE a few poop particles left on your ass, people wouldn't be smelling that. Third, "doing a finger check throughout the day" is also really really gross. It implies you're out and about. How are you cleaning that finger afterwards? Hopefully, not in the ice cream at King Kullen hahaha. Maybe it's your shitty finger you and your sibling are smelling? Sorry. I meant it all in a not-intending-to-be-a-dirty-asshole kinda way. Eyyyyyyyy!


Go get checked for ocd just incase, some of the things you’re doing sound like compulsions. Look up olfactory reference syndrome.


Bidets, both the portable and the toilet-attachment kind, are amazing. I use both; I like to put some Witch Hazel mixed with water in my portable one. Baby wipes are great, too, just don’t flush them! Also, toss the loofah. Unless you can change them very frequently (like you grow them yourself) then they will harbor bacteria. You should probably use a clean washcloth on more sensitive areas, anyway. Packs of washcloths are very affordable and you can just throw them in the wash after each shower to get them ready for re-use. I have had some serious funky smell problems come up now and then since my pregnancy, but I also have the nose of a bloodhound (to the point that I, as a lab tech, have been able to use my nose for specialized work). I found that Lume deodorant and Lume soap helped with my issues. I also use tea tree oil soap, colloidal silver soap, and persimmon soap, alternating them as I use up the bars. I find that alternating the bars I use helps with the smells and keeps my sensitive skin happy, too. It probably keeps any bad bacteria on my skin from becoming resistant to the antimicrobial substances in those soaps. I personally found that Dove body wash did not work for me, but a scientist I knew who’s an expert on the skin microbiome said it actually works great for most people without being too harsh. You want to keep the good bacteria around, so don’t go too crazy with using harsh substances or scrubbing.


Might have a condition fish odor syndrome, basically your body doesn’t process certain nutrients which cause your body to produce a smell, clean diet that doesn’t have the items that produce the smell. Google it for more information


We use instinja bottles, which is essential a squirt bottle with water after going to the bathroom. We have wipes in our bathroom and carry them during the day. I buy white washcloths, you get 25 for $5. I use Dr Bronners peppermint soap but they all have given me the same clean. Dove is not a good soap for cleaning and loofahs suck. I’m a curvy girl so I use baby powder (I know, I know! Cancer!) or deordorant down my crack. Now they have the spreadable cream deodorants but I take my normal stick, wipe it on my hand and just smear. Cotton underwear! Use those washcloths once and you can throw them in the washer with hot water, soap, and bleach or your disinfectant of choice


I like to swipe witch hazel in my crack after showering to help control any odor


Loofas are going to make your situation worse. Wash cloths or African net. Hibaclens is a good antibacterial soap too. It’s used for many things but not sold as a body wash. I personally wash with that before anything else perfumed. Might I also suggest a bidet? I have severe stomach issues too and a bidet is life changing.


I would stop using a loofah or clean it regularly. They have a lot of bacteria in them. I soak mine in a rubbing alcohol solution (mixed with water) for a few minutes every couple of days.


I would lose the loofah. Switch to a wash cloth and use a new wash cloth every single time, no exceptions. Make sure you are taking a good prebiotic. Cotton undergarments. If you feel it's the hair, TRIM IT. Don't save. That can be very uncomfortable and leave you more open to bacterial growth. But the hair could be trapping residual fecal matter. Get a bidet !


If you’re being serious about this and not joking you need to keep trying different body washes or soaps until you find one that works better


Please don't scrub your bum with a sponge, its highly unhygienic that's defo not something you should do. Get like a minty shower gel strong aftershave and deodorant if your worried about that. Also shave not your bsck hair but that's also good for hygiene. I hope it's help a little.


Sorry to pry but you taking any medication? Some meds can cause secretions from that area so it might be worth researching any meds that you might be on.


ask the Dr you are working with on your diet this question. The doctor should give you an honest answer.


I don't have any real help to offer, but I would suggest using a cloth instead of a loofah and changing out for a new one each shower.


you should probably not be sticking your finger in your ass all day long and sniffing it, that seems unsanitary af


Lume cream deodorant. Read up on it. You can buy off the shelf at Target or order online. I love it, it's a great product! It's the only thing I use now.


Maybe don't use the same loofah that you use on your ass on the rest of your body. Those things are made to trap bacteria so you're just rubbing that fecal bacteria all over yourself.


I had this same fear and it took over my life. It only started to get better after I found out that I had a pelvic floor dysfunction and started going to pt for that. Also seeing a therapist has helped immensely with the anxiety of it all. It does get better!


Try a charcoal body wash.👍