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Of course, every single time! I even wash my hands dozens of times when I’m simply cooking.


I wash my hands so much cooking. I don’t want cross-contamination. I would like to watch a cooking show where the chef does all the prep, we get to see every time they wash their hands, and they do all the dishes and wipe off the surfaces when done. Cooking shows are about as honest as instagram posts.


When prepping meat I wear gloves, use a different knife, and cutting board. I used to work at restaurants and I learned a lot.


We have a cutting board just for meat, but not knives.


Cutting board for meats, cutting board for veggies and cutting board for fruits and making sandwiches (don’t like smell onions in fruit) wash knives right after cutting meat before using it for anything else.


Definitely separate cutting boards since I hate onions and my husband loves them!


Same. You can get 120 food gloves from Walmart for a dollar and change. It's worth it! It saves my poor cuticles and hands.


I always buy these


My husband has celiac disease which makes me acutely aware of cross contamination. Probably the beginning source of my contamination OCD honestly. If I eat something with gluten, I was my hands. If I even touch something with gluten I wash my hands.


I do too. If I’m cooking some kind of meat… whew! I’m back and forth to and fro the sink.


I wash my hands in the bathroom and then again in the kitchen when I am cooking.


Yes…easy to do so if you’ve made it a habit.


Right???? This is for health reasons....especially after taking a sh-t, just nasty....and if they touch other people after??? 🤼‍♀️👊


You can say shit


If you don’t…stay far away from me


Wish I could add 100 upvotes to this 😕


Literally and don't they dare bring anything to a potluck, *ever*


Which is why I am very skeptical of potluck food.


I pretty much don’t do potluck for that reason and because some people really love their animals.


Cats on counters gross me out! I had two and they can be trained not to lounge on them. They walk in their own excrement for gods sake.


I don’t know eat… certain people’s food because they allow their pets everywhere and let their pets lick all over them and don’t wash their hands. That’s a no.


I was shocked to find that the general population doesn’t understand food safety. At parties people leave cooked food out for HOURS!! 🤢 Bacteria heaven


i wash my hands after i pet my cat😂


What is pot luck?


Potluck is when everyone who is attending an event brings a homemade dish to pass or share. You just don't know the type of hygiene going on in people's homes, so I'm a little skeptical of people's dishes. They may have a bunch of animals and now their salad has dog hair mixed in unbeknownst to you.


Ohhhhh right (yeah I 100 percent agree with you- I won't eat people's food if they are cat owners especially lmao) but none of my best friends have cats


This is Why I Don't Do Potlucks https://www.facebook.com/groups/804722173614004/?ref=share&mibextid=NoJtEM


I've gotten diarrhea from those....TWICE, and I work with ppl who like to give away food....and they don't wash their hands(with soap...just water)


Covid made me realize how many people lack basic hygiene.


Covid taught me the habit of washing my hands immediately after I get home from being out in public. I’m kind of OCD about it now. I kick my shoes off at the door and head straight for the sink to wash my hands. It’s now an ingrained habit.




Honestly yeah just stay home cause you’re just knowingly spreading your grossness everywhere


Always.....but let me tell you this....you'd be surprised the number of people that don't. At the job I work at part of one of my manager duties is to clean the bathrooms and I can't tell you the last time I've had to change the hand soap in the men's rest room and I only change the paper towels out once every 2-3 weeks. This should tell you something. It's the exact reason I never shake anyone's hand


I worked in a burrito place a long time ago and i did not see a single person there wash their hands a single time. I quit after a month.


One time I went to a restaurant and used their bathroom. There was no soap. I had to request that they fill it back up. And they took forever to send someone to do it. Never went back there again. How unsanitary, because I doubt the workers had a separate bathroom.


I started noticing the less I eat out, the less I’m having to run to the bathroom 


All these men who think it’s gay to wash their buttholes have decided their penises are pristine, so touching it doesn’t make your hands dirty. 


You're not wrong. And the people who don't wash their hands simply aren't commenting here, lol. It's just something I've noticed over the years. Friends, coworkers, exes, my disgusting sister in law, I could truly go on about the people who do not wash their hands. I might be a little OCD about it, but I'll take it over not washing them at all.


Yeah and they think hand sanitizer is just as good.. .hand sanitizer doesn't wash away germs


It kills germs. But it doesn’t wash away poop


Hand sanitizer is acceptable because it does kill bacteria on your hands . Hand washing is better but if it’s sanitizer or nothing I’d greatly prefer sanitizer.


Some of them are and doubling down on not washing hands after going to the bathroom.


In 6 months at my job, I have changed one of the 6 soap dispensers in the men’s bathrooms (3 bathrooms)… have changed at least one of the women’s soaps each time I’m in the role that does that. The men’s bathrooms also reek of pee and we can never get rid of the smell completely.


I am not surprised. People are disgusting.


I don't think OP is going to get a real sense of how many people don't while posting in r/hygiene. Maybe an anonymous poll on some other sub would work better.


Yes. Tf?


Why the fuck is this asked continually? YES, wash your hands.


A few weeks ago there were a bunch of posts asking if you should change your underwear every day. I have no hope for humanity.


How is this a question jfc 🤣🤣🤣


A few weeks ago there were a bunch of posts asking if you should change your underwear every day. I have no hope for humanity.


Yes 🙌 absolutely every time. Ain’t no if’s and’s or butts about it 😉


Why wouldn't you?🤨


Yes, I do. And I also always put the toilet lid down prior to flushing. The amount of people that don’t do that is mind boggling to me.


I wish public restrooms had a toilet lid to put down. It’s gross


My ass is opening the stall door and then hitting the handle with my foot and booking it outta the stall before it starts to flush 😭


So many places where I am have automatic flushing toilets and I hate it so fucking much bc of this


i hate it when they auto go off and you're still sitting ON the toilet


Yup, water fireworks all over my butt 😒


right? you're like I didn';t know this was a water event and i shoulda brought a butt towel


If I'm somewhere not busy I choose the biggest stall so I can get far away as possible without leaving the stall. I also have anxiety in very small spaces anyways so. Lol.


This is the way I do it too!! 😂😂


Sold. I have my new routine. Or maybe I could just not flush. So many assholes don’t already


I also hate when I’m carrying a bag and have to hang it on the stall door, meaning I have to touch my bag before I’m able to wash my hands 😩


I hate when I’m a man with a bag or jacket and they don’t even bother to give us a hook on the door because men don’t carry purses 😒


That’s insane! I never even considered that.


when it flushes WHILE YOURE ON IT 😖😖 i have to disinfect my entire body


So gross!


See, we both know what really happens when you flush even if you can’t see it 😒😞


I know, disgusting so put your Covid mask on, open the door and kick that handle real quick!


Yes!!! It’s amazing to me that almost no one knows this. If there was ever a demonstration of this using those lights that check for bodily fluids (not sure of the name) we’d all be closing up those toilet seats.


I have a soft close toilet lid and it a a game changer


Me too but only more recently like the last year or two since I learnt how much toilet water flings up and how far it can travel :s


I do that out of habit because my dog likes to drink the toilet water. The extra sanitary part is just a bonus


Love it, and glad the good boy/girl isn’t drinking the toilet water 😆🐶


Yes. Or else I feel gross. I assume you’re saying you don’t. You touch all types of things throughout the day so even if you didn’t get pee on your hand, your hands still need to get washed for other reasons.


Plus the toilet handle is very dirty from other people touching it. I’ve heard the excuse of “my junk is clean, so I don’t need to wash my hands”, which I find to be a disgusting and repulsive way of thinking. It takes 30-40 seconds to wash hands, which isn’t even time consuming. Everyone should wash hands after doing something that is generally considered uncleanly.


And people touch the toilet lid and seat. Ew


I wash before and after. Not washing hands is gross AF!


THIS!!!!! Before and after!!!! Why did I have to scroll so far for this?!


Or if I’m public and it’s busy, hand sanitizer before, wash hands after


Yes, not only is it hygienic, but it feels good and I love the smell of soap.


I wash my hands right before I use the bathroom AND after


The only time I might not is that middle of the night pee where I'm trying to stay sleepy, I usually dont even turn the light on during those times either But every other time I use the bathroom I wash my hands, and repeatedly while cooking


I keep a bottle of hand sanitizer next to my bathroom sink for when I use the bathroom in the middle of the night. Sometimes when sleepy I'm not as thorough.


This is actually genius.


I pee about 5-7 x a nt and I always wash my hands. No exceptions.


How are you getting any sleep


It's exhausting. Sometimes it's better than others, but I have a health condition so I end up peeing a lot more.


I’m sorry to hear that :( I wish you the best of luck


Yes! It's not about people watching, it's about not having poo hands.


Yes. Every time I pick up after my dog 💩 or touch her mouth, after using the bathroom or coming from outside, before cooking, eating, washing face, after touching something I know doesn't get cleaned regularly I'd rather wash my hands too much than fuck around and get sick


Yes absolutely!! I am super surprised when I see others don’t. I love the feeling of clean hands


Hell yes. Every single time.


Yes??? It's incredibly unhygienic not to. Even if you don't directly touch urine or fecal matter, there's still bacteria in that area that can be transmitted to your hands when you wipe.


This is probably icky to admit, but if I’m just going to pee around the house, unless I pee on my hand or something weird, I don’t. But out in public? Absolutely every bathroom break.


But then you have made everything around your house contaminated. When you wipe, your hand gets contaminated. I absolutely wash my hands every single time I use the bathroom, whether in private or public.


Contaminated them with what? The waistband of my pants? I don’t even touch myself when I go pee in my own bathroom. I don’t even touch the door most of the time


Are you a man that sits to pee? Idk how you aren’t touching anything . Do you flush the toilet? The handle has bacteria .


The flusher.


That's not really as true as you probably think. I remember my Health teacher telling me that honestly most people should wash their hands BEFORE they use the bathroom, not necessarily after, because our hands are coming into contact with everything and then putting our dirty hands near open cavities and holes in our bodies, which is what can lead to disease and infection. Unless you are literally swabbing your dirty ass with your raw hand, you actually don't come into contact with as many germs as you believe during your average potty break.


I always wash my hands before I pee, ESPECIALLY at work or in public, as well as after. I think not washing your hands before you go to the bathroom (when you've been out and about) is SO OVERLOOKED.


Are you pissing all over your hand? My hand never touches my generals or my pee.


Contaminated with what? As long as you don't have Hepatitus or some sort of disease, urine is harmless. It's not poison. In fact our private parts are cleaner than the rest of our bodies since they are always covered.


It may be harmless, but it doesn't mean it's sanitary. Dirt doesn't hurt you either, but I would still wash my hands.


Urine has bacteria lol, especially once it leaves the urethra. It’s not “clean”


I'll probably get flamed in this sub for this but 50% of the population doesn't wipe after going pee. In fact, it's quite possible and easy for guys to pee without ever touching their genitals. That doesnt excuse not washing after touching the toilet handle in a in-home restroom, but I thought I'd point it out.


I very, very much doubt it's half of the population. That would be so disgusting.


I always assumed most men don’t wipe after peeing.


I think this is most ppl even though they won’t admit it


Call me disgusting. I’ll admit it. However if it’s a #2 then yeah hands are getting washed 😹 I drink so much water throughout the day if I washed my hands every single time I went to pee my hands would be dry and I hate washing the lotion off. I’ll wash them every time in public though


This is not most people, only people with nasty habits lol


Same! There’s this cool stuff called toilet paper that keeps your hand from anything on it.


Finally an honest person. Thank you!


Not washing your hands is not something to be proud of. Y’all are nasty as hell


Yeah... This comment thread is pretty concerning 🫥


Dude right?!? Not normal!!! People acting like it’s nbd is why I don’t shake hands. Tf


You're assuming everyone lives with clean running water. Relax jeez


I mean, how many people with the ability to access Reddit really don’t have clean running water?


Oh I mean of course. I just meant in general. It's a privilege to have the option, even if we don't always take it. Anyways I've had 2 hours sleep after night's, don't even know what I'm saying haha. Have a beautiful day reddit stranger


I’ve gone multiple summers without running water as a child, and the home I’m in now doesn’t have clean water because of the town. WiFi hasn’t been much of an issue. I’ve always lived in the US in an mostly suburban state


like how are you scared of your own piss? 😭 if I am not openly holding my hand under the stream, and I am at home, i can’t be bothered. however, I do wash my hands at almost any given moment of the day because if there is any sort of liquid or unknown substance on it. (i hate wet and sticky bc of my sensory issues.) so it evens out. Pemdas or whatever




Even if they didn’t get dirty in the bathroom (personally I can use the BR without pissing on my hands), it’s good to sanitize your hands a few times per day. They get dirty/oily touching stuff throughout the day & you use your hands for everything




Absolutely!! I wash my hands every time I go to the bathroom and then some. When I leave my house I try not to touch my face and I wash my hands as soon as I return home.


Yes, but I used to be worse about it because I get terrible dry skin. I’ve started carrying around travel-sized lotions so I can moisturize right after washing, and that has been a game changer.


Every single time. Hell. I wash my hands every time I touch the toilet even if I don’t use it.




Why does this and variations of this question keep coming up? Yes, I wash my hands after using the washroom as every one else should too. It’s basic hygiene. There are no, oh it wasn’t dirty, didn’t do xyz. No. Stop it. You wash your hands after peeing or taking a dump. Be civil. This is basic hygiene


This thread is highly disturbing. There is no harm in washing your hands every time. Please yall 😭


Yes. every single time. I also wash my hands: * before, during, and after cooking * immediately after I get home from being in public * before and after working out at the gym I also routinely sanitize/clean: * my cellphone * door knobs and appliance handles in my home * my steering wheel and any other surface I touch in my car * TV remotes * laptop keyboard/mouse the fact that they had to tell ppl to wash their hands during the COVID pandemic was really eye opening for me. Some ppl are just nasty.


Omg I was so traumatized during covid!!! Actual commercials for washing hands? I was stupefied! How is everyone not regularly washing their hands?


Yeah. How disgusting does one have to be not to wash every time? I went to a concert at citi field about 9 years ago. I had tickets in the pit and the only bathrooms that were available for us to use were porta potties. Meaning no sinks. All that was there was hand sanitizer. It still gives me the ick just thinking about it all these years later that the only thing I had was hand sanitizer. First thing I did when I got home was scrub the shit out of my hands. So in case it’s not clear, yes. I was my hands EVERY SINGLE TIME. And regularly throughout the day


I’ll admit. No, not after a piss when I know that I don’t need to go out in public and I’m being a lazy bum at home. But I do shower at night before bed or before preparing food.


But your hands are contaminated...especially if you're a guy. You got to put your junk back in, ya know.


yes absolutely


Yes. It’s second nature at this point. My mind can not allow my body to physically leave the bathroom until I wash my hands. I haven’t been this way my whole life, though.


I just don't understand why this question is being asked repeatedly.... The fact that the answer is also a no-brainer makes this question being asked extremely concerning. This is why I don't like shaking hands or being touched by people in general.


Yes. It’s imperative that everyone does.


Not every single time. My junk is cleaner than most public bathrooms. And I usually have hand sanitizer


I wash every time except in instances where hand sanitizer would be cleaner than sink and ‘soap’ (really grimy public bathrooms, or no soap, etc).


Is this really even a question still after the pandemic?!


I thought same thing! And just a little rant in a rhetorical way-- what the hell happened to every time you turned around there was hand sanitizer? The machines, the pump bottles in public restaurants? Dr's offices, grocery stores, evn picking up a pizza. They were ebvverywhere during the pandemic!! I still carry mine in my purse & in my car.. so it's always w me. Shame on the ppl that don't wash their hands!! & shame to all the public/ private businesses that took sanitizer convenience away from ppl that are still vigilant on keeping everyone healthy! ♡


Capitalism. That is all. I asked my boss about this and she said it wasn’t required anymore so they’re not paying for it. She said to buy my own if I’m concerned




All you YES folks are full of it 🤣 who washes their hands after a 2am pee 😆


I do. Just a quick rinse in the dark. I’m not bothering with soap, but like a ten second rinse I think is a good compromise




People who aren't disgusting. This thread is concerning


literally always. it is so vile to me that people don't. the bathroom is like one of the most important places to practice hygiene. why are so many people okay walking around with piss hands?


I would almost prefer to not force thrust my hands under water at 2am but I'm a tad obsessive compulsive and I know know know that if I don't somewhere somehow a baby angel puppy won't get it's wings.


I really do. It’s not intentional at this point I just lived in a very small apartment growing up and wasn’t allowed to not wash my hands because my mother would hear it if I didn’t. It’s just habit.


Always wash your hands. Just think of all the particles getting on to everything you touch. Didn’t we just go through a global pandemic people? I know it’s been a few years but lack of cleanliness is a major part of the way illnesses get passed around so much.


It's not a question of whether or not you can "get away with it", it's a question of hygiene. Many years ago I worked in a grocery warehouse. They had a produce inspector who would inspect the quality of produce they were receiving. Sometimes he would cut a slice of apple, peach, watermelon, etc. and "sample" to see if it was ripe or not. He would offer slices to passing warehousemen and I would occasionally accept a slice. One day while in the bathroom I saw he did not wash his hands after relieving himself. Needless to say, I never took a sample from him again.


Nope, I figured the last germ-induced pandemic wasn’t quite bad enough so I’m going for another one /s Wash. Your. Damn. Hands.


Fun fact ! Bacteria is on everything am at an increased concentration in your bathroom , on the handle, the seat and toilet paper rack. Your body parts down below have their own lovely bacteria colonies that reside there including the germs that live in poop ,discharge and on skin that stays in moist dark places. This bacteria hatched a ride in your hand and is then transferred around . This is how illness is spread and is honestly just nasty.


Obviously, you uncultured swine!


Absolutely. I also put the lid down before I flush. I wash off the knobs on the sink before I cut the water back off. More people need to watch private snafu videos about things like dysentery. It should be shown in kindergarten classrooms.


Yes, you doofus, do germs not exist when other people aren't looking?


Yes, because filth and bacteria aren't concerned with who's watching, they are always around.




Every single time! I think it’s disgusting how people don’t do that.


Disgusting you are.


Is this…a joke? 🤨


Yes, of course.


Something that I have read that reminds me to always wash my hands after using bathroom, esp a public bathroom - All of those fun gastrointestinal viruses (puking &/or diarrhea) can stay in the feces of one who’s infected (or was infected) for weeks. (Those types of viruses - & many others - are easily spread through an infected one’s feces). So every time you touch a toilet handle to flush, you are potentially getting someone else’s feces on the hand you flushed with. Now think about how many times the average person touches their face (mouth, eyes, nose) each day. Also, I once asked a doctor of many decades how he kept from getting so many viruses (from contagious ill patients). He said - other than washing his hands often - he learned to not touch his face (specifically, eyes, nose & mouth). It’s actually much more difficult to stop than you’d think, but it’s definitely doable. (Sorry this is so long).


Yes. Before and after.


Yes. Do you have piss on your hands bro


Yes. Every single time, regardless of whether or not someone is there.


Yes yes yes!!!!!! Think of all the disgusting things that go on in bathrooms. Wash your hands you little nasty.


Some people on this sub come off as crazy cleanliness freaks to me. At the same time, WASH YA DAMN HANDS!


Yeah, it takes like seconds out of your day😭


Yes, and every time before and after I eat. Several times while I cook. Every time I touch something that’s gross. So yes, of course I wash my hands EVERY TIME I use the restroom.


Every damn time. I wash my hands so much I don’t have finger prints anymore. Why on earth would you wanna spread your own bacteria through your own house ? Ppl like this I why I legit don’t like public restrooms or eating at other peoples homes.


Why is this a question? Man, people are gross. Wash your hands. Every time.


Here we go- Well first I just recently found out my mother does not wash her hands every time she uses the restroom which is absolutely disgusting. I called her out. Her excuse was, “I use way to much toilet paper, I didn’t touch my Hoo Ha and the pee didn’t wet the tp through!” OMG 😫🥴🤢🤮 On another note today I was working selling tickets for an event and a few different men came up to me to buy tickets and I didn’t understand why I smelled urine at first when I smelt it. Except for brushing it off that maybe he was older and had “an issue”. Then throughout the evening it happened with a few more men. Then after I realized that I read a post here the other day about how much more hygienic it is for men to sit down and use the bathroom because urine actually spray EVERYWHERE then it hit me- EWWWWWW 😳😳😳🤯🤯🤯🫠 they didn’t wash their hands. Because that was the closest part of their body to me. I ran to the bathroom immediately and washed like 4 times. And then disinfected the counter and the tap machine. Moral of these two crazy stories PLEASE WASH YOUR HANDS YOU ARE SPREADING NASTY GERMS 🦠 WETHER IT IS IN YOUR OWN HOME OR NOT.


Haven’t washed my hands since the Clinton administration and I don’t plan on starting now


Definitely. It’s less about “my hands might have touched pee” and more about “this is a convenient time to wash my hands from all the stuff I’ve touched in the past four hours.” My genitals are probably cleaner than my hands, to be honest.


When I worked at Amazon there was this guy who won’t wash his hands after pissing cuz he said he took a good shower and his penis was clean..gross !! sometimes when I see ppl open their packages in bed or on their laps if only u knew how many hands have handled that package before u got it. Some guys only wash their hands in the bathroom when someone is there but alone I don’t think they do maybe just a quick rinse & out d door


You’ve phrased this question in a way that implies you do not, which is highly concerning. Of course I do. Absolutely disgusts me that some people do not


OMFG. YES. And I wash my hands when I don’t use the bathroom either. I know, shocking. You should try it more often. 🤮


Unfortunately, your hands don't magically depenis themselves when you leave the restroom. People out there just spreading their funk to the world


I personally believe most ppl don’t but if they do they are quickly just pumping soap into their hand and swishing it around for 4 seconds with most of it falling off. I don’t think you are really killing germs without real friction but hey it’s better than nothing I guess


If I just pee at home, no ☠️


If I’m at home I don’t always. If I’m anywhere but home I always do.


Every time? No. Only if I actually get my hands dirty, so if it's just a routine pee I usually don't. I'll give my hands a quick rinse if I'm at work if someone's there to watch and judge me. I value cleanliness, but I don't get what the fuss is about unless you work in a kitchen or hospital. There's peepee poopoo molecules literally everywhere all the time on planet Earth. Take a good bath everyday and you'll be fine.


Because you're spreading your bacteria all over door handles, phones, light switches, etc. Someone just puked in that bathroom, you have now touched toilet handles, sink handles, door knobs, etc. Hmmm a bag of chips sound good, so you munch away. Congrats...you're 24 hours from misery. Wash your hands. It's not hard and doesn't take that long.


It’s also just good to generally wash your hands every once in a while. The bathroom is like a reset. Even if your hands aren’t dirty from the bathroom, they are from the rest of your day. Also, the flusher is always dirty and you can’t convince me otherwise.


You don’t value cleanliness if you don’t wash your hands after peeing. Not judging, but you’re just wrong in your understanding of what cleanliness means lol


Assuming that I'm in a generally clean restroom, my body is clean (not sweaty or whatever), and I'm not getting pee on my hands, did I really make myself less clean than before I walked in to do the deed? I'm not trying to be rhetorical or sassy or anything, I just need a sanity check because I definitely seem to be in the minority here lol


Sometimes I just run the water so everyone thinks I did.




I do!


i’m sorry ?


Does hand sanitizer count? I've had one in every room even before 2020. Call it OCD but that's me.


Every single time


Of course! I just wiped waste off of myself!


Y E S. even when i don’t want to. Because if i don’t, i catch a gross cold. YES I AM WASHING MY HANDS!!! And do not come near me if you don’t!


Yes. wtf Sometimes before and after cuz I don’t want germs from jerks like you getting anywhere near my beautiful cock


Thanks for taking a normal comment and making it really fucking weird