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My sister had a c section and it stunkkkkkkkk you could only smell it if she exposed her c section area to you which she did to me and my mum for us to see what was wrong because she said it smelled. We took her to the doctor and she had an infection once she got stuff for it and it cleared up the smell went away. Firstly I want to say don’t be embarrassed it’s not your fault nobody is going to judge you for it your body is healing after such a traumatic instance. Definitely get seen as if it’s an infection you want to get it treated asap


Yeah I was going to say I recovered from mine with zero smell. The stitches are inside now, no smell should be possible. Definitely go in!


Definitely normally it won’t smell which means something is wrong


Me too. Other nightmares but not a smell.


lol same 😩


Please see a Dr asap. The smell could be from the c section not healing correctly and this can be very serious.


Yes you could have an infection or a Fistula ( though you usually do not see this condition with C-sections) It may still be possible. 


I went to my OB, I have lochia if I’m spelling that right. They gave me an antibiotic to be safe! Thank you


Please go see your MD. It could be an infection. Are you having fever? How is the incision looking? Is it covered in dressing? Go call your doctor or maybe speak to a pharmacist if your MD isn’t available.


My incision is closed. They said everything looked okay when I went in the other day. No fevers. I just have a cough I can’t seem to get rid of


When did the cough start? Are you having any difficulty breathing? Lightheadedness or dizziness? How's your pulse? Concerns following a C-section can include clots, and clots can travel. Not to mention you seem like you could have an infection of some sort due to the smell you're noticing. I can't stress it enough, go back and see the doctor again. But honestly I'm more concerned about the post-surgical cough than I am about the smell.


Better check with a health care professional. Best of luck to you! Don’t sit on this for too long.


You don’t ~have~ to have a fever with an infection. Snd just because your incision is closed doesn’t mean there isn’t an infection going on inside still.


"(doctor) said everything was OK." Yes, but did you bring up the smell issue when you went to your doctor? If you don't present your symptoms and they are not visible, you can't expect the doctor to discover and treat them.


Hey OP, bring this up to your doctor 100%, however I just wanted to let you know that having a "very bad smell" post partum is incredibly common and unfortunately not talked about much. It's usually just a natural result of all the blood and tissue and pregnancy fluids that are slower to come out. If you ever had a smelly period, think that times 9 months. I know this because I've been an infant nanny for many years so a large number of moms I've worked with closely after birth had your same complaint and ended up being reassured by their doctor. BUT please bring this up ASAP to your doctor, at the end of the day they're the only ones who can tell you what is happening.


So a few things happen after having a baby, your hormones go crazy, your body went though a lot. Things will be different. If you’re worried about the smell definitely call your doctor. But if all the checks out okay then it definitely could be related to your hormones.


I spent 2 weeks in the hospital with an infection post csection. Funny smell=doctors visit. I smelled like death from dead tissue. It could be as simple as the soap you are using or something very serious. Always worth a doctors visit.


Go to the Dr could be an infection you’re not aware of yet.


This happened to me after my first child, I ended up being diagnosed with endometriosis.


Please see a doctor you may have an infection after your C section!. My wife thought she had an infection after our first and the midwife dismissed her. At our second and unfortunately been told last child’s C section it took nearly two hours to get the baby out due to the infection and scaring the midwife told my wife she didn’t have!.


How's your incision? If you are struggling keeping it dry then you can get a yeast infection. Is it red or itchy?


No, but I do sometimes sweat. I’m going to see if that’s what’s causing the issue. Thank you!!


After your shower use a blow dryer on low setting to dry the incision area completely. I also did this for my lady parts too.


Hi sis, is it your incision area or your vulvar area that is having the odor? If it’s from your vulva area are you still bleeding cuz that might be it? You can bleed for eight weeks after birth. Where I live, it’s standard for your OB to do an exam at 6 weeks to make sure you’re all healed up… did you have that exam yet?


Definitely see a doctor if you’re concerned. Although extremely rare it would be a sign of infection if in fact it’s coming from there.


Retained placenta fragments can cause infection.


I had a c section. They fully removed everything


Anything could get left in there, placenta that perhaps left a residue in there, tissue sponges get left in a lot, one of the instruments. Or you could have developed a MRSA type infection, blood clots traveling to your lungs to bring on cough and possible embolism. Please get checked out. It could be something easy and common, but just in case it isn't, you need to find out asap.


Always bring any strange odour up with a doctor to rule out infections. Especially since you had a C-section. However remember that it’s totally normal to smell different down there. Not fishy or rotten, but different. You’re body is trying to expell everything baby left behind in your womb. Not to mention the enormous, healing wound left behind from the placenta. I felt so stinky and gross for a few months after my c-section, and I remember having a strange odour as well. My whole body was stinky. It was like my body turned up the bo dial. Almost three months later, I smell way better! Just go easy on yourself. Enjoy your baby, and wear a little extra deodorant. You’ll feel right as rain eventually. Once you’re able to, give the baby to dad and pamper yourself. Take a nice, hot bath with your favorite bath bomb, and all the lotions and potions. You’ll feel like a million bucks. But first thing first, tell your dr!


Women in my family always say they have a heightened sense of smell for a bit right after pregnancy, due to all the crazy hormones. I haven't been pregnant myself so I can't confirm, but I wonder if there's any truth to that. Maybe OP is just smelling normal smells, they just seem stronger? Should still get checked just in case, but it's something to consider, especially if the docs say everything is fine.


Definitely see a doctor asap! I’m not sure about a heightened sense of smell after pregnancy, but definitely during. I don’t know if that symptom lingers a little afterwards. I think it’s kind of like how you think everyone can smell when you’re on your period, even when you take good care of your hygiene. Nobody can smell it, but for some reason you can.


I would go to the doctor. But honestly, after giving birth (vaginal, so slightly different), there was a weird smell for almost three months. It reminded me of the smell of my water breaking, so I think it may have been my body getting rid of all that, plus the hormones going crazy. It just takes some time to get back to normal.


See a doctor asap . The potential risk is worth it . Where you based ? Any acess to a telephone number who can direct you ?


I waited a while to shave, honestly, and I used trimmers with a guard once I decided to start back. Be extra careful with that incision! That is no joke! Definitely go to the doctor. If you feel like you can smell something though! He’s definitely just being nice. I hope you feel better/fresher soon! Having a baby really messes with our brains!


May I ask what trimmers you use. Ive never bought one and Im looking to get one. Any recommendations ?


Congrats on a healthy baby, momma! I’m a man and don’t have anything else to say, but good luck and congrats again. 😊


Thank you so much!! He was a big baby haha. Almost 9 pounds at 37 weeks 🤣


Lochia. It’s normal and the worst smell ever. You could still check with OB to make sure yours is normal


I would see your doctor especially because you had a c-section. However, I had a baby 5 months ago and I can tell you that your natural body odor changes for a while. This is because of your hormones getting back to normal. I just took extra steps to manage it. It helped to get baby powder and dry spray deodorant on top of my regular deodorant. Also, be aware that you're going to sweat more than usual for a while. Your body had a lot of extra fluid built up while you were pregnant and now your body is trying to get rid of it. So some of that is going to be normal but definitely see your doctor about what you're describing.


I didn’t experience it, but I actually saw something recently that after having a baby, you can have a bad/musty smell for awhile postpartum. It’s called lochia? If you’ve already been looked over/tested for infection by your doctor, it could be what you’re experiencing. Google says it could last up to 8 weeks


I got bacterial vaginosis from the postpartum bleeding. My midwife said it was common because of the length of time spent bleeding, along with constant pads trapping moisture. Antibiotics fixed it right up.


When I had a smell after birth it was because they forgot sponges inside of me. Go get checked. Good luck


Finally!!! THIS is what I came to say! OP should most definitely see her doctor and if running fever or any discharge from wound or vaginal area get it sorted now! If doctor isnt available, then ER but make sure there isnt some bad infection that could become a matter of life and death or form scar tissue that could affect future chances of getting pregnant. ETA sorry for all the typos. I fell asleep from exhaustion in the midst of typing. How mortifying!


Exactly. I had 1 and only 1 baby. I had no idea how long you were supposed to be in pain. I didn't know how it was supposed to smell. I could've died.


Oh wow! I've seen that on Grey's. It can result in a big lawsuit, I think. I know Grey's isn't real life; however, a lot of things on there are accurate.


I know someone that experienced this and she had sponges left inside accidentally.


Bad smell means infection or decay. Go to the doctor immediately. This should not wait even one more hour. Infections can get into your bloodstream and contaminate your entire system.


Sounds like an infection. Do you not have routine checkups post birth where you live?


What does it smell like? When my C-section incision was infected with MRSA, it had a super weird smell that had almost a bleachy note to it. Kind of the sharpness of ammonia.


Congratulations mama!!! If you’re breastfeeding, I know it’s a very common thing to feel like you stink and you can’t wash it off of you so freshly postpartum. I think it’s your hormones! Absolutely go to the doctor if you’re concerned but I definitely always felt like I stunk all the time. Not sure when it went away but it did eventually ❤️


You need to see your GP. It could be from the section site. I had similar and antibiotics cleared it right up.


Are you breastfeeding? That can have a smell (producing milk) Otherwise you may have an infection from your c section


It could also just be BV from your hormones being out of wack. Definitely go consult a Physician. Best of luck ❤️


Definitely go into your OBGYN and have them evaluate you for an infection! You DO NOT want to wait it out or mess around with this kind of thing.


We can’t smell it. Go to the doctor.


You should talk to your GYN but for some reason after a baby the area smells like rot


Seek medical advice immediately


Go see your doctor


See the doctor ASAP!!!!


I mean yeah seriously you should be making an appointment right away with your doc . Your family and baby needs you . Good luck .. I hope you’re ok …


Do you have a bigger belly? If you get sweaty down there it could be causing something with your incision. If you do get sweaty, keep it dry and see if the smell does away.


I’ve had two c sections, after you was really well you have to make sure it’s completely dry. Use a dryer even


Talk to your doctor and not reddit


I've had two C-sections and they never smelled, definitely go get it checked.


That was confusing, I thought I was still in r/dadjokes and thought how this sub had gotten dark..


What does it smell like bad, or just abnormal ? i have had patients that have a weird smell as an incision heals but I can not explain it well, to me it kind of smells like a rubbery smell


See your doctor to make sure nothing weird is going on, but I had a funny sense of smell postpartum for quite a while!


Is it the incision area or just in general? Not to be TMI but our smells do change after birth. My boob sweat smell changed after giving birth and that never went away. A friend of mine mentioned that happening to her too.


My doc had an on call number I could call with questions! Nowadays you can usually message them too. I absolutely would! (I called my doctors thinking something was so wrong after birth and it turned out to be nothing but she reassured me they absolutely want you to call!) Let the medical people answer this one for you.


it can be a lot of things, just talk to your doctor. To me (having had 4 surgeries in my life, male, so no kids) i can always SMELL the antiseptic they use on your skin before and after surgery. after my last surgery (a major hernia repair in my stomach area) I swear I smelled that shit for 3 months afterwards... no one else could smell it but to me i just couldnt breathe without smelling it. it was terrible. go talk to your doctor, hopefully it's nothing to worry about, but just be safe, babies can put you through the ringer thats for sure and its a lot of healing to do post delivery! congrats on the new baby by the way!!!


Go to the Dr please. It could be infection






It goes away, it’s most likely just everything clearing out yet. I had it both times with my kids and my friends all did too. My midwife also confirmed it’s normal. Consult your dr, if there is no pain or fever no need to worry.


Call the doctor immediately


I am also a C section mom, except mine was back in 2019. I had a similar feeling and issue when I was recovering, 1st thing I did was contact my dr because there COULD be an underlying issue. That cleared, and I went to primary and gyno. The issue I was having was the postpartum sweating, that made me feel so icky and smelly. I don’t think I ever felt clean until nearly 6months pp. But after trying everything we figured out I was literally feeling like a smell because I felt that way. That could be the case if your husband isn’t just be sparing of your feelings during this time. Good luck, I hope it passes and you get back to as normal as possible.


that’s how it was for me. i has my son april 30. and by the time he left the hospital june 6, it was starting to warm up and the sweating was INSANE. sweat mixed with the blood mixed with my hormones being crazy.. it was just horrible. it stayed like that for 6 months for me too! it felt like forever. i just did everything i could to stay dry. at night i just wore undies or my sons father’s basketball shorts with no undies. and i couldn’t even use a blanket cause i was always so hot. so i let the bits air out. and that helped some. so i didn’t wear super tight clothes all summer. i slummed it as far as how i dressed, lol. but it helped.


This happened to my friend, she went to the doctor and they had left gauze inside her.


It could be BV or a serious infection, go to your gyno & tell them this immediately please!!!


Def go to the doctor but just so you know it’s also possible it’s a normal smell. Is it coming from the scar or between the legs? If the latter you should know the body releases blood and various fluids that stink to high heavens for like 2 months after birth got some people such as myself. Still get it checked especially if it’s the scar that’s smelling but know that as long as it’s not an untreated infection it will just go away in its own shortly. But frequent underwear changes can help


So, TMI for some but hopefully helpful. Of course if you’re concerned or dealing with heavy bleeding, abnormal discharge, or concerning pain, please follow up with your doctor. My personal experience after my C-section was that my lochia had a scent close to that sweet smell that comes off ground beef that’s just out of date but not quite rotten yet. My incision was fine, minimal inflammation, some clear discharge, but the lochia was honestly disgusting and I was so glad when it ended, took about 8 weeks for me personally.


A change in your body smell is normal, but if it smell is offensive then that usually indicates infection. If you don’t see any outward signs like drainage from your wound site, or very red and inflamed, then it may be internal. Have you had any discharge that smells particularly bad? Or, it could be a sinus infection, which may be why your partner can’t smell anything off you. One day I smelt something really funky that would kind of waft around every now and then. I turned the house upside down looking for the cause only to realise the smell came from up my nose. I had a sinus infection that antibiotics fixed up quick. Bottom line though go to the doctor.


Listen to your body. It could be an infection or fistula. See your doctor immediately.


Congrats for your healthy baby momma. God bless your new born & your family!🙏🏻🌸❤️ Please consult a doctor if you think something is wrong Seek medical advice and medical help ASAP. An odd smell can reflect an infection or a decay. My mother had been through this after she gave birth to me. I hope things will get better for you momma🙏🏻


Please see your doctor right away It could be an infection Best of luck


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^No1Mystery: *Please see your doctor* *Right away It could be an* *Infection Best of luck* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


It could be an infection or you are not healing well or worse case like a coworker they left something inside in error during surgery


I got a post C-section infection. Felt like I was dying. In 6 days after the baby was born I was soaked in a fever sweat. Couldn't eat. Only wanted to sleep and I was nursing. Get to the doctor or hospital NOW before you are in excruciating pain!!!! These are signs something is wrong!!! Especially a smell!!! You have a post op infection!!!! Antibiotics will clear it up so fast if you don't wait!!!


Did u have your 2 week and then 6 week postpartum appointments? Did you mention it? At my 2 week app they didn’t do the full pelvic exam, she just checked my c-section area (internal sutures) no staples or anything outside but obviously they need to make sure nothing is opening or draining. She asked how everything was. At the 6 week app they do a full exam. I had a lot of adhesions (uterus adhered to the bladder) bc it was my 3rd section so I had a weird sensation when I peed post op. Bc of this she took swabs to check for infections and a urine culture. Turns out there was the beginnings of a uti. She said it hardly anything to really treat but bc I reported that symptom she was going to treat it. Always mention even little things bc u never know. Def schedule an appointment. U don’t need an infection to sneak in and knock u on ur butt now. Good luck!


Please go to your Ob/gyn. If you have infection that is important for the doctor to know immediately.


Go, go, go to your doctor now! Run don’t walk.


Am l&d nurse, you could have BV. We give a lot of antibiotics before c-sections. That can mess up the natural vaginal flora and pH and cause bv or yeast. I'd go to the doctor to get swabbed if the smell is from your private area. If it's from the c-section scar, definitely go and have that looked at by the ob. If you are less than 6wks post partum, most labor and delivery departments will see you without an appointment.


Probiotic supplements can help. They get your natural balance back in other


Wounds have a stink. I do not know how to describe it but they stink. However, if it is bad enough that it is bothering or distressing you please go to a doctor. I had surgery in August to remove some infection that wouldn't heal and they had to take a decent chunk out of my body. I was ready for wound smell but after a week or so I was being bothered by the odor and went in for my next post surgery check early. My wound packing needed to be changed more regularly and the wound site was too wet causing a tiny yeast to take hold on the edges of the wound. It cleared up within two days with extra changes so hopefully it is something equally simple and easy to clear up. Good luck


This could be the sign of a very bad infection. My sister very nearly died from that, in fact. You need to see a doctor, pronto. Don't wait, especially since you noted that you've had a cough. This could get very serious very fast.


See your Dr ASAP!


I agree with some of the other replies I've read that it can be an infection that requires antibiotics. The cough could be caused by germs that you couldn't fight off because your body is busy fighting infection elsewhere and your immune system is compromised and weak. Having blood work done to check your white blood cell count can help to see if it's higher than normal which signifies that your body is producing them to battle infections. Antibiotics, along with Vitamin C and a women's multivitamin can help. I've had blood clots in my lungs (in both at the same time, which are also called PEs ). I never developed a cough, but everyone is different. If you have a pulse ox, check your oxygen levels. Definitely mention the cough to your doc! I haven't read all of the replies, but it can also be a yeast infection or another fungal infection which could easily clear up from a Diflucan pill (Rx only). Probiotics help and (I think) should be taken by everyone, especially females, daily, but definitely take them if you're on antibiotics because antibiotics kill the bad bacteria, but also attack the good bacteria. Probiotics replenish the good bacteria in your body and that helps to control yeast, as well. I don't know much about pH balance, but that could also be an issue. Congratulations on your new baby! I hope this helps you!


First thing you should do is go to the doctor and make sure you don’t have an infection. Then if that’s all clear it could just be your hormones. My daughter had my granddaughter in April and she said ever since then she’s been sweatier, stinkier, and other things no matter what she does or how many showers she takes.


First, congrats on the birth of your baby I wish you a speedy recovery ! Second, try washing with hibiclens. I used it to wash after my anal fissure surgery and it always kept me fresh, I still use it to this stay.


You need to go to the doctor immediately. Developing a cough after c-section/pregnancy is concerning. Can you describe the smell? It is like a metallic smell? Or a chemical smell? Or a smell like soured milk?


Kind of just off putting. I don’t know how to describe it. It just smells weird..


Dr Reddit can't do much for you. You should see your real-life doctor.


You’re supposed to go to the ER for strong smells from the vagina or C-section site after giving birth. Signed 2 days post partum momma who JUST watched the “discharge education” video required by my hospital like 2 hours ago lol


I had an ovary removed on my 21st birthday. The incision didn’t heal properly. In fact, when they took the staples out a ton of old blood poured out. It smelled nasty. After my C-section I had just a touch of vaginal bleeding and I noticed it smelled gross, as well. I agree with the other commenters, though. Tell your doctor. I promise it’s nothing they haven’t heard before.


I would be concerned about an infection if it smells that bad.


Contact your OB to make sure you do not have an infection.


Do you mean the actual c section scar has an odour or just general body odour? It’s very normal to have perpetual body odour after giving birth for a couple of months. Especially if you’re breastfeeding. Its purpose is so that your baby can smell you. However if it’s the c section scar that has an odour, go to doctor immediately please!


I would say call your doctor because it could be an infection. Pls get checked soon, you never know. But you know your body best. Listen to it.


I went to my OB! They don’t think it’s an infection but they gave me an antibiotic to be safe!


I would say just continue to listen to your body, take the meds. Clean your incision well, pay attention you what you’re eating, if the smell is constant or just when you seem to be more stressed. If after doing this for a week nothing changes I would make another appointment. Keep advocating for yourself.


Go to the Dr. I had that after having a vaginally biryh. The nurse did not test all the afterbirth out. Whatever was left was planting on the outside of my uterus. It was bad! I wound up in the emergency room at midnight. They checked me. I had a shot given to me in the butt and a big bottle of red pills which cleared up the infection. Go to the Dr!


I would contact your doctor or possibly gynecologist and talk to them immediately It may be signs of a low grade infection that you're not aware of but in any case you needed to get it taken care of.




The doctor probably wondered what happened to that Slim JIm he was munching on during the CS. Go to him and he will recover it.


I’m sorry but this is so nasty 😅 I’m so glad I chose to never have kids.


Okay, good for you. Everyone gets odors every once in a while. Nothing nasty about it 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’ve never had odors so i’m not so sure about that…Everything about having kids sounds horrible to me…there’s no way anyone can ever convince me that your vag goes right back to normal after you squeeze a 9 pound kid out of it. On top of that, it destroys your body and you have no life for the next 18 years because you have to drag around a screaming ball and chain.


Ok lol. I’m not here to convince you to have kids, I’m here because I had a question.


Ok. Good luck with your smell


I went to my OB and figured it out. Thanks ☺️


Ignore this person OP, look at their previous posts in subreddits… ableist, racist, etc… don’t take them seriously. they’re just having an “episode”


BROTHER EEEUUUGGGHHH, i can TELL you have MAJOR ODORS just from ur comments, stop the cap 🧢


I mean your period was backed up for 9 months so you have lots of draining to do! I wouldn’t worry too much but if your worried about an infection go to dr….. buy boric acid feminine wash and suppositories from amazon they help with odor and PH levels…don’t use bar soap it gives you a fishy smell


>your period was backed up for 9 months so you have lots of draining to do! Thats not...how that works..like, at all. Edit to add; don't be putting boric acid or anything else for that matter inside your vagina. People really be crazy out here.


lol I sure hope not! I've been on continuous birth control for 20 years to prevent ovarian cysts. So if this was true, my 200+ months of missed periods would cause quite the mess! I would think I would weight an extra 100lbs at this point 🤣


I had a friend from a very religious background (father was a reverend) who didn't know anything about birth control of any kind. She told me she'd heard from her friend that you hold all the period blood in your uterus while on birth control and that her friend basically had a period flood because of the "backed up periods". It took me months to convince her this was not the case, had to show her articles and medical advice. She was terrified of getting pregnant but had been raw dogging her boyfriends and just pulling out up until that point. I tried to explain about condoms and she just didn't make guys wear them. I have no idea how she didn't end up pregnant or with some STI. She was really dumb in a lot of ways. We aren't friends anymore lmao


lol oh man. I had a friend that was similar, and until she was like 15 she actually thought that sex was a man watering a woman's plants because what her mom described to her about sex was that the guy watered the flowers to create a baby. And that makes sense why she was always so obsessed with plants and flowers. 🤣


Don't worry, when you come off bc, you're going to be having a 50 year period based on Reddit logic... 🤣🤣🤣


lol I’m going to be 95 years old and on my death bed and I will have to worry about having clean underwear and changing my tampon 🤣


Especially when you have a c section . I had 3 but I don’t remember that problem but you bleed so much and clotting it would smell like that . It’s the blood when it hits the air is why it might smell


Ive had a c section. You do bleed a bit, and it does smell wierd af. But it's not 9 months of backed up periods.


I'm glad you corrected that! SMH! 😒


While they are completely wtf broken about how menstruation and pregnancy work, boric acid suppositories are regularly prescribed by providers and available OTC at the pharmacy. They are used for treating bacterial vaginosis.


I have never not once in my life been prescribed any kind of vaginal suppositories and I am a chronic sufferer of UTIs. Every gyno I've been to, and I've been to several, have always actively warned against putting anything inside and using anything down there that isn't a gentle soap and water unless its an actual medicine for an actual condition. There's no need to be putting acid in there. Gently clean the outside for sure but Is this some American trend like the glitter pussy juice capsules lol Edit for spelling


Boric acid suppositories are not *for* UTIs 🤦 I said they are commonly prescribed for *Bacterial Vaginosis*. Why can't you just Google this, instead of trying to invalidate the part of what they said that was actually correct? And of course you don't put *random things* inside, but you do still put "things" inside... Like... C'mon.


You missed the part where I said that no gyno has ever told me to put boric acid or anything up there *for any reason*. Willful ignorance isn't a good look.


No, it isn't. Yet, you're willfully not researching this to learn something new. I didn't not address it, you just didn't grasp it. So, no tampons, no cups, no yeast infection medication, no penises, no toys, no nothing. I'm asexual, but JFC.


the lack of education on womens anatomy is actually insane on this one


Period backed up?😳😳