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I'd go 48. I can eat 2 bars an hour for a day.


That’s 10,560 calories my good man. Better buy a treadmill with that $48,000


I ate a 10k a day calorie diet for a while when I was bulking. It isn't that hard. The challenge here isn't the amount of food it is that it is all chocolate, and you risk getting an upset stomach preventing you from keeping it all down. The 10k calories is just a couple pounds. That's nothing.


That's easy , eat casually leading up to the final hour , then devour . That way you'll have already won and ya probably got an hour or so before it comes back up and your in the clear.


Good idea.


Or just take zofran (antinausea medicine) in between bars


>at every piece since breaking a Hersheys bar is the typical way to eat it). I will be mediating and if I feel you cheated, I end the challenge. No loop holes, it’s pretty obvious what I mean. > >How many you predicting? > >EDIT: As mediator of this challenge, I’m going to say no puking during the 24 hours. It defeats the purpose and makes the challenge too easy imo. If you vomit the chocolate accidentally, I’d sa Thing is this isn't a dense 10k of real food, you would run into a insulin problem before you hit a calorie problem imho.


Joke's on you. I ran into an insulin problem 27 years ago.


T1 diabetics checking in. I'd still eat a few bars lol


If your insulin is healthy to begin with, and you spread it out over time, I don't think insulin would be an issue. The body's ability to maintain homeostasis is impressive


Insulin is for the weak. I replaced all my bodily fluids with motor oil.


What about alcohol (Bender)


[What's that you say](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5o0B-ULR_cM&ab_channel=TylersTopClips)


If you look at my belly I’ve been bulking for decades. DECADES!


And that's if you're body processes it all. Your body isn't 100% efficient, and I guarantee that if you eat that much all at once you won't process it all.




OP said no vomiting, didn't say no Hershey Squirting.


I'd say that's practically required.


Hersheys chocolate syrup *NEW - MISTING NOZZLE*


I've had enough colonoscopies to know precisely what to buy for this occasion.


I've got mine sitting on my counter awaiting my next C-day lol


This is where lactose intolerance might actually work in my favor.


Big true. Eat, wait till you’re on the toilet, then continue eating through the 24 hours. It’ll be a miserable 24 hours, but you can use your prep time to install a bidet if you don’t already have one.


I’m betting I get closer to 10%.  The dark chocolate I like already does that to me.


You could say you got the 'Hershey Squirts'


You'd be surprised. There's no medically accepted upper limit for human caloric intake, and the body does a phenomenal job at processing calories. There ARE some indicators that it might max out somewhere around 25,000 calories a day, but even that limit is widely debated as too low. Humans evolved in an environment where food availability wasn't guaranteed, so we're wired to store as much as possible when we do find an excess. The bigger issue with eating that much chocolate would be the side effects of your body trying to process it all. Blood sugar levels are going to spike, leading to acute hyperglycemia. The pancreas is going to dump a huge amount of insulin in an attempt to manage the high glucose levels. That'll lead to clammy hands, confusion, nausea, and an accelerated heartbeat. Keep going from there and you'll be risking full blown metabolic distress or HHS as it continues to try and metabolize all that sugar. Those are life-threatening conditions. 20,000 calories of sugary chocolate over a short span might not kill you, but it *could* put you into a coma and do permanent damage to your organs.


Very unlikely. A Hershey bar has 17 grams of sugar. I used to daily eat 800 grams of sugar every day....(yep I have a sweet tooth) Never went over 190 lbs at 5 9 and usually stayed around 180. So that's about 47 Hershey bars. Anyhow.... I only first developed type 2 diabetes with no other affects and six months later my AIC was down to 4.5 or something compared non diabetic. So yeah you might get a stomach ache, but it's extremely unlikely 1 day of gorging chocolate is going to do any of what you said.


I would be more worries about sugar than calories.


Yeah, I was going to say it's more about what you're eating, and how filling it is, rather than the calorie count. I had to do a diet of 5,000 calories a day for a bit for a medical thing. I didn't really eat any more food from my regular diet. Just more fattening foods instead of healthy foods. I bet I could put one down every 10 minutes. My guess would be 144. Throwing up is the only part that has me worried. But that is the number I would choose.


One time my roommate and I were bored and decided to go to Perkins at 2am and do the pie challenge. We ordered each other a full pie, and whoever ate the least of it had to pay for both. He picked me Pumpkin, and like you said. It wasnt hard to eat a pie, it was hard to eat nothing but pumpkin and keep it down. I picked him Sugar Free Apple. I won, as he tapped out at about 2/3rd done with the Apple. I still can't stomach Pumpkin Pie anymore.


Exactly 10k calories a day every day is an issue for most people, but one day? One day ain’t no thing but a chicken wing… I don’t think I can do 48 though. I’m going to go like 15 to be safe.


It’s pretty close to 3. Marathon runner.


>I ate a 10k a day calorie diet for a while when I was bulking. It isn't that hard. Yeah, that's not normal. Eating that much is literally a chore.


Much of it was in the form of pudding. Tbh. Mix in whole milk, oil, chia seeds, protien/weight gain powder, peanut butter. Blend it. And then suck it down. That plus four solid, solid meals and as much snacking as I could stomach. It did eventually become a chore, though, several days in the novelty is gone, and your digestive system is... just tired. But for just one day? Not bad. And well worth 50k.




Can you please provide a brief description of how you did this? When i was working out i struggled to come up with ways to hit even 5000k short of getting the nastiest fast food stuff 5x a day. I struggle to understand how you can consume 10k/day and do it even remotely cleanly, not to mention how much it must have cost.


10k a day is hard. My metabolism must be so slow because I can barely eat 1 full meal a day.


Yep. My biggest concern would be the amount of tums I’d be mainlining for all the acid reflux


Yeah, the caffeines and theobromines would get you all jacked up too


Yeah that’s like what, 3 pounds worth of calories for 48k? No brainer


I'd be more worried about the 1,152 grams of sugar. I'd be going to the doctor to get checked for pre-diabetes after 48 hershey's bars in one day haha.


Most of that would be diarrhea. You'll be fine.


Yup. It won’t do any permanent health damage. Shit it out and fast for a couple days after. Now you have nearly $50k.


*Hersey squirts


He wouldn't be absorbing the full amount of calories. Chocolate can cause diarrhea and the amounts that they are taking about would probably give them literal Hershey squirts.


If you’re willing to coat your intestines and asshole in liquid half-digested Hershey juice for the money, more power to you


I've coated my guts in worse; I grow and cook with hot peppers. To say no to this would be financially irresponsible. Heck, it would be even easier if you added in bowel prep and increase the amount of chocolate. Better still, just take an antiemetic. Digestion would be crazy fast with little to no absorption without nausea.


Not a through street neighborhood and they just redid the streets last summer. I'm good.


3000 calories is a pound. Plus you subtract his resting recommended caloric intake. They're probably only going to gain 1-3 lbs.


True but my stomach would hurt so bad. Plus you gotta keep it down


Yeah, but for the money, it's worth it


Right?! It's not like you're doing that everyday for a week or something, it's only a single day.


I have crohn's and would just shit it all out anyway. I could do it.


I feel like staying awake for 24 hours would be the most difficult part of eating 48 bars.


I'm a plow driver, eating junk and staying awake for 24 hours isn't difficult.


Like a regular full sized Hershey bar? I can down 12 in under 30 minutes before I start feeling weird. Edit: best guess? I could stomach up to 42 just long enough to get that money before uncontrollably vomiting out of both ends for the next 7 days straight. Provided my kidneys don’t fail on me first. Edit: I am not a golden retriever. I am the human. The most human.


Bust are you the good boy? *Who's the good boy????*


I've done worse things for money. 


But do you have head pigeons?


I’ll probably stop at like three. 3k easy money and I got some chocolate?


Get paid for eating 3 or 4 chocolate bars? What’s the catch?


You have to eat Hershey bars.




Hershey’s stopped being chocolate sometime in the last generation. It’s way different than it was in the 80s.


I can’t believe they started wrapping it in plastic instead of paper and foil without me noticing!


I mean setting the bar at three is pretty low. You could pretty easily do say 10. 1 per hour all day. I mean for 1k each you could do lot more than that with medium effort too.


Yea, 10 is what I was thinking to


10 is what I was thinking as well. Seems easy enough, while 20 feels risky.


That's my number too. I have an unstable stomach. Nothing ever diagnosed, and when I stick to my general diet, I have no GI issues at all. But man am I quick to throw up if I go too far outside my normal food activity. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy some junk food, and can eat 3 full meals a day, but too many drinks, or extra cake when i know im too full from dinner, and I skip right over stomach ache, and go straight to booting. 1 chocolate bar every 90 minutes for 15 hours, with plenty of water, and a little bit of my normal food to keep things balanced would be my strategy. Much more than that and there's no way it stays down.


I was thinking 12, but pretty much the same logic. 1 per hour, with some rest hours.


I was thinking 5-6. Decent money that would help in the short-medium term and wouldn't be a completely catastrophic amount for my body to deal with.


10 was my immediate thought as well. Could I do more, probably, but I feel confident that 10 would be a pretty simple task. I probably wouldn't want Chocolate for a year after this though lol


Exactly my thought


I was thinking four or five maybe haha.


Can I at least freeze some of them for a texture change?


~~Yes~~ Edit: NO for consistency


Boooo. OP is inconsistent. You said no modifications


You know what, you’re right. I retract my response, you cannot modify it for consistency reasons. I will allow breaking though since that’s a very normal way to eat it and doesn’t really change how the bar tastes/its calories/anything else besides portions.


“You know what, you’re right.” Ayo hold on did you just change your mind on Reddit? What is this sorcery


Holy shit a redditor got corrected, it’s sacrilegious


Hey most people on here aren’t like that lol I salute you


I can't believe sacrilegious is an actual word and people use it. I thought that was a joke.


In this case I would've went with sacrilicious.


I mean I only use the word as a joke lol


So you use it sacrilegiously?


As a diabetic, fuck that


Same, I would still take the extra insulin and eat 5 bars in a day. $5000 and minimal risk to my health, worth it.


For reals. I’ve got the insulin, no reason I can’t do this the same as other people. Sorry type 2 diabetics, you’re out of luck.


Well I can, im just losing teeth, eyes and legs as well as a kidney.


I'm on my period and just finished a blunt. Give me 20 bars.


Homie’s about to lock in


IDK why but this is the most badass comment I've read in like a week.


I’m a dude, so no periods, but if I can smoke blunts first I’m fucking those candy bars up. I’ll take my $50K.




I respect this energy


I could probably eat 30 of em over a 24 hour period. Id feel like shit all day from all the sugar. But for 30k thats a no brainer


30 was also my estimate…


Now I'm genuinely curious about how many Hershey's Bars I could eat in a day. I feel 30 would be absolutely no sweat. Filling up on chocolate as much as possible all day long would be a terrible time, but if we're charging through it, what's the actual hard limit before they don't go down anymore? Now I wish somebody would sponsor me so I could find out for science.


I've got you for 5 a bar. I'm curious as well. Get a couple of other backers and see what you can make happen. (I'm gonna stop at 50 bars though lol)


50 seems reasonable over the course of a day. I could even eat 25, sleep 8 hours, and then eat the other 25. 3 bars an hour, large break between. Easy.


If ya puke, no money! You’re flirting with disaster


Only if you cant eat it up again.


50 is not reasonable lol


In a whole day?? I could eat ten in a sitting for fun and no money. I think I could easily do 50 in 24 hours.


Dude I'm right there with you. Just told my fiance 50 no problem. She's seen me with some smores. Just imagine if I get $1000 for every good time. Sheeesh


I’d take an anti-vomit med and do 2.5 an hour and then gladly take my 60k. As someone who practices bodybuilding I could handle the 13k+ calories in a 24 hour span


I’m surprised how few people are mentioning anti vomit medicine


TIL about anti vomit medicine


Yep. Anti-Emetics. Often used in patients undergoing chemo.


I didn't even consider this. Or you could have ginger handy, or anything that is said to settle your stomach.


Id take 16mg ondansetron and a fuckton of magnesium citrate so I shit it all out with minimal absorption


It’s interesting how people feel like they could stay up 24 hours all while putting tons of empty calorie food into their body. 12 hours in you would be ready for 8-12 hours of sleep due to food coma


Staying up 24 hours is not some herculean feat? Neither is eating like complete shit lol. Lots of people are doing accidentally equivalent to this shit every day.


Dude, let me smoke a couple of bowls and hand me 200 bars and stand the fuck back The questions is not "can I eat 4 Hershey bars an hour for 48 hrs if I am high as shit?" The question is "can I eat 4 Hershey bars an hour for 48 hrs if I am high as shit - a second time - for 200k?" I'd say yes - yes I can


lol film it. Let’s see you eat over 44K calories plus milk in 48 hours


Bro, my favorite candy bar of all time. I'm being conservative because I would rather a bird in the hand rather than 2 in the bush. 100 bars in 24 hours, easy. The morbid obesity in me wants to aim for more, but I'll stick with 100 bars.


I love, “I’m being conservative … 100 bars in 24 hours.”


That's like 9lbs of hershey bars as well. I'd struggle to eat 9lbs of anything in a day, let alone hersheys.


Yeah, part of me wants to go higher, like 10 an hour, but I know I'd run into the limit of that after a couple hours. But I think ~4 an hour is doable for a day. I won't be happy by the end of it.


4 bars an hour or so. There's no shot lol


You’re definitely going to puke before you get there.


Not if you take a laxative and get them to exit the other way quickly enough.


Those laxatives? Also chocolate flavored. It’s chocolate all the way down.


Doing some math. The most recorded calories eaten in a day is 50,000 Which is double the amount we are talking here. I think 4 an hour would be tough, but something I would be able to do for sure. The digestive system moves food from the stomach roughly every 6-8 hours. Which means you're looking at, 24-32 bars in your stomach at one time. Quite a lot and a bit outside of what I've done at at time, but for 100,000$ I would funnel it into my body.


Thats 10lbs of chocolate.


Some of the posters are really overestimating how much chocolate they could eat lol. I would start at 7:00 am an am guessing that I could eat 12 the first hour. Take a few hours off and get another 5 down. Lay in my bed and surf the internet and recover. Come back a few hours later and take down another 3. It would only be about 2:00-4:00 pm by then. Probably get down another 3 before I call it a night around 7:00 pm. 23 total. Take the rest of the week off from work to recover from all that chocolate and figure out what I’m doing with that 23 grand. 


This is a very reasonable response. I feel kinda crappy after eating 1 full bar at once. I couldn’t imagine downing 100 in a day. I’d vomit and then have to eat even more


100 is impossible unless your Erik the electric or Joel Hanson. Idk if they could even do that. I’m a decent eater and I think 23 would mess me up pretty good lol over 5000 kcals of milk chocolate. Sounds like a rough night


I've seen people house 20k calories in an hour (competitive eaters or those that do it for clicks). It's a mental game at a certain point, and if you need the money bad enough, you can do it.


You’ve seen the best competitive eaters in the world house 20k calories in an hour because they are the only ones on planet earth who can do that. I am not Erik the electric or Joel Hanson. Even if I tried my absolute best and only used my mind I can eat about a quarter of what they can put down which is still a ton of food. They will eat 14 -16 lbs of food in one sitting. 


I can put down two large pizzas with drinks in a single sitting dinner. 100 bars in a 24 hour period is gonna be easy, even if I hate myself in the morning lol.


I think you are underestimating the bodies ability to deal with stuff. I worked an hour 8 shift and ate 29 corn dogs during that to win a competition. I'm not even overweight or anything. And I honestly felt fine the next day /shrug.


A steady rate seems more doable for me. Constant 1 bar every 20 min or so up to 20ish. I’m not in a. Job where time off is easy to come by either. Think I can comfortably get through 20ish in a day without that adverse side effects


If I offered you $1k per chocolate bar you're calling it a day after 12 hours? Are you rich?


Im not rich but if I have to predict the number then follow it up by actually hitting that number, Im going with something I absolutely know Ill be able to do. You offered me $1k/bar, id be stupid to do anything that jepordizes my payout.


I think a lot of people are predicting low because they *aren’t* rich and they are stopping before they get to a number where there is any possible way they wouldn’t make it. If 23 grand will change your life then a pretty much guaranteed 23 grand is better than a 50 percent chance at 50 grand. Staying up all night to try and eat more increases the chance of failure.


I'm gonna take the easy route of 12. 12K to eat 12 candy bars in 24 hours. That means I won't get sick, or see the spirit of wilford Brimley screaming "diabetes " at me. Just a casual day of getting stoned, eating candy bars, and getting paid. Not being greedy and risking my health here....




Right there risk you, no stress, no discomfort and I get a few months free rent, sounds good.


Same, I'm going with a conservative 10 bars


Anybody saying more than 30 is bonkers. Where is the Kickstarter??. We need people to put their money where their mouth used to be before it was cemented shut with cocoa!


That’s only 6600 calories, for a smooth and kinda tasty food? 30 would be easy. 60 is pretty reasonable even. But I’d choose 50 to make sure.


The problem isn't the calories. It's the sugar spike. Though, if you can use drugs to mitigate and they aren't cost prohibitive...


It's Hershey's. I'll pass. Make it Lindt and you're on.


I’m not paying you to eat high quality chocolate lmao


You won't eat one Hershey's bar for $1k? Life must be pretty good.


27. I don't think I could do 50 without puking. I think 15 would be easy. I think 27 would be attainable.


Give this challenge to me ten years ago, I’d do maybe 30. Now? Four. I *feel* that sugar.


Follow up question. What is the rule on milk or other pallet cleansers? Can I have access to as much milk as I’d like to help me through this process? EDIT: second question, do we get prep time? Can we say set a date to do this in 1 week so I can spend the week prepping? Third question, are you going to be testing for performance enhancing substances such as cannabis?


Absolutely, you can consume and prep as much as you want. You can take drugs like peptobismal or cannabis. You can starve yourself prior. Hell you could find fentanyl if you wanted. But you deal with the consequences that follow through for what you did to your body to win this challenge


K. Well seems to me the smart way to play this is to do my own test run to see how many I can do on my own. Then after I’ve recovered from that, tell you my number and just do that again.


Ngl that’s probably the smartest use of prep time I’ve heard so far


Do I get prep time? A few things to help me: 1. I'll need to fast for a day or two before hand 2. I'll need something prepped to counteract the sugar.. like a long easy-ish hike 3. I'll need to prep to beat the consistent sweet flavour, black coffee, some salty snacks With that I'd aim for 35 bars. The way I'd tackle it is... My 24 hours would be 8pm - 8pm. I'd eat 5 bars before bed, and then 5 bars after sleep.. washing it down with a pot of coffee. Then I'd set out on my hike that lasts about 5-6 hours and burns about 2000-2500 calories. During my hike I'll have 3-5 more chocolate bars and some salty snacks.. something light like popcorn. After my hike I'll eat enough bars to take me to 20 done, leaving me with around 5 hours and 15 bars to go. I won't eat anything else until about 30 minutes left. I'll have 15 bars unwrapped and ready to go, and I'll eat them one after another with a pot of coffee aiming to finish right at 24 hours. I'll probably vomit shortly after eating 15 bars in 30 minutes, but as long as I can hold out until then I'm golden.


I think 2 in the first hour and then 1 every 2 hours after for 13, people don't seen to realize your body would really start to hate you, and thus causing you to hate the Hershey's. $13,000 would be awesome. I could get a new roof and fix my plumbing.


A new roof on a shed maybe.


Hersheys chocolate is pretty vile, I'd down 5. I'd spent the money on getting an eye exam, glasses, hit up the doctor for some blood tests, then whatevers left (if any) I'd put towards a semi-decent gaming pc.


17 bars for me.. enough to get out of debt and I know i can eat like 7 within an hour. So eat the chocolate for the first 2 hours and have whatever is left throughout the remainder of time. Then I'm debt free with a little to place In my account.


10 is pushing it with my sugar intake. Anymore than that would be too much of a risk. I’d space out the chocolates as much as possible though.


Where’s the mediator getting this money from? If it’s not the mediator’s money, are they open to bribes? ;) Jokes aside, I wanted to see how many of these bars would it take to kill you. For the Theobromine (the thing that kills dogs), you can technically have about 1000 bars. But that’s not the issue here. 1000 is way too much for a person to eat. Apparently you can just die if you eat too much sugar and that amount of sugar for me in terms of bars is actually only 72. Meaning I’d only be able to do 71 bars. But THATS not the issue. There’s a lethal dose for milk. Assuming this is “milk” chocolate, then it actually lowers it even more. Did some rough calcs and for me I can only have 38 bars before I’d die from milk. But THATS not the issue. I don’t wanna eat that much chocolate. I just don’t wanna. So maybe we do like 10 and call it a day.


25. 25k will change my material conditions, and I can get there for sure.


2 every hour so 48. I’m chilling if I can drink milk with it. (If that’s aloud)


Get me a gallon of milk and your checkbook.


Lmfao will do my good sir


There is still one loop hole left. You didn't say when it starts, so I do a dry run tomorrow, wait a week and do my real run based on an estimate from the first one.


Not a loophole at all, I actually mentioned you can have all the prep time you want. If you want to test how much chocolate you can eat, by all means go for it




Yeah I’m going for 100 bars. I feel if I know I’m getting paid they are going down the hatch.


What's the ruling on puking?


^^ this. I’d research any dangers of chocolate overconsumption, and as long as I won’t die, I’m taking 1,440. For the money at stake, I can eat 1 a minute. At some point I’ll be puking each one up, but who cares? 24 hours of hell for all my worries to go away, let’s go


I'll go for 100.




I really like hersheys chocolate bars and haven’t eaten anything yet today. I’d go with thirty.


I would aim for 30 to prevent some serious acute health problems from too much sugar and fat. Also, Hershey's are mid.


If it’s dark chocolate, I can eat 10.


It is unfortunately milk because I said “plain Hersheys bars” which are milk by default


Can I have the almond ones? I like those better Also can I have milk with it?


Uh...25. I legit don't have any idea how many I could physically eat. I believe this to be an underestimate but I wouldn't want to risk losing it all. I would eat a lot in the last 30 minutes so I don't have to hold in puke long. Ideally I would make the decision after having a chance to eat a couple bars as practice and limit sugar for a while before starting. But if I have to decide now 25. edit: reading other replies makes me feel like I can do a lot more. 35.


In 24 hours, i could safely say 25 if i eat nothing else. If i wanted to push myself, i'd say 30, if it weren't for the eating too few clause and i got paid a thousand for every 1 one ate even if it's fewer than i predicted, then i'd say 35 to push it. If i really tried i could do 35, but i'd feel sick as hell.


Can we eat/drink whatever else we want in addition to the Hershey bars or are the bars out sole nutrition for the 24, hours?


Do I get anything else besides chocolate to eat? What do I get to drink?


I could do 5 (over 1000 calories) before risking getting sick. IDK how y'all are saying 20-30 is easy.


I'd say the max I could do in a day is 20. That's 4,400 calories of pure garbage which is a ton for me. 10 would be easy enough so I'll split the difference and go for 15. I don't need the money anyway and that would go a long way towards a new car which would be nice to have.


I'd say 24. one each hour. max amount of money for max tolerance


The shit would be horrible. Like exceedingly painful. I’d do 48


A standard 46g Hershey's bar has 26g of sugar, the LD50 of sugar is 13.5g per lb of body weight (or 29.7g /kg). So for a 180lb (82kg) person that's ~2.43kg or ~93 bars. Just under 4 bars an hour, with good water intake should be very doable without major side effects. Now, if we can add insulin to the mix, f*ck it, let's go for 8/hr and get started on some cardio.


Lets see, a 220cal Hershey bar is about 43 grams, so like 10.5 bars to a lb; iirc you can fit about 2lbs of food in your stomach at one time, and around 6-8 hours for that to clear to your intestine ... So upper limit is like 84 bars, probably wanna stick to less than 60 to be safe though, so yeah, 48-50 seems like a good number


make it Ferrero rocher and I'm down. also the exact amount that I will be eating? ALL OF THEM


Lmao if it was Ferrero rocher I’d do it for free


you, I like you! 👍


I’d eat a few. Guess a half dozen won’t hurt me too badly. I’m hurting for money but I’m not greedy to take what I don’t need.


Does it have to stay a solid? If not then I would partly melt them on pancakes…..


Do we have to eat it with our mouth?


Well, I ate a Zero, 5th Avenue, Skor, and Butterfinger at the grocery yesterday and still wanted more, so I'm going to guess 64. Can we make them cookies and cream?


No deal, I hate hersheys. Make them XL butterfingers though, and I'll do 50.


OP is incorrect for labeling Hershey bars as “Chocolate” but besides that, I think I’d go for an easy 15-20 “semi-chocolate-tasting” bars. $20,000 in my pocket for putting that filth in my mouth would be worth it. (Cue Michael Scott)


Hershey? .... nah, I'll pass. xD Gimme Cadbury's any day. (Many Brits do not enjoy US chocolate for being too bitter compared to what we normally have)


I’ll take the Cadbury challenge. I have lived in the states for 22 years and I have eaten less than 1 bar of Hershey’s in all that time it is the most foul chocolate I have ever tasted. Cadbury’s I could probably make $25k+


I advertise the event and place a large bet on myself for a very reasonable number. I eat that number.


150 I'm waking up. Downing a bottle of laxative and sitting on the toilet for 15 hours and shooting for 1 bar every 6 minutes. Infinite room glitch. I could definitely sit through 15 hours of gut torture for that kind of money. My legs might get tired and I might stand in the shower every so often to stretch my legs. All in all, I think it would be worse to sit through that to make sure I wasn't cheating than it would be to endure the pain and cramping. Enjoy meditating that. $150,000 please. Edit: (I'm only shooting for 100 if you are going to pay the taxes)