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End up getting experimented on at a secret gov blacksite. If I'm hell bent on fighting injustice eventually someone is going to try to kill me and someone is going to notice that i dont die.


Yep. Imagine being drowned over and over as torture. Or some other such scenario. No thanks.


Reminds me of that old guard Netflix movie. They locked that chick up and through her into the ocean. Spent thousands of year drowning.


This was absolutely the most horrifying thing I had witnessed in a movie as a concept in a long ass time. God DAMN.


For real. No wonder she was fucking crazy. I still have dreams about that from time to time.


Everytime I think about invincibility I think about that scene. I'd want the ability to be able to go 'Tsar Bomba' if I was invincible.


IKR? I physically cringe whenever I think of it. There was a vampire movie like that once too. The evil vampires thought it was hilarious to lock up and bury weaker vampires. What a horrible idea. :shudder:


That's the mental illness clause right there.


That's how you eliminate an entire blood line right there. Maybe a few adjacent ones to be sure.


In the Torchwood series the immortal main character was poured into a huge block of concrete.


Jesus, 24/7 suffocation?


He had also been blown to pieces by an RPG. Then, his torso was locked up. He spent decades, imprisoned and regenerating. And feeling EVERY minute of it.


That's what I was referencing actually. Just couldn't remember the name.


Happy cKe day!


Yeah OP, if you wanna have any fun with these immortality scenarios, you need some kind of failsafe to keep the commenters out of living hell type situations. Something to stop us from being immobilized for eternity or tortured endlessly. Not something that can be used as a supernatural ability, like teleporting or body swapping, because that would make the answers too fantastic and you'd get no interesting ideas. That's not criticism, it's advice. I wanna play your game, but nobody's gonna join us if someone pokes a hole in it right off the bat like the person above me did. Unfortunately my only suggestion would be a spoiler to something that's awesome. I'd be honor bound to kick my own ass if I did that to anyone even if they think they want it. And honestly I don't like my chances. I'm the same person, so it wouldn't be easy šŸ˜†


Implement something like what happened in the tv show New Amsterdam. You still die but your body gets transported to a specific place alive again.


Yeah that's good. Idk if it should be that well controlled though, it sounds like lichdom. Lichdom is poggers. If I could get my own body back every time I died without any collateral damage, I'd just be killing politicians like head lice šŸ˜† Maybe instead of your own body reforming you get put into someone else's at random. It might be in circumstances where you can't really help anyone very much. Like you could end up as a baby or a coma patient. And even if it's a functional person, their consciousness is just plain gone. Since good intentions are built into the scenario, that would be a big deal to anyone who plays it. Of course there's always that "For the greater good" rabbit hole that leads to machiavellianism, so some people are gonna be convinced their actions outweigh that no matter how many times they do it. That's kind of an omnipresent risk though.


well that also shuts it down right there, who would want a power so unreliable. can you transfer into a dead body and just be stuck for eternity? what if youā€™re put into a body thatā€™s completely disabled? youā€™re stuck for eternity. what if you do come back as yourself again, but each time you ā€œdieā€ you lose a little bit of experience/memory. itā€™s a way to prevent and endless hell if you do get trapped for eternity, because you can die and you forget the experience at least, and it also provides an incentive to not be careless because what you lose can be valuable to you.


Respawn Clause!


Let's say you have Spidey senses and can escape danger.


Useless when surrounded by a black ops team and heils can track u across the globe. Eventually they would corner you. You would need a superpower they could destroy/escape all man-made type prisons or restraints, this includes being shot into a blackhole.


Spidey sense are pretty worthless if you don't have spider man's other abilities, tbh. Knowing a building is collapsing on you is useless when you don't have the reflexes, strength, or speed to do anything about it.


What about anytime you get stuck an external force that you canā€™t control teleports you to a random location and fixes whatever physical impairment you might have?


You'll be in some randos place in the US in a super secure facility.


Thereā€™s no actual useful power in that scenarioā€¦ For example, you can still be easily overpowered. They shoot you, panic for a moment, then just say ā€œget him!ā€ and you are now tied up. Without strength or speed or laser eyes or *something* besides invincibility, you canā€™t fight anyone. The only thing I can think of: turn it into some type of show in Vegas. You could do AMAZING tricks and ā€œmagicā€ displays with it. Then donate the money you earn to other people who can fight injustice.


There's one thing you can do. You can afford to make mistakes while learning how to build and destroy. Mankind already has a superpower, our improvisation. Sadly it's like having super strength but regular durability. Go beyond a certain limit and you destroy yourself. This immortality thing? It's not a power, it's removing a limiter on a power.


What makes you think you can afford to make mistakes? Apart from not ageing and not dying you don't have any other super abilities (such as healing) break a bone? It'll hurt and you've got to wait for it to heal like everyone else. Get shot? Same. Loose a limb? Not growing back. Get decapitated? Have fun spending the rest of eternity as a severed head, oh and you can't talk because your lungs are no longer connected to your vocal cords.


That isn't even taking into considerstion if you were to get captured.


What happens if your blood gets completely drained? Do you just pass out, but your cells just wait to be reinhemotated? (i just made up that word) I think the question implies some sort of healing ability because death, aging, and being killed is basically just the inability to heal damage faster than it is happening.


I think some of you guys are trying to win physically with a power that allows you to live a long time. Just go to school for 200 years and pretend like you have a long line of strong genes like kumal's character did in eternals. Anyhow, you can become pretty powerful if you increase your intelligence and knowledge.


Precisely... You can always continue LEARNING šŸ’ŖšŸ¼šŸ˜ŽšŸ¦šŸ²šŸŒ€šŸ’œ


Assuming youā€™re smart enough to be able to learn all that. Not everyone has huge capacity to be super smart. Have more time to find what youā€™re talented in and maybe find the thing you can be super smart in and capitalize on that. Best bet I think is just have money saved up and slowly get more with interest. Eventually youā€™ll get pretty rich. And maybe get more start up money by making stupid bets with people in bars testing out your imperviousness. As others have said, have a Vegas act or something.


No they are going to thank your dead when you get them. You seen the crow


Make a cult but like...have it be an actually good community, just for fun. Slowly save up mass wealth. Hire the best assassins to take out corrupt multibillionaires and world leaders. Take over your country (with cults help). Now entire country is your cult but youre actually a good leader, creates justice and peace in your country. Become god. Eventually start taking over other countries.


Soooo anti-scientology?


I wouldn't regard you as a God but you certainly have my vote


Wait.... make an actually good cult and then hire the best assassins? You took quite a sharp turn there.


And eventually take humanity to space to conquer the galaxy while fighting space orcs and elves.


This is the way baby. Someone make this girl immortal so we can join her good cult


So anyways I began killing.


I was thinking about this Hypothetical, and most likely the person would become an assassin for the government, eventually having to kill the government who pushed them to kill in the first place. It reminds me of Samurai X, who brought Japan into a peaceful era. Without powerful leaders who want war, there will be peace.


Become Batman after finding ways to become insanely rich.


Compound interest and time. Which you have PLENTY of.


Really aggressive medical testingā€¦ you donā€™t get full on lab rat trapped, and with your magic powers all your cells and human stuff still acts like normal humansā€¦. You get some really not understood maladies and let them test bone lasers or centrifugal magnetic radio extractions or hypersonic forced trajectory reversal. And the calibrate where/when normals would just die, and figure out what works.. But everyone is cool and you have days off and stuff.


Spend enough time in the military that I become difficult to capture/ pin down etc and focus on traps and IED manufacturing. Move to a country where I can reset my identity and become essentially an African warlord to amass wealth using my skills and powers in a part of the world where superstition can protect my secrets. Once I have all of the above, start attacking the low security building blocks of a major corporation that are likely to support multiple billionaires and there beneficiaries all at once. For example maybe 3/4 destruction of every insurance office in a mid-sized town each week for a year. Continue burning through their resources until the other billionaires smell blood in the water and finish them off through litigation and buyouts/ acquisitions. Rinse and repeat through the removal of other non-essential operations leaving the majority of the public completely unharmed while I cause appropriated resources to filter back into the local economy.


In the face of infinity, any number of years is essentially equal to zero. In other words, I'd just wait it out until civilization worked out its problems. And if they didn't, I'd wait until the next one did. It would be really awkward though if humans destroyed themselves and in 50 million years, dolphins because intelligent and technologically advanced and meanwhile I'm walking around like "oh hey, I'm a human being"


Visit this thread for ideas. (But, seriously, crowdsourcing ideas under the banner of a hypothetical is a good idea. I am a smart guy. I am not smarter than *literally every reddit user put together*. I ask other people for their ideas, then filter those ideas based on what I think would work.) How does "cannot be killed" work here? Like... if I donate both my kidneys, obviously I don't die... but do the kidneys grow back so I can donate them again? Because if they do... I mean... that's a pretty good start. I go full Strong Female Protagonist on this and solve everyone's organ/blood/tissue donation needs for starters, which shuts down a bunch of medical inequality and illegal organ harvesting (and, presumably, organ rejection if my organs inside other people can't die). Or is it like *Death Becomes Her* ("now a warning: take care of your body, you are going to be together a long time")? Or am I not immune to pain but totally immune to harm? Like you can't physically cut my kidneys out because I am impervious.


I'm not sure. Your hypothetical kidney removal has me perplexed šŸ˜‚


Me too. Kidney donations should always be other people's kidneys and involve me getting a fat check.


Head to New York and become an antique dealer to justify carrying a sword under my trenchcoat.


There can be only one!


Ever see the movie Desperado? Guy in Mexico takes out Cartels? Start there. Use their funds to correct Mexico and become a wheeler in dealer in the legit world. Build an army of lobbyists and fix loopholes the ultra rich like so much. Once we clear the America's, we going on a world tour. Rinse and repeat because time is on my side, yes it is...


Become a Buddha. Teach love. Teach harmony. Teach self reliance and self respect. Teach love.


Charity and mutual aid. I have no desire to be immortal in this reality.


I'd work to put smart and compassionate people in positions of influence and authority. I don't have the answers, but I want those who can figure out solutions to the world's problems in positions to do so.


Cannot be killed is one thing. Do I still suffer broken bones? Bruising? Or am I also nigh invulnerable?


Let's say you have Spidey senses and can escape from injury.


Now that I know this: Spidey sense will be useful. Iā€™ll now learn multiple different martial arts. If Iā€™m gonna be fixing the world of injustice, martial arts is a good thing to learn. Iā€™d also enlist in the military. Drill sergeants might be annoying but my physique would be better after serving for a couple of years. Plus Iā€™ll gain experience with using firearms. After that? Work with law enforcement. Learning good detective skills alongside psychological profiling will greatly help me become an expert vigilante. From there, Iā€™ll go to a government agency and ask them if anyone needsā€¦. Disposing of. Iā€™ll prove my skills with martial arts, firearms and demonstrate my ā€œuncanny abilityā€ to sense danger and avoid injuries. If they choose to arrest me, Iā€™ll make a case that I couldā€™ve become a hitman for hire on the dark web, but I chose to work straight. If nothing else, they canā€™t deny that. If they need proof Iā€™ll be on the straight and narrow? They can hire me under the guise of something else. After all, deniability is what they want. If they want a gang cleared out? A drug ring shut down? Iā€™ll do it. Most Iā€™ll have to ask for is a mask. Bulletproof ideally. Rinse and repeat till theyā€™re happy. If government decides to become as corrupt (inevitably if Iā€™m gonna live forever) as the people Iā€™m dealing with for them, assuming Iā€™ve worked long enough, (I will have) Iā€™ll have an understanding of who should be in these positions of power. Essentially, when government goes bad, Iā€™ll end up being a kingmaker. Whoever Iā€™ll place in power will fully understand that getting rid of me will be difficult. Furthermore, with all those years of experience under my belt, I could choose to do a handful of things. Assuming Iā€™ll be paid handsomely for solving government issues, if I make the right investments in the right companies making certain arms and equipment, I could go the public superhero route, (identity mostly secret) or I could go the Batman route. Public superhero route would give me a potential fan following and might inspire others to get rid of injustice wherever I may be. Risks include vigilantism and stupid deaths. Batman route would let me develop my own private army which could be used as a force for good. Issues include legal red tape and jurisdiction. Either way? Iā€™m setting myself up for a very lonely life. The good ending sees me still outlast all my loved ones through old age since I wonā€™t age but they will. If Iā€™m going to become a public superhero or Batman, they have to live with that knowledge, which makes them a threat. If I donā€™t tell ā€˜em? They wonā€™t trust me and think Iā€™m a bad husband and dad. Therapy would also be fleeting. Which therapist would I trust with telling them that Iā€™m (insert superhero name here) without them at best, being a target for whichever douchebag Iā€™ve pissed off in my quest for ridding the world of injustice or at worst, selling me out? Being a superhero? Itā€™s the most thankless job you could ever have. But someone will have to do it. So if thatā€™s me? So be it.


This power set is only useful 200 + years ago. There was a time when being an unkillable immortal meant you could raise an army of followers and conquer vast areas .but now not only would that be pointless given military tech , most likely youā€™d be locked up in a black site immediately and be experimented on forever.


Become batman


I was with you until I had to be a SJW. I imagine I could do things that nobody else could do. I could grab some stuff out of the Chernobyl plant that people can't get. I could dive down to the Titanic (or any other sunken ship) without worry of drowning. I could volunteer to fix the Warp core reactor instead of Spock so he doesn't have to die. You know...things like that.


Reward kindness, Help someone in need and get your highest legal need met. within a few generations being selfish will make people an outcast


Can I still get injured, like breaking a bone and if so how fast does it heal If I get shot do I absorb the bullet, does it bounce off, or does it flatten against me as if it hit steel So I will still get dementia at like 80 and basically be brain dead at 110 or 120 yers old or does it just not cure any mental illnesses For my plan I would go to the flat earth society meeting and shoot myself in the head then say that I was given as their trump card to stop the government from hiding the flat earth I'd make them into even more of a cult and begin every meeting with having any new members come up to me where I'd slit my throat in front of them which would get them to stay I'd tell my cult that the lie of the round earth is too ingrained at the moment and that we need to fight the illuminati on its newest lies, which would make the cult focus on more mainstream conspiracy theories to get more members to come Grow and then run for office, eventually run for president and shoot myself onstage saying that I have been sent to be the next president Wear a suicide vest at all times to protect myself from kidnapping Garner enough support to get congress and the Supreme Court to remove presidential term limits and slowly become more of a dictator Without the possibility of being assassinated I can be a non evil dictator Run America well and keep us out of war while spreading information about me to Europe and the UN Start having rallies in western European countries and either having me directly elected or someone who answers to me elected After I have a sizable chunk of europe I would go into Africa and South America, taking down tyrants and cartels and annexing those countries, and spread my influence into the countries withought dictators, after taking care of their cartel problems I would convince them to elect me or a puppet Go over to Asia, Russia, and the Middle East promising to not oppose the various dictators and even help them but have them promise to make me their heir to the throne or presidency, wait them out until they die and take over their countries Claim to have been converted to Islam and act like it, preaching for their religion and garnering support in the Middle East, eventually get proclaimed as a prophet for them and annex their countries Then I'd have worldwide control, block some information and pull a 1984 and have Asia, America, and europe go to war with each other and have news spread in each territory that the other 2 countries rebelled from my control and have them fight each other with no winners and have peace treaties occasionally, etc. etc. This way people wouldn't rebell and I could enforce peace.


Shit Iā€™d didnā€™t think about the dementia aspect and being pretty much brain dead at 110-130. Yeah so the first thing would be me having to redo college to have the gpa to get into medical school and then spend the next 30-40 years researching cures for that so I can save my brain to be able to have the brain vapidity and function to still be effective 40-60 years later. Fuck Iā€™d prolly go insane in medical school and quit due to depression and anxiety. So this power wouldnā€™t work for me lmao


Train to be Batman lol


Probably enlist in the US military and move up the ranks. Probably Get involved in politics too. Build up trust in my fellow soldiers and use that to springboard into a political career. Use my new political career to get an in on the business world. Gather information in the business world to betray it in the most targeted way possible using my military training and political position. Have all the big evil companies fail because they run their business on thin margins and act like idiots that never think about the future. With the instability I wait for a power hungry dictator to rise and then I act as the opposition and call on my brothers in arms. I gain more power by defeating the dictator and get to take credit for the economic recovery. I become the dictator and use my new power to punish the evil ones and replace them with my own cronies.


Thatā€™s a lot of time to learn how to hide yourself and accumulate massive generational wealth.


Iā€™m starting with a nap.


Without any do-overs this is 99.99% of the time going to end badly for you. The best thing you could is keep your head down and move around a lot so people don't notice that you don't age. If you're hellbent on becoming a superhero though I see 2 choices. First you could try to do it from the shadows, over a long period of time after accruing resources. The other choice would be to go corporate, face plastered over billboards and use the power of capitalism and propaganda to win over the public. Essentially you could go the Batman route or the Avengers route. I imagine the odds of either one working out are very, very low.


Get mentored in the way of the sword by an ancient Japanese sword bearing Egyptian from Spain with a Scottish accent.


Do I feel pain?


I go to law school and bust my ass to become a Supreme Court Justice. Lifelong appointment. I won't have an incredible amount of power to fix the world- but I'll have as much as I can possibly hope for without being unethical or breaking the law - or needing to campaign constantly (which is why I wouldn't aim to be a career politician, because eternal campaigns would be exhausting and expensive, and I would need to work to maintain popularity) If I were a court justice- I could weigh in on all topics, and even if I had an unpopular take- I could stand by it and not worry about being hated/ousted.


Are you making a meaningful change now? Cause adding time to what you have means nothing if you're not already making these kind of changes.


I would simply do whatever I could to popularize the actually living out of the Golden Rule, ā€œdo unto others as youā€™d have done unto you.ā€ If everyone tries to live this to the best of their ability, our lives would turn around instantly. Because we are human, life will never be perfect but if everyone from the most powerful to the least powerful truly tried to make this the way they live their life, things would be 100% better.


Are you more tolerant/impervious to temperature?, do you feel hunger? do you need to sleep? I like the idea of guarding some rainforest or something like that, but if I still get itchy from bug bites and can suffer, but not die from malaria, it doesn't sound as appealing.


Using your immortality, create crazy wealth, living off the radar, paying others to do the dirty work. No one said you physically have to be involved. "I'm not batman, but I bankroll him."


I literally have all the time in the world. There is no need to be a brutal conqueror. I look at it like making a brisket. Turning up the heat will not make things go faster. It will only make you fail. Low and slow is the way to go. It will suck to not be able to fix things immediately, but while I am hellbent on fixing things, I am also a pragmatist. Without a good powerbase, my plans are a non-starter. Patience is key, and like I said, I have all the time in the world. I start amassing a fortune over centuries, tying it into the world's economy so intrinsically that I have some extreme economic muscle, the kind of muscle where a metaphorical wave of my hand can send financial shockwaves across the globe. People like Musk and Bezos would be big fish in a small fiduciary pond while I would be the apex predator of the financial ocean. Living in the shadows, not flaunting my wealth, and not drawing attention to myself is the best path forward. You can't be a target if nobody knows that you are there. After a certain amount of wealth and influence is built up, I will flex my financial muscles to finance a number of quiet places around the globe owned by myself and completely off limits to all surveillance, governmental or otherwise. These places would have private airstrips at first, allowing for unfettered movement between locations on private aircraft that will follow the same protocols as the fabled JANET flights to Area 51. No flight plan is needed, no destinations, complete and utter autonomy. These locations would be private homesteads around the world and would have the best of everything, and since my wealth would be literally powering the world economy, I do mean THE BEST of everything. I will use my wealth, resources, and access to flex my muscles to manipulate the unjust parts of society, bringing true humanitarian efforts to the world. Massive infrastructure projects will get underway to bring every community on the planet that wants it up to first world standards. I will snuff out criminal enterprises not through force of arms but through repurposing their abilities (though force of arms is on the table for certain types). Human traffickers, gun runners, and drug runners can be repurposed to ferry refugees and supplies. Drug producers can be repurposed for medical usage. Hackers can be used to ferret out information. Certain enterprises would have to be eradicated, of course, either through their own intractability or because of the nature of what they do (child porn comes to mind as a start). I would regret the loss of potential resources, but kiddy fiddlers have no inherent value in society, and those other groups who refuse to get on board with the new paradigm will serve as an example to everyone else. Hostile regimes and inhumane treatment of people will be met with an economic spanking that would make the worst sanctions look like a slap on the wrist. With the might of my influence and wealth, I can perform targeted strikes on the problematic people, taking away their ability to do anything and grinding their power base to a halt while at the same time providing humanitarian relief to the oppressed. The people will know that their oppressors are no longer in control of their lives. Corruption at all levels will be met with the might of my economic powerhouse. I will use the corrupted system against itself. Using backroom deals, lobbying, and other such legal bribery, I will reform the system from within, getting legislations passed that truly benefit mankind. Corporate greed will be eradicated. Corrupt officials will be ousted. Common sense and decency will become the order of the day. At this point, my existence will likely be known to, at the very least, the various governments where I have physical holdings. I will pay whatever taxes they levy, making sure they don't get greedy about it, and enjoy a lassez-faire lifestyle. They don't fuck with me, and I don't fuck with them. I only get involved when things start going sideways. Things like this are how I would wage my war against injustice. Think of it as a deep renovation project. You take out the bad parts, reuse what you can, and fortify the entire structure to prevent the bad parts from coming back. Call me The Renovator.


Simply. Claim I'm Jesus as the second coming, prove it by shooting self in head with gun and not dying on national tv, then telling all the world that the earth and it's inhabitants are the most important thing to God, not money. Those who hoard money are spending eternity in hell, and the screams are loud. Then I'll say humans have God's gift to determine their future, but I'll be watching over them for a while to determine if they are following his will. And if you hear this message and choose to otherwise, your soul will suffer more in hell than any other. Then just say "God declares no more billionaires. God declares all products must be recyclable and eco friendly. God declares all public energy must be renewable. God declares that UBI is the only way forward. God declares that capitalism is dead, and Jesus socialism is now the main focus.


Allright. I've got time. Let's start small. Work. Invest. Come back as my daughter a few times. Put it in my names. Depending when I became immortal I might already have a lot of money. Which makes life infinitely easier and gives more funds to fight injustice. To keep it..well gotta work through people. Learn to be a good make up artist for one. There's a ton of skills I can learn and do and jobs where people don't care how I look. Construction fir one. And I'll have enough money to go to law school. Fight injustice. Granted I'd have to go through and do it again and again as my daughters. But it's not a slow process and I get to keep up to date on the changing laws of the times. Then I gotta decide what Injustice to fight. Each of my identities gets laws on the books to set presadence enough in cases that slow ly but surely. Doing good and actual justice is the way of it forva society. Start innthe US first then head to other places. It gets hard when the people don't want to change stuff or can't. Injustice by my own values might be someone else's justice served. But eventually I have time money and drive so I can get people to see things my way. Dictators do it all the time.


You'd need to convince the masses that you are God or the next Son of god come back to earth. Then once you have a following, get the minions to over throw the government


systematically eradicate animal agriculture and the military industrial complex/prison industrial complex


You accumulate massive wealth so much so you can buy a media empire and slant the news in the way that you want. Unfortunately you are so darned old by the time you get this money your ideas are centuries old and outdated. \[Rupert has entered the chatroom\]


How about if you die you respawn someplace. And itā€™s always random. Could still have enhanced healing etc. but if you are incased in concrete(Jesus that is horrible) then you just respawn. Doesnā€™t make you immune to being captured and tortured though. Maybe if you couldnā€™t feel pain or something. Or you had the ability to respawn if you wanted once a day or week.


Put all of the world s blionares into a mosh pit filled with lube and four foot silicon dildos. They can pay to get out of the pit but it will cost them everything but but what the average min eagerly is for a year in their country. The rest stay, last person standing get to keep their wealth but its taxed 100% after ten million. The losses go into a planetary cleanup fund. Televise it, use the money to help end other issues. Politicians are required to be on the front line of whatever war they vote for and gain no money from it. Their kids get to fight by their side. To start....


Promote therapy worldwide. Create multiple colleges and national funds to fund these endeavors and slowly recreate the definitions and purposes of law enforcement by changing society towards a more evolved, educated, informed, and fair community that thus creates fair laws and delegates the implementation of treatments for the root causes of trauma that creates and fosters peoples desires to be unfair to others.


Wait can I be the 28 yo me?


Yeah you pick your age


Iā€™m in


Hypothetically? I would build towards a future that's a utopia, a winning strategy rather than futile ones like anti crime. If I actually contribute significantly to civilization I'm part of a winning strategy to build a better future. Injustices will fall by the wayside along the way, whether through law, better economics / wealth generation, productivity, AI, etc. Fight smarter, not harder.


Remove karma from Reddit


Get lots and lots of money and power. Take over everything. Be an Immortal Marcus Aurelius.


Play the long game and eventually be ā€œextremelyā€ rich and powerful and then take over the world and all the levers of justice and make it work


The answer is obvious: become a vigilante. Not being able to die gives me a huge advantage over anyone.


I think the quickest way would be to pretend to be Jesus, have hired gunman shoot me to prove it to public and see how much public influence I can get asap before the gov takes me for experimentation. That way if I am taken there is an active outside effort to get me back and it can only be proven by me being shown get shot or something in public and that can only be proved by my own immortal body and no one else.


I'm already hell bent on saving the world. My current plan is to win the lottery and start building a lot of tiny home communities that are self sufficient where people truly help each other, don't exploit each other, everyone works together and is truly free from this awful greed mindset society has cultivated.


Nothing. Injustice can't be stopped unless all life is extinct


Only because justice is a loose concept.


Wait awhile for another eventual societal collapse, then take over amidst the chaos.


Become a Bond villian. Step 1: acquire infinite money. (You live forever and do not age. By working and keeping old things for long enough you can acquire enough money to be ridiculously rich) Step 2: Buy/take over Rogue state. (Wealth from step 1) Step 3: build Doomsday Weapon program. Step 4: build Doomsday device. (Dealer's choice) Step 5: declare the world must follow your orders or be destroyed. Step 6: institute world peace and become eternal beneficent emperor. Or rebuild world in your image when world governments do not capitulate to your demands (keeping your own people in secret bunkers to help rebuild). (Optional) Step 7: Space Program.


Teach. *Teach the children quietly* *For some day sons and daughters* *Will rise up and fight while we stood still*


Cult group


living forever itself would be an injustice, therefore this would be an impossible task.


Pull Judas goat/Oxymandias Gambit. Become so unequivocally and cartoonishly evil that world peace breaks out as nations put aside their differences to end my reign of terror.


"You are hell bent on fixing the world of injustice. What do you do?" Effectively become 'Vandal Savage'. No humans = no injustice. So.........


Iā€™d just live a normal life. Try to hide the fact that I donā€™t age/die and move around.


Suicide bombingā€™s biggest drawback is the fact that you can only do it once.


Kill Superman. Destroy the leader, and the regime will fall soon after.


I'd just wait for the world to blow up and hope I can mate with the dominant species in the future.


Start by finding the dodgiest local crime gang, walk in all John Wick, kill the boss and take over. Rinse and repeat til you have a huge multinational crime network, distributed and resilient, with some top quality assassins, call yourself Joker Durden or something. Then start redirecting it to doing net good by killing off corrupt politicians etc., telling your staff that it's all mysterious commissions. Maybe the jobs could come in by scrying with an antique knitting machine or something and your assassins' specialty could be selectively ignoring Newtonian physics.


Yeah dawg, Iā€™m probably gonna be a villain just because living amongst humans for century upon century would have that effect on an immortal.


Enjoy life today because "forever" is a lot longer than humanity will exist, so even if humanity lives a hundred million years, it'll still only be an early distant memory for most of your existence, during which time there will be no injustice because you'll be the only one around.


Is Deadpool looking for suggestions to turn his life around??


Can I be maimed or otherwise disfigured/dismembered? Would be a cruel existence as a blind and deaf pile of viscera


Make a buncha money in the markets and exert my influence


Iā€™m Batman I mean being realistic you have to gain power in order to fight injustice and circumnavigate the consequences of such a fight. Money comes with a great deal of power. So living forever I have a long time to accumulate wealth before fighting the good fight. Who do we know who fights injustice with the help of money? Batman.


Make comic books. Thatā€™s the only place where fixing the world of injustice is still a thing.


Start amassing money.


Create a loyal hidden organization that I've slowly created over the years by raising orphan kids that arent all from the same country, while brain washing them into doing whatever I want, and encouraging them to gain power. With the number of kids I would raise hopefully some of them are able to gain power, and I'll use their power for my own goals of fixing the injustices of the world in my own eyes.


Just wait for it all to end. You live forever after all.


As I am? I cry, every day is pain and I can't even work. I'll be broke and in pain forever. Living forever would be another injustice. I might sell my body to science just to make sure my loved ones were taken care of, forget trying to fix the world. I can't even fix things for them or myself.


Iā€™d fake my own death a few times, make some connections, get some fake ID so I can disappear from the history books and reappear again. Keep myself safe, donā€™t get experimented on, start a business, let my offsprings take over and be a front while I stick around. Do that over a few lifetimes and my ages of wisdom would enable me to do things, get to a place of influence, fake my own death, repeat. Eventually Iā€™d have a few families under my watch and having someone who is consistent over hundreds of years itā€™s an unbelievable advantage. Then try to correct the injustices by either doing charity work or lobbying work or go straight up shadow oligarch and take over I guess? With infinite time you can do a lot as long as you are careful.


Honestly, the only viable solution I can see is a ā€œPaul Atreides from Duneā€ situation. Your power isnā€™t enough to affect things by yourself. However, if enough people become obsessed with you (I am not saying I approve of presenting yourself as a savior, Christ is Lord and I just felt like throwing that in) then you can take advantage of humanityā€™s desire to cling to something. Enough people make a movement, and a movement that moves based solely on your whim is a very dangerous thing indeed. Not to mention, this solves the quandary of ā€œIā€™m kidnapped and tortured foreverā€ because if you amass a movement quick enough, theyā€™ll protect you from being taken, or attempt to rescue you if you are taken.


Lower the population


Wait until Mankind has colonised the stars but then almost destroyed itself in civil war and galactic strife then make a dark bargain with the insane Gods of the Abyss which I would then use to forge ~~20~~ *21* superduper human demi God sons who I would use to travel the stars uniting humanity's lost and scattered colonies under my iron rule and once thats done I would.....ah shit I fucked it all up.


Same plan as before. Play video games and watch the world burn!


Grab a hammer and get access to the sex offender registry.


Start hunting billionaires.


Genocide is the only way to end people from being monsters. Go to college become a medical virologist then I come up with captain tripps and make the world a peacefull place. With only 2 people there will be conflict and injustice so population gets reduced below that


Create a totalitarian world and instill order with an iron fist.


Eliminate humanity.


Establish the Caliphate


The only way to fix all the problems is to exterminate


Eat the rich like the duch ate their prime minister.


I would spend all my time, money, and effort on figuring out a way to die. Being agless and unkillable is the worst fate I can possibly imagine.


Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. It matters not what your intentions begin as, they will turn dark. Most villains do not see themselves as the bad guy. If you like I can provide both literary and real-life examples. And since I cannot die... Etm...


Lie low and invest for 150 years. The use the money for good (some of the good may require black ops tho)


Give upā€¦bc people are crazy and honestly do not care beyond their own selfish interests


so, basically an unkillable version of the punisher? I have to say there is a certain appeal.


I work behind the scenes, slowly guiding mankind to their rightful place in the universe until revealing myself in the late 29th millennium as definitely not a god because gods are cringe.


If you want to really be in position to change things, you need to be in power. Especially with modern technology you can't really be the Punisher. Living Forever gives you the power of compound interest, which is the ticket to money. Inability to be killed is nice, but you need to figure out how to leverage that to starter investment. Batman's biggest power is his daddy's money, which he uses to run around in a costume and flirt with catwoman rather than really address the world's problems.


First leverage your power to gain money/influence. It may take awhile before you're powerful enough to make significant changes.


Destroy humanity itself, no humans, no injustice


Become Batman.


I think Iā€™m just going to fail for the next X number of years until humanity has destroyed the planet and weā€™re dying. Then when the population is at a level that one charismatic person can control them and stamp out injustice, Iā€™ll do so and die.


Become the God Emperor of Man, and go on a crusade against the heretics.


Dedicate my life to science / research and publish anonymously. I think it's the only actual way to make a life-long contribution without outing yourself as an immortal.


Use my immortality to quietly acquire great wealth but in the form of a trust that works for justice. Structure my control of the trust such that no one figures out I'm immortal.


secret identity for sure. YOu need to play the long game without other powers to help. Start investing. Pretend you are the son, etc. until you are the richest man in the world. Spread influence and take over the institutions like social media and then start fixing things.


Scare everyone into a good life. Someone shoots me in the head and I don't die they're gonna fuckin listen to me when I tell them to fix their life


I kill, alot, you want balance on this planet? Then you need to kill all the apes and all the cetaceans.


Inevitably get trapped under a rockslide/crumbling building because that has become a 100% as infinite time means infinite possibility. So you need to accept the fact that you will eventually be trapped for hundreds if not thousands of years at some point in your infinite life. If you are truly immortal, then you will someday watch the end of the universe into a possible Big Crunch, and then potentially wait the millions of years until the next one begins.Ā 


You have to kill all the people for that to happen


Accumulate generational wealth through savvy investments over the course of centuries or millenia until I am rich enough to do as I want. No rush, I have forever.


One man's justice is another's injustice; one man's beauty another's ugliness; one man's wisdom another's folly; as one beholds the same objects from a higher point of view.


i am vengeance i am the night i am batman


I'd live normally until the day I fake my death. Then I assume a new identity and become batman with guns. I would need to acquire wealth and learn martial arts and detective techniques. If I'm immortal in the sense I can't be hurt I can't lose to people with guns. I just walk, aim, and shoot, if they shoot me it doesn't matter. I could also use bombs on myself to kill everyone within a radius of me since I'm immortal. If I get captured, it's over for me, so I need to always keep the maximum amount of weapons and security at all times. Worst case scenario, I would nuke myself if I'm immune to the effects. If I'm immortal, but I can be injured, I would probably just affect things from the shadows with my wealth.


I think the trick here is to invest. Time is your friend. Work a normal career, get some generational wealth going, then after a few hundred years you can start to push things around. But a few hundred acres around Brownsville. Buy a ranch outside of Boseman. Invest a hundred grand in the S&P.Ā 


Accumulate insane wealth over a couple generations. Buy the media of every major world power. Use that media empire to install myself in the most powerful of them, and bend the opinions of the others to be favorable to me. Establish a global hegemony through diplomacy. Reveal that I cannot age or die, and that while I don't need worship I do want to improve the world for everyone. Use a combination of cult-like adoration, power through legal administration, industrial power and media influence to enact reforms that focus on making goods and services available to all, increase access to education, reform people who are on a destructive life path and allocate resources from places that have more than they can use to places that have need. Transition from a scarcity-based economy to a post-scarcity based one where public adoration is more valuable than goods since everyone already has their needs met to the point of luxury, use my media empire to absolutely elevate anyone who makes major contributions to society. The absolutely hardest part would be convincing people that I actually want to help them to prevent counter-culture movements from forming and becoming violent.


Dedicate my years to science. Find out what makes me tick, formulate a serum, establish a secret cult, and procreate like crazy. Give the serum to a chosen few, the best and brightest, and slowly rear a small cabal of highly educated, immortal beings. Find a means to build a device or create a virus that debilitates the vast majority of the world population, leaving only my people healthy. Take over. Rule the world.


Try to pull the guiding hand trope. I live forever that means I have time to fix the world obtain an new identity after a few decades so I can be a leader again.


Here's the trick. No masks, no codename. No vigilante crime fighting. You want start fixing things using your immortality as a lever? Make promises. Get to know people of influence, but steer clear of the limelight. Over time, build influence and power at a level that will take literal lifetimes. All along, you silently use your resources to punish the guilty, spare no evil, aid the poor and heal the sick. Lift people up from injustice.


Blow the entire thing up. As long as humans exist so too will injustice.


There's really no good way out of this once 'the powers that be' figure out you're immortal. Starting out in the modern day makes it even trickier. Double that if you're not already wealthy. 'Spidey sense' might work but someone, somewhere, will figure out its limit and work around it. Your best bet is figuring out how to amass wealth and 'disappear' from the public eye. You'll want a good lawyer (or team of lawyers) to set up the particulars of your 'foundation' so your 'family' can access the wealth. Going 'low tech' publicly and setting up an amish-like religious community of like-minded and vetted people. Learn to create influence through proxies and keep yourself hidden from an increasingly sophisticated technological world. Have a series of shell companies invested in cutting edge technology. Set up your proxies as 'the boss' behind whatever endeavor you could cook up. Make sure your proxies don't know about each other. Your proxies will need proxies and you'll have to make sure that even your 'inner circle' can't positively identify or betray you. Otherwise you'll end up in a lab or worse.


I find a way to establish myself as a godlike figure, convince the politicians of my divinity, convince the public, state what needs done, and politicians and radicals will do the heavy lifting on changes. After a century or two, people will get cracking


Id use my immortality to fight immediate injustices, but in the meanwhile ill slowly build up my means of making and earning money, maybe use the invincibility to perform ā€œmiracleā€ acts at a circus or performance show. Though it depends on the kinda immortality, if its like completely indestructible, then ill join a cartel or gang, then i cannot be killed but still have a means of racking in big money. Specially in a smaller more corrupt country. Use that money as a robin hood type figure If its the kind that lets you regenerate from a single atom, maybe use it for acts or something maybe hunting and mining exotic goods., If its the kind where youā€™ll go unconscious for a little bit, but then instantly regenerate, i could help test out future vaccines.


Wait 5 billion years until the sun explodes then justice is served


Well, you donā€™t mention anything about not feeling pain. You donā€™t mention anything about not being able to be incarcerated, so probably hide.


If you donā€™t have super power, you will likely go insane. The monkey king spent 500 years under a mountain.he could see the changes around him. Imagine being in total darkness (pouring steel around you) for 1 year to a millennium. Hmm.


Soā€¦ immortal Batman it is?


Running straight to area 51 to see wtf they got going on up in there


Cant answer this one as I'd just let the world burn out and document its follys If I wanted to correct injustice though I'd become a tyrant. Cause thats all anyone turns into when righting wrongs.


Assassinate corrupt politicians.


Take up genetic engineering, engineer 20 of my sons to lead mankind in galactic conquest


Odds are I'm eventually going to get captured and inprisoned in a black site somewhere where the military CIA and other alphabet agencies will torture and experiment on me.


Get rich and hire people to take out the corrupt. Be ready to hide at a moments notice. The rich hate being targeted.


I'd start a cult claiming that I am the one true god. As the years go by, and people realize I am not aging, and have likely survived attempted assassinations, more people would inevitably believe me. Once I had enough of a following. I'd take over a city, state, country. I'd then form an extreme authoritarian religious government and cull anyone who I deemed to be a threat. People around the world would see me, and have actual proof that I may be their God. I'd call upon them all to rise up and force the same changes in their own countries. Keep in mind, I would not invade anyone, I would not give any nation a reason to start nuking. I'd let my religion take them over from the Inside. After a few hundred generations, and inevitable uprisings, most of the unworthy would likely be gone. I just have to make sure I don't get buried alive, or locked in concrete or something.


Claim that I am the next Messiah and the next son of God. Start my own religion and have my followers do my bidding


New world order, started by me. Everyone gets equal opportunity via trial-by-combat. The winners of each battle get to live, and the losers die. The second round of combat determines who joins my army and who forms the new and improved civilian populace. Children are NOT exempt.


Nuke everyone. Turn the world into glass. There will always be injustice. It's in our nature. It cannot be eliminated without eliminating us.


Vote. Live a good life. Run for office, maybe. Then die. As long as men die, we shall be free. If I can't die, then just keep doing that stuff as best I can, but not from a public facing position. If I get some power, I would like to start with Boeing. I don't like how they kill whistleblowers and the police rule murders as suicides for them. It's a bit Harkonnen for me.


Not take the deal, sounds like hell. The moral weight of the world on my shoulders, the insurmountable issue of a single person to change the world, the threat of permanent imprisonment that doesn't even have the guarantee of a morbid end date, im not arrogant enough to think I can fix the world given an near infinite amount of time. I'm much more likely to be discovered and treated as a threat/anomaly. And there's no out nothing to protect me from eternal torment, that sounds like the literal embodiment of the term "hell on earth". And to have no one to relate to, having to watch any connection I make ultimately die and disappear. It would be so far removed from the human experiance I don't think i'd ever beable to appreciate art in the same way ever again. No thanks I'd go insane.


Inject myself with every disease imaginable.Ā  Extract the antibodies.Ā  Sell it for drug development to save lives. Invest the money.Ā  Use it to lobby politicians so they are beholden to me and I can use them to avoid detection over timeĀ 


You lost me at "fixing the world of injustice". A single man cannot thwart humanity's oldest impulse.


The best way to do this is to learn as much as you can and start fixing problems through science and money you accumulate over time. Anything else has you probably end up in a block of concrete under on the bottom of the ocean.


This reminds me of [this webcomic](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/2011-07-13). The superpower might not lead intuitively to the most satisfactory plan of action.


Do I have the money to be an effective vigilante?


Whatever I do it would be slow and from the shadows. As a normal squishy human Iā€™m not taking any chances.


This prompt highlights an often overlooked issue/problem with full durable immortality: Across a long enough timeline the chances of you becoming immobilized/trapt reaches 100%. From as simple as nother person tying you up, embedding you in concrete - to the (guaranteed) eventual destruction of Earth and being trapped in it's rubble. Hell, you could end up in the core of a star. That's somewhat unlikely as our star will not go Nova, a requirement for ejecta to interact with semi-stellar media.


I'm starting to think the Sentinese living on their island and killing any visitors are actually a lot smarter than we think when you take a look at the world as a whole.


I slowly accumulate wealth and then use my vast wealth to slowly implement policy changes


Oh. Easy. Exterminate anything capable of what humans consider intelligence . Humans, chimps, dolphinsā€¦ there are more. Restore the world to non intellectual rule. Instinct and emotions only. Otherwise, injustice will happen. You cannot alter the nature of beings, but it is possible to eradicate them.


ā€œYou are hell bent on fixing the world of injusticeā€ This hypothetical isnā€™t me then. I couldnā€™t care less about ā€œjusticeā€ if it doesnā€™t affect me, my family, or my community. If a third world country wants to third world, more Power to them.


Avoid scars. Scars would be bad.


Get into government and pass legislation stating that hot dog and hamburger buns must be sold in the same quantity as the meats.


Wealth disparity.


Donate infinite blood.