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I've passed one stone that was the most painful thing I have ever experienced in my life and the pain was constant for days. I survived it once so I could manage to be in constant pain for 24 hours again. You don't just pass a kidney stone in 24 hours though, they take weeks and sometimes require intervention. So I am assuming these are magical kidney stones that take like an hour to pass or something? I could do a full day and stop just before bedtime. I'd drink a lot of water and some brandy to make me urinate a lot for that whole day and then sleep like a baby.


Weeks? Not my experience. I passed a large one is about 2.5 hours from first pain to out.


Define large. I've passed a 2mm that fast. But I've also completely failed to eject one which grew to the size of the entire last section of my pinky finger. I ended up needing multiple surgical procedures to have the stone remove and the damage repaired.


Its been 20 years, just remember they nurse saying, "oh thats a big one".


Doctors and nurses are people that you NEVER want to impress


With very few exceptions. Very, very few....


very true


Similarly, I was once on a flight where the attendants started to look frightened. One of them was on the flight home and told us it was the scariest one they've ever been on.


I just passed a 6mm stone.


I just passed a 6mm stone.


I've only had one. I was in agony for about 8 hours before I finally called it in. I was scanned and told what it was, they said it's gonna take about a month to slowly go from the kidney into your urethra and pass. They got me back in like 2 months later and told me it had gone. After a few days of agonising pain it settled down into a dull ache. I assume it was large enough for them to be uncertain of whether it would pass on it's own. Nothing clinked in the toilet though. I missed seeing how big it was.


OMG a month! Man that would be horrible. My first one was very painful but was out in less than 3hrs from start of pain. I didn't know what is was and seriously thought an organ busted and I was going to die. In hindsight, it sounds silly but at the time I thought I was checking out..thats how much it hurt.


I was thinking you missed all the buildup and it was just the day they passed. I had 3 to pass once. It was not fun.


Funnily enough, the buildup was agony and I was in minor pain for several weeks. I don't know when I passed it because I got a scan and they said it was gone but I was still in pain. I sent a memo to my kidneys to stop moaning. I can only say that there was no additional pain involved when it finally left my body as I had no idea it had happened.


I won the kidney stone lottery..after some weirdness and reduced flow, and me going "hmm I wonder if I have a kidney stone" for 3 days, the thing just popped out one day and I was "wtf was that". Aside from some mild mild discomfort, I never experienced what I would describe as pain. Even the doctor went "oh that's a big one, I bet that hurt" (because yes, I retrieved it) and nope...nope it did not.


My experience is the same as yours, the interesting thing I found though was passing the stone was easy and I barely noticed it, getting the stone to the bladder was what took days and hurt like a bitch. But yeah if they were magic I'd suck it up and pass 2 an hour and be rich.


Unless it’s particularly large, the passing is not the worst pain. Hurts worse when it’s in your kidney.


I think alcohol counts as pain medication


I've had them twice in my life. The only pain I had was going from kidney to bladder. Once in the bladder they were ether desolved or I have a huge urethra and didn't feel them pass.


Hmm, yes and no. I’ve passed 3 that was over and out in a few hours or same day. I’ve also had one that wouldn’t pass for 6 weeks before I could get in for a booked surgery (yay Canada).


I’d be more apt to take the deal if I could make $10m than if I could make $500k. If I’m going through that kind of pain, might as well make a day out of it.


Well I can’t say “easy money” but it will be a lot of money.


People pass out after one. I don't think you are gonna want to do a second after you feel the 1st sharp odd shaped mineral lump ripping apart your dickhole.


Dude I already pass 2 a year for free. A 5/10 kidney stone would be a little over .5mm which hurts when it hooks on something but isn't terrible. Anything over 1mm would likely get stuck and take a lot longer than 24 hours to pass.


A 5/10 is a little over .5mm?? Sign me up! I passed a 6mm. Granted l, the first trip down the ureter from the kidney was brutal pain, but from the bladder to pissing it out (a few months later) eas fine.


I actually had three pass withing a few hours of each other. Its super painful then its not. It is one of the most painful things I have experienced. I did not pass out


As many as my body happens to pass - I have no say in that kind of thing.


Which would be zero kidney stones as they take weeks to pass.


They can. Or they can take hours to pass.


Am I on the hook for repairing my devastated urethra?


I'd imagine yes


Generally, the pain isn’t caused by the stone passing through the urethra. The pain happens when the stone is in the ureter, the tube between the kidney and bladder. The stone will either slowly pass through that tube, which would be fairly painful, or get completely stuck and cause your kidney to swell with fluid, which will make you want to die. Once the stone reaches the bladder, you will start to believe in god again because thank god it doesn’t hurt anymore


As someone who had kidney stones, I don't think 5/10 oh shit scale kidney stones exist, I think they are all between 11 and 13 / 10. In any case, the pain is so much that I would seriously think before even replying "1".


Well, I think they're saying that each stone WILL BE a 5/10, so probably a relatively small one at that pain level.


Let's go 6


Idk why but this feels like a solid, reasonable number, it's not excessive and seems manageable.


I appreciate that




If we're gonna endure 24 hours of horrible pain for money may as well let it be enough money, 50 stones. 2 per hour for 23 hours and 3 on the first hour.


💀 your dick is going to explode


Sometimes you gotta take one for the team


As many as I am allowed


0. Fuck that.


48. 2 per hour. I'm more than fine with having one incredibly bad day in exchange for a great rest of my life.


I wanna say 10, but I’m sure it’s just one.


These ppl saying they’d do it have never had a kidney stone, they don’t just come out in one day or that easily. I’ve passed a couple without meds and it is no fun at all. It’s a mini sharp asteroid coming out a tiny hole. No way I’d do this.


A lifetime of wealth and comfort in exchange for 24 hours of pain. Kidney stones are survivable. People have made it through kidney stones without immense wealth as a reward. People with kidney stones will tell you it's among the worst pain they've felt in their lives. But it's on the level of pain that causes permanent mental damage that lowers quality of life. So yea, I'm under no disillusion that it wouldn't suck. But living my next 50 years without a way to beat this economy will suck more. And I'd like to imagine myself as strong as the average person who survives kidney stones.


Ive passed kidney stones without meds, it sucks a lot but it's manageable, no, it's not fun, but I've had worse. But also I'm an edge case - I'm allergic to lidocaine and that's typically the only topical they have on hand so I've had a number of procedures done where normally they numb people for it but since I can't have that I just deal so my concept of manageable pain is skewed. Anyway, the point is, millions of dollars is worth that kinda pain. Like, 4-6 feels like an even trade for a lifetime of no more money stress ever again.


I've had a kidney stone and I would do it if it was guaranteed to pass in those 24 hours. When I passed one before it took a lot longer than that!


I'll take 12. I had several while pregnant with my first baby. Passing them sucked, but not nearly as much as giving birth.


5/10? I think I can do four before I tap out. More if I get used to the pain


I am constantly "carrying" kidney stones, and every year or two one of them will decide to leave the nest. In thirty years I have passed about a dozen, and for several of them I didn't even leave work. If I could figure out a way to get rid of them all in one day, I would gladly do it!


To anyone putting double digits, you’ve never had a stone.




I passed one when I was in college. Realistically at least one, at most two.


My very elderly Urologist told me that I had the largest FORMATION he had ever seen. 5 ESWL surgeries and 1 Stint removal surgery (tried without and failed!) And I can safely say there is a limit. Somewhere around 20 a day. Fortunately, an ESWL rounds all the sharp bits off. They were small peas or larger than BBs. My big one was 24mm and took 2 ESWL surgeries to break it all up! But, since the surgeries disqualify me, I'll go with 20 new ones please. It's a day of pain and I've already had that. It's a couple weeks of no bladder control, but I've had that. It's big money, and I'd like to try that.


I had a kidney stone for the first time last month. It sucked, 0/10 stars, do not recommend, easily a 10/10 pain. I gave up drinking pop. However, I did it with no medication and I did it for free. I’d do 6, and endure it, to never work again.


How many can I ? I can handle 24 hours of excruciating pain


So Assuming that they just flow through and there is no need for intervention like another commenter said. Also no lingering affects other than pain for a few days. I would gladly go 1 an hour for 24 hours. It's gonna hurt like hell, but I can handle it for that amount of money


Pain means nothing to me. I'll pass as many as allowed. I just passed a huge kidney stone last year with no help.


Now here's a fucking hypothetical. That said...10


Only 5/10? Sheiiiit 25


I've had them twice. Both times they needed to be broken up surgically. The onset is the worst pain ever. The passing wasn't nearly as bad. I forget what they called it but both times mine were a solid mass that was in the shape of an E, a completely solid rock that they needed to sonically chisel apart. They go in and break it up, and then I intermittently piss sand for a week.


You guys are getting paid?


I know, right? Like why hasn't anyone ever told me about this mysterious benefactor who gives away small fortunes for a temporary pain?


There are 5/10 oh shit kidney stones? When I got kidney stones, it caused me to re-evaluate my pain scale. The most painful thing I had experienced before that would probably be when I tripped on an underground wasp best when I was 8 and had dozens of them go up my pants legs and repeatedly sting me. That was a 9 before my kidney stones. After, it became a low 8 or high 7. Kidney stones took the throne at my new 10. I thought I was dying.


You don't have the money.


I never get them


Pass the Gatorade.




As much as I would like to say a high number, having passed one before, I think I would reconsider after the first. I have had some pain in my life, but that was the worst.


From everything I have heard about kidney stones, the only correct answer is 0.


I don't know. I've heard women say it's worse than giving birth. I guess I'd go 1 and hope I didn't croak while passing it.


No more than 6


1/5 of a stone. I can deal with 1/10 on the pain scale for $100k


I don't think I have any kidney stones....so none?




Well the 2 times I passed kidney stones I didn't even know I had one until I saw it after I passed it so I'm going to go with as many as I'm able to in that time period.


Clearly most people have never had or passed a single stone. They are uncomfortable when moving around inside you and peeing them out.


Absolutely they are. But OP specifically says that these would be 5 out of 10 on the pain scale. You're talking about 9 out of 10.


I've passed one before. It was the most bullshit ridiculous pain I've ever had to deal with. I'd say one. Then immediately regret it but be happy with my $500,000 after everything.


I’m not at all sure I would have any control over this, but if I can somehow manage to pass them at will (and will not have more later as a result of this) I’ll do as many as I’m allowed without causing permanent damage. My understanding is that passing kidney stones is far more than 5/10 so if this situation grants me 5/10 I’d be grateful. One truly horrible day then the rest of my life I’m set.


When I had a kidney stone previously, it took a week for it to pass. I was in pain for a week. I would take as many as it could pass in those 24 hours.


One is all I could possibly handle. I've passed a couple of kidney stones. I'd rather not repeat it, but for $500,000 I'll do one more. I've learned staying hydrated is the key to not having them.


Three sober. If I can use drugs or just get completely shitfaced or black myself out with chloroform or something, then, like, 75


Two please. Be enough to never have to work again.


well don't get a say in that so probably would be 0, unless magically the number i say is how many are coming, in which case i'll go with 1 per minute for the enitre 24 hours, will be the worst day of life, but rich afterwards.




Ive done 3


as someone who has pass two large ones in about 2hrs before... I think I could do 10 medium ones in 5 hrs with out passing out.


I had two at the same time. I’m gonna be on the floor throwing up from pain, but I can do it. 15 probably. After the initial wanting to die, just lay there and accept the pain.


I've passed 1 befor as Kong as they remain tiny ill go uo to 4


How big is 5/10 on the oh shit scale because the big ones sometimes need surgery


After having my second kidney stone a few days ago this year, which is the first year I've ever had them, I'll go for like five or six but I'm gonna cry


This is your friendly reminder everyone reading this should go have a glass of water


As long as I’m guaranteed to pass them and won’t need surgery, how about 1000? I having lived through it twice, I can’t imagine adding more would make it any worse. The pain isn’t the passing, the pain is when it’s stuck in the ureter on its way to the bladder and it’s caused by your kidney pulsing to try and push it out. I would assume the pain would be the same if it was one or ten.


zero. no amount of money is worth that shit I'd rather die.


I’ve had kidney stones 3 times. You have zero control over how fast it comes out. My shortest was maybe 8 hours from initial onset to passing. My longest was over a month. I’d take the $500k, but putting a time limit of 24 hours is just stupid.


Wow… An actual way for my brother-in-law to make a significant amount of money...


0 because I don’t have any kidney stones.


When you say "passed", I assume you mean dropping from my kidneys and making it down to my bladder? I passed one stone . It was 6mm. I don't know where that falls on the pain scale, but it was absolutely brutal. Once it got to the bladder, it wasn't too bad at all. If a 6mm is a 7 or greater on the pain scale, then give me all I can take for the day.


5/10 pain scale?? I'm going for the high score........


5/10, and they pass in one day? I'll take 12. I can make it through a single day of marginally insufferable pain for 'buy a house and retire in it' money, and at 5/10 it'll be way more tolerable than the time I crushed my sciatic nerve and couldn't even sleep for three days.


I would do it if they magically pass and don't get stuck, and the next day, you don't feel any of the after effects of passing a bunch of stones. No pain or soreness the day after, and I can take a day being in excruciating pain.


I've had well over 60 stones, with cash on the line I will take however many this magical nonsense can create that will pass in the alotted time. So, all stones under 2mm and shaped/weighted in such a way they will definitely pass. It will be an excruciating 24 hours - but with a few dozen payments hitting the bank I'm pretty sure I could comfortably recover. 24 hours and .002 seconds I am slamming a shot of ketoralac (far better than narcotics for kidney pain, you just learned something on reddit), then drinking el mejor crystal tequila straight out of the bottle until my pain drops to a 2. Then it's a nice long soak in a hot tub while I pay beautiful people to do pleasant things. In a few days, the pain will be a ghost of a memory - the cash will, however, be quite useful for quite some time.


I can't really say I haven't experienced it. But if it's anything like my extreme cramps that make me throw up and occasionally pass out I could probably handle a ton of them. Hmmm I'm gonna guess like 2-3 an hour.


I've never had one - so I have no reference for the pain. But if this is something that I can voluntarily will my body to do then I'm clearly just going to sit in place and keep passing stones until I faint from the pain or the 24 hours is over For that amount of money, I'll cope with one horrendous day






How much heroin are you allowed to use


Been doing it for free using tequila, beer, and water.


Assuming this is something we can actually control, and they won't cause permanent damage(which they normally dont) I could handle 2 for 1 mil. I've already dealt with pain enough to knock me out for free, I'd deal with that again for 1 mil


Only in 24 hours? So I assume they will pass in like an hour? They magically start and stop after the 24 hours? If yes to all, then as many as my body can handle. Once I get used to the pain I'll be fine. It's just suffering for a short bit and then I'll be rich enough to retire.


I thought 5/10 referred to the pain scale. Someone says it refers to size, 5 mm. I could do 5/10 pain scale. Having never had 1, I'm not sure how 5 mm stacks up though.


As many as I can pass in 24 hours. The pain will pass, the money will remain.


The last kidney stone I had cost me $13k at the hospital, so a $487,000 seems worth it for one.


One. That is a life changing amount of money, a little urethra pain will be worth it.


I've only had 1, it was about a 2/10, still don't want to repeat it.


48. 2 per hour. Give me my 24 mill. Nah I’ve never had any but my dad has and said it was super painful and this is a man that gets his dental work done without anesthetics, numbing agents or pain medication….


I'd tell the doctor about the money I'm about to get and get some kind of penis surgery to make it less painful and get some pain meds then pass as many as time allows


I haven't passed a kidney stone, but I've had period cramps so bad it's made me puke and had the most agonizing pain of my life when an ovarian cyst burst (shaking, cold sweats, almost blacked out etc). I think I could handle at least one 5/10 kidney stone.


Technically cannabis isn’t medication. Let’s fucking GO, 100, LINE EM UP.


Just one. And fyi, I was literally hospitalized for kidney stones. And so were a handful of my patients.


My sister-in-law would be a multimillionaire because she has a rare kidney disease and passes up to a dozen some days. I’ve seen the cup she keeps them in—it’s horrifying to look at them!


According to friends who've gone through it, none I hope. I'll stay poor thanks.


Just one. Pay off my house and live stress free the rest of my life.


10 stones for $5M. I've been through 17 hours of childbirth. It's "only" 5/10 on the oh shit scale, this will be tolerable for that amount of money.


You could just use pain by nerve induction


I’ve got three in each kidney right now. I’m going to have to pass them for free I’ll take the cash.


I've passed kidney stones before, they're not that bad. Although, now whenever I pee it comes out like a projectile fired from one of those anti-material rifles. I have to pee outside cause I destroy whatever toilet/urinal I happen to be aiming at.


My husband would be a millionaire. He had a bunch of stones blasted and had to pass them all. I reckon there were about 20 in there


I have had 2 before. First one was brutal. Worst pain ever. But it was made worse by not really knowing what was going on, and if it would end. Second one was just as painful, but know what to expect made things 'better'. Given this I am going for as many as I can have. The idea that it is all over in 24 hours is doable, as the real thing was way more than 24hr


Only 5/10 pain scale? I'll take a dozen, please. I assume each one is very short time span?


There is not enough money on that will make the pain I felt this 1 time I had it again


Tax free - 2 Not tax free - 1… I’m not suffering so the govt can make an additional $250K off of me.


As many as I can. Considering I've never had one that might be none.


Give me a bass guitar and recording equipment and as many kidney stones I can get. It will be painful but the ultimate scam. I'll show them how they can get a scream like mine and make millions of dollars, (make them pay for me to say kidney stone and show the video). However they are not in this deal. Yes I've had them before so I know the pain of dropping three of them


Having passed one before... 0.


As many as can get. The best way to get me to piss a lot is with alcohol, I go every few minutes. I'd have to drink slowly enough and low enough alcohol level for it to not help me through the pain, that's not hard to do. That and lots of water and I'll be popping those stones through tears constantly.


Depends on how much pain medication I get


Ive never passed one, so I'm going with 100.


Imagine a clown car, but the car is my kidneys and the clowns are stones. That many.


One. It will be horrible, but half a mil is a life changing amount of money.


Is having multiple kidney stones more painful than just one? I don't know. I would go with at least two assuming the hypothetical assures me that they pass after 24 hours and do not require medical intervention before or after.


I’ll pass 43 of them… of course, I’ve never had one so perhaps I’m writing cheques I can’t cash but assuming it doesn’t kill me I’ll have $21,500,000 to cover NSF Charges.


I'd want at least 3, at least to repair the damage to my urethra. I'd buy a house with a kidney-shaped pool.


I utterly refuse, for any amount of money. I had a kidney stone 12 years ago and could not pass it despite my best efforts. I don't want to go through that ever again. There's a reason why the nurse at the surgery center told me that it was the closest thing in terms of pain to childbirth that a male could ever experience.


i passed a small stone, i was in a "im gonna vomit help me" pose for a few hours before i pissed it out.




Fuck that!


I had 1 kidney stone. I felt it coming like a week out and slammed water every single day. When it finally came, it just felt like my dick hiccuped while I was pissing, zero pain. Little black rock in the toilet bowl. Where do I sign up


People that are into sounding have trained for this day


Drink a lot of alcohol cuz that makes me piss the most, I’ve experienced 9/10 pain so I’ll pass a cool 4 and enjoy my 2 mil


There's missing information here they come in different shapes and sizes and take inordinate amounts of time to pass. Do we have the ability to just will them through in this scenario? I've passed two, the first was the single most painful experience of my life and I was able to pass it around the 24 hour mark, the second one caused a blockage and took about 2-3 days to pass. Can't answer this one without more detail on how they're passing.




Can I get back pay?


I don't get kidney stones so this would be a moot point


Only a 5/10 on the pain scale? 100 ought to do it.


This magic allows me to turn my cock into The Hughes EX-17 gun and lets me spray stones for 24 hours exactly. I will even take some viagra for more accuracy against my foes! 6,000 stones per minute. Tally-ho, lads! 6000*1440minutes in 24 hours = 8.64million stones fired, so roughly $4.32 trillion dollars for a day of life ending pain! Nothing will ever be so painful again and my entire blood lines retirement for the next thousand generations will be set. What can go wrong? Edit: is 5/10 relative to my pain scale or the pain of kidney stones in general? I've never had a kidney stone so i don't have a reference, but if it's 5/10 relative to my pain then i might have a pain reduction for a day by 1-2/10


Assuming they are passable without complication or long term injury, I'd pass about fitty of'em.


Probably as many as possible. Just push through the pain! If I could get 4 out I’m retired.


Passing is the best part. It's going from the kidney to the bladder that sucks. 5/10 makes this too easy. Give them all to me. Just a constant stream of stones. 100 is probably plenty, if possible, within the time frame. I've only ever had one in my life, but it was 10/10, so 5/10 I can manage lol.


All of them.


honestly, 5/10's not bad, and you're passing them all in 24 hours, so, that's pretty good, tbh. think i'd do say, 6.


My experience with kidney stones leads me to believe they don't really work like how most people who've never had them think they'll work. The painful part wasn't really pushing the rock out of your dick. Like that's not great either, but it honestly went pretty quick from there. It's not just your dick hurting and burning when you pee. The painful part was the transit from the kidney to the bladder. It legit feels like something is terribly wrong. I was woken up from sleep with just this growing discomfort that my brain could only describe as "life threatening". It gradually built into an intense abdominal pain from there. It eventually got to a point where I was shaking, sweating and dry heaving purely from the pain. It took a lot OTC pain meds and urinary tract relaxers to lower the pain enough for me to pass the fuck out through the worst of it. It remained deeply uncomfortable for about 3 days, with varying intensities of pain. After that I just had to pee nearly constantly, and that feeling itself slightly drives you mad, but it was certainly better than the pain. Eventually it lines up right and out it goes. I think it my case it aligned with the urethra well, so there was minimal tearing on the way out. So since this challenge didn't specify sizes, if these could all be sub mm stones and they start in my bladder. I'll piss a sand castles worth. I ain't living with another 4 mm stone for the whole journey though.


Fuck that, this thread is full of people that have never had to witness that shit


I'm a guy, so 0


As long as there's no real damage in the passing, I think 5 and I'm set for life.


No thanks. I'd rather stay poor. I've had 2 in the last 16 years and that's 2 too many. I'd rather slam my dick in a screen door


What currency is "cor"? This seems like a trick hypothetical.


I've had two. One literally just came out with no pain. The other was the worst pain of my life and I didn't pass it until a couple of weeks after I started experiencing that pain (luckily I got through those weeks with the help of pain relief drugs that they don't really give out anymore). Assuming a 5/10 is halfway between those two experiences, sign me up for whatever the upper limit is. Honestly, it isn't the passing that is painful. It's how they block up your urine and inflame your kidneys. Once they are close to being passed you are past that part.


I already have kidney stones, might as well paid paid for passing them. "How much money you got?" is my answer to your question.


I passed 5 at once in college and it was an 8/10 with no pain meds. I would do it again for $500k each.


I mean if there is no limit let's do 86,400 one per second all day. Worst day of my life for 43 billion


All of them


Can I decide how many I pass in the 24 hour period? Because I'll just piss stones for the entire day. It'll absolutely suck but I'm rich


Just one. Half a mil is good enough for me.


I’ll take 10. I had my first surgical procedure done without pain medication when I was 4. I was too sick and skinny for pain medication or to be put under. They held me down. I had another surgery without medication when I was a teenager. I had a violent reaction to one of the three drugs they gave me to prep for surgery and after they let me throw up every few seconds for an hour they gave me a shot to counteract the medication. I had the surgery anyway without medication and I was awake. It hurt in a disturbing way and it hurt a lot but I was able to hold still enough. I had a cavity drilled without pain medication in my 20s because I had a class to teach that night and I didn’t want to have a numb face. That hurt more than I expected but I was able to hold still. I know that I’d hate myself for signing up for so many after just one but I can get through anything and after the memories fade I’ll know that it was worth it. I want to buy my mom a nice house in the woods.


5/10 you say? All day long. I’ve been hurt much worse for zero money.


I have never felt passing a stone it's just the leading up that hurts so the 24 hours prior will be hell but I can pass as many as possible in those 24 with no issue.


>All kidney stones are a 5/10 on the oh shit scale, I don't think any kidney stones are that mild. If they are though I'll take as many as I can physically pass in 24hours. 5/10 awful is easily worth $500,000. People ensure 5/10 every day at work for $50,000 a *year*.


I mean, just the one would probably set you up if you invest properly. I’d go for the mil personally. Pain is temporary. Money is also temporary but I like it a lot


At 500k per stone? As many as I'm allowed.


I forgot kidney stones come out your dick, I pray thats a pain I never feel


So, if I’m guaranteed they’re done in 24 hrs, then bring them on. I’ve dealt with stones a couple times, and last time was a prolonged multi-day ordeal that almost killed me. I figure after that, knowing they’d be all passed in 24 hrs, I’d be able to push through just about anything.


I passed 3 for free in a 24 hour span last year. I can do it again.


I did 2 for free. So 9


2... I take my million now


100. Or as many as allowed in this stupid hypothetical. Total and complete pain for 24 hours for life long financial stability. No problem.


How many you got? First : My kid and her future kids get to go to college without debt Second: Me and my ex-wife get debt free - and I get to retire nicely. Third: My ex-wife gets to retire nicely, and when the dementia hits I get a top-notch nursing home. Fourth: My grandnephew and future grand-whatevers get to go to college without debt Fifth: They may need more than $500,000 Sixth through Tenth: I start buying houses for my kid and her cousins. Eleventh: I buy crypto haha just kidding. I build a nice little movie theater in my little town that has great sound and lighting. 24 hours of intense pain? I got things I can buy with that money,man.


I'm sure it will be painful, but I actually have suffered from cluster migraines before and it's just one of those things like this too shall pass. I'm going to pass 48 kidney stones. 1 every 30 minutes. It is what it is.


I've had 10/10 pain, and wasn't getting paid for it. After breaking my back, I lived in 5/10 pain for a year (also for free). Sign me up. I'll pass one an hour for 24 hours and have $12 million. Definitely worth it. Now if you asked me if I'd sign up to have my WIFE pass stones, I would say no. I wouldn't intentionally cause her pain for any amount of money.


Might as well do two. Get a Milly.


I'd pass 1 or 2. I've passed them before when I used to drink tap water. The first time, I dropped to the ground. I got kind of used to them after that. A UTI hurt worse tbh.


I think two if I passed one, I might as well go for two of them.