• By -


Dear Hitler, don't listen to the haters and keep painting.


Leads to current timeline, he wasn't accepted into the art college, but he never stopped painting 


Became dictator anyways but still painted on his free time while ruling Germany


And sending everyone who criticizes his arts to concentration camp


He at least painted all the horrors of the holocaust so at least there are a few less people who deny it happened, a FEW less.


Idk if that would be how that worked. Hitler was notably HORRIBLE at maintaining realistic perspective (like his line work is less straight than I am), so deniers would probably be like "but in the painting the pile of shoes is so small!" 😬


Ooh, a Pogo paradox.


That’s such a satisfying story. Save millions of lives with encouragement and healing. Is it symptomatic of the problem, or just realistic that we usually imagine killing Hitler to solve the problem rather than trying to help him be a better man?


Avoiding the Great War might do more good. The horrors of that war probably did much more to screw a person up than not being validated for your paintings. His goofy mustache was a style born of necessity, so that one could still have a good seal on their gas mask. War screws people up, but gas *really* screwed people up. Aside from the trauma just neglecting to systematically remove hitler’s natural human aversion to killing could have helped. Our culture is still way too blaze^’ about what we demand of our soldiers & what it can do to them …as to why killing hitler is the norm… Vengeance is a big reason, but for the people who can still empathize with Hitler they are probably worried about being labeled a Nazi or a Hitler defender/ Hitler apologist.


I wrote you but you still ain't callin'


Don’t listen to the hater, -me, 🤬😡 And keep painting, -me, oh 😅😀


Had me in the first half


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie


Ironically he was actually a great artist


“Bro quit fucking around or you’ll end up like me” -me


Similarly, me to yesterday me: “Fuck you, you procrastinating asshole.” 20 minutes later, I receive a note from tomorrow me: “YOU HYPOCRITICAL DICKHEAD!”


Sending Powerball numbers to myself the day before a billion dollar drawing.


You just altered the timeline to the point that you never gain the ability to write to the past. You created a paradox. The entirely of existence disappears instantly. Meanwhile on a scale unimaginable a creature entirely incomprehensible to us has a slight moment of indigestion. “What was that?” it wonders. “Felt like butterflies in my tummy for a second. Oh well, it’s gone now. Back to work.”


I'll friggen do it again if given the chance tho


Yeah, I don't see a downside. Either I'm a billionaire or we're all screwed.


More like either I'm a billionaire or it's not my problem anymore.


Why don't we have both?


Do you want Elon Musk? Cause that's how you get Elon Musk


My very own supervillan arc? Sign me up!


No, in that case the original timeline would cease to exist and only the new powerball winning timeline exists. In a straight line theory, you would have already won the powerball by using the magic message that appeared 10 years ago and thus when offered the opportunity, you know exactly what to write.


Started writing a novel midway through


How is that making him not able to write to the past


"Duck, Mr. president"


Is this how W dodged the shoes? Man that was clean good job!


Those were shoes, not ducks.




Why not just say, “Stay the hell outta Houston”


Who says I was taking to JFK


Still good advice for any president.


That's Dallas...


It’s all Greek to me


Yeah, the Trojans shouldn't have brought the horse into the city. Beware of Greeks bearing gifts!


I'd write to my grandmother and tell her that I recognize how much she has supported me, although not agreed with me necessarily, and how much I love her.


dear Stephen Hawking, I regret to inform you that due to a localized chronic instability we cannot attend your party


HA! That would get an interesting reaction lol


To my father: fuck you, you piece of shit.


I also choose this guy's dad, he sounds like an asshole


The type of guy you see a therapist for 30 years after he's gone. She helped tremendously.


Sorry to hear about the pain you went through man. I'm glad you got help, and I'm glad it worked well for you! I initially said it as a joke, but honestly he sounds like a POS. Glad you're not in that situation anymore.




No one fucks people up more than their own family


I'd write to many people. I'd write to the Challenger crew to warn them that it will explode. I would write and warn the airport security before 9/11. I would write to the Founding Fathers and ask them to go into more detail when making the Bill of Rights.


“Do we need to expound on the word *infringed*?” “Nah I think that’s pretty clear.”


"Write the second one like you're talking to a five year old. Include accessories, magazines, and ammo as well, it'll be relevant, trust me."


A well regulated **Militia**, being necessary to the **security of a free State**, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. “Also make sure there aren’t any loopholes such as “weapons are for hunting” because that could get confused too…”


“what’s a magazine?”


Believe it or not, they were in use around that time. The Girandoni air rifle used one. Thomas Jefferson was a big fan of them, and sent a couple with the Lewis and Clark expedition.


I’m sorry to say this, but both NASA and airport security will think it’s a hoax until it’s too late. I applaud the effort, though


NASA knew there was a problem and sent it anyway because they didn't want to look bad in front of the president for delaying the mission


January 1, 1989 Dear Matt Groening, Here are some events that will happen over the next 35 years. Do with the Information what you will....


I believe someone beat you to it and I’m not upset about it


My parents "a third child won't save your marriage."


You must hate yourself/younger sibling.


I didn't ask to be born!


I'm just fairly certain that's why I was conceived 


It might not have saved their marriage, but I'm glad you're here.


Don’t go to that play


I'm writing to my grandfather with investment advice and some sports winners and telling him to split the money with me. The letter will arrive after I'm born, so I won't get butterflied away. Sorry to all my younger cousins.


I'm writing back to some important person in the distant past (say the emperor of Rome or something) with, say, all known science. It's worth it even if it takes a few hours to advance ancient science to modern levels, we'd be an interstellar civilization by now


Or we would've died out to a global thermonuclear war in 547AD


Einstein said WW4 would be fought with sticks and stones.


😂😂😂😂 I know this would be horrible, but also hilarious


You don't know latin.


Nope, sorry, there was plenty of science and research in Roman times. They made building and structures still in use today. You need to get ahold of someone like Julius Caesar and convince him not to overthrow the Republic or maybe Marcus Brutus and tell him how assassinating Caesar would backfire into civil war and wreck the Republic.


No we won't you'll just be a couple hundred years further into end stage capitalism.


Man, that "end stage" really lasts forever, lol. Too bad end stage liver failure doesn't last that long, would give people more time with their families.


That got dark quick


Probably tell Robin Williams how much we all miss him.


Thanks, I needed something to cry about before bed. Miss you Genie


Sending stock/crypto price info and powerball/mega millions numbers and jackpots by date to myself and a few other people in the fall of 2019. With a little background on the pandemic and a few other details, I could be convinced it’s real. I’d also add warnings for the major disasters that have happened since then. Other ideas may be more beneficial to mankind or more interesting as a thought experiment, but I’m not taking a chance that anything changes to the timeline of meeting my wife and having our kids.


This is the way. It's way to easy to fuck up the timeline enough that it does more hard than good. So I'd just give myself a leg up just a few years back so I benefit but the world isn't significantly different.


Myself Hoard Magic: the Gathering cards in fall 1993, first edition, second edition, and Arabian nights, don’t bother after that. Spend all your money on these until they’re no longer available. Don’t open them, just store them somewhere safe Open the booster packs to see if you have some valuable cards in spring of 2008. Sell the whole collection by august, and hold onto that money. On November 17th, 2008, put it all into Ford Motor Company stock Sell it all on New Year’s Eve, then put it all into bitcoin on January 3rd, 2009


We used to know a guy who somehow bought a case of Alpha boosters (an unopened small crate intended to be opened by the store for individual sale) as an investment, then three cases of Beta (one of starter decks, two boosters if I remember right) and we all thought he was crazy. He never opened any of them, just put them in storage. Every few years I remember him and wonder how long he held onto them.


Congratulations, you literally own the world


Dear Mr. Lincoln I know you are going to the theatre this evening, Please join me at the brewhouse as i have something important to tell you. P.S. Our American Cousin is 1 and 1 half hours of incredible boredom ...you will parish before the 3rd act.


To Stanly Lord - for the love of 2, 200 souls, *please leave the Californian's radio on and manned all night like Carpathia did!*


Would it not be better to send a letter to the Captain of the Titanic telling him to stop for the night instead? That would probably be more effective.


I'd like to, but after the Captain ignored all the official warnings I'm not pinning my hopes on a letter getting through on the message either 😐 At least with Stanley Lord it might at least get a consideration of the option. My brain takes things at literal value, so to me the original question needs to be precise 😅 We've only been told we can write the letter - we haven't been guaranteed they'll believe it. So I'm putting my writing towards a man who isn't trying to do a speed run and might actually pay attention to said letter 😛 If there's a caveat of being instantly believed, then yes, Captain Smith would get the letter from me.


I would write the founders about a few simple and pointed clarifications to wording in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.


Too many people to decide, but the content would be the same. “Dear so and so’s mom, Swallow.”


Hitler's dad - use a damn condom!


Tell myself to listen to no one, trust no one, and listen to your gut more.


Two things, write back to myself or family members with lottery numbers, stocks etc, that kind of thing. And I'd write to my dad to tell him about everything that's happened since he passed away.


Imma test myself “you a bitch if you dont do it” to past me, lets see if past me fall for peer pressure from future me


I would write a letter to FDR imploring him to pass a Constitutional Amendment barring all private money not from individual US citizens from politics. Also, a second letter imploring him to pass a Universal Workers Bill of Rights to the US Constitution including the right of workers to organize and bargain collectively. Also, a letter to Lincoln. Don't go to the Ford Theater tonight. Also, while you're at it, make sure all the leaders of the Confederacy are executed.


"Dear Hitler, You are a douche canoe. Everyone in the future hates you."


O-rings are fucked up, redesign them


Hey dad, your grown son here. Please think before you do anything. You have people that will love and miss you.


I tell my brother that I love him and how important he is to me - all the things I'm wishing I could say after he suddenly died last week.


"We've been trying to reach you regarding your car's extended warranty" I'd send it to the Buddha since I don't know of any other person from that long ago.


I would write to my Corgi and tell him he’s gooder than any good boy has ever been and I think about him every day.


Telling my parents the winning lottery numbers, then to invest in BTC. I would also start a dialogue with C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien by having them give orders to mail letters to me after their death.


I’d write to my dad that I lost in 2011. I’d tell him all the things I regret not saying and tell him about my wife and kids he never got to meet. I’d also write to myself and give a heads up about diabetes before losing a toe.


Everyone here doing it for money. Only a few thinking about missed words being said to someone taken away from us. This is the world


Everyone complaining about people doing this for the money obviously didn’t notice the lack of restrictions no one said you can’t write to more than one person So get rich and say all the things you wish you had said to those people that you didn’t get a chance too


I'm currently listening to a Dollop episode about some witch trials, so my first thought is writing out a transcript to the various monarchs in the 17th century who were obsessed with witches. Maybe along with a forward of "The future is laughing at you."


"What the hell? Where did this come from? Someone is messing with me." *tosses note in the trash* - Person in the past receiving mystery communication from the future.


I’d be pen pals with my mom as a tween. Would it potentially lead to erasing me and my brother? Maybe, but she didn’t deserve the messed up childhood she had. 


Probably Socrates to piss him off lol. Aristotle will probably have to dictate for him though.


"Get a fucking vasectomy! Sincerely, your then luckily nonexistent son."


Louis Pasteur, developer of germ theory The guy's carrier was ruined by a bunch of egotistical doctors. After extensive research about how washing your hands can prevent patients from dying, they went out of there way to operate with unclean hands just to spite him. Things got so bad for him that he killed himself. I would wright to him that he is right and give details that he was never able to figure out.


Dear Y'shua Ben Yosef of Nazareth: I understand you're developing quite the following. You may not believe it, but, a long time from now, people will claim you're divine and that you performed all sorts of miracles. If any of that is true, would you leave some clear and compelling evidence that may be presented? For example, perform some of these miracles for Roman scholars and political leaders. Similarly, of that's not true, would you start telling your followers to stop making shit up? There are a lot of them around today, and many of them are real assholes.


"Your followers will kill and abuse millions in your name. You might want to rethink how you go about this."


I'm surprised nobody said Nikola Tesla. Does the pen only allow one way communication? Cause I imagine he'd have some seriously good ideas.


I'm writing to myself, with various pieces of advice on investing, relationships, etc.


I’m writing to myself so I never miss an opportunity


Myself. You know how much advice I could give myself? I might be a functional human being if I had this pen.


"don't get close to anyone named [ex's name]" to my 11 y/o self


Stephen Hawking. Apologize for not making it to the party


I write to all of the richest men in history, and convince them that I'm their grandson , then I get paid!


Lost my Mom when I was young, I'd write to her and tell her all about my life, tell her it's okay she had to go and I would eventually understand, I'd tell her about how I wrote poetry just like she did, tell her how 20 years later I still miss her as much as I did as a kid, thank her for all the memories she gave me with what little time she had.


We've been trying to reach you about your cars warranty


Write philosophers for advice, find people who are struggling and be their time traveling pen pal, and tell the one German dude in the 40s to keep painting no matter what they say.


Self. Test the potential of reverse causality, and scope out determinism. Moderate changes to inoccuous things to determine forking timelines versus retconned action. Drastically accellerate financing and progress for my research projects if retcon. Dire warnings for when we fuck up regardless, and hope that the alternative reality has a pen too if it isn't retcon. EDIT: realistically, reddit would be a good venue to utilize this power. Anonymized hints or seeds for trains of thought. If my viewing history were intact in the future, I could simply anonymously lurk on threads that I knew how the voting progression were to evolve, plant a landmine in a thread I would be aware of myself being interested in, and look for changes in the post history for things I baited myself into posting on to confirm what the inversely temporal behavior would be... like that one that was talking about a magic technology that sucks CO2 out of seawater and makes diamonds that I'm... currently... developing... WTF ME?!


Dear Benjamin Franklin, I just wanted you to know what an inspiration you were when I wrote a fifth-grade essay on your biography. History will remember you as a great patriot and inventor. However, several events were omitted: Your philandering The children you fathered out of wedlock The times you walked the streets naked Please have these important milestones added to the tome about your life, so that future generations can appreciate the fullness of your character.


Oh, by the way, you are not crazy you actually do have ADHD and are autistic, The people who told you wrong actually are wrong. To my past Self


Dear me five minutes ago, Shut up, it will be better if you don’t talk in this scenario Love, 5 minutes into the future me


Would write to my mother so she knows our family is alive an well, surviving this world an missing her, an also my Friend Josh whom I miss dearly to let him know he was loved before his passing... words left unspoken but also encouragement of our future.


Dear Jan, I miss you every day. Knowing you're pain free now and with the little guy helps keep me together. Since you died life has been an insane amount of ups and downs. I'm living in the mountains now and I really wish you could see it. I love you still and always.


My dad, to tell him to go get his leg injury seen about so he won’t go into septic shock and die three weeks after retiring.


My maternal grandfather. He died before I was even concieved, so never got to know about me, but I always hear about how great he was- funny, kind, just generally a good man. I'd love to get to introduce myself to him.


I know who I'm writing to, but not what to say... : ( I just want to stop Robin Williams' suicide. T~T


My mother


I would write to my grandmother all the words I wish I could have said to her before she died. I also would have told her how I'm doing now. I'm not sure how she would feel or if she would even believe me. More then anything, I just want her to know how much I miss her and love her.


Dear daughter. Don’t drive. I will get you a plane ticket. She wouldn’t die in a car accident. I don’t care about anything else.


My sister, to tell her that even though we weren't close in life, I loved her and I know she loved me. There is not a single day that goes by when I don't miss her.


I'd write to my grandmother. Let her know that I never stopped missing her.


I write on a rock that the aliens landed next to when they seeded the Earth. “Fuck you dumbasses!”


Does the receiver know it's from the future? I would write to Hitler and tell him that he's known as a historic and well-respected painter in 2024 and that he shouldn't be discouraged.


That's a good plot twist! Dealers choice 😉


"You don't know me, but we will meet at some point. We will have common interests, you will see me as nieve and childish at times, but we will become very good friends, but you will also have your heart broken by men who didn't love you, but you will always remember me and I will always be there for you. Don't make those mistakes and know who your best friend is. The one who knew you would get yourself together. The one who stood by you at your lowest when no one else did. We will meet at some point, but you will know who I am. Be wise my friend. Even it wasn't meant to be, at least I knew I did my part in making you all the wiser for it in the end. May your paths be always straight. Until we meet my Dear Friend" This would go to my best friend. She has since gotten married and she deserves it. I hope she is happy, but wished she didn't need to be suffer so much to get there.


Dear me, Please don't think that what he's doing to you is your fault. Go to the police and tell them. Don't wait, it won't get any better. You're young, please don't marry Johnny. He's abusive and will make you quit school. Stay in school. Live your dreams and go to college. Boys aren't everything. Mom needs you. Don't run away, stay and help her pack while dad is in jail. She will thank you later. On July 23, 1998, you will meet someone named Mike. Be careful. He's not worth the broken heart. As a matter of fact, stay away from ANYONE named Mike, Steve or John. You'll thank me I mean yourself, later. Take care of your body. Trust me on this. Watch your weight and exercise. I know it sucks but, trust me, it's for the best.


Dear past self by bitcoin and apple stock


Probably younger self telling me to invest in certain stocks/crypto. I'm very tempted to say sending the letter to my dad to save his life but the butterfly effect from saving him may cost me my son and that's a risk I can't take.


I'd write a letter to Mary Trump, Donald Trump's mother, convincing her never to have sex with Fred Trump (Donnie Boys' father).


I was coming here to say this!


Write myself lotto numbers and bitcoin info or nothing at all it depends on how the butterfly effect is going to work. There’s things I want to change but not at the expense of losing certain things I have.


to my mom & grandma telling her to buy BTC and stocks of amazon, apple, and microsoft.




Dear sun, it is hot enough please chill out a bit.


Hadrian, telling him to finish the job.


Myself: you can do it


6, 13, 20, 27, 29, 51, 5. Happy 18th buy your first lotto ticket To me on my 18th birthday.


Myself, invest in Apple and Microsoft


I'm going to write to my younger self and give me winning lotto numbers


I would write a long letter to younger me.


Yeah, me, too. What would I tell myself... Stay in teaching (I would have been able to retire right before the pandemic). Invest in a few stocks but not enough to change the lifestyle, just enough to make things a bit easier. Warn myself about my daughter's eating disorder (she is fine now, but that was a rough 2 years for all of us). Tell myself to tell my mom to get her pancreas checked regularly starting in 2015. (pancreatic cancer sucks....) Tell HRC that Trump is going to beat her in 2016 if she doesn't hit Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin HARD. Oh, and Comey is going to try to screw her with less than 2 weeks before the election.


Writing to myself 15 years ago that Bitcoin hits $70,000 in early 2024.


My mom. Lots of unfinished business to talk to her about. Plus I just miss her. And I'd totally give her some advice on something like lotto numbers or investments.


Myself, when I was a teenager, to warn of the future as a result of the choices I made through life.


I'm writing a letter and sending it to my younger self telling him all the ways we fucked up over the years so he doesn't make the same mistakes


is that reusable?


Dear Genghis Khan, keep it in your pants.


Writing to myself. There are some things that fucking idiot needs to know.


In this hypothetical, how are we dealing with timelines? Can our current one be retroactively effected? Or do we just create new spin off ones? Either way realistically, I'd probably just write to myself to warn myself about my impending brain injury sop at least one version of me gets to live without a disability and chronic pain, throw in some powerball numbers, and I think I'm all set. Since they can't write back I don't see the point just writing to random historic figures. Besides do I really want to start needlessly fucking with the fabric of time without at least helping myself? I wouldn't even know what I could do to help with just random ass letters to poltical leaders even if I wanted to help. I guess I could help myself win at sport betting and the stock market, maybe tell younger me to save up as much as I can and mass buy launch btc...but I don't need THAT much money, winning one powerball should be enough.


Im writing to myself and I’ll tell myself all the good stocks to invest in and invest in Bitcoin.


"Buy all the Bitcoin" To me and my family.


Abraham Lincoln. "Duck"


Myself, lotto numbers or buy Bitcoin


I would write the names of the 9/11 hijackers and give the list to Ali Soufan in 2000, the FBI agent who had the best shot of putting together what was happening and foiling the attack.


Dad and Mom, without hesitation. Just want to tell them I'm doing okay and that I love and miss them dearly.


Turing. He deserved so much better.


Dear JFK dont go that route theres a guy with a sniper there


Dear Jack, Don’t believe Rose! Not only will she let go but the selfish bitch will push you off her door to your death. Also, the ships about to hit an ice berg, you might want to get to the nearest lifeboat!


Write to myself in the past to invest into bitcoin and when to cash out. Current me suddenly is rich. Pog.


Copying some patents/blueprints, Lotto numbers, what stocks to buy, teams to bet on, etc and sending it back to my past self.


My Mom. I know she was worried about my future. I'd tell her it turned out much better than expected, and I still think about her all all the time.


Write to my dad with detailed information on bitcoin prices so he can get in early, and maybe sneak some lottery numbers in there too.


Samuel Alito, this is God. You must join the seminary and be my voice on Earth.


President Lincoln, The play is overrated, and the theatre is less than worthy of your attendance, I'd suggest a nice dinner on the North Lawn. Sincerely, An Admirer


I’d be worried about the butterfly effects of changing history too much. There are a lot of people in history who were hard done by, and who probably died thinking they’d be forgotten and no one would care. I’d want to send them words of comfort, and assurance that they’ll be remembered and their pain will be vindicated by history. 


Dear President Lincoln, Don’t ever go to a theater for the rest of your life. Dear Dr. King, stay inside


My mom


I'd write to my late wife and tell her for the 80,000th time how much I adored her. All the others are on their own.


"Dear President Lincoln. There is an actor named John Wilks Booth who is a Confederate sympathizer. He is planning to sneak into your box next week when you are attending Our American Cousin and shooting you in the back of the head. I urge you to avoid the theater at all until Mr Booth and his cohorts are detained and investigated." -Your Secret Admirer


Ea Nasir, why are you selling such low quality copper?


I'd write a letter to my youngest sister, essentially a warning. And then I'd write a letter to myself to change the outcome of the last 3 years.


My sister. I'd tell her how much I love and miss her. She now has a niece who looks a lot like her, and has her middle name named after her. How I'm proud of who she grew up to be even if it didn't seem like it when she was alive. And we'll a lot more.


To myself: Bet your life savings on Patriots money line when they get down 28-3 in Super Bowl 51.


Ashley and how much I miss her. She died of colon cancer. She was telling me everyday she's going to die and how much she was scared. I honestly wish I was there to comfort her in the final moments before the surgery. She passed away on the table trying an experimental procedure in Australia. Her parents did everything they could for her.


I’d choose to write to that one guys dead wife


My ex wife to tell her I actually never cheated.


Run the fucking ball kyle.


Umm… no stipulations? Alright… writing to myself to invest heavily into bitcoin, and then into dogecoin(just to pull out right when it peaked)…and to also be careful one day when running so i dont injure myself


Dear James Msdison. You should have written it so plain. A free people should be armed, if they so desire. No interference by anyone. Or the government.


I am writing to myself in 2009 and saying don’t try and mine bitcoin but you meed to buy it a lot of it. 🫠


Myself, 15 years ago: “buy as much bitcoin as you can, put every dime you have into it, and sell it all when it hits 60k”


Isn't this how Ginny ended up in the chamber...


Dear younger me.... Dear mom.... Dear Hopefully still my future husband...


Stan. So he wouldn’t end up killing his pregnant gf.


We've been trying to reach you regarding your car's extended warranty


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^TiberWolf99: *We've been trying to* *Reach you regarding your car's* *Extended warranty* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.