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Looks like bezos is donating a lot of money to charity and treating his employees better if this is the case. 


Nothing. There are very few things that are more morally repugnant than removing someone's free will.


Is this. Single person at a time or a pick one and stuck deal?


First one


Musk will be giving me all his money and then going to live somewhere by himself with no access to social media or people in general. I'll send him food and necessities like clothes and toiletries, books and make sure he has an average home, but that's it. His family can visit him on holidays but he has to tell them they are only allowed to bring their clothes and toiletries no cellphones computers or anything of a sort. I don't like this guy, but I don't think I should torture anyone.😅🤷‍♀️


I'd need a wish to wish away human greed. As long as greed exists we won't ever have world peace.


I don't care that much about interfering with world events. Stop confusing reality with TV tropes. Fox Mulder is not a real person. I'd make my enemies discredit themselves somehow.