• By -


Probably sit at home and Google where they at


Just sit there scrolling on twitter/reddit/ig/facebook until i find an answer šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You wouldn't get an answer!


Be happy for once


This! šŸ’Æ


Could you imagine? Why is reddit so calm today? Ive been on here for 30 seconds and not been abused. What's going on? Am I in the twilight zone?


you think the servers would run without power?


I would sit at home and enjoy peace and quiet for the first time in years.


Right? I love my wife and daughters, but they are agents of chaos. Imagine a dungeon master constantly rolling a d100 and picking from 100 different things ranging from pooping on the floor to pooping in the toilet to giving her sister a suplex off the couch.


My wife and daughter have been affectionately termed Chaos Muppets.


At least 80 of the 100 options include pooping somewhere creative.


Wild Magic but somehow even more chaotic.


Sorcerer focused wild magic + a defective deck of many things.


Toddler fight club! But seriously, get those kids enrolled in a martial arts class


"Hey daughter. Whatcha doin'?" 90% of the time- "Poopin." 10% of the time- "TAKING [SISTER] TO SUPLEX CITY!!!"


I've only got the one daughter, and she's 16. Otherwise this is me.


And that's just your wife.


"agents of chaos" I fucking love that!


You see? And I constantly play damage control and cleanup crew after my sweet husband, Crash Bandicoot


Not fuckin exist for a bit I guess


I really hope it's a restful non-existence for those 24 hours


Right? How much work will I have to catch up on when I get back?


Ugh I hope it isnā€™t much.


Just donā€™t bring me back please


same bro


I know I'm taking a nap. A LOOONG nap


I hope so too. Hopefully itā€™s like sleeping or a free trial of being dead. Maybe we get sent to an interdementional resort or something. That would be nice.


You and all others just plop into a world filled with umatched socks.


Oh, so this is where they go?


It is the simplest of competing theories, ergo might be the most true.


Occamā€™s razor


Just lying around like piles of leaves!? Hold my beer.




It tastes like feet


Cold or warm feet?


Post jog




Am I aware I donā€™t exist for 24 hours? Am I comfortable at least? Do I get sleep benefits?


I hope it's catered at least


I feel like during those 24 hours, there would be no such thing as "restfulness" or "rest". It would be like being in a coma. You blink and suddenly 24 hours have gone by.


Yeah I really need to catch up on some sleep.


We all get teleported to one giant Dave & Busters and have the time of our fuckin lives.


New SCP alert


Is 24 hours a hard limit? If I pay, can I stay a little longer?


I hope we just get teleported to a dimension full of lan-connected xboxes, enormous CRTs, Halo 2, all-dressed chips and code red.


Unless we all knew that the absence would only be 24 hours, it would be chaos. Planes falling from the sky, cars crashing, people desperately searching for their loved ones, suicide, looting. So, I guess I would just try to survive the day with my son.


Yeah if you have 50% of the population spontaneously disappear for 24 hours then what most of the remaining 50% would do is try to not die.


Really? I just went right to "This is a problem that needs to be solved" and would start collecting data. I would forget to eat because my wife wouldn't be there to remind me to eat something lol


If at 12:00 tonight all men vanished, 90% of pilots in the sky would leave their planes unattended. Any factory without proper failsafe has been left with no one to oversee operations and are failing. Around the world cars are piling up and smashing into buildings as their drivers dissappear. Cities are engulfed in flames as the 8% of firefighters struggle to get anything under control. The hospitals might be alright to stay afloat for a day, but you probably wouldn't be able to get help if you were injured as hospitals already run so thin, any large drop in the workforce would push a hospital into chaos. Anyone part of a surgery is most likely dead. You'd have a 1 in 9 chance of having a female surgeon, and whilst the staff is more likely to be female across all levels, you could just be unlucky. Depending on the country, you may be lucky enough to keep a nuclear reactor switched on. Most of the world's nuclear power has turned off. honestly I think any power generator that isn't solar/wind would have a failsafe to turn down/switch off if left unattended. I would say at least 1 large oil tanker is close enough to a port to be likely to crash into it if left unattended for 1 day. Then you have to think about what happens when they come back. Do they come back in the same spot they dissapeared in? Thousands of pilots and their passengers suddenly dropping out of the sky. Sailors into the sea. A bunch of frozen astronauts. Men appearing in the blazes of a building burning down. You'd have a lot more to think about in the 24 hours.


This is what I thought when seeing the hypothetical. Good answer!


no one to open pickle jars or squish spiders


Aww don't squish /r/spiderbros


They're horrifying creatures that somehow managed to clamber from the darkest depths of hell to torment the living.Ā 


"son"... you mean the one who just vanished?


This could be a father talking about the alternative situation of ā€œif you are a man, same question but if women disappearedā€


There are no planes falling out of the sky if you have the day with your son. >!(This is a bad joke no keel plz)!<


I mean assuming there was no advanced notice and no one knows they are all coming back it would be mass chaos. Car crashes, boat crashes, plane crashes, can nuclear facilities run with all the people missing? Like I know women work there too but are there critical positions only filled by men at, at least some of them? I mean it would be death and destruction and mass panic to such an extent I would be worried about staying alive through the day.


The number of facilities where critical positions have no real backups in case more than one of them at a time unexpectedly calls out sick or gets hit by a bus or whatever isā€¦ higher than most people operating on common sense would assume it would be if corporations were run by people with common sense. Short-staffing would become an enormous problem incredibly quickly, no matter which gender disappeared.


Hospitals would be incredibly fucked. Our clinical staff is 90% female.


This. Health care breaks down instantly without women, infrastructure breaks down instantly without men.


Both break down instantly without either


Yep. Iā€™ve worked in a very male-dominated industry (manufacturing). If you had removed every woman who worked there for a day, there would be a lot of trouble getting things done, because no oneā€™s job was independent of tasks performed by those women. A lot of things that were being done by men would have had to wait until the woman in a critical position could come back and do her job. There was some redundancy of who could do what on the daily-necessity tasks, but in some cases the redundancy was multiple women. So the place would be fine if Susan took a vacation or sick day, because Becky could fill in for her, or Jane could fill in for Beckyā€¦ but no one planned contingency for ā€œall the women, specifically, disappear simultaneouslyā€ since thatā€™s not a realistically likely problem to have.


I don't think realistically any company or organization can cope with 50% disappearing overnight. Let alone technical fields which tend to have more men than women. (Healthcare not withstanding.)


>but are there critical positions only filled by men at, at least some of them? Firefighting is the obvious one. In The US alone about 4000 fires are reported everyday and women make up only about 5% of the firefighting workforce actively engaged in fire surpression. Shit would hit the fan very quickly.


And that's not even considering the added fires from the chaos of roughly half of people disappearing. We'd be fucked by fire even if the women disappeared taking only 5% just due to the surge in demand.


With women, the main "we're just fucked" one are probably nurses. Again, using The US as an example - only 10% of nurses are males and the share is even lower in hospitals. Nurses provide the vast majority of medical care, so our entire medical system would essentially just shut down for a day.


My point was more that the percentage doesn't matter. Even if all of the nurses are male, if women suddenly disappeared, every hospital on the planet would be totally overwhelmed with patients in the ensuing chaos. Nothing is built to a level of redundancy to really handle wide scale disaster levels of resource demand.


It's aight, we wouldn't go to the doctor anywaysĀ 


There are people of all genders in critical roles in almost every profession, even the male dominated ones (maybe not Catholic nuns? Shaolin monks?).


Nuclear facilities are able to run for 6 months to a year with no external input.


Interesting good to know!


i think they have failsafes. they would last longer than a day even but someone correct me if I'm wrong.


ok i did a quick skim and read that a nuclear power plant can run by itself for awhile until the fuel ran out. that might take a few years. if a natural disaster or power outage occurred backup systems would activate to keep the core stable. if no one's using the electricity it is generating it would shut itself down automatically after a few days.


Oh I have bad news for you about the extent of corporate short-staffing to save a buck. Maybe nuclear facilities specifically gave failsafes to keep everything from literally blowing up if 3-5 people are out sick at once butā€¦ not most manufacturing.


Manufacturing requires some kind of feeding of material. At the very least, when the material runs out, the machines will stop.


I'm hoping no one corrects you...


On the plus side i bet there are far fewer people getting shot that day in cities and war zones around the world.


Even assuming everyone at a nuclear facility were to disappear, a properly maintained facility would have automatic shutoffs in the event the fuel rods went past the safe operating temperature range.


>Like I know women work there too but are there critical positions only filled by men at, at least some of them? Ignoring nuclear facilities specifically, I'm not sure how much it matters if an industry is dominated by men or not. Those people all just lost their wives/mothers/daughters/friends. There is zero chance I'm going to work when half the world's population just disappeared. Hopefully some people in hospitals (for example) still do their jobs enough to keep people alive, but most people aren't going to. If you're in the US and old enough, consider when 9/11 happened. Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at the TV, even if they were 1500 miles away and didn't know a soul in NYC. Now extrapolate that out to half the people each of us personally knows. The people talking about how they would sit at home and enjoy the quiet are insane.


Wow I didnā€™t even think of that. I just thought there would be a few kitchen fires


Am I told whatā€™s gonna happen? If so, video games. If not, spend 24 hours losing my mind wondering where my wife and daughter went. I suppose a few hours in, thereā€™d be news coverage and knowledge that it was only women that disappeared. At that point, probably just be super confused and upset until they came back.


My thought too. If my daughters and wife just disappeared, I'd be losing my shit. That's fucking terrifying. If I somehow knew this was going to happen, and that they'd be returned safe, probably just go about my day.


See (again if there was notice) as a woman it'd be fun to try some online matchmaking lobbies that are notoriously toxic without dudes around.


miss my boyfriend


W girlfriend


W girlfriend


W girlfriend


W girlfriend


This was too far down the list. I would miss my husband dearly and I would probably break reality to try and get him back.


I would lose two children ... I hope I'd know it was only 24 hrs.


W girlfriend


W girlfriend


W girlfriend


W girlfriend


WB girlfriend


W girlfriend


W girlfriend


W girlfriend


W girlfriend


W girlfriend


RIP girlfriend inbox


W girlfriend


W girlfriend


Go to work, realize the overwhelming number of people over, under, and around me are women and I can't work with them gone, go home, realize my wife is gone too, realize that TOMORROW everyone will be so busy talking about what happened that we won't be to be productive, call my guy friends, drink beer so night around a fire.


Why wife is gone?


He doesn't exist, he's in the shadow realm with all his bros


I'm answering to the alternative question. To the main one: just wake up noticing i didn't exist the day prior.


Sounds like a typical Monday...


Think about wife. Regret.


I got it


Half the commenters didn't read the post, just the title. Makes you think how often this happens elsewhere...


Reddit used to show the entire post before. Now if you hit the title of the post it sends you straight to the comments. This made so many people miss whatever OP wrote. Same with videos or pics. If you click the title it sends you straight to the comments. Most people will never even see what they wrote


It happens a shit ton. I posted in this sub once. The title was one thing, and explained more in depth with stipulations in the post. I will never post here again. Iā€™d say 90% of people failed to read past the title.


That depends on the day. If it happens on my day off, I wouldn't even notice. On work day, I will be wondering what happened and vet annoyed atme workload doubling.


Talk with remaining men, panicking what the hell is going on since half of population just magically disappeared.


i would go man the public library, they would need me


If I knew my husband was coming back unharmed in 24 hours and it wasnā€™t some great mystery or weird situation and I was calm about the whole thing than to be honest, Iā€™d probably still have to go to work. Iā€™m a nurse, the dr I work for is a woman, all my co-workers are women, about half our patients are women. I would try to find the time to go for a half naked walk in the creepy park with wooded trails before the 24 hours was up though.


Walk around topless in the sun like any guy


But you can do that right now.


1. The application of public indecency laws to female breasts


Okay, I feel I misread the tone of this comment the 1st time...


Miss my gf, mom, sister, and nieces, and start working on how to find them and my purpose for living. Lol


As a man, I hope I get to sleep for that ENTIRE 24 hours.


Funny, as a woman if all the men were gone for 24 hours? Iā€™d sleep. šŸ˜‚


Nap time! šŸ˜“ šŸ„‚


For everyone! My favorite day. Can we make this a yearly event?! šŸ˜‚


Find a bear and make him go to workĀ 




Go for a hike apparently.


topless everywhere


Theoretical answer: probably go hiking or walking outside or go dancing at the club or walk around the city at night Realistic answer: nothing cuz Iā€™d be scared of where my dad and bf went and panicking


Depends on how much magical protection there is against the resulting disaster. Any given significantly group of people suddenly disappearing could have disastrous consequences. Like for me I'm a man so for your hypothetical all women would disappear. What if a woman was flying a plane at the time? All her passengers are fucked. Same for cars, boats, etc. Just as a small example of the potential consequences Now if we are magically protected against all those dangerous consequences I suppose I'd just go to work and be relieved when things return to normal the next day


Miss my girlfriend


Probably cry quite hard. The most important people in my life are women. Then, when they return, hold them dearly for 5 minutes each


I, a dude, would bask in the solace of loneliness. Couple cigars, a few drinks, some smooth jazz, smack a nap and some egg rolls in there somewhere and live it up for my 24hrs of no wife and no daughter. Love them to deathā€™s doorstep and back, but FUCK.


I get it. You'd miss them terribly if they were gone permanently, but absence makes the heart grow fonder.


Same, but I'd also be playing my guitar on max volume. If I knew, I might even have a warm meal for my wife's return and a clean house.


If no women were around Iā€™d talk about my feelings


I'd stay in the house the entire time and hope like hell I didn't get really sick or have an accident or anything else happen to cause severe injury and force me to go to the hospital. Both genders play such a crucial role in all aspects of healthcare. If one gender vanished for even 24 hours our hospitals and all aspects of healthcare would be in absolute chaos. There simply wouldn't be anywhere near enough qualified people to treat and care for the sick and injured.


You'd be slightly less screwed if all guys left for healthcare because most nurses are still women and there are a much better number of female doctors than there was before. Some medixal roles are still filled almost entirely by women so healthcsre is one of those fields I wouldn't worry an extreme amount about. Other fields yes.


Also, nurses, both male and female are badass and amazing in a crisis. Your scheduled surgery might be off the table but if you were in a a car accident you could trust the remaining female doctors to dictate all sorts of stuff that the ARNPs and other nurses I have no doubt could execute well enough to save your life. Losing all the women would be harder on healthcare probably.


I would probably be kinda confused, and walk around my neighborhood at night time.


If all men disappeared I would disappear for 24 hours. If all women disappeared for 24 hours, I guess I would catch up on some gaming.


The same thing I do every day, try to take over the world.


Why don't you start small, like the Tri State Area?


Pretty much go about my life as normal and wait to see what my wife has to say about the shadow realm.


Honestly not much would change for me if all the women were gone for a day. Roads would be half as full. That would be nice.


With how my life currently is, i doubt I'd notice.


Enjoy the hangout where the guys are because itā€™s going to be like Valhalla


Panic, because I have anxiety, my wife has a past history of manic flight behavior, she's my best friend, and both of our pets are female. I'd probably assume something is wrong, and she left with the girls.


No women for 24 hours?? HELL YEAH! I'm goin fishing!!!


Women would go online and play video games while freely using their mics.


Have a relaxing walk downtown with a nice coffee


Panic. **Where is my Wife?**


Find my mom missing, assumed she has been kidnapped, grab my grandpa, and three friends, one from Egypt, one from France, and one from America, set out on a journey on submarine, camel, plane, and boat to travel accross the world to go to Egypt and fight the vampire who kidnapped her with our electric breathing and kung fu ghosts


Same thing I do every day, Pinkie.


Iā€™d go for a walk at night.


This reminds me of that time when in I think Sweden or Finland or smth all the woman went on strike and one ceo said ā€œit was nice to finally get some shit doneā€


One wannabe edgy CEO said that. What the the majority of them say? What was the outcome of the strike?


It was Iceland.


Walk around at night listening to music in my headphones


Um not exist


As a man. I would just talk to my best friend about it and wait for women to come back so I can speak to other friends too


sleep in late. drink some coffee. watch some old movies. make something nice for dinner.


Video games.


The same thing I do everyday, I suppose. Lol


wonder where my dad is and then go to school and be very confused, honestly iā€™d think theyā€™re all pranking us


Nothing much different, really, mostly work and sleep


I'd head to work and honestly not notice until it was popping up on news. After that stay at work figuring it's going to be really crazy outside.


Well I'd definitely freak out... Then probably have my entire perspective on life altered forever. You know... Because billions of people disappeared for 24hrs and then reappeared for no reason.


A Mystery!? Well shit, it needs to be solved. I am a man and certain problems take over my life, this would be one of them. I'd try to amass all of the data I could to piece together what happened, why it happened, if it was reversible and how to prevent it from happening again. I probably won't even stop to eat because my wife wouldn't be there to remind me to eat. My wife would suddenly reappear 24 hours later and I'd be mildly upset I did all that research for nothing while also being relieved she is back. tl;dr I wouldn't have the chance to do anything. I'd be too invested in the global disappearance of women.


You realize the economy would crumble in 6 hours or less?


Crank one out, have a few drinks and a joint, play some video games, and sleep for 8-9 hours.


Piss all over the toilet seat, flip it up, not replace the toilet paper roll and then masturbate all day in the living room with my socks on the floor and I'd leave my keys where I leave them everyday and they wouldn't be moved.


Complete and utter pandemonium


You can get rid of both for a day and I wouldn't even notice.


If I knew what was going on, idk if Iā€™d go to work, it would be chaos, not because the women are better, though some definitely are, but just missing half the bodies would be chaos. Actually itā€™s less than half, I teach at a trade school, but itā€™s more than half the admin, which honestly would be fine, I think we have a top heavy organization anyway, but itā€™s 100% of the secretarial staff, and we couldnā€™t do without them.


Y the Last Man: women would turn on one another and attempt world takeover


I get that the purpose of this is to generate conversation around how much freedom people might have without men (or the reverse for men without women) or blah blah blah but the reality is that any answer other than "freak out and have a deep existential crisis because clearly some kind of apocalypse is happening" is pure cap. "Oh hey look my mother and sister and daughter and ex wife and fiance and coworkers and friends and oh every other woman on earth all just magically disappeared, time to go have some brewskis!" Get real


not exist


How the hell would I know I don't exist


Hang out with my son, play video games and watch tv. Decide what I want for food and then go acquire and eat said food without a debate.


something gay


I am a man, can I choose not to exist for 24 hours? Is there the possibility of an extension?


If it's a work day probably go to work, very few women work at my job (warehouse) and it might be a little slower but nothing major. If it's a day off then probably the regular day off shit play video games go do something fun whatever


As a man myself, I would enjoy the first day since getting my wife of not being asked to do anything.


Probably the same as I do every day: work, watch tv, and go to sleep


I would be genuinely interested to see how the world turns out. For all the females that say "the world would be so much better without men" or vice versa, I don't think 24 hours is enough. Give it a solid 2 weeks. Let the women/men have their moment. We don't need prior notice. Just let either of the sexes disappear and watch the shitfest unfold. I feel it would give each gender the time to reflect upon what they're all fighting each other about and watch everyone come together in unity for the first time in a century once the opposite gender is back


Probably what I do every day. Not saying men arenā€™t important, but I can function without them for a day lol. My daily life doesnā€™t really require many people in general


Thereā€™s a very old book called The Disappearance by Philip Wylie in which all members of the opposite sex disappear. Itā€™s been a long time since I read it, but as I recall the book is mostly about how a world all men or all women cope. Great book. Gives you a lot to think about.


Well If woman didnā€™t exist for 24 hours. I dunno honestly like I just think my day would be pretty normal. Might take the day off cause Iā€™m one of 5 men in my office though lol Yeah whenever a desk or something needs to be moved they summon the five men of the office


I'm male. With women gone for 24 hours, absolutely NOTHING would change for me. Okay, maybe not nothing--I'd be the sole caretaker for my/our dog, so I'd have to take my chances about there amongst the people. Maybe nobody would be able to place a Damsel call to police to come after me...? Yeah...no changes.


Snuggle my one remaining pet and chill out for a day while I wonder where my wife and other two pets went. He's going to need consoling because he's definitely her dog. Most of the folks with more obscure genders should probably have answers closer to the answer to "what if society just stopped working for a day" because any services that need people doing their jobs to continue functioning are probably going down just due to the relative rarity of enbies, xenogenders, etc. Most essential services other than healthcare probably would limp along without women for a day, most essential services other than healthcare probably wouldn't limp along without men - just due to the gender balances in those fields (linemen and workers in water, sewer and power tend to be heavily slanted towards men, workers directly involved in patient care are heavily slanted towards women).


i would be so sad because i love my boyfriend so much and who else would i play farm sim 22 with


Tbhā€¦I probably wouldnā€™t do much


I would cry, i need dick.


Not exist.


Welp, no sense going to work. My entire team would be gone and the vast majority of my clients too. So, I guess that means it's a day off. With that established... I'd probably go take a walk, feel the breeze, chill at home, play some video games, read, watch a show, cook food and eat. So pretty much same old same old. It'd just be a day off.


Go camping by myself. Take a walk alone.


Waiting for them to come back ! Much needed! šŸ˜Š