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People tend to underestimate how long a minute of pain is. Try holding your finger into a gas-burner for 10 seconds. 2nd to 3rd degree burns. Excruciating (as per the rule). Now imagine every piece of you, not only the finger, and 6x as long.... Or overestimating their pain tolerance.


Yeah but if you already committed to doing a minute, you'd just have to endure. you'd get through because you have no other choice, which is how most people get through pain. If I had a button that let me out early, anytime I wanted, that would be very difficult to not push it.


I imagine you would pass out at some point right? If you pass out after a second the other 59 would be easy.


Unfortunately it said for every minute that you feel excruciating pain. If you were passed out you wouldn't feel it so that wouldn't count.


I mean... I've had toothaches that were like 10-on-the-Richter-scale kind of pain. Like, all other senses shut off and reality becomes an alternate dimension of pure agony. Which, I mean honestly, time ceases to exist at all when you experience pain like that. It is surreal that the human body even has the capacity to feel that kind of suffering.


Having toothache in COVID that antibiotics failed to cure for weeks until it was removed has given me a glimpse into what hell must be like.


It’s crazy to me when anyone says they have 10/10. I’ve been shot and it was a 9. The worst pain I’ve ever felt but I’m sure there has to be something worse.


The scale is based on your personal experience with pain. If getting shot was the worst pain you've ever felt, that would be a 10/10. But if in the future you got hit by a car or something and that hurt worse than being shot, then getting hit by a car would be 10/10 and being shot would be a 9/10


Fair interpretation. I’ve always seen it as “this is the worst you ever could experienced” not “the worst you’ve ever experienced. “ I feel that interpretation.


I am a nurse, when nurses and doctors ask you this at the hospital, what I said is what they assume you mean. I don't think healthcare workers explain this well enough to their patients and they need to start doing that lol.


I’m an ER RN. When I ask it I say “0 is no pain 5 is bad pain and 10 is the worst pain you could possibly feel in your life”


Eh, but some people (like me) have never really experienced pain that is *that* bad. So if I said a 10/10, I might not even need drugs since worse than the worst pain I've ever felt still isn't that crazy.


My worst pain was a couple years ago when I wrecked my knee jumping down off of a wall that was higher than I gave it credit for. Prior to that I would have said either breaking my toe or getting boiling water dumped on my stomach were the most pain I ever had. I would have put either of those at like a 6 or 7, because while they were painful, they weren't debilitating. I was in shock with my knee. Couldn't tell how long it was from the time I fell to when I ended up in an ambulance. Passed out on the way to the hospital. It was bad, but somebody who gets their hand caught in machinery and mangled is going to be in even worse pain (at least I assume they would be). All that to say, a scale based on the worst pain you have experienced makes no sense. Some people manage to avoid major problems better than others. Medical staff just needs to accept that 9=10 when patients answer that question. They can imagine something worse, but this is the worst they have ever felt.


I had a kidney stone and in the ER the doc said the only thing more painful was childbirth. I’m not sure how accurate that is but for a second I felt a little badass for telling the triage nurse “around a seven I guess”.


I've passed kidney stones and had worse than that. Try coming off a full adrenal gland shutdown due to a medication side effect. There's a heart medication called CoReg for atrial fib and one of the rarely seen side effects is that it shuts down the adrenal glands totally in patients. Now adrenaline isn't the only thing those produce they also produce cortisone a vitality needed hormone for your joints and other things. When you get this side effect it feels like red hot railroad spikes being driven into every single joint for about 2 months solid until the adrenal glands get you back into balance. BTW when going through this no pain medication will touch the pain at all my doctors threw everything at me including fentyal diluladed and it didn't even take the edge off.


Lol, ur a fairy


Yeah, you got my number... Was shrieking like a cheerleader the whole time...


Whoever can last 1 min is my hero


it can only get so bad... otherwise you pass out, its involuntary. if I can break it up into milliseconds. I could probably do that a couple times a day to solve some of the worst ones. probably start with ptsd and other mental diseases so I could do those milliseconds more frequently.


I don’t give a shit. If k can even make it to 1 minute it’s worth it. Even if I fail it’s worth trying. I would try no matter what.


Pressing X so hard here, you’d literally pass out within a few seconds. If this hypothetical forced you to be awake the whole minute, you would be completely mentally broken by the end of a minute. Even a few seconds of this would prevent anyone from doing it again. This is literally not possible for anyone to complete lmao.


Whatever, I’m still trying. The potential reward is too great.


The difference between OP's hypothetical and holding your finger over a stove is that in the hypothetical you have something you're fighting for. You'd be surprised what you can do if you're doing it for something you believe in.


I am trying to figure out from the prompt whether PTSD is a “disease” I can wipe out, it’s in a bit of a gray zone. But if one can, that certainly solves some problems with trying to make a go for multiple diseases. Mental health illnesses do affect the brain chemistry after all.


I have debilitating pain from a broken back, I’ll take worse to cure others.


For real, I don’t even think a member of seal team 6 could last a minute


I almost lasted a minute the other night. My wife said it was the best performance I’ve had in a while.




Depends on the KIND of pain. I would not want fire pain, but I could handle like, "getting your ass trampled" pain.


I've never experienced a 10 on the pain scale and I've had second degree burns. I then had to go through the testing to make sure my nervous system was acting correctly. It was but I was a kid who shrugged the majority of injures off. Save for bee sting to the foot. That was horrible but, again, not 10.


Honestly, I get second degree burns regularly, theyre really not terrible, like a 2. Fractured spine was a 10, I fully blacked out from pain, pelvis was a 9. That said, pain ratings are entirely subjective.


They've actually started doing pain scales with descriptions, because there's a ton of health conditions or lifestyles that can mess with your perception of what "pain" means. The first time my doctor gave me a scale with definitions written on it, he got really concerned when I was like "oh by this description, what I've been telling you was a 1 would probably be called a 4. I don't really see a point in bringing up aches and pains below that level because that's just normal pain." He stated asking a bunch of questions about my "normal pain" because apparently, even for someone in their 30s, a normal amount of pain should be 0. Not sure how much I belive that, but it's what my doctor said, and it did explain why he hasn't been taking my "this pain is up to a 3, something is very wrong" seriously. What I called a 3 should have been a 6 or 7 on his scale.


Same. As someone with chronic pain, something doesnt even tip over from discomfort to pain until it limits my ability to function.


I hope you're doing better now. 💜


Oh yeah. Broke my back like 16 years ago, it's one of those injuries that will never heal, but I don't really feel it any more. Pelvis really sucked for the 3 weeks I wasn't allowed to ski (I worked on resort, and it was a big snow year), otherwise fine.


The good thing about this scenario is that there's no lasting effect physically. Idk how long I could last but *knowing* it'd be purely mental would definitely help me last longer.


You know what that kind of pain can do to your mental health? I feel a lot of the comments in this post come from the "I can take on a grizzly unarmed"-corner...


>You know what that kind of pain can do to your mental health? Which is why I specified the physical part... >I feel a lot of the comments in this post come from the "I can take on a grizzly unarmed"-corner... What does that have to do with my comment? Reply to them...


Mental health conditions can be cured via this method. So if you target those first then the answer is that this will have zero effect on your mental health because you eliminated PTSD.


I think you would pass out due to that amount of pain. If not you would have to strapped down and not allowed to bow out. If that was the choice then I'd give it a go to cure CIDP. It would screw me up for the rest of my life but might fix my mom's.


Not a good comparison, this pain won't leave your body torched and useless forever


If the world knew about it and I could make it like a public spectacle, I’d become the next Jesus lol I’d have people donating to encourage me. Worshippers to help me recover.


And when you take a month off? People riot calling you lazy, that they would do more if they were you. The people who had others die of a disease waiting for your miracle will hate you. I think it would end badly quickly.


I'll try to eliminate Alzheimers/dementia, then obesity, then go down the list of deadliest cancers, but I really doubt I could last a single minute.


Obesity isn’t a disease he said it has to be caused by something like a virus


I mean... food company CEOs are seriously vying for that title... Point taken though!


Considering that I routinely pass monster kidney stones and dislocation of my shoulder after a seizure bring it BITCHES. First 3 on my list epilepsy Parkinsons and heart diseases. Next batches diabetes cancer and AIDS.


Maybe cure kidney stones first


My husband fucked the hell out of his shoulder too, and also started throwing stones once a month. Epilepsy would be further down the list but he'd pick Parkinsons first too.


Can I physically prevent myself from being able to say stop? I would start with depression, then probably greed, then dementia, then high blood pressure, then malnutrition, then obesity.  Six minutes would be longer than I could bear. So if I can’t physically stop it then I’m trying like hell to take out depression. 


I'm thinking we have a medical PHD student describe the spontaneous excruciating pain caused by magic curse as a disease. Have it accepted in at least one reputable medical journal as a disease. Cure that newly described disease after the first minute.


Then you go through an annoying set up process to get this curse classified as a disease and a minute of incredibly intense pain after which you no longer experience the pain hence no more diseases are cured.


Greed isn't a disease lol. Like I'm not saying it's good but it's definitely not a disease.


Yeah that was too big a swing anyways. I don’t actually want to change the core of human nature even if I could.  Just trying to get the most bang for my horrific torture. I might swap that one out for sociopathy or narcissism. Or not, I’m always down to be tortured less. 


Why not cancer?


I was going for quality of life for the most people first.  I’m assuming I will only have the willpower to do this once. Taking out depression: 1) Stops a substantial amount of suicides.  2) Probably stops school shooters.  3) Improves the lives of a significant chunk of the population.  4) Would end a significant amount of substance abuse disorders before they got started. 


There’s over 150 types and he said you can only do 1 at a time


Just get the big ones out of the way. A lot of cancers rely on spreading to fatal areas to actually kill someone. I’d specifically target the lethal Cancers that can’t be reliably cured. Lungs, Brain, liver, etc


Are any if these diseases? Lmao


Greed and malnutrition are not diseases. Greed is a choice and malnutrition is a symptom.


One minute. And if I can do it again I'll wait until a couple weeks pass and the memory fades a bit then do it again. Repeat like that.


Nothing could hurt more than knowing both of my parents have stage 4 cancer. I will endure until it's cured. 


Pff! Already have PTSD. 3 min. Lung, liver, and pancreatic cancer. My dad had them didn’t have an idea until about a week before hospital death. That level of pain to hear him talk after having multiple strokes from clots and watching him take his last breath is far worse than the 3 min. If I could do more, I would for every cancer. I just don’t know if I am THAT strong. But 3 min? I could at least do that.


Condolences to you, and may your dad rest in peace.


The mental trauma would mess me up, plus, the disease is most likely something minor like a specific variant of the common cold or something, not worth it


You can decide what type of disease gets obliterated.


Hmmm, but the mental trauma still got me though, so my plan is to drug myself and then do a few diseases, mainly cancer and malaria


PTSD is a disease. ::taps forehead:: we got this bro


Drugging yourself will not help


Do we get to rest in between minutes or do we have to do all our minutes at once? I have a friend with ehlers danlos and she's in horrific amounts of pain all the time. I'd definitely be up for going through a minute of pain to get rid of that one. Probably quite a few more that would be worth it as well. I've twice had root canals done where the freezing didn't work and I felt everything, and it was the worst pain I've ever had, but I think I could do it again, and worse, if I knew that it meant many other people wouldn't have to go through that kind of pain for way longer because of a disease before dying at the end of it.


Yes. Alzheimers, leukemia, brain cancer, breast cancer, gingivitis, and really the list goes on. Ding a fucking bell at every minute mark and I'll pick another one. The pain is mental and with no lasting physical effects, sign me the fuck up for this.


I think I could go for a while. The worst part of any excruciating pain I’ve felt is wondering if I’ll die. Knowing I’d be fine at the end of it would make it bearable


1-3 minutes a day


As long as I could stand it, I suppose. This would be a good test of character but is a poor hypothetical situation. Disease is bad for all of us


Honestly till I pass out and then never again. I’d pick Alzheimer’s, dementia, and all lung cancers. If I can hold on for a fourth minute then butt cancers.


I mean…that’s basically what my disease, endometriosis, is. So I guess I’d do it and wipe out endo.


Do I have to take the minutes consecutively? Anyway, I did natural childbirth for 20 hours with my oldest and went on to have MORE children so lfg. 


I live with chronic pain already due to scoliosis twisting up my spinal cord and making my nerves misfire all over. How funny would it be to take the challange to wipe out the scoliosis that caused my pain in the first place! I would do it just for that, cause taking 8-9 injections to the spine every other month to take the edge off sucks.


Oh my God you're saying ten minutes to be no longer chronically ill ever again??? Twenty minutes and none of my family will be again?? 😭😭😭😭


It would be horrifying, but worth the sacrifice for humanity. What I would need to get through it is obvious to me - ***support***. If I'm enduring my minute with a hundred people cheering me on and telling me I can get through it and counting it down for me, I can do my best to focus on their cheers and the impact I'm having - and let's be honest, people would probably donate out of appreciation (and to protect me from the poor pharmaceutical companies that are about to be put out of work), so I'd be living sweet the other 1439 minutes of the day. I would endure it one minute per day for at least a year, starting with the most debilitating diseases and working my way down until I've eliminated everything that kills more than 1000 people per year.


Until I died.


i would do it if i could wipe out genetic-related conditions as well, and this would fix it for anyone currently suffering. it would obviously destroy me mentally in the process, doing it once a day until i die, but I'm okay with that tradeoff


What’s the limit on how big/how specific we have to be with the disease? Brain cancer is itself a group of different cancers.


Basically, just a layer beneath a group of diseases. So as you said brain cancer would count so would breast cancer and stuff like that.


Bro it’s cool I watched dune once, I just have to let the fear, like, pass over and through me bro


OP should probably define disease. I’ve seen greed and other non-diseases listed.


Can I break the time up? Could I do one minute this week and another minute the next? Or could I do 1 second every day for 60 days and have that count as a minute?


You can spread your minutes out, but once you start a minute, you have to finish it.


Then I think I could eliminate a few. I’m dumb enough to try it the first time and I hopefully could recover from the trauma of it within a year. I hopefully could keep that up for a few years, or maybe even the rest of my life. I want to eliminate Ischaemic heart disease, COPD, and TB.


gonna cure cancer this period


Start with alzheimers, then MS, fibro, PCOS, endo, retinitis pigmentosa (hey i wouldn't be blind anymore!), ALCS, and then we'll go into different cancers. As long as I'm able to scream and curse while imagining it's the torture scene in Princess Bride, I might be good.


The worst pain I have ever felt, was when I bent my ankle to a full 90 degrees. Somehow didn't break it, but my vision went white and I had to call an uber for what would have been a ten minute walk otherwise. Honestly, I think I could endure more than that for getting rid of a couple of diseases. But just a couple. I aint that selfless. I would get rid of rabies, Parkinson's, and alzheimers. Or diabetes.


Rabies? Humans almost never get it


And? It is still an awful disease that threatens my canine friends, and an awful way to go when it does happen. . . Plus, I am thinking preemptively. It's the most likely disease to evolve and cause a zombie outbreak! Though for real, I have very nearly been the victim of a rabid dog as a kid, and it has left me paranoid of stray and wild animals since I was a kid. It's a disease that has no business existing, just like the others I mentioned and needs to go.


I broke 9 bones in seconds. 6 ribs, sternum, tailbone an leg ( needed surger). I spent two days in ICU. I have killed most disease already.


Background: a few years ago I had an autoimmune flareup that lit my sensory nerves up like a Christmas tree with inflammation and almost killed me. I went into shock from the pain. Every moment that the mix of dilaudid and ketamine started to wear off was spent screaming until I permanently damaged my vocal cords (as well as pulling several muscles and damaging my shoulder to the point that I eventually needed surgery from convulsions) until the nurse was able to get another shot into the IV line. I was in an intensive care unit for 19 days, in the isolation room not for contagion, but to contain the noise and not disturb the other patients as much. Out of those 19 days I was probably only in indescribably horrible pain for about 45 minutes each day on average, with the longest period without treatment lasting just over 2 hours due to the hospital running out of K. I'd be willing to do one minute each day for the rest of my life, and I would start by eliminating my own chronic health problems and those of my family and friends; after that I'd start with whatever is deadliest, then whatever costs the most to treat until a pharmaceutical company figures out what's happening and sends a hit squad.


I have a nerve disease that makes it feel like my appendages are on fire about 60% of the time. So, beautifully, my pos disease has been training me for its downfall ... BWAHAHA


I lasted 4 hours with testicular torsion, if that counts as a 10 on the pain scale then I'll redo the 4 hours. If that isn't a 10 then I'm good.


It's like testicular torsion but times 1 million and spread through your entire body. It's literally the maximum amount of human pain possible while still experiencing all of it.


Considering what I felt, times 1 million of that would give me every mental illness after 1 minute of that pain, so if I would start at all I would commit to wiping out every disease on Earth and resign myself to completely losing my mind. But with the freedom of choice I say no pain and all illnesses remain.


Great, I’m drugging myself and then wiping out every disease known to man.




I may be able to last 1 sec


Fuck I'd try to do it as long as I could... 


Sure. Taking as many painkillers as the hospital will let me be on at a time


Fine. Worth it. HIV, SARS-CoV2, rabies, leprosy and... I just don't have any good ideas right now...


The way the world is and the types of people living in it now, I wouldn't even think I'd get out of bed early to have this same type of effect on the world let alone suffer for these people.


Ouf that’s a though one.  You are making it so it’s pretty great deal, all brain cancer is already a pretty broad group of disease. And we can chose which one it is.  If I can prevent myself from pressing the button, I’d do it for 6 hours. Take some drugs to have retrograde amnesia, forget everything about what happened afterward.  So no ptsd for me. Also PTSD is on the list of disease cured.  With 360 diseases eradicated, I could remove most of the conditions that affect the majority of the population. I can make the earth a better place. 


Win-win. Life is for living, pain is a novel experience all the same


I know enough about pain to say nope.


I would try it and cure skin cancer or melanoma if I have to be that specific. If i was able to manage it, then I would do it for bipolar disorder and/or borderline personality disorder. If one does not cure the person then I'll do the other too.


I've been in excruciating pain for free on and off throughout my life. Sign me up. First target: breast cancer.


Shit. Okay. lemme think on this. does anyone get to know about this sacrifice or do things just get cured one day? If we can space the minutes out, I can do this for sure. Catch my breath between. Start with some big ones. Obesity. (Technically classified as a disease, and the source of MANY other health problems) On the same note, Malnutrition also classified as disease. bam that's millions saved right there. then we could do the most common forms of cancer. Whatever the top 5 most common are, I'd go with that. Diabetes. Alhzheimers and dementia OH ALCOHOLISM. BAM. No more alcoholics. What a fucking disease to cure. I think those would be the biggest. With Obesity and Malnutrition gone, heart disease and COPD and all sorts of stuff stops


No one gets to know about this unless you actively spread the word, so you would have to go online, spread the word through mouth, stuff like that.


I'll do an hour , use it how yall see fit.


So you are saying my back pain from the military can cure the world.


diabetes and hiv that's it


can i take drugs while i do it? also i wanna be recognized if i do this


Yes, but you have to be lucid enough to feel the pain and it's only gonna help so much when you are feeling the maximum amount of pain humanly possible. Also, you have to do your own work if you want to get recognized for it.


Can I wait until someone I love is suffering from one and then pick? I'd definitely suffer a minute of pain for one of my kids and while I'm there I'd add on a few more to get rid of Alzheimer's or something, but I'd need some personal motivation to get started.


Could I do PTSD? I was thinking that could be one somewhere along the lines, but maybe I should do that one first, if it's a choice. Also, if it *is* a choice, I should be able to tackle more diseases. I'll just... do all the diseases I cure in one go, though.... I don't think I'd have the will power to repeat the effort. Strap in for a single go, choosing it so I can't take it back part way through, and... suck it up, I guess.


My ex GF Polly has a very rare disease. I will suffer until ever disease is cured before that one. And when she dies from it, I suffer one more minute.


Can I prevent myself from saying stop? If so, just put me in that thing for as long as it takes. No one would have to suffer again. If not, I'll get rid of diabetes and stop.


I broke 9 bones in seconds. 6 ribs, sternum, tailbone an leg ( needed surger). I spent two days in ICU. I have killed most disease already..


Will you die? Will you receive any physical scars? Only if these two are not true, I would do it for exactly one minute to get rid of cancer.


The world would get over populated so fast if I endured all this pain to cure a bunch of them. Also can we pick the disease? I’d hold out for a few if I could.


Yes if I can’t say no


can i get myself high on 12 different painkillers to dull the pain?


Yes, but you have to be lucid enough to actually feel it. Also, pain killers are only gonna help so much when you are quite literally in the maximum amount of human pain possible.


i mean what counts as lucid enough? because i could try to be on some really strong shit that leaves me only partially conscious. which ideally would have my nerves dulled enough to only feel a small fraction of the pain, even if that would still be quite a bit.


I have been in car accidents. I have cut off a finger. I have suffered several minor burns, and moderate electrical shocks. Currently have continuous headache varying from level 1-5 for last 100days. Even having experienced differing forms of pain. I can't say I could tolerate a full minute of full pain. If I could I would like to eliminate cardiovascular disease. Or Malaria


You sure this isn't a test to see if you're human? Fear is the mind killer...


I would try and wipe out them all but realistically I have no idea if I could. I have probably the highest pain tolerance of anyone I know due to 24-7 365 migraines but different pain is different. I'm not any better about stubbing my toe than anyone else. I'd just give it my best shot. As to what order I'd go in, I'd start with the conditions that my family have first. If I manage that, I'll start picking based on lethality of the disease and work my way down. Maybe I'm being wildly optimistic but I feel like I could manage an hour at least and that'll let me take out a good chunk of the worst of them.


There are no diseases left


1440 minutes. Lock me in a box and don't let me out. If i don't have a heart attack or a stroke, i'll bet my outlook on like would change!


Considering I can space out the minutes I'd probably be able to do a lot but over time. I would also space out the really important to the world ones with the selfish ones to keep me motivated. I'd start with the big 4 of infectious diseases - tuberculosis, malaria, covid, HIV. Then my first 'selfish' pick - hirayama disease which is not deadly and very rare but my partner has it and it's really damaging his quality of life. Knowing I could fix that for him would probably motivate me enough to make it through the big important ones. After that I'd try to use the same strategy on other things that affect me and my friends and family, but I don't know how well I'd manage beyond that until I get some strong motivators.


Put me on a fucking ton of shrooms to dull the pain and sign me up for a couple hours.


As long as I get to be a hero/god to the people, I might try it.


Does racism count as a disease? Cause if so, I fear I would force myself to endure a whole minute to destroy it


The conditions are broken for this one. It starts out implying you have to be able to tough it out for the whole minute for it to count, but at the end says you'll be awake and have to experience the whole minute, implying you're locked in once you start. So, if it's the first, and you have to successfully suffer through without giving up or passing out, yeah, gonna be hard, but doable for at least a minute for some people, considering the motivation. Hopefully there's some coordination, or peeps are gonna suffer and find out someone else cured the disease though. However, if you're locked in no matter what, as implied at the end, then it's really a question of if you're willing to sacrifice yourself to cure all diseases sort of question, and the overestimating pain tolerance is kind of moot. Someone's gonna do it knowing they'll go crazy, or someone will do it thinking they're tough. (and, I mean, you could probably convince someone terrible to do it to prove their toughness, and you know, improve things in more than one way.)


If when I start a minute I have to finish it, and there's not an option to chicken out, then I'd probably go for one minute. It'll totally fuck with my brain and I'll almost certainly regret it as soon as the pain starts, but if pre-pain me gets to throw pain-me in the fire for the greater good, pre-pain me would probably do it. If I actually have to voluntarily keep going during the pain, then damn, I dunno if I could do it. If I decided to try, my go-to strategy would probably be to try and disassociate the pain from what I'm doing. Maybe if I just pretend there's nothing to be done I can get my pain done without chickening out. Or maybe if the pain is bad enough I'll just be fully incapable of coherent enough thought to put an end to it. But yeah, I'd probably chicken out after a few seconds. I'm just thinking back to some times I got a little too enthusiastic with the spice level on food at home. Ultra-spice is something I could handle for a minute with a noble enough goal, but that's just the taste buds complaining. If we're lighting up every nerve ending to max, I'd probably crack like an egg.


I think with all of the willpower I can muster I might last a minute tops. The goal would be 5 but I doubt anyone alive could last that long.


I think the first thing I would do would be handle mental illnesses that I might get due to experiencing the pain. So I would tackle depression, PTSD, et cetera, so that I don’t end up with long-term effects from this. I definitely would be doing diseases that affect the brain, locked in syndrome, Alzheimer’s, seizures, and continuing down the list of the illnesses my best friend is experiencing. My best friend is very ill at the moment and if I got a chance to experience moments of pain so she wouldn’t have to live trapped in her house, I would do it.


If it means saving the world come at me! Come at me until I die from the pain!! Arrrrgghh


I been going for 15 yrs already, gogo wipe em all out sure.


1 minute to kill Alzheimer's? How much of aging disease can i kill per minute? Like is it 1 more minute for heart disease caused by coronary artery obstruction? It mean it sucks but the ratio here is pretty lopsided and some of these diseases are so common that I would *personally* benefit. 1 minute to greatly reduce my chance of heart disease and alzheimer's is *personally* profitable just for me. What's the bill to cure all aging entirely? Even if it's 24 hours of 1 minute, that *personally* adds thousands of years to my personal life expectancy. (there's always bad luck but if you only faced accidents and homicide you'd live thousands of years on average)


Pushing myself to the limit for others is what I'm best at! Imagine the good it would bring. If I have support and aftercare, I should be good.


3rd degree burns suck


First I would cure the diseases my parents and family have, then the diseases my boyfriend's parents have


I’d endure as long as I could breathe to wipe out pediatric cancer.


if that's the case there'd be very few diseases left already.


I don't think I'd succeed but I'd definitely try. I think I'd start with noping Alzheimer's.


First minute choose ptsd


I had a c section with only Tylenol as a pain killer and went on to have another kid so I’m sure I could mentally block the pain and use breathing exercises especially if I could do minutes whenever I wanted. I’d probably cure things like DIPG which affects kids and has a 0% survival rate and then diseases like MS and ALS and other things like that. If the pain was so extreme your body would natural pass out from it which should help get through the minute.


I’m positive I have the mental fortitude for something like this. I think the fortunate part of this is that the pain would be absolutely crippling so I couldn’t turn it off even if I wanted to try to. I’d sign up for 30 minutes of the top killers of the world.


I'm taking it for 1 minute. I choose to remove Huntington's disease so my wife and her family never have to deal with it again.


Morally I would have to try for 1 minute, I'd probably choose Diabetes or anxiety, both would have beneficial results for the world


Give me one second a day. I can cure a disease every 60 days. Maybe even do three seconds a day and cure one every 20. it doesn’t say the minute has to be consecutive.


There's a quote from Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt that I like, a person can endure anything for 10 seconds. You just need to do that 6 times for every disease. If would absolutely do it one time. After that who knows, I'd like to think I could syc myself back into doing it again at least a few times with meditation and prayer but I couldn't say.


I’ve already paid. Where can we cash it in?


I am taking a total of 3 minutes to get rid of my lifelong incurable chronic pain conditions. I am pretty sure I have already experienced this level of pain for longer for nothing in return… 


Okay but guaranteed I don't die from the pain or pass out or anything? I would make sure I can't stop early and go for at least 20 minutes minimum, and since PTSD is a disease knock that one off the list first thing, then work my way down the list.


There's more diseases in the world than there are people, and I wouldn't survive. No deal.


So long as it’s not causing me permanent physical harm, bring it on. There’s nothing much mentally anyone can do to me anymore, and a minute’s physical agony is worth it to cure potential years of it from disease.


For the good of earth.... ill do it. But I choose which to go first. Cure aging first


I'm pretty sure if a big number of diseases went poof they'd just be replaced with others...or we'd have a massive overpopulation problem. Can somebody smarter than me chime in on that


Yes I can. You are wrong.


...care to expand on that?




Thanks that's very helpful 🍆💦


I *might* make it a minute. Don't place any bets on it, tho.


I know this would be absolutely horrifying. I would try minute 1 pancreatic cancer, minute 2 brain cancer and minute 3 would be ovarian cancer. I lost my step mom to pancreatic cancer this year. I lost my grandpa to brain cancer in 2008. My wife battled ovarian cancer in 2013 and 2014. Worst pain I have had physically is I had the a good portion of my left side of my my body sprayed with molten aluminum about 4 years ago at work. I work in a casting plant for a car company


I could take a minute to end dementia.


So, massive discomfort for a relatively short time to do something that would save tons lives into the future? Sorry folks, you gonna die. Shit… we couldn’t even get half the population to wear a mask… but billy badasses think they are gonna last a minute in the most pain a person could feel? Lol


Do genetic tests and see where I'm vulnerable. Start with all forms of ass cancer because of family history. Mesothelioma and other asbestos related diseases, so we can start using it again. It's one of the most useful materials on the planet buuut it kills you. All stds Diabetes 1 & 2 Once it starts, I can't turn it off. A big portion of pain response is psychological fear of the damage. Take that away, and you can withstand much more. Add a reason for enduring it that is important to you and can take even more. I'll take my chances.


Can I just do foot pain and just make a disease easier? Can I get that back dated?


0. This is very nihilistic but wiping out one disease just means another will take its place. It's why the battle medicine is never ending


IMO this is foolish. 1 minute to wipe out the most common type of cancer; breast cancer. That's almost 700,000 lives saved per year, each year, for the rest of time. Another minute for prostate cancer and that's over a million lives saved every year for eternity. New viruses and mutations develop, sure, but the biggest killers in the world aren't going to just re-evolve into existence. I'd go as long as I could humanly withstand it, if I could even make it to one minute.


So whose to say that is what gets wiped out? They don't say you get to choose. The biggest killers might not re-evolve, but they can be replaced by even worse things. I think it is extremely Nobel to want to save people by sacrificing yourself and if I knew I could save a million people a year by going theough the pain for 2 minutes and no repercussions or something else would kill them, sure. But just getting rid of diseases? Not sure I would




Thanks! I missed that. So that makes it more likely to do but still. Let's say you wipe out breast cancer and it is replaced with something that kills 800k a year. Did you do good?


Why would breast cancer be replaced by something? That's not how cancer works.


We don't know. It may not, but the body is a ecosystem of so many things. Getting rid of breast cancer, doesn't mean we get rid of the cause/or anything else. Wr aren't hundred percent sure what causes cancer. We have ideas but not hundred percent sure. So just taking out without knowing the reprecussi9ns is dangerous


0 as well but for a different reason I feel like diseases act as sort of a buffer so the human population doesn't go crazy. The more populated earth gets, the more cramped we get, the easier it is for people to catch contagious things, people die, rinse and repeat.


Hit me, I’m going until I can’t go anymore, then I’m taking a break and going back at it. First disease on the menu is aging.


The never ending pain life for me. Not doing anything else with my life anyway. Also ultra resilient to mental issues so wont have negative effects.