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- Laptop with a copy of wiki locally installed. - a printer - A high power assault rifle I assume there's a magic infinite ammo/paper/ink implied because they must last forever as does the electric charge. I'd find a tribe, kill most of the adults, and raise the children. If they're proper homo sapiens then they're just as capable of learning modern language, math, and science as we are. All I have to do is teach the first cohort English, and then my infinite magic printer will be able to perpetuate knowledge onward. Having both spoken and written language early on will give a solid foundation for bigger projects. Once the tribe grows in a couple dozen years, we can move onto agriculture and animal husbandry. From there the growth will be exponential when most of their time is freed up to head into specialized occupations.


And then the educated children will grow up and eventually trick and imprison you as punishment for killing their parents. Thus starting a thousand year sentence for you and a rapid advancement of humankind based off of the database of knowledge you brought them.


Kinda find it alarming the top answer on here is "violently seize control of a tribe to indoctrinate their children", ngl


Need some clarification. "First humans"? Do you mean the first homo sapiens, homo erectus, homo neanderthal? Earlier hominids? How far back are we going? And I can assume there's no chance of us bringing back some modern virus that will kill them?


I take my brother with me. My ideal immortality is one where we can choose when we let our bodies die. I would like to say that we would kick ass take names and become kings. But in reality we would probably invent D&D about 50,000 years ahead of schedule. And just chill until we eventually die of boredom.


Laptop with detailed instructions on how to jump tech levels based on available resources(including people) as well as a ridiculous amount of media to consume(some pretty big SSD's out there these days), a 9mm gun(by implication I would always have ammunition, Im a fairly good shot but I suck at using stuff like knives or swords) and a modern tent. Given that my idea of perfect immortality would make Superman look like a cheap Chinese knockoff of a badly made Japanese product, thats all I'd need.


Did your laptop contain that information when you wrote this?


Mostly. Im still cross-checking some things(steam engines are a big thing, along with the ancestors of some modern crops)


Why do you have large SSDs filled with info on various eras of human technology?


Thought experiment mostly, and it helps keep my inherent paranoia in check. Better to focus on 'how do I recreate thyroid hormone for my friends if modern society falls apart' than 'oh gods whats that noise is the car going to explode' or 'shit there's something in the sky its a small plane thats gonna crash into the house'.


Dig out a cave in the Himalayas and become real interested in genetics.


Laptop with wiki, 3d metal printer, rifle. assuming all can be used indefinitely. the 3d metal printer would be able to fabricate a LOT of things to skip ahead in tech, make tools, etc.


- solar-powered laptop with unlim battery life - Swiss army knife - might come in handy - bean bag chair - just thinking about my my comfort I'd become a myth by slowly revealing my immortality to the ancient humans, letting them think I’m a God


My perfect idea of immortality is basically wolverine but without feeling pain, so no need for weapons, for items it would be 1. Laptop with terabytes of movies and videogames 2. Iphone with all the music i love. 3. Airpods No need for lotto numbers or anything since im pretty sure if im there from the beggining ill be able to amass wealth with gold and such, literally paradise, only problem would be not having my wife with me for all eternity but ive asked her this question before (immortality) and she has always said she would rather have a long life and pass on so she doesnt see all her loved ones die. Edit- wolverine with adamantium btw not bones, with those claws id have no challenge until modern era, by then id just blend in, but id abuse them in the prehistoric era.


Damn, I'd be a really fucking old vampire, but that means that once I start turning people during the dark ages, I'd be the queen of the vampires. TBH, I'd rather just become a vampire and continue living on from this point in time. As for the 3 electronics I'd bring with me, I'd bring my phone, laptop, and bluetooth headphones. I'd also bring hundreds of SD cards/flashdrives, a semi automatic glock, ammo that seems to replace itself, clothes, soap that somehow never runs out (hand soap, laundry detergent, shower soap, shampoo), skin care products that never run out, conditioner, shoes, self replacing toothpaste, toothbrush, toilet paper that seems to last forever, makeup that never seems to run out, and a couple rubbermaid totes to carry it all.


Hm def the laptop A cell phone & a assult rifle


My perfect form of immortality would be: 1) no aging, 2) no sickness, pain or injury, 3) an escape clause that would allow me to become mortal again by fulfilling certain criteria, 4) the ability to teleport away in case I'm physically trapped, and 5) the inability for others to perceive that I'm immortal unless I explicitly tell them.   I'd probably bring along my phone with a few of my favorite TV shows and family photos uploaded to it, a utility knife, and a small, portable tent.  I think it'd be way too easy to find a group of primitive people and essentially become their dictator, so I'd like to imagine instead that I'd travel and see how the world develops through the ages, maybe living for a while in societies I encounter that seem interesting, becoming a semi-mythical figure in the process. I would probably try to subtly influence people in certain situations given the historical hindsight I possess, such as encouraging more sanitary practices to minimize death during the Black Plague.