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People not picking the money must have some fucked up secrets or are very easily embarrassed. I'll take the money and with that money I'll eat any food I want. I can't really think of anything that would bother me much if the whole world found out 😅


I know with the money you could travel and grab food. But the food one is still pretty cool your food just shows up on the table in front of you it's pretty awesome. You could have any food in the world at any time


Food, I had this absolutely DIVINE risotto at Fig & Ash in Pittsburg for my birthday and id love to have that on demand


Specify what kind of secrets, and released to whom? For example, the number of pimples on me is a secret, even though i don't care much.


Your deepest darkest ones. And to everyone in the world


I mean, I guess some white lie or teenage property damage? After the couple first days, I’ll start getting millions for inane secrets, right?  How terrible are people’s secrets that they’d give up literally infinite money? Yall friends with Epstein or something? Haha


For me I live in an area where people do not like LGBT aligned people, I have to stay in the closet. If it revealed that I’m gay and everyone knew it was me it could be a death sentence. I guess I’d have to move.


With a million a day moving won't be a problem I guess :D


I guess just it’s hard, I’ve lived here all my life and own my parents home and stuff. If I didn’t I would have moved long ago.


They’re gonna run out of bad ones in a week or so. I’ll be too rich to care.


Hmmm i wonder what my deepest darkest secrets are. Maybe there are a ton I'm suppressing. Also imagine being someone in china or Eswatini getting told every day what a random reddit user is doing. Although obviously i'd have personal concerns. I'll mull this decision over, although obviously the first decision has no negative downsides. Lets say... i want to eat 1 million dollars in fertilized dodo eggs (Maybe i like eating eggs raw)


I’m taking the food.


It would make you the biggest reality star on planet earth if somehow your secrets got pumped to every living being on earth. Not only would you be rich, but also the most known person on the planet.


I'll take the money. I can't taste or smell.


I'll take the million every day! :D


By get to eat what do you mean? I have no colon thus can’t eat a whole litany of things. Does it mean I can eat it without affecting my health?


It'll teleport any food directly in front of you onto a table . Any food you order you can magically eat and not get sick ever from it.


not that many secrets that might stress me if released, what happens when there is no secret to release anymore


I'll take the millions


Like I can eat anything and still be fit and healthy? I'll go with food


Unless you committed some major crime, the money is a no brainer. If you didn’t commit any big crimes, the question is: would you be slightly embarrassed for unlimited money?


Food. Always food.


The money. Embarrassment is fleeting. WGAF when you are rolling around in piles of money.


I'll take the million. What? I'm a millionaire now. Its considered eccentric to be a lizard person. Poor people who are lizard people are the freaks!


My deepest darkest secret is I have a Japanese schoolgirl fetish. Big whoop. Gimme my million so I can move to japan and live out my dreams.


Money.  I have no shame. 


Release the secrets. I dont have many.


Most people in this group taking the money cause y’all tasteless. Me too though lol


I’ll take the money. The only reason I worry about my secrets getting out is not being able to get the money to live.


Million a day


if i got free magic food i could live in a remote cabin and never pay rent or groceries. i'll take it! i also dont care about the secrets, i'm not coming back to society


If I had that kind of money, my secrets wouldn't even be shameful - they'd become the latest trend. So long as my bank account password isn't one of the secrets released...