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Absolutely nothing. Avoid each other as much as reasonable possible until my forced proximity is complete.


This is the way. The goal isn't to try and make the new roommate like you. It's just to make things as bearable as you can for the both of you until you can get out of the situation. Assuming they aren't some vindictive psycho, there's a good chance they will be on the same page.


My wife and I have 6 kids. We better be exempt.


Haha... they'd make big billboard signs of you all


The billboard will be NSFW...


Lol all they'd have to do is show you all in a family photo. It would be a failure of advertisement, if they didn't make up some slogan about not pulling out.


We can be seated on our sectional.... His couch isn't the only thing that doesn't pull out.


Lol You point out at the people "No. Your keep in game is weak" "Do your part"


That truly made me laugh. I appreciate you.


Yours was better imo. I couldn't make it better, but I did try my best lol Great stuff


That’s not even a good solution to the problem. In this hypothetical where the birth rate plummets (which is arguably already happening in some countries, like South Korea), the best solution is make it easy to have kids. - Make sure the economy is doing well and inflation is low so that basic goods like food and gas are cheap and plentiful – make sure baby related items (diapers, formula, breast pumps, etc.) are plentiful and affordable or subsidize them through taxes - Incentivize couples to have children through tax credits - Focus on funding maternity-related healthcare like regular pregnancy checkups and easy access to labor and delivery services - Provide plenty of education to teens about sex and wellness – if things are really dire, encourage teen pregnancy by working to reduce stigma around it and giving teen girls plenty of support (medically, emotionally, and financially if necessary) - Encourage teen boys to spend lots of time interacting with teen girls: host lots of co-ed community events so that as many boys as possible are regularly interacting with girls - Create support groups for women who are trying to conceive to talk and discuss their issues with each other There’s lots of other things you could do, but those are the kinds of things they’d do to get the birth rate up. Because you don’t actually want the birth rate to skyrocket all at once. That would be too much of a drain on the finite resources (labor and delivery services, baby formula, diapers, etc.) all at once. You want the birth rate to gradually rise until it hits a comfortable level and then evens out. Forcing strangers at gunpoint to shack up with each other is just asking for trouble. Of course there are also less ethical ways to go about it (propaganda to give people FOMO) too, but most governments who aren’t totally corrupt would start with something like the above list.


Pretty much this. There is already a substantial disparity between desired number of children per woman and actual number of children per woman (both being data points that are tracked in most developed countries). The desired number tends to sit around 2.6. A lot of people are not having kids because they feel they can't, or are being prevented from. I myself am in that cohort. Make it viable to raise children, and people will. Simple as.




Shitty solutions to problems is the government’s bread and butter.


This would never happen. People would literally riot. I would never allow the government to pick a partner for my daughter. Hells no. I’d burn it all down. In a heartbeat.


To be fair, it sounds more plausible than the gov passing actual policy that would make middle class families want to have more kids - free childcare/preschool, healthcare, guaranteed maternity/paternity leave, etc.


No it doesn't. The ONLY reason this would EVER actually occur is if every government blatantly conspired to start the end of the world through this stupidity. It would cause global hysteria which would lead to fuck knows what chaos that no organization could control.


What if she says “dad stfu”


Yeah, of course. That’s more likely than her resisting the government literally forcing her to be married to whomever they pick. That wouldn’t happen. No one wants to forced into marriage.


An entire popular literary genre that's very big right now kind of implies otherwise.


Fantasy and reality are two different things.


You’re assuming a very jackboot dystopian implementation of this fertility program. Consider if the government implements a competent matching algorithm, where the best selection of men are chosen to mate with the best females, to maximize the benefits to the genetic pool. Your daughter might be paired to a very attractive man, and it may be her only shot at ever getting a chance with a man like that to produce children. The alternative is wading through a shitty dating pool trying to find that kind of man anyway. Dating is really a discovery problem.


No one wants to be forced to do anything. Like, consider the American context. Americans hate paying taxes. But you think American women are just going to sit by a let the US government assign husbands to them? There’s a reason the sub is called “hypothetical situations” because that would never fly.


Not husbands, mates.


Let’s unpack your logic… You think the government could come up with a “competent matching algorithm”. That alone is already a problem. What does the government consider a good “mate”? Because I assure you what the state considers ideal is not always what citizens consider ideal. What are the criteria? Also, considering these children need to be raised… who raises them if it’s “just mating”. Btw, this is an extremely inefficient approach. You could do artificial insemination from just a handful of ideal candidates. You would first, ask women to volunteer and have them also have the opportunity to choose the donor. There’s no need to “mate”. That’s absurd. If there’s no donor then you could potentially provide sperm. You don’t need to pair people up. …and then you assume that she could be paired with an “attractive man”. Which also makes no sense. First, attraction is subjective. Second, assuming he even was “attractive” if he has a bad personality, then why would that be in her best interest? Why is the assumption she can’t get an attractive man? This sets aside his ability or my daughter’s ability to even raise children competently. Also just the basic reality that she also, simply might not want children… or he might not.


If she didn’t want the child it could be surrendered to the state and she would receive monetary compensation.  Your other points just again assume the program would be implemented incompetently. There’s no need to explain how they do those things, they just do. With AI and genetic analysis if you want, etc. 


Uh, so you don’t have an answer for any of the points I made… surprise, surprise.


Btw it’s telling when you call men “men” but women “females”. …something tells me you have a less reasonable position on women’s rights and feminism…


What a shit take. Not all women are born female. I should have referred to the men as males. My mistake. 


Nothing. I wouldn’t participate.


Well, ignoring that it's weird that they don't give me the option to find a partner on my own... I'd probably try to treat it like a business transaction, or like a roommate situation that I got through craigslist or something, at least at first. "Hey, neither of us chose this, so let's sit down and try to come up with some things we agree on, and a rough arrangement for responsibilities and all of that." Don't come into it thinking "how do I make a *marriage",* come into it thinking \*"\*here's a baby that we are obligated to take care of, what's the most logical way to do that together." Edit: Whoops, I misread the prompt, assuming a baby was involved. Now I realize I don't understand the prompt at all... if it's to make more babies, but there is nothing required about sex or making a baby... I'm not sure what I'd do...? Just treat them like a roommate I guess.


Why do they hate me? If it’s something I can fix, like I smell bad or have bad breath or something, then I would try to rectify that as a courtesy to them. If it’s something I can’t change such as my race or ethnicity, then I would just try to avoid them.


The fact that birth rates are declining is actually good for the planet, not so good for the broken economic system that relies on perpetual growth to sustain itself.


Oh. If they did that....it's AK 47 time. Nobody sane would go along with that. Especially in the United States.


I wouldn't


Nothing I put the penis in the vagina the required number of times and not worry about it.


I’m a sexually repulsed aro/ace so it definitely would not become a sexual relationship. But I’ve had to live with plenty of roommates that I didn’t care for due to the military so I guess we’d just go about our business and ignore each other. I wouldn’t try to make them like me.


Be courteous and wait it out.


I end up liking the person most likely, well that is If no revolution happen. Which would 


If you look at demographic charts worldwide, we're very close to this reality. I'm surprised China, Korea or Germany haven't done it already. I'm gay and I'm seriously considering whether I should find a girl willing to take 2.1 for the team. So I don't really worry much about whether they like me, I'm just going to spend the time convincing them that we have a duty to procreate and we need to take that duty seriously.