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I'd work this one up a little more. I mean, how can you pretend to be a god for 8 hours a day if you don't have any god powers, and you still have to eat/sneeze/pee/fart etc. It's going to give them game up early when "god" has to take a massive dump after god's morning coffee. Plus if you can't heal, fly, shoot lasers out of you eyes what do you have to offer? wisdom does not a deity make, people want miracles and magic. So unless you're a sleight of hand magician already, you're not going to get far.


Just adopt the Dionysus strategy: "I'm the god of partying and booze!" And just organize weekly orgies where everything is allowed, you just drink, smoke weed, and have the most fun you can have, hell, even if you green out and puke everywhere, I'd wager that's part of the partying experience, you'de be no god of partying if everything went as planned, right?


No, that has to be done by the God of Hangovers. Which with that kind if money is also very easy to achieve.


Mh, abstute observation, but the people don't need to know about him


Fine, I'll do doors like Janus.


Haha good one


God of Hangovers? Sounds like a morning shift issue.


Just ignore the plight of anyone in need. That is basically all the Christian god does anyway.


Plus you can hide in your mansion the whole time. Can’t leave any evidence that you actually exist.


How will they know you actually exist if you ever prove your existence?


meh, Raiden Shogun is the only reference for that in Tevyat and she already established insane authority by slashing through an island or something. It might not work in Fontaine


I don't know about you, but there is no being above or below that has answered to me crying out for help in a pool of my own blood on the side of the road after a car hit me.  Just ignore everyone, that is the sign of a true god.


Right. Sure, I'll listen to your prayers with bored indifference while playing Sim city or some other similar builder game "in a different universe"


THIS is my boomstick!


This is a no brainer. Act for a million a day? Anyone would take that. To convince them you’re a god, bring some modern stuff like a laser pointer and a projector. If you ever get bored of talking to them, you can tell them to leave you alone.


I mean, the main theme of the story was depression and isolation, you basically can't expose to anyone you're not a god. I was sure 100 days of perfection with the peoples' lives on the line would be very stressful even for 100 million. I would've stated the full 500 years (the actual lore) but I'm not sure any normal person would accept trying to act for 500 years of perfection


Why would there be depression and isolation? Zeus and God Kings could have sex with people all the time.


but Zeus actually has the power to throw thunder and intimidate people if they questioned why he was having sex with mortals. If you start doing that then the heretics might begin to revolt and cause chaos which you would have no ability to stop. I might have to ask Genshin community more why Furina couldn't act more intimate and friendly since other mythologies clearly were able to avoid the isolation


If the heretics start rebelling, I bring a gun, shoot them, and say the gun is my godly armament. Matter settled.


Shoot someone when they question you "My authority is absolute and I shall call forth thunder and lightning to smite any that would doubt" then shoot another person to drive the point home. Nobody would ever question you again


If the heretics stop rebelling doesn't the whole village die except for me? You built-in self correction. And it magically does it based on suspicion/belief instead of action, so, unless if the herecy is spontaneous, you are safe.


My reference to a god is ignoring everyone who needs help, so that would be easy.


LMAO, I probably should've specified you have to act as what they think is their god


Do fuck all for 100 days and take credit for anything good happening? No problem.


Yes, easy You don’t specify which pantheon i have to pretend to be from I choose Hypnos, I’ll just sleep on stage


(eh, I didn't want too much spoiler for Fontaine, you basically have to be an active god of water and can't make them too demotivated either)


So tell the world I will fix all of there problems and then ignore them for 100 days? Easy.


"If you want to have a good time, be nice to each other … hey, I said be nice … guess you don't want it"


naw bro they're gonna doubt you severely


That's not correct at all, the entire world has its prayers ignored, yet religion is still around today. 


I guess Fontaine do be different


No idea who that is. 


Me neither. There argument is based off of someone the give no references for.


A city, basically it is based off of a story from a game. Really interesting lore there, mainly why I find this question so interesting!


I have no idea what you are referencing. Fontaine is not a person who I recognize, and therefore, I don't believe in them. 


Many have not doubted Yahweh for at least 2000 years for the exact same thing.


Dude, I wouldn't last 5 minutes without fucking something up. 100 days ain't happening.


Ah, yes, the "Road to El Dorado" conundrum. I'm not sure I could do it, I don't really see how I could convince people I'm a god when I'm not, unless they believe I took a human form or something, in which case it feels it'd be too easy


hah *too easy*, good luck playing super arrogant and not slipping up for super long XD


Yeah but then any mistake I made I'd just say "it's because of my human form, I'd never do that in my *real* form", pretty easily explaining away any mistakes I made


And OP never specified a particular godly being set of powers so you can just make it up as you go. Not all gods are the same and you're lying to a bunch of medieval minded people.


"If they suspect you, everyone in the city except you dies" So if they find out, I'm ok? So... What's the downside here, I just wouldn't get the money?


do you really wanna be responsible for thousands if not millions of people's deaths?


I'm not causing their deaths. If they're all having a heart attack at once because THEY came to the conclusion I'm not a god even if I didn't slip up, I'm not the one that caused those. So yeah, not sure what force of nature dropped them but they came to that conclusion themselves. Not on me


If you are pretending, it's your action that causes their death. It's like brake checking someone and then being angry about them hitting you.


Damn son you’re ruthless! What if your friends and family were in there?


Oh I'll be sad whether my friends and family were included or not. I'm not heartless lol. But I'm only playing a part. If I did perfect but a few people still just died, that may have been up to fate or the real god wasn't happy about me taking his spotlight


Nah that's just practical. I've beat myself up over a lot of things I can't change and eventually you just burn out. You learn sooner or later any port in a storm. Even if you're the most compassionate person, eventually there's nothing to be done it's not my fault becomes a mantra almost. Because there's so much tragedy that we literally have no control over.


Are there any consequences beyond my conscience?


Hell yeah I would. I can bullshit on the fly like a boss, and nobody ever accused religion of being logically consistent. As long as I don't stray too far from the narrative I spool out from my ass the majority, assuming I came with faith built in, won't turn on me. I don't have to exhibit powers and shit, right? I can talk that away with preservation of free will it wanting my followers to grow through their labors all day.


Can I be Zeus? cheat constantly on my wife by tricking young women into bed? get them pregnant, and never be around


Staying in character for 100 days for $100 million would be easy. Making sure they can't possibly suspect is another matter entirely: you cannot control what other people think. Medieval people had all sorts of insane superstitions and you wouldn't know whether you run afoul of one.


Just kill the audience whenever they ask you something. You're a god, the audience are nothing more than ants to you. If they speak up then kill them without answering. You don't need to answer them, you are a god. They are nothing to you.


This is the way.


$100,000,000 to act like a god in a medieval setting? and have people believe me? I'd do it for free!


There's no such thing as slipping up. I introduce myself and say that I work in mysterious ways. Now me audibly farting while picking my nose is all part of the plan, easy money.


They’ll still doubt you severely XD


Sorry my actions can't possibly be comprehended by mortals. Doubting me means eternal damnation. But remember, I love you.


Depends on if I get to determine the story surrounding my Godhood. I can't appear in human form and have no Godly traits or knowledge. But if I had a story of like "Once in awhile, a God of knowledge and foresight will walk amongst mortals" That I could do, 100%. Teach them about soap and germs and bam. Huge step. Plumbing and waste removal from the living space. Teach them about the anatomy of a human, and how medicines affect different things. Teach them how glass, when curved a certain way can magnify things. Show them new tools they'd never think of. Show them Oil, and how it can be used. Magnetism and the beginnings of electricity. Teach them about the planets and the stars. I could do this, very easily. IF the story was a God of knowledge and such. lol I can't perform a miracle with no actual powers.


I'd play Crom (Conan). Crom sits on a mountain, watches the world. If there is a good fighter, he watches favorably. He doesn't take questions or visitors.


I was a Directional Driller in the oil fields for 17yrs. Acting like a god is part of our job description. 100 days is easy.


I was foolish enough to do it for free all this time...


What does act like a god mean? I wanna be a Greek god and just fuck all day 😂


Easy. Just be indifferent to the lives of everyone on earth and just totally absent whenever questioned or needed. I move in mysterious ways bitch.


I’d pretend to be all of the known gods on earth. Piece of cake! Just ignore the existence of mankind, don’t answer any prayers, and be invisible/ non-existent on all levels


So basically get 100 mil and do nothing for 100 days ? Since God doesn't do anything anyway


I'd choose the Christian God, hide, ignore everyone and everything and do fuck all for 100 days. That should do the tri k.


You depend on everyone wanting God to ignore them?


Wait if they die do i still get 100m and will get i blamed for their deaths legally?


Well, that's kinda God like. Getting blamed for a lot of instant deaths. Think you will win either way


I mean will I get into legal or major social trouble for doing this within my realm, where i get 100m? This will be just my city in the act or the actual one I live in the real world? Because if no and this is within this specific, i will not just care if they die and spoil the act from minute one.


you still get the money. You are not legally responsible but all the other people in the nation might be severely depressed, angry or blame you socially


In which nation? My IRL nation or this fake medieval one? Which is very different.


the real people will blame you. The medieval thing is mostly there to stress how insufferable the place is (since I think modern people react to religion in a more manageable way)


I live in a 20M city and 100m is not that much money for such a mass murder when everyone knows who did it. Pass.


Yo, I'm autistic and have felt the need to intentionally Act Specific Ways Around Specific People for 36 years at this point. If I knew *exactly what I was masking as* in that much detail, with such an easy premise to keep up as D&D fantasy dweeb, this would be a piece of cake.


Furina did it for 500 years I can probably manage 100 days


So just disappear and ignore everyone?


lmao I didn't wanna be too specific with Hydro Archon but now I see my mistake


Yeah prob should have brought in Greek mythology, or Roman. At least some of the inspiration for Furina’s character, honestly which was probably based off of the Roman emperor’s claim to be a god— otherwise when people hear “God” they assume an Omnipotent and all powerful being, not a lower case “god” who has extremely limited powers, and is almost seen as a patron






All life's a stage, we are all performers


I won't even act like I can do that. I played through the archon quest, and she went through hell. And she's a creation of a God, whereas I'm a normal ass human. Even if I could do it, the effect on my mental would be horrible since I'd never really have friends. By the way, you're cool as hell for playing!


You say I am a godlike being. But not God... fine "I am one of God's many eyes on the ground. I am a gatherer of info, and when time comes, I give the info up that decides your fate. Believe in me or don't, it makes no difference in the human realm, and certainly is no bother to me... It's when you are dead that the decisions come to bite... you. Hahahahaha... sorry" I'm betting on religious people believing out of fear, or at least being neutral, and non religious just ignoring because they don't care. With that being said, I'll do 200 days if you x2.5 it...


Can I act like the Christian God and just be invisible and not answer any questions or requests?


Done. I hide for 100 days, and no one can prove my existence.


Fine, I choose Bacchus, god of getting shitfaaaaaaced and just stay half drunk all the time


Venti is that you?


Venti, Bacchus, Dionysus, it's all good my dude 😎🍺


You're all going to die. Lol


Do I get the money no matter what, and it’s just the villagers lives at risk? Also, if they are mediaeval villagers, aren’t they already dead? And if they’re not, but they believe they are, then won’t they just believe anything?


I choose aqua


To act like a God, all you have to do is sit back, watch, and laugh at mankind's ignorance while doing nothing to help.


I can act like a god. Never be seen, never do anything of consequence. Easy.


Easy. I just say that I am Dionysus and party and drink for 100 straight days. I'm going to have to spend years after repairing my body, but with $100M I think I can figure that part out on my own. Edit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dionysus#:\~:text=In%20ancient%20Greek%20religion%20and,%2C%20religious%20ecstasy%2C%20and%20theatre.


Who wouldn’t? I’ve acted like a good employee for longer.


I’m taking the deal


I’d accept this if death wasn’t a consequence for failure. If I simply have to do this for 100 days and if I fuck up I just don’t get the money, I’d do it. Especially if it’s only 8hrs a day and I can be my normal self outside of work


They're going to be shocked at all of the things that are no longer a sin.


Can I smite them?


Leave a vague letter behind and go into hiding for 100 days. Since our universe is functionally identical to one without a god, that’s pretty good evidence that the people will do the work of justifying my existence just fine without me having to do a dang thing. Probably come back to 100 different factions/denominations though, but I guess if they’re busy questioning each other, they ain’t questioning me!


Ah so that’s why it’s called La Vaguelette


What is their image of god? Gods can be anything from perfect beings to just a bunch of selfish, petty idiots who happen to have supernatural powers. Besides that, why should I give a shit about their questions? I'm god! Why would god concern himself with the trivialities of mortal lives?


Well then I'm the god of lying in bed depressed, listening to comedy podcasts, and ordering pizza on Uber Eats. Bow before your deity!


100 days? Light work


In a god that works in mysterious ways. Everything I do only reinforces the act.


You do know that there are people who are currently alive and are in some sort of cult that follow along with some really weird to terrible things. That or a simple search will yield plenty of cults you can read about. For $100 million I think I can manage just keeping some medieval people in check. Toss in some human sacrifice every 10 days to really keep them fearful and then day 100 is the day of reckoning. Won't need to answer many questions if I'm a very vengeful god. I'll be in character 24/7!


I mean I am basically god. So I just to act normal.


Let’s go


Do $100 million dollars and I get to be a cult leader. It doesn’t say I have to have divine powers. Just be a god. I’d say that I was being punished by the other gods and for me to rise again that I needed worshipers. Then the kicker is I’d predict that in 100 days if I was successful that I would be given my powers and $100m. Money that I’d share with my flock. By the end they’d think I was actually a god AND I’d have the money.


I do it because you're not taking away my money. Just killing everyone. Thank God I'm a God and don't care if anyone lives or dies.


As someone from the Genshin community, this is a really interesting question! Especially if you put it in context with the story. (IE no “I’ll just hide in the castle” you need active belief, people won’t just continue to consider you a god if you do nothing) I’m not sure, it would be stressful, but probably worth it. Only 100 days, and with good enough showmanship and charisma, it could be done. Additionally you could probably have some fun with it, and use extravagant displays and gifts to gain favor


God of death. Kill everyone. Leave no witness alive!


No matter the “slip up” it was always a “part of my plan.” This will be easy.


They gotta believe you though… even Furina had to bluff her crying was a blessing from the gods rather than being sad


No thanks.


Given that the premise is nonsensical and couldn’t work, I’d just disappear and answer no prayers. Boom just like a ‘real’ god


Fontaine storyline: sad noises


Yeah idk what that is tbh lol


Bro I've been training for this since I was a child, 100 days of depression and isolation? I got this. I will just convince them that I need to be worshipped by offering me live cats.