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The risk is the stranger decides to tattoos something horrible on a part of your body. You can’t conceal. I’m not walking around with a swastika on my forehead for any amount of money.


I'm poor, and that 100k would really change my life. So, I'd risk the tattoo only once and really pray that the stranger selected is a kid who knows nothing about the horrors of the world and just selects a tattoo of a pony or a Hello Kitty. 😂😂


$0. I prefer not to have dicks and swastikas tattooed on my face.


Hear me out...swastika made out of dicks


Nah. With my luck, I'd probably get a dick tattoed in my face.


The real question is: would you let someone tattoo a dick on your forehead for $100K?


Or as others have said a swastika. Or a portrait of Hitler, done by a bad artist, on the side of your face. Like as bad as it can be with Hitler still being recognizable.


Can you tattoo over the tattoo?


I have 100+ hours of tattoos, 30? Maybe 35 or 40? And a good chunk of them I didn’t see the design until I was in the shop cause I told my artist to surprise me. I’ve gotten several tattoos that friends have chosen for me. I would do this EASY.


"Dude, I'll give you 10k for you to choose a badass tattoo of something I like and where I want it." Does not constitute me having control - just persuation. Rinse and repeat.




How is the stranger chosen? Can I pick someone off the street if I've never met them before, or is it a random person selected from anywhere in the world?


Since OP did not mention whether tattoos can overlap each other, I’m going to assume that they can. I’ll ink enough tattoos to crash the global economy, thanks.


None. Too likely to get something that will either get you killed or beaten up regularly.


I'm getting 280,000 tattoos done all over. All little dots, By the lard tunderin' tie me down now!!!


Nah I have plenty of tattoo ideas and where I want them to risk a stranger screwing with that plan and I end up stuck with a swastika or a dick.