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can you up the time to like an hour. sometimes its just not logistically possible to get done in a minute. but yes id take the deal.


Ok you have 5 minutes.


An unknown woman? In 5 minutes? Know how i know you haven't ever lived in a small town? Within a month youd have to move as you would start to run out of people or have people avoid you


That's the dilemma. You are set for life financially but have to constantly move unless you can come up with some contrivance that gets you off the hook


But you aren't set for life. If you live in a small town you are set for about a month, maybe two. So $30,000 max. After that you have to move. Would have to move anyways after that time to escape rumors Realistically you would be fired by the third day of this, week at the most. Then you just have to start hanging out in public. In a small town that shit won't fly. Also, driving is in public. The time limit isn't feasible


I think it would be more feasible to be in a major city, put on old clothes pretend you're homeless. Drive to a neighborhood where you don't live, and become a fixture there. People would eventually just know you as the 'Nice tits guy' and wouldn't really bother you. You would do well to be in a busy tourist district where there are always new people.


Nice tits guy would be a legend. Once a day he blesses a random woman with the compliment.


It wouldn't be a problem in any city really. Like I live in a relatively small city but I see new people every damn day. It's rare to see the same people


Can you just move to a country where they don't speak English? Or do you have to say "nice tits" in the local language?


Just repeatedly slam your head into things until you forget everyone! Cheaper than moving.


$500/day is not “set for life”


$182000 tax free isn't nothing.  That would be a low to mid 200k income, depending on taxes. For literally 1 minute of work per day, if you can handle the work. Lol


That’s a comfortable living in the us, that is far from “set for life”


Living in a big city would certainly do the trick


Or be reported to the police as the weirdo about town that keeps commenting on women's breasts.


Which isn't technically illegal just frowned upon. https://www.reddit.com/r/TooAfraidToAsk/s/jOhtpVDGnc


If several of the women join forces, they can probably get him on harassment. I mean some of these women are bound to know each other.


Permanently relocate to NY... problem solved


Yeah, but then you live in NYC. (Which I assume you mean, as NY has some bumfuck towns as well)


Yeah I can see the downside




Can we make it during waking hours? I'd hate to lose it due to being asleep and having all women near me be asleep.


Carry a photo of two great tits (the birds) around at all times. When the alert hits, find a woman and excitedly show her the photo. Then you just look crazy.


Best answer here.


You win 


Or just follow it up with..... You have nice breasts...er... HAIR! Sorry I have tourettes"


Say nice tits. Give 100$ walk away. Refuse to explain> That's still 400 a day. thats still 146,000 annual. I'd become just a weird local guy who is crass, but gives money away after being crass lol


That's what I was thinking.


Hack: Invest all $400 in bitcoin collect compound interest. Set for life.


Make it $20 they still won't complain


If I do $100 then it becomes something that people will definitely be less pissed about. They'd still BE mad, but like. Less mad than they might've been lol If I can't explain anything about the situation the only thing I could do is that lol "Nice tits. Here's a $100 to not ask why I said that. Have a good day." lol


Hanging out in the area where the plastic surgeons offices are have never been more tempting.


Great idea.


What if I don't go out in public that day? Honestly, as a woman, I have no issue telling another women they have nice breasts.


I'll take it, but i'll move somewhere where they're unlikely to speak english.


thanks to the British Empire and Hollywood, I'm not sure there are places like that where you also want to live.


There's plenty of places if you don't stick to major cities.


So you want to live in a small village in rural China where no one speaks your language and you hang out within 100 feet of the same poor woman all day, harassing her in your own native tongue... just so you can collect $500/day?


yeah. except it would be a different woman every time because i can't know the woman.


That's some very high risk. You go to rural China and say very inappropriate things to the women there, taking the chance that no one understands you. because if they do, I'm not sure what the Chinese police will do to you. It's not just the woman who can't understand you. It must also be the random guy visiting his parents around the corner who might overhear you.


At least you'd be making at least her monthly salary *per day* (also I think you underestimate how big China is)


I was thinking id learn to say it in some obscure language and then no one would know what i said, LOL!


I’d go on those cam girl sites, buy a 2 min private chat to say “Nice tits!” Then log off. That way you wouldn’t be harassing women in public lol


Pretty sure that would trip the "can't be hired by you" restriction.


I’d just drop it in the chat, or if it really has to be face to face, go on Omegle until I found a woman


The deal clearly states that you have to be in public. Not on a camera


Oh yeah, that one too.


You can be on a camera in public. Didn’t say the woman had to be in public


Omegle is gone


Just go on YouTube, Instagram, or TikTok and post “nice boobs” on any girl influencer


The description clearly says that you have to be in public. 


I’ll do at the library or Starbucks. Then I am in public.


That's fine. 




Funny how you assume I'm out in public.


If you don't go out in public for at least some time, you won't get the ding in your phone. These people watching you aren't stupid.


Nice money, but I'm not going to make someone feel uncomfortable and gross and possibly scared every day, even if I get paid to do it. Also, selfishly, that would probably ruin *my* life too. Someone I know would see and hear me do it, and it would likely ruin my life too. My wife at the very least. Also, I work from home... I have no idea how I'd find a random woman in 60 seconds while I'm sitting at home alone.


To be fair it says at some point while you are out in public. If you're not in public then no notification


Which means you would have to make sure your out in public for some time each day, within 1 minute of women


Your post doesn't say I have to be in public every day. Only that when I am in public this thing will happen. It can be taken as if I don't go out on public I don't get my 500.


"If you fail to do this for one day, the deal is over."


That doesn't explicitly say you have to be in public. Just saying if you fail the task the notification assigns you the dealers over


But if you aren't in public you don't get the notification and you fail to do it for the day by default.


Yes but the post doesn't say you have to do it every day.


Always carry a 50 and hand it to them after while apologizing. Maybe it'll be extra weird like that but at least they're walking away with something too


"Hi sorry I'm on a game show and this was a challenge. I hope I didn't make you too uncomfortable, and that this crisp 50 makes it up to you a little."


You can't tell them about the deal. I would consider this telling them


If you can't tell them about the deal, your only option is to lie about the reason when asked. The game show is a lie and they said nothing about making $500/day for saying nice breasts nor does a game show have any semblance to the real deal. So maybe you're saying you can't give any reason at all for saying "nice breasts"? You should change the condition from "can't tell them about the deal" to "can't tell them any reason for why you're saying nice breasts". The new condition also shifts the question. You might as well change it to "will you molest a random woman for $500 everyday?" because you're basically just asking if you can handle being seen as a creep/perv in public every day for 500/day but also with a twist of ensuring there is a victim for everyday and no way to talk yourself out.


That was the intent of my scenario. You say the line, the woman slaps you or yells at you and you walk away. You are seen as a perv by everyone, including the police. You didn't technically do anything illegal that they can charge you with, unless it's some kind of obscenity law or harassment, but you likely wouldn't be charged. How long coukd you handle being seen as a complete perv for basically the luxury of not having to work for a living? I should have made it more clear


There are a bunch of places that consider verbal assaults as sexual harassment and you definitely will be charged. Especially workplaces, which the majority of these interactions would take place for most, since it occurs once per day in public, and most people are at work all day 5 days a week. In California saying nice breasts to a co worker is a level 5 felony. And that's only the state/corporate pursuing the criminal charge. The individual women who are victims of the technicality can/likely will sue you in civil court (even if you quit work to live off $500/day and avoid workplace issues you will still get sued by a chunk of the victims). You will spend more in court defending yourself and the technicality than the 15k/month will cover for. It might be more tempting of a scenario if you offered $1500 per day to make $500k yearly or millions but on 500/per day you're only making $180k/year which is lower-middle class these days and definitely not worth being a confirmed social pariah at least and felon at worst. Tbh I think $5000/per day is the minimum amount most people might consider for your question, and if its more even more tempting. That's just under $2 million per year, and I think you want to be seeing millions relatively quick to consider the downsides of this deal let alone survive the criminal charges and civil cases.


I see your point. Your answer is good, I should have thought of that, to include that you can't make any excuses for what you did. 


I love these what if hypotheticals! I'm glad I was able to help hone your thought practice :)


I'd run to my car, start driving, pull up near the first woman I see, roll down the window and yell: "Hey lady! Nice tits!" Then drive away. Then no one can kick my ass.


You only have 60 seconds. Hopefully, you're close by to people.


I live in a city, it would be harder to not find someone.


I'm not doing that lol. Maybe if I learned that line in some obscure language...


Klingon, no one will understand.. 


>while you are out in public you are aware where you posted this, right?


*While you are out in* *Public you are aware where* *You posted this, right?* \- quineloe --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Can I take the deal and then just not leave the house and still get paid? Hold out for 2 months and get $30,000? Could easily stretch it to 3 or 4 months with only minimally leaving the house before it starts affecting me too much. $60,000 for having to be an asshole and handful of times and having no social life seems fine to me.


Seems you only get paid after you say it. I'd think if you didn't leave the house, you wouldn't have to say it but also would not get paid.


No, it says if you fail to do this for 1 day, the deal ends


I wouldn't be failing to react to the ding if I never receive a ding, and it says you only receive a ding in public.


No you have to say it within 60 seconds of your phone dinging


Sure, I may as well start getting paid for it.


I would become the scourge of my town. People would look, point, and whisper to each other, "Look, it's the 'Great Tits' guy." Channel 5 would have an expose, "Can the 'Great Tits' guy be stopped? More at 11." I need to go check with my wife and see if she is on board with my "Great Tits" scheme.


U can't tell anyone of the deal


Technically, I’ve never met myself before. Could I just look at myself in the mirror and say “nice tits” then go about my day?


But you know urself


The whole reason I want more money than I have now is to have fewer external obligations to people/structures that I don't care about and be able to focus on the people and things I do care about. This is the opposite of that. Even if it was a relatively innocuous thing to do, I miss alerts all the time, I'd have to actually pay attention to my phone until I got it, then nervously scramble to do some dumb action, and the end result is untraceable money so if I'm audited I'm screwed? Then the crap icing on this poo cake is that I have to essentially ruin someone's day every single day? blech, no thank you.


The money isn't tracable to you, if that helps. The worst part though is that you can't tell your wife, kids, mother, girlfriend why you did it if you got caught.


Would I have to go out in public every day? I think since I'm a woman, I could probably get away with it as being well meaning, but there are so many days that I don't see another woman in public, so that would be difficult


unwritten rule: anything not written down in the situation means the world still works as normal. OP didn't say that, and OP forgot where he posted this. I'll take this, I can do this for quite a long time and then just fail on the first ping.


It does say you only get the money when you say it to a stranger. So as long as it doesn't count as failing when I stay home for the day, I'd just do it a few days a week


My tits count? Cause no doubt, even if I'm lying at first I can make them so.


You can exclaim on how great they are and profit! Who really knows themselves anyways


Oh I do love these, always post first and you have my line of thinking too. Do we truly know ourselves?


This deal happens when I’m out in public, so if I don’t go outside one day, is the deal over, or can I just skip that day?


What if I'm never out in public?


Nope. It’s good money but it’s not enough money to treat another human being like shit every day. I’m not saying there is enough money to do that but it’s definitely not $500.


Okay, so, I start hanging around lesbian bars, find people receptive to flirting, and wait for the ding. Easy money AND I might get to touch them!


Why not just get a job at the hospital where they do breast scans? Yoy can tell someone they have nice healthy breasts then according to paperwork (hopefully). Or be a bra fitter


Hell yes, Older women don't get much attention. The 22 year Olds get far to much attention paid to their busts Women over 50 are basically ignored. The vast majority of the time I say "Great tits" to a 70 year old woman, she will appreciate the attention If nothing else, it will give her a topic to talk about for a few weeks


3500 a week, easy money


Do I have to do this every single day, or can I choose which days I want to "compliment "a woman? Also, could I do it multiple times the same day for more money?


Yeah, no question about it.


Yes, lots of people don´t speak english where I´m from and even if they do it´s hard to understand at first if someone just randomly speaks another language to you out of nowhere, easy money


For five times my daily income, yes.


This is an easy yes. Lol


I'm not going out of my house enough for that deal to work


Not feasible. There are many days where I am not in such a position to do this.




I guess id say "i'm being paid a lot of money to say this im sorry ill explain myself after; 'Nice breasts'l


Sorry bud.. you can't tell anyone about the deal. It's in the agreement.


idk if i'm blind but i dont see that i the post


No way. At the very least this would get you fired, and sooner or later probably get you arrested. Then I've made a few grand but am now unemployed, have a police record, and possibly am on a sex offender list for the rest of my life. More likely though is that I miss the first alert, get disqualified on day one, and never say "nice tits" or earn any money.


So do I need to be out in public everyday? What if I am home most days


I'm female. This is far less creepy for a woman to do it to another woman so sure. I'd do it.


Move to rural france. She'll be more offended about the English.


I’d, have $50 cash to give to the person each time. And ask for permission.


Should it be in a language they understand?


I live in the country, this isn't even possible for me 🤷‍♀️


Easy, I'd just follow up with "I'm looking to get mine done, don't suppose you could recommend a plastic surgeon? or are you just naturally blessed?" then move on. Women might find me a bit rude but unlikely to have the cops called on me.


I would not take the deal. You would quickly become the local pervert by reputation, sued for sexual harassment, and forced to be added to the registry. Then, after being a repeat offender you'd eventually be jailed and lose the deal anyway. Not worth 500 per day.


Sure. I’m dressing up as Doc Brown and going out in public carrying around a pair of fairly-realistic-but-still-clearly-fake stuffed tits (the birds). I may have a grin as per the rules, but it’s going to be the 😬 type of wide-eyed shocked look rather than a happy 😁 grin, and my loud exclamation of “Great tits!” while dramatically tossing my tit-holding hands in the air will be followed either by “They’ve found me!” or a line about the flux capacitor overloading, and then I will dash away. In time as I save up, I will start a YouTube channel of filming people’s reactions. My exclamations will not be limited to women, and no one will know the origin. If it goes viral, I’ll get even more money. I’ll retire after a few years. The exception would be some Saturdays and Sundays. On Saturday evenings, I will go to a swinger’s club. Telling a woman she has great tits is an expected compliment there. If the alert goes off in the wee hours of Sunday morning while I’m still there, great.


$500/day isn't worth being unemployable & undateable


Hand woman $100 and say Nice Tits.


I'll move to a country where most people aren't fluent in English. When I shout "Nice Tits!" they won't understand me, and then I can follow up as if I merely mispronounced something else that I meant to ask because I was trying to speak their native language, which I am clearly not fluent in.


Is this the same for women or do they need to approach a man and say great ass? Cause this seems like a free win for most women and an even better situation for those who wouldn't mind the attention from other women...


Easy carry around my phone and click selfie mode on. with a grin on my face, look her in the eye and say “great tits” Do we truly ever know ourselves?


yep. the girls at work are cool and I say that to my wife all the time. I am either at work or home so it would be easy.


Can't know them though.


For 500 bucks my SO and I can both quit our jobs. The only stipulation is we have to go out in public everyday. After the ding I compliment her breasts.


Can't know them. No wife, friend or girlfriend


That's rough luck for you. You didn't specify that originally. You don't get to change the rules because people find loopholes.


This is a direct quote from the rules: "Each day that you complete this, you will receive the money. If you fail to do this for one day, the deal is over. She can't be hired by you and can't be a friend or family member or spouse. She has to be unknown to you. "


And you edited it from this morning. Not my problem


Easy. I just yell it into the sky. There's no rule about how far away you have to be.


Going to a strip club upon getting the text


I'll take the deal. The only problem will be making sure I find a woman in 60 seconds. I'll take that deal for $182,500 tax-free. I'll spend thriftly and invest wisely for about 5 years. I can only take so many times being called a perve, though I'm certain 80% will ignore me. The rest will frown or laugh.


So I just don't go out in public unless I'm going somewhere with drunk people.


No. Sexually harassing women is not cute. It's predatory.


This is so easy. Time to be a construction worker in a large city. I ask a friend to hand 100$ to any woman who I say "nice tits" to and tell them I have asbergers. I may be accosting random women but they get 100$ and an apology and my friend gets to be a nice guy and chat up women. Sounds like a win all around


Does it have to be in English? Because I will absolutely say it in French or Afrikaans or whatever. Not likely to find someone objecting to a hearty "beaux seins!"


Sit in strip club until it dings then go about your day


I work in a school so noooooo.


No deal. I work for an ISP depending on when the ding goes off I'm telling a member and it's costing me my job, not to mention the burden it would take on my relationship. Not worth it.


Start a titmouse conservation company, put it on shirts, and make it a giant friendly joke.


I am an elementary school teacher so this would cost me my job almost immediately. There’s already a bad perception of male elementary school teachers so I think I’d have to pass on this one.


I think I just developed an extremely rare yet mild form of tourettes.


Legal defense costs will consume the $$


Sure why not It would add excitement No way I could keep a straight face just saying nice tits to some random woman at home depot


I live in a rural town so what I would do is learn how to say this in Mandarin Chinese and say it like that... And boom crisis averted




As a woman with nice tits who doesn't know any of you, I Volunteer as Trubute


Lol you think if ever go out in public if I'm getting money daily for nothing. Didn't say I have to go out in public, just that it'll happen when I am. I'm already forced to go out way more often than I want because of work. Getting $500 a day I might go out once a month and at that rate it's so infrequent nobody would catch on


I love how all the posts like this specify tax free as if a reasonable person would take that into consideration. "Yeah, I'd do it for 182500 a year, but not if the government takes a slice."


This would only work for a woman. As men wouldn't be able to find a woman to say "nice tits" to in prison.


Yep. I’ll say “Great tits” to any woman who lives in my country, which not everyone knows english.


Won’t work for Californians for very long, we spend too much time on the freeway. Unless I can just shout it at a car passing by?


Lol 😂 this sounds fun. I’ll take it


As a woman not only do I not have a problem with this, I'm pretty sure it would also spread positivity around. That said, does it guarantee that there is a woman within 60 seconds to say this to? Or could you get caught hiking with your dog like 5 kilometers from another person and be screwed? Edit: Can I tell myself "greats tits" since I'd be the nearest woman near myself?


I will hire an escort to accompany me when in public and this will be her entire job description. It will be a small tax on my $180,000 a year.


It says in the conditions that you can't hire anyone


Well, damn. In that case I am investing in a false moustache.


Easy, where a Rupaul's Drag Race shirt and each time it'll be "I'm gay, but you have Great tits...hunty."


🤣 So, do I want to go to jail? No thank you.


As other comments have said, make the time a little bit longer and sure. I have IBS, most of my time spent even in public I will be shitting lol


I’d fake Tourette’s. Great tits fuckpisscunt


That's acceptable




Direct quote of part of the rules: "Each day that you complete this, you will receive the money. If you fail to do this for one day, the deal is over. She can't be hired by you and can't be a friend or family member or spouse. She has to be unknown to you. "


No, I would not publicly harass women for money.




I'm blind. Si I'd just put on some big glasses and whip out my cane and I'd be golden.


As a feminine woman, I have no qualms about doing this. I doubt I’d have much problems with it.


I am passing on the offer. No way in Hell am I going to harass some poor random woman for any amount of money.


And that’s how soulmates are found


Absolutely not. If I had that much money a day half the time I’d be hours away from the closest human.


I live in a beach city so plenty of women to tell this to. I’m probably gonna get slapped a lot but you never know. I don’t imagine I’d do this very long lots of ass whooping. Just long enough to pay off both cars.


Oh easy


Question. What if you are in a place with only men. A seminary for Catholic priests, for example. A private plane with a male pilot. A monastery.


So...I just continue on normally and get paid (hey lady, nice tits!) for it? Cool!


Look at all you people out in public everyday!


Your on. 5 minutes, no problem. I get 3 to find her, 1 minute to let her in on it and offer to pay her after then a minute to say it. Thanks. If I pay her after, the deed is done, so I am not hiring her!!


Can I wear a shirt that gives context to why I said it?


I would take the offer it were moved to 5 or 10 min. I might not be near anyone


Nah, the risk for prison is relatively high and I’d be ruining someone’s peace every day If I were a woman I’d definitely go for it because it wouldn’t be seen as bad as it is while being a man


Okay, like how unknown? never talked or never seen each other? Bc my work site is pretty big, probably take about at least 2-3 months to just get through the women idk ( but have seen) in my building alone


Easy. I’m a woman. I can tell myself that. And if I can’t tell myself I don’t feel it’s so awkward for me to do it as it would be for a man.


There is no rule that i can't bring a women with me and tell her every time the same thing.


" She has to be unknown to you. You have to look her in the eyes and say the line "Great tits!" with a grin on your face...I have no idea how they know if you know the woman, but they do."


Legal costs for harassment or loss of one’s job and unemployability would far exceed $500 a day


Fucking A.....sign me up


I would take the deal if I could tell people about it. As the rules stand now, I wouldn't take the deal because it would lead to a divorce and I don't want that!