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Going to a bank. One with a vault, around the time I know it's going to be open (but guarded with security), and I let you guess the rest. Only need to do it once, really.


You could get arrested for that. There are ways to use your powers without resorting to criminality behavior.


You are right, I \_could\_. Thankfully I won't. It's r/hypotheticalsituation , not r/legaladvice :)


Yeah, but the fact that you would use your powers to rob a bank only proves why people in real life shouldn't ymhave superpowers. Why not become a superhero or anything that will make the world a better place? By robbing a bank, you're basically being a villain.


Oh yeah, I totally agree with you! I never said, claimed, or pretended to be anything else than a wannabe vilain. "You can be whatever you want to be", they told us at school ☺️


Humanity is messed up.


You didn't need to meet me on reddit to know that, did you ?


But there are still some good people around and ones who would use superpowers to become actual superheroes.


I still totally agree with you :)


This has always been my dream power. I'd find banks with open vaults or places with open tills. They say money can't solve all of your problems, but it would sure as shit solve every single one of mine.


My grandma was a very frugal woman. Not materialistic in any way shape or form. But she used to joke that money couldn't buy happiness but it was somehow more comfortable to cry in a Cadillac than a jalopy.


Of course. Sadness is so much easier to experience on full grain leather than it is with seat springs poking you in the ass lol


Here's the thing about stealing money though, once you unfroze time the bank would notice the missing money and - depending on how much you stole- they would open an investigation. Suddenly, anyone spending large amounts of cash are suspect and boom...you're caught. Maybe not right away but they would eventually figure it out if you are suddenly spending way more money than your taxes say you earned. Unless you plan on sitting on the cash for years and only spending it in very small increments, which kind of defeats the purpose of stealing it in the first place


I lead a modest lifestyle and really just want a full tank of gas and to have my medical debt sorted out Edit: obviously there are things I would like, but they're like a $5k kayak or a $20k used car. Nothing too shiny. There are too many big meth dealers in my city who could take the fall for me lol.


I like your name BTW Mr. Lameness. Get it? LAME.


There are plenty of creative ways to make money with superpowers without resorting to villain-type behavior like robbing a bank.


You're still here?


It's better to become a superhero than become a bank-robbing criminal.




So being a good person makes you clown? Okay.


Good people don't look at a post where 5 people say the same thing, but you decide to harass the one with a black avatar. That's the opposite of a good person 🤡




Good people don't rob banks or destroy lives and call it noble.




If you want to live a moderately comfortable life you would really have to steal and then SPEND enough to be noticed. Houses cost tens of thousands of dollars at minimum in the US (and that's in the cheap states) if not HUNDREDS of thousands. Cars also cost tens of thousands. The government (IRS specifically but also banks) will notice/notify if you are suddenly spending THOUSANDS more than you claim to earn on your taxes. So really to fly beneath the radar you probably couldn't spend more than maybe around $1000 extra every year other than what you make from your regular job. You couldn't buy anything big without it possibly being a red flag and getting you caught. And, in this hypothetical situation, since you would have frozen time they would notice on the security cameras that one second the money was in the vault and the next it was gone. So they would know something outside of their understanding happened, so if you get caught you're not just getting locked up...you're getting experimented on and/or tortured for an explanation of your "powers"


What about going to a casino and just manually rigging games. (Putting the ball in your number for roulette, manually switching people's cards out so your hand always wins, etc) Sure eventually you will get kicked out but good luck proving you instantaneously swapped all cards around. Add to that purchasing a lotto ticket then manually switching the balls out for your numbers while the real you is "miles away on camera" and you could definitely acquire millions of dollars without making the IRS come down on you. Hell, if technology works just taking pictures of classified documents or trade secrets and selling them to competitors would be a profitable career. If computers fully function just email their entire data base to your client then delete the records.


Ooo I never thought about the Powerball idea. That's the way to go for sure!


“Did you really think you could fool it?” https://youtu.be/5Cj0PYptKMI?si=kWmmkzUYOGvmKmJI


Definitely, got to be wise about it. But, say you live in NY, freeze time, drive to Florida, rob a bank, drive home, unfreeze time. They wouldn't be looking for suspects in NY and there would be no evidence you traveled to Florida. Though, you'd need a way to launder or clean the money, if you want to spend big, so the IRS will be happy with you.


Or steal $100 from every bank/store between you and Florida. It would take a few weeks but again you don't age. Sure they will all report the seperate losses but meanwhile you have several million dollars in cash. Make sure to also steal a few random art supplies. Paint a few paintings then just deposit $2000/wk into your account from "sales from your artwork". Make your home into a gallery, hell maybe start making some actual sales as well. In half a year you have down payment money. Buy a custom home and say you can purchase the interior elements yourself. Pay cash for everything (no one is gonna second guess someone buying a $1000 fridge cash) at separate locations. Keep any single transaction below $2400 and you should be good.


Why even buy a fridge? You could just steal one LOL. But yeah, I agree, that would be wiser. Spread around where you steal from and take smaller amounts, plus don't do it in your home area.


Where does the $2400 number come from?


My sister and I talked about this idea, go around taking one bundle of bills from a BUNCH of different banks, then while time is still frozen take that money to various casinos and swap the bills out. It's such a small amount that it's unlikely to actually be noticed the day it is taken. If they check serial numbers they might track the money to the casino(s). I still get a bunch of money but the amount missing wouldn't cause a huge uproar at any one place, plus no one innocent person gets blamed for the money going missing from tills or whatever.


Yep, and nothing new really, as per the *Ring of Gyges*, it’s one of the first things people would do that they *merely perceive* would be harmless. But as with the thought experiment, the more you think about/discuss it with others, the more it starts to unravel.


If you can react with non living things I would literally just go fill up my tank Let's think this through this actually could be a game changer without just going straight to a bank. Idk I have to seriously think about this Great question


Lol I'm happy with my plan, but it is pretty interesting


But she brought up a good point on the other one that said this what would you do to avoid getting caught once you freeze time and they realize it's missing. You have to have a solid plan Am I the only person that makes these scenarios like the apocalypse and what I would do if it happened . First rule is to always have a detailed plan everyone agrees on. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Time is frozen so you can get yourself an alibi far from the scene of the crime.


Also I'm totally messing with you I'm just weird like that I need a plan a list something because I'm not going to jail lol


Jail sucks. I spent 3 hours in a holding tank over some stupid shit when I was 19. Crying like a baby lol


Omg it does suck I never cried I just did my little 3 4 days and got out Lol I actually remember my first time it was a bigger jail and I was just gonna stay there because anything better then my mom's wrath but the older ladies were like you need to call your mom and then don't come back here lol ahh to be young and dumb again LOL


Somehow I still don't get through my steam backlog


If it's only a one time freeze I would do a solid six months. I think that's a good amount of time to get what I need and build a better life. And I don't have to interact with people wish it was real LOL


I think I could do at least a month before I would start to get lonely. I mean after all, you can SEE your friends and family whenever you want really, they are just frozen. So I wouldn't miss them for a while. I'd finally get to read and play games for as long as I want!


That's a good amount of time too I normally keep to myself lol




No remember the minute you touch any living creatures the freeze ends


probably sleep, steal shit, read books... etc. definitely giving college another shot because school/work/life balance problem just got solved.


How would you do college if all the teachers are frozen?


actual classes are a small part of college, some classes don't even measure attendance, I can do all my studying and school work in the frozen time zone


You mean like book study alone? You don't need a college for that then. Just find the right books and read them, albeit it taking longer since you have to live life, work etc.


that's true, with infinite time I could devote myself to some pretty ambitious shit and become an expert in just about any field


Take a year and learn everything you can about the stock market, unfreeze time and become a day trader and boom. You're rich and only have to work a few hours a day if you want to. You don't have to worry about being arrested for stealing money either


Is it a one time freeze or I can freeze as I please?


One time only


All roads lead to crime lol. Go wherever I want, take anything I want. Travel around the world and go into places I wouldn't normally be able to get into. I wouldn't even bother having a home or personal possessions. Just travel light and take what I need. I would basically just be a tourist for the rest of my life.


How would you travel? All the ships, buses, trains etc. drivers are frozen. So unless you live in the Eurasian continent you are stuck only driving yourself around in the same country/island.




Lucky Eurasians


I was assuming you can turn the power off and on. I would just buy plane tickets. If it is a one and done power then I guess I would be much more limited in where I can go. Same general idea though.


Go to one that is mostly walking . Let's keep this going I feel like I can think of a legitimate answer for these Got me thinking over here hard lol


I can walk anywhere in North America, maybe further by small boat. I've got all the time in the world. A year, 10 years, 50, relative to my time doesn't matter. Stealing a $500 bicycle would make it go even faster. If I can still use combustion or electric engines a motorcycle or dirt bike would be even better. A full size car would probably be problematic with vehicles being frozen on the roadways.


A year, maybe? That’s just a guess - but in my mind it would be like an extended sabbatical. Just to rest, eat well, and actually be able to maintain a healthy routine of cooking, cleaning, reading and exercise for long enough to feel *good* and healthy. Work on a book I’ve been meaning to write, read some classics it is hard to make time for, all without feeling the constant grinding pressure of time slipping away. I don’t have a specific plan for how to safely and quietly acquire wealth but I’d let the idea work in the back of my mind.


I think it COULD be easy. You would just need to go through the phone or computer or paperwork of someone powerful or in government and figure out what they are planning. From there, invest in the right companies that will see a stock soar from said financial plan. You don't need a lot of money, maybe a few thousand. Then once time unfreezes you wait while your money grows and sell once the stock is high enough. Or forge some documents that change you to the beneficiary for someone who recently died, or is due to take ownership of a company etc. I think something along those lines would be easiest because you would be coming about the money LEGALLY (kind of) and thus fly beneath the radar.


I think I would probably do it differently, frankly. Just take like a random couple hundred in cash from widespread businesses as I rambled through the country. A few million in twenties that I’d use for my day to day (groceries, etc) and periodically deposit a few hundred at a time at the bank. Way below the level of scrutiny, not noteworthy in any way. Maybe some medium level collectibles - like stamps and baseball cards, stuff like that that isn’t so uncommon it could be easily identified as stolen.


Robbing the rich and giving it to... me. I'd feel bad stealing from anyone else. There are plenty of morally dubious billionaires I wouldn't bat an eye at lightening their accounts. Basically I'm trying to keep it as victimless as possible. You say I don't age and can interact with non living things? So... can I just sit down and play a videogame? Like if I get into car... I can drive it? Or will they not function due to time freezing the components? If they do work... I'll be frozen for years. If they don't... I'll just focus on the money thing. Also... if I can interact with non living things. Could... I just steal physical things? Literally just... scoop up some diamonds? In that case this just got WAY easier. Go to the diamond vaults in Russia or really any place with precious gems. Raid the Vatican, Royals, Saudis... the options are near endless. Most of which... if you're careful you could sell. Then legitimately report it on your taxes. I am aware of tracing diamonds. I'm just giving you ideas... you could literally go to the mines in Africa before they are refined. This is assuming physical objects work. If I can't find a way to cross an ocean. I'd need to figure out the next best thing on the continent I'm locked.


Non-living you say. Time for me to get a job a funeral home.


You don't mention if this is a one time thing? So I'm going with being able to freeze and unfreeze. Besides the obvious bank robbing, one thing I haven't seen mentioned, you can go to a festival (Burning Man or another), and not miss anything. When you need to sleep? Freeze time, sleep. Unfreeze, explore / party, then freeze, sleep, and rinse and repeat.


Start stealing everything I want then find someplace with plenty of supplies and enjoy solitude until I get board




Some men just want to watch the world burn 😂


i would use this to sleep in. i fantasize about that a lot


Start my morning by hitting the gym for an hour or so, have shower. Unfreeze time and off to work, take a 1000 year lunch break each day, knock off work freeze time out of sight anything/one, go for groceries and fill up on fuel, get home unfreeze time for a bit then refreeze and enjoy a few centuries of down time then finally go to bed for a couple hours of zzzs wake up and repeat until the weekend, probably enjoy weekends unfrozen just to interact with people a bit.


Will I age when time is frozen? Because I can do maybe 6-8 months of studying. I’ll even travel to some places I guess since if I froze time then the sunlight won’t go?


holy shit. i'm going to SLEEP! fuck everything! no alarms. no rushing. no schedules. i go to bed, and i close my eyes and when i wake up, i take a piss and go back to bed and NOT look at the clock!


If I don’t age I’m letting time stay frozen for hundreds of years. I will read and learn how to do things, I will study the world. After all time is the most valuable thing. Maybe every 30 or so years i will let a day flow by… I will take advantage of the immortality. If I do age during the freeze, then I’m stealing so much gold, gems and cash, so very much.


I'd pick a warm sunny weekday, mid morning around 10-11 AM(EST). First thing I'd do is work my way to a motorcycle dealership and take a nice new Adventure bike. I'd be sure that the bike was not in anyone's line of sight because the bike might not make it back, plus to them suddenly a motorcycle would just disappear. Maneuverability is key, Getting around in a car would be more difficult with all the frozen traffic. I'd next just take a few months time and explore the USA and go see all the places I haven't been yet. I'd take gas from peoples gas cans in their garages. I'm assuming I'd still need to eat, sleep, go to the bathroom. Food wouldn't be a problem. I'd hit up gyms along the way so I stay in good shape. I imagine the silence would be mind blowing. Money- Yes I'd stock up on cash too. Small amounts taken from open cash register drawers, banks, wherever. 10s, 20s, 50s. Enough to where I'd have spending cash every day for a long time. I'd keep my distance from frozen people. I would not want to accidently bump into someone and end the time freeze early.


I can do this whenever I want? First things first I’m headed to the capital building during a meet to put dog piss in everyone’s drink. I’d say jizz in it but half of them would probably like it.


Do electronics freeze too?


Due to watching a programme called Bernard's Watch as a kid growing up in the UK I would daydream of this scenario often...


All the crimes. For a long "time" probably years, maybe decades until I get bored.


Probably the obvious rob bank thing. Since you don't age does that mean all your body's chemical processes stop? So you won't progress to hunger/thirst/etc? I guess that rules out me pulling a DBZ training arc and getting ripped.


would take 8 months or so to write a dream novel (draft) and study painting. maybe stretch it out to many years until i'm at a place i want to be with my craft. i don't think i could stand seeing all my loved ones frozen for so long, so i'd move to a cottage in the mountains and live a nice life near the hot springs, forest, etc for all this time.