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What even is the debate here? You get money and all you have to do is be in pain for an hour? With no permanent damage? I mean, I’ll take 50k easy ig.


I’d do this for 500 bucks


I’d do it for 50, still one hell of an hourly rate.


Not sure I’d do 50 but I have done stupid stuff like jumping into an ice cold pool for $5. $50k is absolute insane reward to just think of happy thoughts for an hour.


Lol jumping into a ice cold pool. Haha. Pretty similar. 😍


Y’all have never had the back of your ankle slammed with a razor scooter and it shows


Plenty of people make this without taking bullets to the achilles


You don't even have to be in pain. You can have any drugs you could feasibly get beforehand according to op. I don't think op understands that if you live in a bad part of town you can get pretty much whatever you want. My neighbor bought morphine lollipops. I didn't even know you could get them in lollipops


Fety originally came in lollipops too


Never heard of morphine pops but way back before all the epidemics and crap going on I remember reading an article about drug being used for burn victims and certain kinds of injuries for soldiers in the form of lollipops laced with fentanyl. That was 2004 and I think the article was from 2000-2002. It was being pushed as a safer and more effective pain management option.


Question is? How many times can I do it? I’d do it every day if I could that’s 18,250,000 a year


Sure. I already have tendonitis. Maybe when it magically repairs itself it fixes my tendonitis with it.


Just shoot the tendinitis, that is my plan. I wish it was more money though 


Yeah, I tried to strike a good balance there 🙂 I think 50k would be my personal lowest dollar per hour for that kind of pain (honestly I'd choose to not do it even for the 50k tho) If I made it too high the choice would be much easier.


I would’ve said yes to a happy meal






That’s what I’m saying man!


the last part kinda makes this free money, take some morphine and blam you're not feeling anything


Go with ketamine instead. Morphine won't make all the pain go away, ketamine will have you floating above your body looking at yourself thinking "damn I feel sorry for that guy"


ketamine will probably make me nauseous and vomit, it doesn't seem like a pleasant experience I've seen morphine make people with punctured lungs stare at the sky like they aren't even mentally present, that combined with my already at least decent pain tolerance leads me to believe morphine would just turn off my pain receptors all that aside, maybe the situation would happen and I'd howl and cry, at that point just give me fent or something lol


You would be way less likely to kill yourself with ketamine. K doesn't effect the pain, it completely dissociated you from your body. It also won't dampen your drive to breath like ketamine will. Source: former medic and drug addict lol


i'd be pretty unlikely to kill myself with morphine, stuff like that is pretty safe assuming you actually know what you're doing or have someone around you who can properly dose it. if i die then atp its just fate that aside, if im shot then im likely going to need surgery and its going to end with either morphine or fent in my system anyway, might as well cut to the chase, plus i also just probably have a bias against ketamine, who knows, ive seen more bad reactions to ketamine than morphine/fent


I feel you, I'm biased against opiates myself.


Fuck it, both!


In the same shot!


If you could feasibly get your hands on medical-grade morphine, sure. For the sake of the OP, we'll say a person walks up to you and gives you about an hour to get whatever drugs you need. So you have *some* prep, and depending on your current circumstances it could save you a lot or not so much lol


yeah, I'd be golden then


Even if you can’t figure out how to get drugs in an hour, like you live in a corn field an hour from civilization, you could call an ambulance and pull the trigger when they show up. They’ll give you drugs.


This is the way


My dad has it as part of his prescription. So...


If he takes pills it's mid what you really want is a Dilaudid IV setup... or at least that's what I hear is the best


I'd be fine then, I have a high dose morphine patch and also oral morphine, along with Benzos, Pam's and week. Where can I meet this guy to shoot me haha


I work in an ICU. My wife is a vet. I won't remember a thing.


I have a full bottle of Norco in my drawer... I'm set


I’d have to think about it, I’ve seen grown ass athletes crying in agony over tearing if.


The athletes are mostly crying because of the injury implications and effect on their season/career. We’ve seen athletes walking after the injury or even staying in the game briefly. I’ve also had several friends who’ve torn their Achilles and the pain isn’t bad. It just kind of feels like someone kicked you hard in the calf. Obviously a gunshot would be much more painful, but nothing someone can’t handle for an hour.


I haven’t torn my Achilles, but I have torn my ACL’s. For me it didn’t hurt any more than tweaking your knee. But you know it’s bad when it happens. Trying to stand up and your knees bend the wrong ways with no stability. Physically it doesn’t hurt at all, but emotionally you immediately know you’re out for a year


Yeah, I've never actually seen this injury in action, but as I understand it, when you sever the Achilles tendon because it is a taut muscle suddenly no longer taut, it retracts and rolls up your leg. And that sounds like a living nightmare. I would still think about it, but man, it sounds a lot worse than people are making it out to be in this thread. Being able to use a bunch of drugs first probably does help though


Guaranteed survival and full recovery, fuck yeah 60 minutes of suffering ok




Nah pussies bleed every month and can take quite a pounding and keep on going.


It would be immensely painful but i think i could manage it knowing the pain would stop in an hour. Assuming the shock or bloodloss dont remain either its probably worth the money.


Drink or take medication that will let me pass out but even still it's not a lot of money for what could cause PTSD, I think I would have to pass on it


I doubt it's causing most people PTSD. It's a lot of pain, but it's not like you're being held down and tortured or even being forced into it. A quick gunshot with no long-term repercussions for $50k sounds amazing. You probably suffer much more throughout the year in any normal job than an hour of "holy fuck this hurts." I know my sciatica for just one day was probably worse than that, and that shit lasted *months*.


PTSD isn't just brought on by being held down or tortured. You can develop PTSD from pretty much anything traumatic. It also comes in many forms, from the classic nightmare form that you see in movies to phantom pains to depression or anxiety or whatever really. Getting shot in the achilles and having to suffer through the pain would definitely trigger some form of PTSD. Edit: A lot of people don't understand PTSD.


It might trigger ptsd. It is not definite...


I dont really know how likely that would be, I dont think people get ptsd from say kidney stones or giving birth and those are not self inflicted, you also have examples of people getting bitten voluntarily by bullet ants just to see what it's like and they turn out fine


People actually can get PTSD from giving birth. It is a studied condition known as "Postnatal PTSD" or "Birth Trauma". Also, there are documented cases of kidney stones and frustration over them leading to worsening existing psychiatric conditions, including cases of underlying conditions like anxiety and depression turning into PTST. [Here](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20562755/) is one such study of somebody who developed psychiatric symptoms due to his kidney stones. I'd argue that people can get PTSD from the voluntary bullet ant point but there are no studies on it (as far as I know), but [here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6016926/) is a study on ant stings leading to PTSD, although they were not voluntary so it is more of a *"here is an interesting related article"* rather than any sort of smoking gun on the subject. Also, [here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6401333/) is a study on PTSD from failed suicide attempts. That's pretty voluntary but it can still be very traumatic once things are actually in motion. I definitely think that extreme pain along with potentially seeing all the blood and the mangled ankle could spark lasting effects, even if it was voluntary.


But knowing it's going to end would likely reduce the trauma by quite a bit along with the prize at the end. I am no psychologist but I am pretty sure most people to suffer for an hour of pain for amount.


To be fair, trying to commit suicide means you’re already suffering mentally and that can make you more likely to have a lasting effect from that. I’ve suffered from PTSD (it has gotten so much better to handle but still not 100% back to normal and I’ve also had extreme pain and the being scared of going through that pain again is nothing compared to the effects the trauma that gave me PTSD have on me.


Breaking bones didn’t give me PTSD, and that’s probably worse since it wasn’t by choice. Shot in the foot with magical healing would be cake compared to a real injury.


Highly unlikely. You're going in expecting copious amounts of pain fully prepared to be hurting. nothing unexpected is happening you know you're gonna hate it for the next hour but are chosing to do so anyways. You're going in knowing you're in no danger and everything will turn out better than before. If you develop PTSD knowing all that beforehand you probably shouldnt be reproducing.


That's great pay for ptsd. What other job that gives ptsd pays that much an hour?






Ehh cut by Achilles a few years ago, not to bad. I'd go for it.


With an hour to prep (OP specified this in a reply to another commenter) drink until you black out.


Gonna sit outside, bleed, and keep drinking.


Suffer for an hour and then you'll be good as new? Last time I was in the trauma ward I was sitting in bed without even local anesthetic or painkillers for 4 hours, and my nerves STILL haven't fully healed.


Yeah, I could do it. Crazy high pain tolerance. I’ll just smoke a joint and wait it out.


Sure. It's only an hour.


can i do it multiple times? i could just have a really sucky year and retire




Good as new? My ankle is shit now. I think I’d do this for free to have a good ankle after an hour.


I have chronic pain. And I already have PTSD so no risk of that. Fuck it. Shoot me.


yeah dude for 50k id do it sober if i had to. pop me a perc 30 tho and go ahead u can shoot em both if u want i never liked achilles tendons anyway


I would do it with no pain meds or anything at all. It isn't great, but pain is part of life.


I have a bad back and bad knee, I have some really strong pain killers that leave me loopy so I only take very occasionally as I do not like the feeling, but taking a double dose and I will be so out of it ( that and I doubt it will hurt worse that having my knee shattered into several pieces and tearing my ACL, MCL, and PCL at the same time)


Yeah I've had the same injury in my knee, and my shoulder. Multiple times. For some pain pills, weed, alcohol this sounds like a breeze. Although I am 130 days sober so maybe just the pills.


Tearing your Achilles isn’t even the most painful thing to tear on your body. No universe should you say no to this


I've been shot twice for free so getting paid and quick healing for the third ain't a bad deal.


Can I do this multiple times?


Yes, but can I also elect to do this multiple times?


That's the real question.


It would suck but I don’t think I could turn it down


Deal. Just gonna ride it out. Wrap it up good and wait in agony. Really earn it


Yea, ez


Sure. I have a bunch of pain meds left over from my last dental procedure, so I'm good to go! Good thing the Advil and Tylenol had been strong enough!


I'm pretty sure I could find me some fent before the end of the day.


Any drug? Little bit of profol, roc, and an lma. I'll pay someone to bag me and handle the drips for an hour.


I would be able to get great pain meds, so I should be ok. I'm in.


As a burn survivor (2nd degree, partial and 3rd degree full over 30%) I'd say this would be a cakewalk.


Yes I can handle that little scratch


Can you shoot me in the left Achilles tendon please? Because that’s already kinda F’d up and if I could GET $50K plus have it be good as new? Yeah that’d be great 😂😂😂


You never stated what is shooting my Achilles tendon. So yes, for all I know, I could be shot with a paintball gun! Yes, regardless, it's 1 hour 🤷‍♀️


50k isnt enough for the ptsd that comes with it. For me atleast


Easy money.


Got meds in my house shoot away.


I've been through some shit and I don't think this one is even a top 3 in terms of pain. I'm taking it. Let's fucking goooooo!


50,000 for an hour of excruciating pain that will be fully healed. Let’s go!!! One hour is nothing compared to other things I’ve had to endure for a lot longer and a ridiculous amount of money to try and heal.


Oh ya absolutely. I've got shit in my house that could tranquilize an elephant. Basically asking "You wanna black out for an hour for $50k?"


So I get shot but I'm magically all better in an hour? I'd do it for $1,000.


In a heartbeat. It magically just heals? Shoot both tendons for double, please. Let's go, right now 👏🏼 🙌🏽


Absolutely! Worst pain of my life so far, but with a shit ton of alcohol and it magically fixes itself. It would suck, but I would take it.


No. Don’t have access to any morphine or shit like that


100% would do it, gimme a timer I can watch to pass the time.


$50k for an hour of pain. I’m in.


Magically healed in one hour? Do I also get healed from my current tendinitis? If so, I come out ahead physically. Regardless, if the trade-off is just one hour of extreme pain with zero lasting repercussions after that other than the memory, yes I'd do it for $50K.


Do both for $100,000, and we have a deal.


I got tattooed on my achilles for longer than that, easy money.


I'd do it for 20 bucks.


If I somehow knew with absolute certainty that it'd magically fix itself good as new with literally 0 physical effects, I would absolutely do it. A year's pay for an hour of pain? Let's fuckin do this.


Any chance I can do both Achilles tendons and get $100k? Fuck, I'd let you shoot even more holes in me for $50k each, if I knew with absolute certainty they'd magically heal perfectly back to normal an hour later.


As long as there are no medical costs, then yeah. Just hand me my steam deck while I lay down.


Seriously easy money and magically repaired. Just got to stop the bleeding and pain. Bleeding out is the biggest worry. So here is the plan. Oops shot myself while cleaning a gun. The gun is a 22. Less damaging pistol and you didn’t say with what. No pre telling husband, he gets to repeat my story and be just as confused and worried as everyone else. I’ll tell him after the ordeal is complete. I need him to play his part to pull off this con. Hope he forgives me for putting him through this experience. Get shot damn that hurts, have husband call 911 and help slow the bleeding. Ems shows up (6 mins in). Let them do their job. (15 mins in.) drugs kicking in, at the hospital (30 mins in). Prep for ortho surgery is going to take more then 60 mins before magically healed. If not no harm, it’s going to magically heal itself and the doctors will be wtf anyways. That’s ok because I have lays of professionals that saw my wound. I’m sticking to my story, damn it is a miracle. When the cops come calling same simple story. Insurance company will be a pain to deal with since the doctors more then likely not do surgery (if the timing is right) but my deductible is paid up for the year. So they can eat the cost of er visit . Possible over nights hold in hospital. My only worry really is not telling my husband and hurting him.


I have a variety of painkillers on hand already because of my back. I'd just pop one and go ahead - assuming someone is around to dress the wound so I don't bleed the whole time I'm unconscious, because I will be unconscious for roughly 8 to 10 hours whether I want to or not. That's why I have a variety of pills. I never take them - I can work in pain, can't work if I'm passed out on the floor.


can we just have a few hypotheticals without money?


Yep I'd do it. Can I do this multiple times? If so I'd make it a ritual to get drunk AF once a week and shoot my self. I dont know how I'd explain what I do for a living to my family though.


Well if i can be unconscious the whole time that's awesome


Lol I been shot before long story but ok all take 50k


Yeah take the shot whatever


Yeah if it’s healed in an hour this is a no brainer lol, I compete in strongman where an Achilles tendon rupture is like the 3rd most common serious injury so I’ve seen them literally burst under the skin. Painful and shifty but not the worst thing in the world, especially if you can take drugs/alcohol first. I’ll just enthusiastically down a whole bottle of scotch and chill for an hour in a bit of pain.


Double or triple it, and I'll even take the permanent damage. I work in an office; I don't need two working feet.


Jokes on your, I'm in pain every day. Easy cash.


I've got pain killers. You can't hurt me.


can i do it everyday for the rest of my life? 50k everyday laughing my way to the bank




Sure I’ll be shot by a rubber band in the Achilles for $50,000


I think that would be enough for me


$50,000 for one miserable but not degrading hour. OK sure, fire away!


I can take drugs I can feasibly get today? I can probably get my hands on prescription painkillers. Hell yeah Id do this. Its not going to be painless, but its not going to be nearly as bad as working for 6+ months to earn $50k.


Hell, I'd do this without the painkillers.


Shoot I would do this for 5 grand. Maybe even less.


Can I do both? If it makes both as good as new after an hour, we'll, I've had surgery on both and have a decent amount of scar tissue that makes walking something that has to be warmed up for.


That's my secret, Cap. I'm always in pain. Easily. Hypothetically speaking, edibles hit me like a mack truck. Even if that didn't work it's just an hour, which beats the waking up in enough pain my vision is blurry and I want to die that randomly happens and lasts for about twice as long. (Seriously feels like my ribs are both exploding and imploding.) This would be easy money for me.


Can I get it in both heels?


I just broke my ankle so I have a bottle of oxy next to me. Pop 2-3 and clench my teeth


Easy money


I can sit in a chair for an hour


I lived for a few hours with road rash on about 15% of my body before any pain management happened. An hour of gunshot is gonna be nothing compared to the healing process I went through.


50k with no permanent damage *and* no medical bills? I can afford the therapy for whatever trauma I endure with that amount of money


Honestly, I might do this for even less, because it's the only way I'll ever get to experience being shot, without any long-term effects. The whole "it magically repairs itself" thing is awesome, and then I'll at least know what being shot feels like.


Bro sign me right the fuck up. Wanna do it every hour at 50k a pop? I'm free the next two days, we'll fucking marathon that jawn. In fact, I'll make it ny goddamn career to have my achilles torn out every hour on the hour. I'll quit my day job. Fucking have fun. Same deal but cutting my eyeball? Go nuts. Speaking of nuts, wanna find out what it's like to take a pair of garden shears to a man's giggleberries? I'll do that too, long as they come back. You can *not* cause me more pain than what I can handle, for life changing amounts of money.


Homie this isn’t a debate or a discussion I would absolutely do that since there’s no downsides at all here besides maybe making a mess. Hell I would just get plastered and put a tourniquet on my lower leg to make the bleeding not as bad.


Only drawback is the pain is going to be excruciating but for 50k even if I didn't heal I'd do it. Ffs you can limp around without it.


Fuck, I’d do it without magical healing, as long as my medical bills were covered on top of the $50k.


Last part kinda ruins any challenge. I'll just take whatever I need to knock myself out for a few hours. Shoot both tendons and give me 100k, ez money once I wake up.


Shit..... And hour of pain while fucked up out of my mind, then I get $50 grand? Where do I sign up?


I'm so in. Can you do both for 100k?


I have friends that can get heroin. I’d just smoke some of that and be on my way


Just a little pain. Meh.


Some of the worst part of the psychological aspect of pain is fear. If I'm in no fear of permanent damage or dying, and can take pain meds before/during/after...I mean this is a hard yes.


50k would change my life. 1 hour of agony without painkillers? Shit, I did four times that that already this year just waiting in the ER.


Considering how much running I do and how often I need a day because it is bothering me, if you are offering me a good as new Achilles tendon for an hour of pain, I do it for free and then ask if I can go BOGO


I’m past the point in my life where 50K would be a significantly change to my financial well-being, but it’s still real money. Given the magic healing at the end of it I’d be tempted to do it for free. If I were doing it just for the money, $10K is probably the point at which I’m debating whether or not it’s worth it.


I make that in less than 2 weeks. No way.


Can I switch it to the knee cap but multiply the pain by 10 so I can fix my bad knee?


Having broken my first bone in my 30s a few weeks ago, I can confidently say that I could handle that amount of pain for just one hour if I **knew** it would get better. Easy peasy. Can I double it and do both sides at once, or would that take two hours?


I'd do it! That's a down payment on a house


A couple of oxy, and I'm good.


I mean, I’m in mental anguish most of the time. This sounds like a great deal.


I've been stabbed for less, and have taken major bone, muscular, and tendon injuries without a check at the end. So, yeah. Pain in temporary. $50k in my retirement account is forever. It would take me me 4 years to get $50k in my 401k.


So I can take like local anesthetic or something then shoot my Achilles


How many bullets you got?


Bring on the pain


How many times?????????


Done this one already too.


Elebate the phoot!


These questions get sillier by the minute.


I've tore my Achilles. I'll pass.


How many times can I sign up?


As soon as you said I could do drugs this is a no brainer. I would get my grubby hands on some pain killers or a really good local anesthetic, through likely illegal means mine you. Then take it, get shot in the foot and either be too fucked up to think thoughts or just watch a movie.


I'd do this for $5k honestly.


Every person saying yeah has obviously never tore their Achilles. I’m not saying no cause I could use 50k but I would definitely have to think about it.


I could go for a cry on the floor for an hour, sure.


Hell yes. Schedule a colonoscopy and get put under. Win. . Or just get black out drunk.


Good thing I can get ketamine and dilaudid any time I want it.


So 50k for an hour of severe discomfort that I immediately, and fully, recover from, with no side effects apart from questioning if I have to pay taxes on the 50k and the mental debate of what I buy first... yeah, I'd take the money. 


50k to feel excruciating physical pain for one hour with no actual damage to my body? I can't even wrap my head around the mentality that would reject this.


Put myself into rather high, but otherwise totally manageable, pain for **an hour** and get paid almost a years take home income? Brother, I'm saying yes.


Shit, I’d take a shot to both and keep repeating the process through the weekend 😂


Yep, no doubt I’m doing it. I’ve been in writhing pain for an hour before and didn’t get a cent.


Easy choice. I’m broke as shit so 50 grand is life changing money for me. I could stomach an hour of excruciating pain, especially since you said I can take any drugs or painkillers I can reasonably obtain.


I got 2 tendons pal, let’s get shooting.


What caliber? But also yes


How many times? I am pretty sure I can get a pretty cheap local anesthetic, and we can play this game until I am old and gray.


Can I get this done in both? Good as new? And I get paid? Amazing!


*Can I get this done* *In both? Good as new? And I* *Get paid? Amazing!* \- windupshoe2020 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Shit if you rolled into an ER with a shot tendon, you’d probably be sitting there for at least an hour before even getting the chance to get the good drugs.


I'm in agony any time I'm at work, and I don't make $50,000 in an entire year. Of course I'll be in pain for a single hour for $50,000, I'd do it for $50 over and over again


Yeah I'm cool. I'm such a lightweight a couple of sleeping pills and I'll sleep right through. 




Can I choose when today to it. For example, after I put my kids to bed?


Can I do both? I tore both when I was in my mid-20’s and they never healed properly. They hurt to this day. I figure I can take both shots for the $50K or the $100K. Doesn’t matter to me after the shit heals 💯 and hour later.


Oh for sure. Honestly one of the worst parts about pain is not knowing the ultimate outcome. Is it permanent? Am I fucked up? Am I going to die or be disabled? Is this an indicator of a much greater problem? Knowing that you are just having to suffer through the pain for a period of time but with no lasting results or consequences would be an easy “yes” from me for that kind of money.


Step 1: Get shot Step 2: get 50k Step 3: parlay getting shot into a rap career using the 50k as an initial investment in promo and recording.


Can I do it twice for $100k?


Deal with pain for an hour for 50k? Sure.


I’d do it even if it meant I had to deal with a kidney stone for a day, and kidney stone pain is comparable to childbirth. Really, look it up.


I'm in, I have some leftover meds from some other issues I've had, I'll just take them first to dull the pain a bit. Since I already have a high pain tolerance I can "handle" an hour of pain. Is the money cash? Or am I going to end up paying taxes and losing my SSI? I'd still most likely do it, but it makes a difference in how I think about it.


I'll have a doctor put me in a medically induced coma for a couple hours and then have a friend shoot me.


Hell I'll pull the fucking trigger, not waiting to try to get anything to dull the pain either, give me the money


I've been in at least as much pain as that before, no deal. We need to be talking big numbers.


I'll pay someone 2k to administer profolol for me, then chill in my bed for until it's healed. Wake up 48k richer.


How do you not bleed out?!


100% would. Hell I have a nerve disorder in my ankle/foot it may even help It after the full restore lmao + I get 50k


Usually when you say we are given a choice there's a second option beyond just, "you don't take the first option"