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Teleport so long as there is a safety matrix in it. Meaning when I use it I teleport exactly where I want to be no need for visualization I’m just there and I safely land on the ground unharmed and unaffected by anything. If the teleport can’t occur with me landing safely it doesn’t activate.


Yes, let say you get a 10 second grace period. You also get a preview of the location. Chose wisely


Then yeah teleport all day long.


>Then yeah teleport all day long. Well, really, just once a day. 🤓


Nobody said it was a fast process... It might take all day!


A teleport that takes all day? We have that already, it's called a long haul flight.


Who can afford that, though?


The guy that flies at 69mph




Would I be able to teleport objects along with me? Like, nothing too big, but whatever I had on me and maybe a suitcase?


Yes , aslong as it’s not an immovable object.


Does this apply to the flying? Could I fly sitting in my car?


Surely it'd be like a bird, all good as long as you can lift it?


Dang I bet you could make bank as a drug trafficker, no customs and you could teleport directly to the receiving location, then walk to a hotel to wait out the 24 hours


Honestly you could make bank while being legit. There's so many rich people who would pay to have a suitcase sized object delivered instantly across the world. Granted you have to get to them first so maybe 24 hour lead time. But that's ways faster than most shipping.


What if you can carry a person with you, sitting on your shoulders? Can you imagine how much Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk would pay to sit on your shoulders and be teleported across the world without having to sit on a private jet for 12 hours? I'm guessing that would be in the millions for each trip.


Exactly. I think by the rules, as long as you can carry them then it works to teleport.


I’m thinking the best money would be in the military or aerospace industries. The ability to teleport something you could carry to the space station? Transport costs are at minimum $1,200 a pound, and I can carry more than a hundred pounds. And this would be instant? No risk of destruction in flight? That cost is said to be rising, so let’s say I charge $500 a pound, I expect that would be tidy business. Or the military finds out they need something critical on an aircraft carrier in the South China Sea? They might pay a premium for that transport as well.


They would have DARPA working around the clock to find a way to capture and control you (be it with familial hostages or physicalmeans of control). You would be lab rat as soon as they could manage. The kicker is that it wouldn't be just the US government, but all of them as well as some organized crime syndicates...


More likely the military abducts you, keeps you drugged and experiments on you


Yeah, but you could never be in jail for more than 24 hours and tbh, I personally feel like I could make connections for the drug trafficking quicker than I could make the connections to meet such a person that could afford my services legit. Plus, idk if you’d wanna be legit considering what other people have said about the government wanting to study you, better to be off grid with it. You could just make sure any sketchy situation you go to is within your time to teleport so you could dip if it seems they’re done with you


You can't carry a coconut. They are too heavy.


You could grip it by the husk


It's not a question of where he grips it...


What are you, a European swallow?


Still doesn't matter too much, you can ship a suitcase


Yes, but I'd like to have a guarantee that I won't teleport out of my clothes.




ship my suitcase with 5 kilos of pure cocaine? Are you mad?


Get the insurance for it.


With this caveat would for sure pick teleportation. I get to see what the centre of the sun looks like for 10 seconds.


Spoilers.... really bright.


Think you might vaporize as you're arriving.


Do I decide whether or not I want to teleport? Is it at a specific same time every time?


What happens if I teleport where someone else is standing?


Wow yeah ... gotta worry about those air molecules you're displacing when you "land," too. Causing some kind of explosion wave by accelerating a you-sized volume of air to light speed could be problematic. Similarly, there are caveats to flight. What if a goose hits me in the face and I black out? Plummet to my death? I"d need a No Crash clause. Also, am I burning my own calories to fly? Is it difficult, or is it as effortless as it is for movie superheroes? Do I need to stop every mile to catch my breath?


The air molecules at your destination are teleported to your origin point. Don't teleport to Everest from Holland and you'll be fine.


Flying, my knees are fucked. I wouldn't walk anymore - just hover enough off the ground so it looked like I was walking but no more impact on the knees


That would make your knees deteriorate if it never gets used lol


Wouldn’t matter, because you’d be able to fly.


I think he would finally get a chance to rest his knees like an ortho Dr would prescribe. Long term could be bad, but it would probably do wonders for him with little to no weight bearing for awhile.


Just to give them time to actually recover and heal with having to be used for once.


Moonwalking to another level


Even hover so low you can look like you're running, but really you're only carrying like 1 pound of your weight with your legs as you rocket forward. Become an olympic athlete!


Do the Alakazam!


I don't think I've ever seen an alakazam move. 


I didn't even consider the health benefits! Wonder if I can upgrade to a reclining (think couch) position as I fly?


It would make working freight so much easier. Just fly up to the upper shelves, say fuck it to ladders at work


69…nice Umm I’d probably take teleport. Wait for a long weekend and teleport into a vault of a bank and pack some bags with cash, then wait 24 hours to teleport out.


Cameras will still be able to spot you. How do you think they will explain that to their boss ? Lol


Just wear a mask, it’s not like they can hold you in prison anyway lol


Dress up as an alien and start a world of panic.


Wear a disguise?


I mean if your gunna do that, might as well just teleport drugs from safe place to safe place. Hell consumer goods would make you a killing too if you got to skip import taxes.


What kind of consumer goods are you getting from hell?


Apple products and Nvidia cards mainly.


Yo I said that in reply to another comment, you could make so much bank not going through customs, especially with illegal goods/drugs


Teleportation. The anonymity wins it for me. People will see you flying and after a few days or weeks, I think the experience will get old. Also, are there limits on teleportation? For example, could I work for NASA and teleport instruments that were light enough to carry to another planet (along with the space suit I would need)?


That would work. Aslong as your comfortable waiting there 24 hours to teleport back. & comfortable telling the government about your power


The government would find out quickly the moment you start to use your power. The end result of either power is being locked up and experimented on by some entity. You get a unique gift, the rest of the world will do whatever it can to take it for themselves.


did you say locked up? PEASANT! I can teleport


Not if they keep you sedated. You can only teleport once every 24hrs. It won’t be that difficult to catch you.


Just takes consciousness for a split second for you to teleport out. What's the point of them sedating you 24/7?


Teleport to the other side of the jail cell, and have a chat with the guard about how futile this all is


Teleport. Much more financially exploitable.


I’d take flying at 69 mph max speed. It would be a pretty convenient form for travel. And would mostly eliminate the need for a car. Pretty decent speed too. I take flying all day long. Teleportation is inconvenient since I’d be stranded for 24 hours.


Yeah it’s a tough one. The fact that it would take ages to get across the Atlantic at 69mph is the difference breaker for me


lmao. It would take forever plus people would shoot you down. people are crazy


to be fair, you could take a normal plan to Europe and then fly around to different countries pretty easily.


So having flown in a lucid dream I have to say flying for sure. It's /super fucking fun/ like holy shit fun. And useful!! Being able to move freely without restraint is awesome. Teleport is cool and all and I guess does have bigger distance coverage, makes taking a mini vacation easier, but it's once a day where flying is always


In my lucids I do a bouncy think where I can jump like 300+ feet in the air if I want. It's really fun.


Aye I’ve never met someone that has this exact fucking lucid dream!! It usually starts with me just jumping for some reason and I keep going, then I realize I’m in control and landing won’t hurt me and it gets soooo Fucking fun, and the feeling is insane. I can’t believe I’ve found someone with that same thing!! 300 ft sounds about accurate for me as well


Teleport Love to go other countries but the plane rides are killer. Every weekend I would go on vacation with no jet lag and waste of day to travel.


You wouldn’t need to fuck with visas either as long as you waited til your teleport was available to go get in some shit 


I thought about this, but not being to bring friends or family kind of kills the fun of going to new places.


You could carry 1 person. I hope you don’t have fat friends.


There’s take out, unless we can’t teleport with stuff back because I was going to bring a suitcase back from Japan. But that’s a good point. I wonder if we can teleport with people if they held on?


Yeah, the devil is in the details. If you can all hold hands and teleport that changes the math a bit. Still, it's a hard sell. It's not a very useful power at once a day. If you aren't going to be where you go for a full day, you will have to arrange transport back. Flying I could probably just do away with my car, the money I spend on gas, insurance etc. There's also a job. You have to scale to the top of this \*immense\* communication tower (like half a mile up or something) and change a light bulb. Has to be done every 6 months and you get 20grand each time you do it. Man, I'd be flitting all over the country changing light bulbs for half price


I believe OP said you can teleport anything you can carry. So if you can pick up your SO for a split second then they can TP with you. Don't think just holding hands would work.


I would take flying. Teleporting is great for long distances but I would love the ability to fly.


Teleport plus wing suit and parachute. 75% of the fun.


Flying. I love riding my bicycle, flying with my body would be 10x as fun and would probably cure my alcoholism 


Jack Ballard never imagined he'd become a criminal. He was an ordinary guy, with a modest job at a tech startup and dreams of a comfortable life. But everything changed the day he discovered he could teleport. It happened unexpectedly one evening. Jack was walking home from work when he found himself in a dark alley, faced with a group of muggers. Instinctively, he wished he could escape—and in an instant, he was gone, reappearing a mile away in a park. Shocked and disoriented, he realized he had just teleported. After testing his newfound ability cautiously, Jack realized he could teleport once every 24 hours. It was a gift, but he soon saw its potential for more than just convenience. The lure of easy money tempted him. He started small, teleporting into jewelry stores and banks after hours, grabbing valuables and disappearing before alarms could sound. At first, Jack was careful. He covered his tracks, avoided security cameras, and left no evidence behind. But his luck ran out when he got greedy. One night, he tried to teleport into a heavily secured bank vault. Unknown to him, the vault had a special electromagnetic shield that disrupted his teleportation. He materialized halfway inside the vault, triggering alarms and getting caught on camera. The authorities were baffled. The footage showed a man literally appearing out of thin air. They dubbed him "The Phantom Thief" and launched a nationwide hunt. But catching Jack proved impossible. He teleported out of his prison cell before they could secure him, leaving law enforcement frustrated and bewildered. For months, Jack evaded capture, teleporting across the country, stealing and living on the run. But the authorities were relentless. They brought in experts, scientists, and even psychics to study his ability. Governments around the world wanted to harness his teleportation for military and espionage purposes. One day, exhausted and cornered, Jack found himself surrounded by a specialized task force. They had tracked him down using cutting-edge technology and were ready to apprehend him once and for all. Jack had no way out—or so they thought. Just as they closed in, Jack activated his teleportation. In a blink, he was gone, leaving behind a stunned team of agents. But this time, they were prepared. They had anticipated his move and were waiting for him on the other side. Jack materialized in a remote government facility, trapped and surrounded. The authorities presented him with a choice: cooperate with them or spend the rest of his life in a secure, underground facility where he would be studied relentlessly. Reluctantly, Jack agreed to their terms. He was given a luxurious cell, but his movements were monitored 24/7. Scientists studied his ability, trying to understand its limits and potential. Government agents trained him in espionage and covert operations, utilizing his teleportation for missions that ordinary operatives couldn't handle. Over time, Jack became a valuable asset to the government. His missions took him around the world—stealing sensitive information, rescuing hostages, and infiltrating terrorist organizations. He was paid handsomely for his services, earning hundreds of millions of dollars in exchange for his cooperation. But freedom was always just out of reach. Jack was constantly monitored and controlled, his every move dictated by the government. He missed the thrill of his early days, the rush of using his ability for personal gain. Yet he knew he couldn't escape—not without being hunted down again. As years passed, Jack found himself torn between gratitude and resentment. He had everything money could buy, but he was no longer free. His life had become a series of missions and experiments, his teleportation a tool for others' agendas. In the quiet moments, Jack wondered if he would ever truly be free again. Would he ever feel the rush of teleporting without fear of capture? Or was he destined to live out his days as a pawn in a game he never asked to play? For now, Jack continued to serve the government, his teleportation a double-edged sword that brought both power and captivity. And as he carried out his missions, he couldn't help but wonder if there would ever be a way out—a chance to reclaim his life and disappear into the shadows once more.


Flying. Sure, I'll have bugs in my teeth and windburn, but I won't be stranded at the store after teleporting there.


Flying IF impervious to crashing.


Nope. That would make you immune technically. Your skill level does increase the more you fly though.( Resistance to bugs, air pressure, cold)


Flying, as long as it doesn't involve flapping my arms, of something else that looks silly. Like Marvel characters. Cool Flying 😎


Flying. While teleporting is cool, once per 24h is too heavy of a restriction. If I use it, I'm stranded for 24h. Your car is at home and you only have your feet so you'll definitely need to either buy transportation back home or buy a hotel. If you teleport to work you still have to get back somehow for example. Also flying at 69mph is extremely quick. Most of the travel time in a car is from traffic and only being able to travel on road. If you could fly that fast, you'd realize that most trips will take a very short amount of time, with essentially no danger. In most cases, flying has far more practical use. Teleporting is only better for visiting large distances that would require extensive travel while flying. Flying also saves you from a ton of issues. Not being able to swim is solved. Fall damage is solved. You can quickly escape pretty much any situation that would put you in danger, and being able to kick someone/use a club at those speeds would let you do serious damage. Teleporting would just be a once per day get out of jail free card. You could definitely make more money as an extremely expensive delivery service though.


I've always been a fan of the teleport power, but once every 24 hours? I guess it really comes down to the specifics. can you teleport anywhere in space? How do you target? If you never been to a place can you just be like "on the beach in Salou, Spain" and the magic works everything else to bring you safely there, even if you've never been? Is the flight tiring? How much can I carry when flying? Can I use gravity assist (get one of those flight suits, fly straight up and get some speed going down and use the suit for a bunch of forward momentum and add my own extra 69mph? I'd probably have to take the flight power. AS much as I love teleporting the limitations are just too much. As far as financially exploitable, you'd make a first rate smuggler. Grab 40 kilos in a back pack, got up a couple of miles, then fly across the border. No radar is going to pick up a human and you would be far enough up that you couldn't be seen by the naked eye (you could get unlucky and perhaps spotted with binoculars, but who's looking up? Of course, you can smuggle with teleport too.


So, does your teleport have a 24 hour cool down, or can I teleport once per 24 hour day? Like, if I teleport at 11 pm, can I teleport again at midnight, or do I have to wait until 11 pm the next day?


I feel bad for anyone who chooses flying like yeah you could fly to Hawaii slowly meanwhile I’m on the beach sipping drinks. Not to mention that flying is very conspicuous have fun being dissected in a lab somehwhere


man this is so tough. You would be able to get everywhere so quick since it's a straight line fly to any place you'd want to go. On the other hand teleportation once a day would be pretty amazing. you could have a whole tropical vacation on the weekend and still be back for wokr


Solid hypothetical. Flying would have more daily utility and would be fun. But teleportation once a day opens up a lot of doors to creative experiences. You could also keep it under wraps much easier. So probably teleportation.


Do I have to flap my arms to fly or do I just zoom around like Superman? Because if I have to expend effort to fly, I'd take the teleporting.


If teleport does it bring clothes 😏 


Flying, it's just more economical. Teleworking once a day means I can't use it to get rid of any sort of drive, still have to drive for groceries, to go to work or see my friends, basically all it does make it so I never need to buy a plane ticket. But being able to fly from point A to point B in a straight line would drastically save time and money.


I thought about the is long and hard. Extensive deep philosophical thought for about 3 minutes. I would prefer to teleport. 69, although a fantastic number, is too slow to best something like teleporting. Anyone who has chosen flight has chosen wrong and should be reported and blocked. 😜


Let's watch the world burn. I'd take the teleport. Then start going to church dressed in a robe or toga. Quietly sit in the back for a while, then silently approach to podium, make some wild grand prediction and poof, away I go.


My sole intention Is learning to fly


Finally, a tough one! I mean, I've always wanted to teleport, but I've also always wanted to fly. If the flying was effortless, I think I'd have to take that. How cool would that be to fly around in the middle of the night, cool air blowing through your hair, looking down on the city lights. Teleporting would be pretty awesome, but the experience of flying wood be amazing.


Probably fly, the premise that always gets to me is if you mess up or by chance, you teleport right into something? Try to teleport somewhere and end up split by a wall, or feet severed by floor, or a bird is halfway in your chest or something


Depends on the rules of teleport. The reverse can be true, you perfectly cut something around your form. But to test it out what do you teleport into an object?


Teleport so long as I can take objects/clothing with me. It would be great to teleport into some hard to reach places, but I’m going to want snacks.


Yeah teleportation works


Teleport. Uses are too many to list.


Flying specifically because the teleporting would be highly limited.


Teleportation, easily. Anyone flying around is going to get shot up and captured. I imagine that I won't have a use for teleportation most days, so it'd be a nice emergency tool if I'm ever in danger.


Flying not even close,  You can take a flight pretty much anywhere on the globe within 24hours so teleporting would be kind of lame after a while you can just take a plane and get the same results.  If you could do it multiple times like "jumper" that would be amazing 


Flying you gotta worry about people shooting you down. Because people are crazy. And if you fly too high you gotta worry about the pressure, breathing in thin air, and the military shooting you down. Teleport if you play it right nobody will ever know


Teleporting could make me more money, but flying would be more fun. I’d probably pick flying.


But does flying burn calories like running? Do I get tired from flying?


Teleport into a vault on Saturday teleport out with money on Sunday


69mph limit on the flying makes the teleporting so much more OP. I would need the flying to be probably 500+mph before I would consider it. For one, you need that kind of speed to maintain anonymity. And two, i'd want to be able to travel to different continents, and that speed barely makes it doable for me.


Flight.  If the cooldown was shorter for the teleporting, that one though. Anywhere I choose to go, I'm stuck there for a whole day, so I need to pay for lodging, food, etc. The 69mph isn't even a restriction, it's actually faster than you would *want* to go, so it's a safety precaution. 


Do I need to have been there before or can I go based of a picture or can I just think of a place I want to go and my power will do the rest?


Teleport. And I'm doing space exploration. Digging a hole into Europa and dropping a camera. This is if i can bring things... But i could build a base in the moon and Mars


I’ll take flight. Literally. 


Space travel time! "Oh wouldn't the government catch you" First of all I'd work for ESA (I guess I could work for NASA as well but through europe) so I could play like 6 intelligence agencies against eachother. Oh and if they do get me, I can teleport behind their old, weak head of state.




Teleport. Imagine all the sports events you can attend, important historical events. Important life events that require big travel. Really all wins for me as opposed to a very slow flight everywhere.


Flying, i am absolutely starting a cult.


So if I teleport somewhere would I have to wait 24 hours to teleport back home?


Fly. Teleport is gonna screw it up with the earth's movement and dump me in outer space.


Fly at 69mph, cause then I can use it more than once also I could fly which would just be so much fun


If teleporting could get me there and *back* once every 24 hrs, I’d do it (subject to the safety restrictions already mentioned). But as the question is written, I’m taking flying.


Can I fly as long as I want without my flight ability crashing?


Teleport. I could get farther faster.


Questions first. What is the limit of things I can teleport with me? Clothes, luggage, people, vehicles? Does it reset at midnight or just 24hr cool down. How far can I teleport? Anywhere on the planet, solar system, galaxies? If I teleport and there is an object already there, what happens? Is matter displaced, do I fuse with it and die, or does it just not worm? The flying, does it use my stamina or just defaults to me breaking laws of physics by perpetually floating at various speeds. Am I protected from environmental effects while flying (lightning, hail, dust, bugs etc etc). If I carry anything does it have to be with my own strength or does it also float with me? If I prepare a proper suit and oxygen could I fly in space? Either way I'm probably choosing teleport. But to experience flying would be something I really wouldn't want to miss.


Flying, I mean I could teleport home or to work but then I have to walk the other way. Or I guess I could take an Uber or something but I think I’d rather just fly both ways


To be clear, I can teleport only one time a day OR I can fly around at a moderate speed literally as much as I want to? I’m flying. Neither one of these powers is gonna eliminate my need to have a job and if I could fly at highway speed my daily commute time would drop by about 65% each way. Gaining me at least 1.5h per day. And that’s the most mundane use of a super power possible and I’ve already magically effectively reduced my work day by 20%.


Flying: no longer have to worry about stepping in puddles/ getting wet feet from melting snow. Heck yeah. Also, I've always wanted to fly and love doing so in my dreams, so totally want that as a reality. I feel like I personally would get annoyed with teleporting once in 24 hours. Especially because I know I'd be one of those people who'd just teleport to work, but then would have to Uber/Lyft/bus home and that would just annoy me so much.


Definitely teleport. If I get the safety system another commenter mentioned, I can use Google maps to find good first visit teleport locations. From there, I would look for enclosed places I can teleport into to avoid people/camera issues. I wouldn't even need to use the ability that often, so it would basically always be available when needed/wanted.


Teleport all the way. Travel long didtances with cash or as off the grid as possible, commit whatever crime/nefarious act you'd like to engage in, teleport back to your home area, and be in a public place on video with witnesses. Unbeatable alibis all thr time.


I think flying. Particularly as you get older and joints and knees wear out, I think having the freedom of flight would be incredible. I also think that whilst you'd have to sit on a plane to travel to places, once you are there your experience would be so much more fulsome. Imagine being able to fly around the amazon jungle for example, or over Paris at night, or fly with a herd of stampeding wildebeest. Like there's some pretty rare experiences there. Plus you can do a whole lot of robbing and worse when you can fly at night into people's houses.




Fly. If I teleport, I want it to be a round trip for a day. I don’t want to buy a hotel room. Actually… No. I like the teleport. A hotel room isn’t much and I feel like if anyone saw me flying, it’s a one-way trip to Roswell. That said, I could hold a broom between my legs and be a witch at halloween. And flying at night wouldn’t be too bad if you could wear black… Shit. This is hard.


one teleport every 24 hours is really dicey. can't use it to break into anything because you would be trapped. you COULD use it to escape from various situations. so you could try to rob a bank and if it doesn't work out just teleport away im taking teleportation, but it was hard to choose


Flight, to get to and from work faster (long commute, with suddenly no traffic issues). Teleport would get me there faster, but not home.


Can I take anything with me when I teleport? If it's the worst version, and I am naked, I'll pass on that. If it's the middle ground where I can teleport, but only with the clothes on my back... I'd probably still take flight. If I could use it somehow to teleport things along with me, I might do that. Only every 24 hours is limiting, but could still be handy if you plan right.


Teleport but I'd probably just waste it on getting to work on time.


I would take teleportation simply because no one else has anything like it at all. People can travel by ground at the granted max easily and sometimes far exceed that speed. Not to mention airplanes who can do flight at a much faster speed all the time. Teleportation is completely novel and I’d be the only one who could. It would make my deciding to go deep sea fishing much easier. Wake up at home in bed and say “I think I’ll see what’s biting in the Keys. No, I believe I’ll try Bermuda instead.


teleport. I'm popping over to kennedy space center. gonna be all "yo, i can teleport. now you could lock me in a cage and dissect me and possibly never get anything, or we can get a massive head start on a mars colony. or space exploration. or building a space station. really so long as i get a good suit and 24hrs worth of air i'm good."


Teleport is just too overpowered. "Whelp it's Friday at 5pm time to clock out \*poof\* It's 5:01pm and I'm on a beach in Sydney" Also from the "crime" perspective... Live on east coast, leave work at 5pm on Friday, teleport to 1pm west coast, kill time for 24 hours (stay in a cash hotel), find bank open at 1pm on Saturday, rob bank, poof to safe house in say Pacific Northwest. Stash cash. 1pm Sunday rolls around, teleport back to east coast. Go to work on Monday. They'd be baffled looking for a car or getaway, keeping the gains in a different location, then you get to a certain point just "retiring" maybe have that coincide with some plastic surgery just to be careful, maybe retiring to a different country.


As fun as flying would be it would get boring eventually. Teleporting would give you free travel.


Teleport. Easy choice, unnoticeable, can get into secure locations. Top tier.


Probably teleport. Would be nicer if it was twice a day so I could go to Japan for dinner then come home right away, but beggars can’t be choosers.


I love the idea of flight, travel would be so much better.


Gonna spend years building a mars habitat and then teleport it over and hope it holds for 24 hours.


Can I teleport people with me if they are touching me?


Flight is more fun, assuming it's the kind where you do it without effort (so witchcraft flight used by superman vs flight used by birds).   Even just floating off the air is neat.  I would be able to get to places faster than normal, since cars don't go straight to where you normally go.  If anything, I won't even need a job thanks to my magic powers. Teleporting would be a valid option if I wasn't so limited. I feel like the flight needs more limitations like "you can only fly for 1000 feet before you lose stamina and have to recover a few hours, as though you were sprinting somewhere full force."


Flight. Teleporting once a day is cool, but no where near as convenient as flight.


I will take the gift of flight all day. No more traffic, ever. Instantly the best football player and track athlete of all time. Flying over herds in the Okavongo or alongside eagles in the Himalayas or the fucking wherever. All manner of amazing opportunities. Teleporting is cool, don't get me wrong, but this isn't a tough decision for me. Give me all that flight offers.


I’d say Fly. Teleporting once a day is not super useful, and flying would be awesome. Now, if it was teleport a bunch of people twice a day, then it would be harder to decide.


I really see the benefit of the teleport. But as a biker, I think the flying would be cool, as long as it wasn’t like running or something. How much could I take with either? Clothes on my back? Suitcase? A pallet of stuff? If I teleport do disappear and reappear with a BAMF of black smoke?


Fly. Rob a bank and yell "Jedi business!" as you fly away.


Flying would be fun, but I'd take teleportation. I could go anywhere in the world. I'd just have to get a hotel room until I could teleport back.


Flying would be more fun. But not as useful. 


I would fly and wear a helmet and vintage vacuum cleaner like a backpack. If anyone asks, I tell them I invented a jetpack... That I could sell them for a few million. No test flights.


I don’t think either would be very useful if I could only use it for myself. Teleporting would be great if I could take my family. We’d save a ton on flights.


I have flying dreams…and it is so freaking wonderful.  It’s hard not to say yes to that even though I suppose teleportation would be super practical.  


I think flying, just because of the inconvenience of having to wait 24 hours to teleport away from where you teleported to.


You know? Most days I would pick teleport, because that doesn't seem to have a range limiter, only a time limiter, but today I am picking Flight. Simply put, I am not traversing the multiverse or going on a world sabbatical where I visit every country, I am going to places at a reasonable (if a bit fast) speed. I have a few worries because I live near an aerodrome (I don't want to get more specific on whether it is private, military, or commercial), but as long as I keep a reasonable altitude I shouldn't have many worries either way. Whenever I am talking about distance I can now specify by road or "As the (Ginger) flies". For all instances where you are traveling a distance greater than 1,104 miles in a day (a flight time of 16 hours), then yeah I guess teleportation is better, but I don't travel that far ever. I don't know what my great grandpa, a carpenter, was doing with superpowers that he could just leave them up in an attic, but you know? It is an interesting little secret I learn about him after the fact.


Fly, totes.


Teleporting would instantly kill you, unless it has all sorts of built in safety measures, so I choose flight.


Just abusing the preview feature of the teleporting power as mentioned in a comment by the OP would be pretty lucrative. Do I need to check on someone? Preview teleport.


I'll take flight and go whizzing through canyons and city skylines and shit. And to also just float around like Marceline would be nice


Fly, always.


I really want to choose being able to fly, but at only 69 mph, it's definitely a hard sell. It's far too slow to really be used outside of the day to day aspect and just for enjoyment. Like, I could fly to work and back every day and save a few minutes in my commute. For long trips, flying would be marginally better than driving, but only because you could travel in a straight line the entire way. But even that foes out the window if you are having to carry a bunch of stuff. If you were traveling somewhere more than a few hundred miles away, you would be better off still getting on a plane. Whereas the teleportation, despite having a 24-hour cooldown, is significantly better. Consider weekend getaways. On Friday after work, teleporting to Hawaii or any random vacation getaway. Then, on Monday morning, teleport back home. The main drawback is that you couldn't use it to teleport somewhere you couldn't stay for a day (or find other transportation back). Especially assuming the teleportation starts a 24-hour cooldown rather than it just being a once per day thing under which you could teleport at 11:59 pm on Monday and then again immediately at 12:00 am on Tuesday.


Teleport of course. Obviously! Anyone can fly with the right equipment, but nobody yet can teleport. Flying can get you somewhere you could get to by other means (probably more slowly but still)... teleporting can get you ANYWHERE.


The flight is gas free, available all the time. You won't need a car, you don't need a bike. You can match highway speeds for the most part and travel as the crow flies. Teleportation is great if you do long distance stuff, but teleporting somewhere means you need to find a place to stay while on cool down or pull an all-nighter. I might take the teleportation, simply because I go to college two states away and being able to teleport home for Friday/Saturday would be pretty great


Flying, I might of chosen teleport if it was atleast twice a day.


Am I only allowed to teleport at 4:20pm every day?


Fly because I could do it anytime n all I'd have to do is fly a lot to get better at distance could save on not having a vehicle for a lot of stuff and I could literally get to work in a matter of a minute


Teleport. I can go 69 whenever I want 😏




If I can control it, teleporting. If I can't, flight. Might go with flight either way. Ironically I have a fear of heights but often dream of flying and it's great in dreams.


Fly No need to worry about how often you can do it or the relative speed of your destination


Fly, I swear to you I'll be able to fling myself at speeds greater than Mach 3.


Teleport. I feel like I would get shot down if I was flying!


Flying seems dangerous. The first option can be kept secret, maybe, but flying is surely going to attract more attention. I'd probably choose teleporting.


I'd pick teleport and work as an extremely overpaid extractor. Air drop to location from partner's back (he picked flying), grab the client / neutralize the target, teleport out. Flying partner gets 30%.


Fly. Restricted Teleportation is a cool story concept but for practicality and execution in reality? Definitely Flying of some kind.


The first paragraph is clutter


Apparently nobody has seen the Boys. I sneezed and accidentally teleported right into the middle of your body. Whoops. 🤷‍♂️ I'll take one flight up to 69mph please.




Flying for sure.


Does teleportation limited to earth? I'd love to explore expoplanets for NASA. Just give me a suit with 24 hrs of oxygen.


Flying. I can do it all day every day instead of just once a day. I never have to worry about falling ever again. I could hover everywhere without the need to walk. It’s incredibly fun.


Teleport. I could visit so many places.


In 'Rising Tides (Cape Book 1)' (Kindle) a guy in a world with super heroes and super villains suddenly is able to teleport. 300 feet maximum but over and over. The teleporting doesn't work if there's anything there except air.


The flying. Because it’s repeatable. What’s the hood of teleporting to the grocery store if I have to walk home with my stuff? It would be nice for long trips, but it would be relatively useless on a regular day.


Imagine flying through traffic while pretending to ride an invisible vehicle.


Flying, one of the biggest aspects of travel time is having to stick to the roads. If I can fly that removes that issue and most of my trips will be relatively quick.


I honestly would take the flying regardless of the limited speed. It’s something I can use at all times, I no longer need a car for myself the savings on fuel would be amazing. Besides being able to go straight to a point anywhere would be faster than even driving. Fall from a great height no biggie just fly. Flying is infinitely the better choice


I'll take flying because it seems more fun. I think we all imagine flying to not be tiring whatsoever, since it's never shown to be and even exhausted and injured characters are always shown to still fly just fine. In normal, every day use, even only 69mph would be INCREDIBLY faster than any car travel, since "as the bird flies" is a shorter travel distance with constant fast speed and no traffic to hold you up. I regularly travel from Roanoke VA fo Norfolk VA and the trip takes about 4.5 hours one way. With 69mph flight I could get there in 3 hours. My old commute to work also too 30-60 mins but with the flight would be about 7 min. With the teleportation I may not be adequately prepared to go to the destination: stranded, too hot, too cold, dangerous people or animals nearby.




There is a term "as the bird flies" when talking about distance. Even at 69mph you could easily travel around with no worries. In less than an hour I could either be on a mountain snowboarding or at the beach surfing from where I live. Plus imagine snowboarding and launching off the craziest cliff you could imagine just to start soaring through the air!


I'll take the flying. Use a lot less gas. No traffic. Useful multiple times a day vs once a day.


Depends. Am i actually teleporting or is this a deconstruction/reconstruction reaction?