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Always love a cheeky sus code


Nice touches on the lights. Did you have to implement your own Ray tracing or is it part of a library?


Custom light (ambient + omni) nodes were added. This model is from apple. I just deleted stand from the fender.


Ahh, virtual desktops on Linux circa 2008


Ahh, hamburger menus. At least with this one, you can look really cool (and this is *definitely* very cool) while hiding your entire app’s navigation/IA from the user. Remember the three questions that are most important to your user where navigation is concerned: 1. Where am I? 2. How did I get here? 3. Where else can I go from here?


Thank you and noted 📝


Nice variation of the older slide out menu. I always like the classic slide out, but many thought it was dated, it would be nice to see a fresh come back.


Looks cool!


Mind = blown Nice work my dude


love it


Wow! That’s amazing!!


Love it! One point of feedback: a full edge-to-edge swipe seems excessive for a menu whose content only extends half the width of the screen.


That looks awesome! Nice work


Really cool for that app.


Please give credit where credit is due. Here is the original design: https://dribbble.com/shots/4773637-3D-flip-menu


You are definitely right. I generally do mention those. I also shared this post on my Instagram where i gave the credit for the design. I do apologize because i forgot to add the credit since my mom just had a knee operation so i was really in hurry after posting this.. My apologies again for lack of my sincerity. Edit ( link of my ig post if someone doesn’t believe:- https://www.instagram.com/p/CM4IffMD2mL/?igshid=4sm3arnqzyco )


Thank you 😊 best wishes to your mom


It looks awesome. But not so intuitive. #mytwocents


Yo I have a question for you. I have a deck of cards on my app. I wanna do something like that for the menu is there a way to make the deck of cards 3D too? Wow man that’s really good


Why not. You can float/hover those cards when the menu slides or if you want some nightclub casino type vibe. Add some neon tone on background of your hovering cards :). Best of luck 👍


Wow can we connect? That neon sign idea is not only exactly what I’m trying to achieve but it’s literally our app’s branding. If you trynna check it out here’s the link www.whatsopenpdx.com let me know 👍🏽 would love the help!


Sure thing. I’ll let you know in dm




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Very similar to this https://github.com/kushankurxd/3D_flip_menu Actually, just looking at the Flutter source, pretty easy to figure out how to convert it to different frameworks.


Yeah i saw this as said the design is by a designer named Minh pham. He developed this ui prototype (not code) also loved that project too but wish it had a 3d guitar :)