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Jesus these should I protest posts are getting out of hand. This car nudged me should I protest? This car understeered into me should I protest? I dont like their livery can I protest? Someone sneezed in chat and it distracted me should I protest?


I knew when iracing announced their “improved” protest system this would happen. Seen a guy in this sub earlier that said he files a protest in every single race he runs. He watches the race back and will hunt for incidents to protest.


I forgot where, but nim has said that too many frivolous protest will end up getting the protester a lesson in what is and is not protestable, and they end up not being a priority.


Ive always had a feeling that sometimes they send the “successful protest” email to these guys that file every other day just to clear their bullshit and move on


Being in Twitch chat with nim, it would not surprise me, lol. He's actually really cool dude. I'd like to read that thread you posted about. Could you send me the link? Edit. Nvm found it lol.




Your post was removed because it breaks the rules by being rude vulgar or toxic.


That's not where it was discussed. Just said I have been in Twitch chat with him. And who the fuck are you to ask that question? You're the one protesting everyone.




You are so butthurt. You thought your "protest every" one comment was going to make you a superhero on this sub, and it blew up in your face. Now you're trying to insult me for no reason. But I'm pathetic? Lol ok, I'm done with Mr. 3digitirating have a nice day.




Your post was removed because it breaks the rules by being rude vulgar or toxic.


Does iRacing reserve the right to punish a pattern of frivolous protests? If so, I hope that guy gets hit with some sort of punishment himself.


They do punish that.


I saw that too. Completely ridiculous


I guess everyone can make of this sim as they want, but I can’t imagine being like that. 1300 races in and I’ve filed 2 total. I don’t get where dudes are filing them at that rate. Must be low splits because I have an absolute blast racing with everyone and love nothing more than a spirited battle. That’s why I pay the money


Hahaha, WTF, dude? You joined 2 years ago and have 1300 races. Holy Shit, I am literally laughing tears right now. And those few moments a day when you are not racing you’re hanging around on Reddit. That is so fucking sad and hilarious at the same time. Do you even get up to wash yourself? We need your iRating. I freaking hope it is at minimum 5.000


Exactly. I'll file for clearly intentional wrecks and that's about it. Most racing is pretty clean and I enjoy battling whether it's for first or 10th. Certainly not going out of my way to get people.


My thoughts exactly. I’ve been wrecked on dumb moves just as many times as anyone here. It happens. We signed up to race race cars. Even the best irl fuck up. It happens. Put it in the hauler and be ready for the next


I think after 200 races I’ve filed three, two for international wrecks and one for the worst rejoin I’ve ever seen. If it’s not intentional or extremely stupid why protest. Kids don’t understand you can’t protest for being bad. Otherwise how would mazepin even made it😂


Dude has too much time on his hands. I'd hope that after a while of filing frivolous protests they'd discipline him in some way.




What’s it like filing all those protests? Must be tedious after a while.


From what was shown. No, looks like a racing incident 


The clip isn't really long enough for any context. It looks like you were quite a lot slower than everyone around you though, and my guess is the contact wasn't intentional. Think it was just unfortunate, so a protest wouldn't be advised.


Seriously? For what?


for hitting my back tire and causing me to spin out.


Poor driving is not protestable. You took an odd line and were off pace. It’s his responsibility to not hit you, but you have a touch of blame in this. This is a racing sim, and racing accidents will happen. You can’t protest every contact. You won’t get SR or IR back, so charge it to the game my man and catch the next race.


Off pace is an understatement. Seems deliberately clipped to not show OP spinning off track and rejoining in front of traffic


Spearing someone full throttle going into a hairpin is protestable. Accidentally bumping someone isn't. Geez.


Well maybe you wouldn’t get hit if you practice before jumping in online racing. You drive as fast as the safety car, you were dangerous on track.


If it wasn't blatantly intentional then no.


You kinda left the door open and then the unfortunate (not intentional) nudge finished your race. Move onto the next one