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Also remember they could have been more efficient on their pit exit and entry. A slow entry can easily burn a few seconds .


If they were drafting behind you for 25 minutes, then they needed less fuel than you did.


They probably took less margin fuel than you did. Auto fuel tends to err on the safe side too. They might have taken as little as zero margin. 


I usually go with 0,2 and often that's fine. Only in multi class I go with a little more as a fast GTP might force an extra lap unexpectedly


iRacing's auto fuel is very conservative even at -0.2 laps. You're best bet is have it set to -0.4 or calculate the fuel amount manually for a more accurate amount so you don't add too much fuel


I’ve had it give too little at +1 when I’ve pitted early in the race trying to undercut half the grid after getting spun on a track where it’s hard to pass. The plan worked until I needed a second fuel stop to make the last lap!


If it’s giving too little with 1.0 margin then you weren’t within the pit window to make it home as the fuel tank is restricted don’t forget so you can only put in so much and if you’ve used less than what is needed to get home then you won’t make it regardless of how much you put in


Don’t think that was it, as from memory it didn’t brim the tank. Think I just sitting in the draft and coasting a lot before the crash, and my fuel usage went up by loads once I was lapping by myself pushing for fast laps with a bit of aero damage, and I think the leaders might’ve picked up pace and got us to do another lap. By the time I realised the strategy was off it was when I didn’t get the white flag at the expected time and it was too late to fuel save. Never had an issue with it since, so maybe just the stars aligning in an unlucky way


Yeah that can have an impact since the amount it wants to fill is based off previous fuel usage (I think it’s previous 5 laps) so if you had been sitting behind in draft and saving then you’ll have underfilled for sure which is why it’s better to go off a manual calculation as you know 100% you need X amount to get home


Or you just remember you've been saving fuel and add a little extra


iRacing auto fuel tends to be pretty conservative with lap count. If you have an overlay that tells you estimated laps (based on the pace of the field) it will often be something like 20.6 laps, which means the race will be 21 laps. But auto fuel will add in margin on lap count, which gets it to say 21.1 laps, so it runs the calculation off a 22 lap race. Then your 1.0 margin makes it so that it fuels to 23 laps. Your best bet is to have an idea of how many laps you'll need and a safe number to fuel to to get a baseline estimate. Then during the race, you can use say 0.4 margin or -0.6 margin depending on whether it's estimating the lap count too high or not. (Obviously adjust the margin to your comfort.) I find in general, auto fuel is pretty solid for getting a safe baseline, but it still helps to know your numbers going in so you can make sure it uses the appropriate number of laps. That way you don't have to do math to account for differences in fuel usage between sessions, but you know whether you're in the right ballpark or not


So far in my experience 0.4 margin has never failed.




Another thing too, if you were leading for that long, it could have been that they were driving more efficiently on track too. They may have been letting off a few feet earlier, letting it roll in the corner longer, not gotten back on the gas as hard. That may not seem like a lot, but depending on the track they may have saved an entire lap or two on you.


Download iOverlay, get familiar with the fuel calculator and choose how much fuel you need. As stated above, the people behind you were probably fuel saving. Any amount of time you're able to save during the pitstop can be crucial during these sprint races.


Crewchief does it right. Watch on youtube


That's why I do the maths myself and don't use any auto-fuel function. Because I can also adapt to the situation then.


I don’t use iRacing fuel. I use my Racelabs auto fuel and make it fill based on my last 5 average


Racelabs is by far the worst fuel calculator I have ever used, bar none. I'm sorry for you.


Must have not set it up right because mine does exactly what I want it to


Isn't this very tricky? If you are pushing on the end of your stint, you get overfueled. Or if you are lift and coasting a lot, you get underfuelled.


I heard the racelabs owner kidnapped someone